I Dare You To Try And Explain This Stick Formation

A tree being twisted by the wind and broken over, fine. Two limbs falling and landing in an upright "X" formation, sure, why not? A tree bowed over from being weighted down by snow the previous winter, I can believe that. But if you try to tell me this limb formation happened naturally, you would have to be out of your mind.

Hello everybody! This week we bring you the highlights from our last Barb & Gabby bigfoot campout of the season. In PT. 1, we share some very interesting witness accounts, take a look at some really cool structures and share some really awesome prints. Look for Pt. 2 of our campout series tomorrow.


  1. Replies
    1. You would think by now Barb and Gabby would know how to hold a camera when filming. It swings so wildly, constantly moving to where I had to stop watching it.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. You would think by now you would know gabby is a dog.

    4. I have doubts. Lets just wait for pt2. The camera work needs more work


    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Just that, I think the dog is the one doing the poor camera work.

    7. "Yeah? Big Al says dogs can't look up."

  2. She's right about one thing "Once you drink the kool aid you can never go back".

    It's fun playing bigfoot exists isn't it Barb?

    1. I doubt it's as much fun as frequenting a blog like this every day of your life, and pretending you think "Bigfoot" doesn't.

    2. Personally I like frequenting this blog to see what antics you have performed. A good meltdown, name calling, or mental gymnastics display can be entertaining.

    3. Actually 2:51 makes a pretty good point- it appears 4:10 has a nasty case of butthurt. or rides Iktomi's nether regions. Either way it's not a good way to live life.

    4. I keep reading a lot about these alleged meltdowns... Last time I checked, I'm waiting on someone to prove me wrong on the physical evidence for an unclassified bipedal primate? Why would I have a meltdown about that? Does claiming someone has a meltdown begin to prove my premise wrong?

      It's all a little bit "schoolyard", and none of it gets around to proving me wrong. If that's constitutes a "meltdown", then I'll be happy to go along with that.

      : )

    5. Hey, I know! Why don't you, 2:51, proceed and list the amount of times I've had these alleged meltdowns? I'll even source you the comment sections, why don't we get to the bottom of your strange little fixation, shall we?

    6. Iktomi- Go to back to the Kelly Shaw article. I posted another interesting video link regarding the Jacobs creature. Hope you enjoy.

  3. GAY...................Like Liberace GAY!!!...

  4. Clearly...
    that is evidence of bigfoot...
    at Bigfoot Evidence...

  5. You need to take a Dramamine just to watch her videos, you would think if she is going to take the time to film her ventures she would at least not swing the camera around so fast you can't see anything but blurs.she does have interesting videos to listen to but just cant watch them unless you want to get motion sick. even if you did see something in the video that looked promising you cant be sure because the video jumps around so much..and is way to blurry..

  6. I dare you to explain why a bigfoot would construct such a useless structure.

    1. Do they need to use a reasonable explanation or can they use a ridiculous one?


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