The Proof of Bigfoot Could Be On These Pictures

Robert Dodson gives us an update, and talks about a problem they've been facing in their research location.


  1. Most bigfooters love these BS channels where they string you along wandering in the woods with nothing.

    Most bigfooters hate channels like Dr Squatch and others where they say, okay, here's bigfoot. Here's a photo. That's bigfoot. There you go.

    1. No proof will ever come from Fraudson!
      After 4,000 video's you think I can't tell what's a Bigfoot, and what isn't?
      If you dont research, how in the world can you possibly have any knowledge about these creatures? You can't!
      Why do you think I challenge people to prove me wrong, and no one has? Because only a fool would attempt to challenge something they have no clue about!

    2. Can bigfoot be seen with your eyes or is it only with a camera? xx

    3. ^ I am sure it does exist and much more is known than we mere humble folk are told...thing is ,we`ll possibly never find out.


  2. And then there are people like you who watch it all, and secretly dream about being them.

  3. DS, why don't any of your Bigfoot pictures show a large penis or testicles, do you only photograph female bigfoot and if so why no large breasts like Patterson Gimlin film. I think I've just proven your pictures fraudulent, show testicles or you are a fraud

    1. Oh yes, please show testicles

    2. Guess what Douchebag, I have pics of those!

    3. Well gee, if we ask ignorant Iktomi that question, he/she thinks only the camera does.
      My first sighting was deer hunting, and did not own a camera at the time.

    4. Oh yes, show us testicles

    5. Go on my channel, look under naked Bigfoot.
      I have I think 5 penis pics, but not all are in playlist.
      I'll give you credit for the first person who thought out of the box, and also credit for posting a name.
      So since I have penis pics, I'm Legit now, huh.

    6. When you saw a bigfoot with your eyes was it blurry? xx

    7. I saw it's back toward me, down by the creek, at 80 yards. It looked like a big black guy in a hoodie. I got out my $400 Binoculars, and he was beyond blurry, i could not focus the binoculars at all, and wondered at the time, why i could see it with plain eyes, better than my binoculars, which at extremely good.
      I now know why that was.

  4. Here's a couple Penis pics (easy Vegas) and yes, they are Blurry, because it's how these creatures camouflage themselves. Any jokes or riddle, save it, shows you don't have a clue about what these creatures are capable of.
    I can prove Bigfoot, just on the tree carving that they do! No way in the world people are climbing up trees, and carving Bigfoot's & Dogmen on the tree's! This carving is total skeptic destruction...found this on a walking trail Ikdummy!
    ( one of my best pics, and red penis!)



    1. Oh my god !
      That's the worst evidence I've ever seen !
      Did you get your kid to draw those ?
      Not much of an artist btw

    2. I have the best evidence !
      if you can't see it with your own two eyes then I suggest you go for an eye exam.
      No , my son did not draw them you douchebag
      so puss, did you get turned on by my penis pics ?
      I have way more if you want to see them , better ones, bigger ones, hairier ones that you'd love !

    3. Yes, we are the perverts, not the weirdo who sees and draws penises on everything. Wonderful point.

    4. He likes me, he says so all the time ^

    5. Vegas, what's there to be ashamed of? all men have one. Do you have a teenie weenie ? is that why you don't like talking about it?
      Such a douchebag, so hilarious !

    6. He's a pipsqueak in real life DS, that's why he plays tough guy here

    7. I rarely get on this site now because it has truly became a playground for idiots but I was interested in looking at the guy calling himself DS because of the confidence he has displayed regarding his "evidence." I have to inform you that you have no evidence. Even if you actually saw something with your eyes and then photographed it, to the average person who wasn't there and is now simply looking at your pictures, it looks to me like you photographed trees, and rocks with odd shapes while intentionally making your camera be out of focus. You then went back and superimposed red dots for eyes, etc. onto blurry rock outcroppings or out of focus forest scenery. By the lowest standard, definitely not considered evidence.

    8. Bearman with birdman on head...kaboomThursday, April 27, 2017 at 7:21:00 AM PDT

      Those weren't eyes,those were testicles you fool

    9. I have to inform you, you've never been in the woods researching Bigfoot, this is a FACT!
      I have the best camera you can get, and if you watch my video's, I'm manually focusing the camera for the clearest possible picture! You have no idea what you're talking about Sir.
      Forests do not have symmetry, do not blink, AND DO NOT BLUR MY CAMERA!

    10. I agree, I have never been in the woods researching sasquatch. I do know that they are real because I had an encounter that was clearly visible. I actually watched your videos on youtube and clearly you have a passion for investigating bigfoot and no one could ever deny that. But, I cant, for the life of me see anything but blurs, rocks, trees, anomalies, etc. If you are claiming that these creatures can blur your camera and make the pics look like out of focus rocks and foliage, that you see with your eyes but the camera isn't picking up, well...that is a different explanation but it would never be considered even circumstantial evidence to a skeptic. To the contrary, this type of "evidence" simply enhances their argument.


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