'Cultured Bigfoot' Looks Like A Great New Documentary!

'Cultured Bigfoot' by BILCO Productions:
Hello, Bilco Productions is proud to share with you our First official trailer for our new documentary, "Cultured Bigfoot". A look and the community and culture around Bigfoot. We are not trying to find the Elusive creature, but the much easier to find Sasquatch. We want to thank all of those you gave there time and talent to be a part of this project.This film is meant to be a serious look at the community, with a lot of respected folks sharing their point of views on the subject, it will not be satirical or demining, and we are definitely not expecting to be a Social Media Sensation, This is from a husband and wife team(Bill & Amy Lancaster) Bilco Productions, that share a mutual interest in the creature, and want to be involved in the community and in the official recognition of the possibility of its existence, and folks like Dr.Meldrum are leading the way in this field, and addressing the discourse that you find within the community is sometimes alarming, and counter productive...but the friends that we've made along the way outnumber any negative experiences...where else and in what situation would a self employed guy like me with a desire to grab a lost dream and make some documentaries, get a chance to talk about a subject such as Bigfoot with PHD's, Lawyers, Architects, Researchers, Janitors, Salesmen, Therapist, small business owners, Professors, City Officials, etc....such a wide demographic, sharing a similar interest...The Bigfoot Community Has Been Proven to be real, and every face on this trailer is credible. If the community at large will not take the subject seriously and ostracize the Scientific community that does, then it is up to the serious enthusiast to become the Civilian Researchers...We at Bilco Productions have nothing but respect and friends for the Bigfoot Community. We are planning a release on multiple platforms in Winter 2017.


  1. Anal anal anus Meldrum anal anal schooled anal PhD anal anal fine BILCO production anal schooled anal anus anal Meldrum anal anal

    1. Hey superfriends, i heard a new Joke'''
      HICKORY DICKORY DOCK , , uh ah uh..AWE HELL.forget it.


    2. Bilcos press release sounds like it was written by a stupidfriend.

    3. Sometimes i forget things ,,
      IM NOT DUMB!!,,,Hi chick,
      HI uno, Hi Pib xoxo :)


    4. Ikdummy has an ad on Craig's list soliciting drifters to knock him unconscious with his autographed hardcover of Sasquatch: Myth Meets Science. PIB?

    5. Dang! And all this time I thought them two homo's from florida got a Divorce??.


    6. ^ earth to MMC, This blog is A SHOE STORE,

      SORRY GUY!

    7. AWWWE HECK NAW ^ ,I dont need any more flip flop's an such!!
      oh,, HI PIB :)
      ,,HI UNO!!
      ,,CHICK!! WEE!!


    8. Can someone fax me my password. I locked myself in my bathroom?


    9. Oh mmc, you silly simple goose your password is the"PUNCHLINE OF YOUR COOL JOKE" @ 2:46 you little dimbilb,tee hee. XX

      PIB xxand

    10. It would help a great deal IF the write-up for the film wasn`t spoiled by simple spelling errors...not much hope for the authenticity of the film I fear.

    11. Spelling errors = Charm :)xx

    12. The term "BILCO" is movie industry insider talk for "botched production".

  2. Too Drunk to Pork Bigfoot: http://youtu.be/FI2s1n3ia34

    Bigfoot is real

    Fvck science and all its twit believers

  3. This trailer is about as lame as watching Rictard Rolypolyo make fun of toothless hill billys.

    1. Huh muy lil squass monster.

    2. Hey Queen, no need to drink the haterade today .
      Stay fabulous and fit and surround yourself with glitter, girlfriend

    3. Ok, i will. Sorry, Rictor.

    4. Meldrum has done nothing to convince his peers, has zero field research experience, steals from researchers, has the same lame presentation every lecture, sells key chains at these evenys, and never comes downstairs to listen to other researchers. He's a total waste in the Bigfoot community! Add Sykes and Bindernagel with him!


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