A Monster In Maryland

On Mojo Encounters, cryptid researcher Rich Daniels. Daniels talks about his terrifying bigfoot encounter in Maryland, and then a second one in New Mexico!


  1. Replies
    1. ^ Stuey has you rattlin` as hard as a "quake" and y`all running scared.

    2. ^ Rattle on, Nutcase. Rattle on. We expect it of you.

    3. Stue sticks to impersonating others and attempting to irritate rather than taking on the subject matter. Iktomi is right, he is a coward.

    4. How bout some piss for that face Uno? You want a little Joerg juice for breakfast??


    5. Stue sticks to impersonating others and attempting to irritate rather than taking on the subject matter. Iktomi is right, he is a coward.

    6. Get lost Stu you fvckin perv. We know you are trollin for children you fvckin pedo

      Nobody wants your kind around you piece of shlt white trash son of a wh0re


    7. It's ok, guys I pay no attention to insults, they come from the worst of people.
      I just think that it's senseless for people who don't believe in the existence of Bigfoot (nor what the witnesses claim they saw) to comment on a Bigfoot blog.

    8. You know what I think is senseless? When a fat slob, whose head is as bald as a cue ball, grows a mangy, scraggly beard!


    9. Thanks for the show up there Mojo- can't wait to have a listen!

    10. Be patient with our good (super)friend Chick -- she just needs to take a few hits of meth before her head clears. It's kind of like coffee for the rest of us!


    11. I'm not fat at all. I'm quite fit and can lift 400 pounds over my head with ease.

    12. Rolling your obese carcass out of bed in the morning doesn't count as lifting 400 pounds with ease!


    13. Welcome to the blog, Bozo.

    14. "It's ok, guys I pay no attention to insults, they come from the worst of people. "....."I'm not fat at all."


    15. Hey this is just for YOU MMC ,you Man-Meat-Connoisseur...go suck another fat throbbing dick you pathetic hide behind stupid names dicksucker.

    16. Fuck this TROLL Asshole Bono you know just as well as I do it's some Fat ass Democratic living in their parents basement being a keyboard Rambo

    17. ^ ps to above...we`re staying here to ensure you mental cripples can`t fabricate your bullshit stories upon others...you`ve never even been in the woods so you have nuthin` but your own fantasies to offer.

      I`ll add that Stuey gives you such heartaches that you spend your time making up conversations and pretend witty replies to fantasy posts...you`re rattlin` and quakin` in your gayboy pantihose.

      hahaha hahahah hahaha

    18. Ohh,I see MMC is RACIST.

      Hmm,are you feeling inferior to a certain tone of skin MMC ?

    19. Shakey Bladder, we're Trump supporters, anti-NWO, anti-globalists. The bigfoot believers here are the Hillary supporters. Get your facts straight, you obese swine pig filth!


    20. You ain't shit at least I'm not a pussy hiding behind Anonymous typical Liberal way of doing things . It's easy to run your mouth while hidden post with your real name or shut the fuck up.

    21. Shut your CS, Shakey Steve. If I wanted your obese, estrogen-loaded, adipose-tissued, low-test flabby-beta opinion, I'd beat it out of you.

      Go believe in your 10 foot tall hairy mystery men on some other blog, you diseased sicko.

    22. Stu a 24x7 site troll impersonating a regular named MMC. He focuses on irritating others rather than taking on the subject matter. He will never use his name because he's a coward and mentally ill. He imagines he owns this blog. Because the site owner refuses to ban him, he just might.

    23. Just another ikdummy account.

    24. The stupidfriends have brought in obese gay "bears" as their reinforcements. Fat hairy smelly bald guys who pack FLIRs looking for mystery hairy 800 pound men.


    25. Ignoring Stu is the worst for his mental state and he will spend the day talking to himself to fill the time. Which is mildly amusing if you're super bored.

    26. ^What the hell is this dingbat talking about? Almost every comment in every section is about this "Stu" person. Why would "Stu" ever think that he's being ignored?


    27. Do like I do. I ignore Stue. I never bring up his name. I never post about him. He's never on my mind.

    28. >>Ignoring Stu is the worst for his mental state

      No not really. I haven't posted here in a few weeks. What I do enjoy is watching you inbred hicks get so mad at me....or others who you claim are me.

      Take MMC for example. Just a few days ago he wrote about golfing and how all he could think about was beating me with a golf club. That is unhealthy.

      Or chick who clearly can not get me out of her empty head. Go on chick and threaten me with your sons again. That is always good for a laugh.

      But joe/iktomi is the lowest of the slime on this blog. He tries to cyber stalk people. He bullies. He posts racist filth anonymously. In fact he will talk about anything at all except the topic of this blog. The reason is simple...Myself and others have destroyed him every time he tries. I find that very,very funny.

      Still waiting on the FBI you idiots.


    29. Bobo and Peck = gay mafia

      They were hired by iktomi to "clean house" but ended up humiliated.

      They'll go back to sharing sleeping bags in the woods.

  2. Anal anal Mary land anus anal ignore anal anal anal troll anus anal 400 Lbs anal anus ease anal anal anal

    1. Good points, Boner Rustler.

    2. HAHAAHA!!! Boner Rustler...he rounds up boners.


    3. "Boner Rustler" and "Steve Shake Your Peck"

      looser! we win they loose. you're your there they're their wooooooooooooooooo!!!! yessssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!

    4. Bono Russell was going to be a great new contributor to this blog discussion on Sasquatch and you plonker trolls have now driven the poor bloke off !


    5. Joe's upset they didn't stay around long enough to give him their email addresses.

    6. Mr Peck has thoroughly owned the petulant liberals. The cucks are now swallowing Daddy's load

    7. Stueeeeeeeeey


      You little porker

  3. This is where anonymous anal warts come to get their gay pride on amidst the trolls and bitch boys. Fuck you and your gay children anonymous faggot fucks


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