You Can Make Your Very Own Bigfoot Cake With This Recipe

Want to know where to find bigfoot? Inside this cake! Here's a recipe for a bundt cake with a squatchy surprise on the inside.

Sasquatch. Yeti. Bigfoot. He goes by so many names, yet he’s still an enigma. He could be behind that tree in the woods, or perhaps in the icy mountain of a theme park ride, but most likely you’ll find him… in a bundt cake.

With the help of a Bigfoot cookie cutter, slicing into a bundt cake can reveal magical things, like hidden chocolate cake Bigfoots randomly placed throughout. Placing pre-made cake into the center of this bundt doesn’t change the texture, since the batter serves as a protective layer. Cake upon cake is never a bad thing.

Slice this cake up and surprise your friends and family… you never know where Bigfoot is going to turn up!

For the recipe and where to get your hands on a bigfoot cookie cutter, click here.


  1. That's a cake I'd like to make for the super friends. Hope they return.

    1. Perhaps we should start an online petition for the immediate return of the super friends.

    2. I'm in ! Where do I sign ?

    3. Hey Stranger! Long time no see! I was cleaning up links on my Link List and ended up having to redo the whole thing. As I was doing it I came across your site again and remembered fondly when I had hours each day to devote to Bigfoot Evidence and all the blogs I used to follow religiously. This brought back such great memories…except I’m frightened how far-fetched the paranormal reality TV shows have gotten. We ditched cable a couple years back so…I don’t know what’s on anymore. But I do know I would’ve made fun of this…except not near as well as you did. Bravo! I’ll try not to be a stranger anymore but…my time management has suffered a bunch lately! Glad to see you’re still doing what you do!

    4. YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!!!

      We love to see the superfriends so desperate that they are replying to themselves anonymously telling each other they wish they would return. Its pathetic, and we love it.

      Shawn is loving it too. They are hated the world over. Luckily there is only about 4 of them who make up about 20 accounts on this stie

    5. Lets have a poll on it. Last time I asked about joe being banned it went very much against him. I doubt a new poll would change much.

    6. No reason for a poll, unless its for BenD Dovers buttcheeks. Joe is gone, we have destroyed him. He is almost a memory on this site. Notice that now that he claims to be away, the other accounts such as Bend Dover are away too. Must be coincidence. Joe will try and hang on for a little while longer, but its just more flesh for the eating. He has lost control and he is desperate. This is our blog fellow troll. The suuperfriends are gone and dead.

      Long live Trollandia!!!!


    7. I understand from certain reliable sources that the super friends blame members of a forum called the "ISF" (a skeptic site I'm told) for trolling and destroying BFE. I guess the super friends have hatched some crazy plan in which they will all join the ISF and troll the members there in an effort to achieve some kind of vengeance. I don't know anything about the ISF, but if any of you really are members there, brace yourself for some kind of wingnut invasion.

    8. The super friends made this a fun and informative blog. I loved the way Joe Fitzgerald routinely schooled the septics.

    9. Kitakaze and Alaskabushpilot are the JREF footers versions of Creekfreak. 'Cept they just wave a different flag and the Jref footers bleeve them.

    10. The superfriends are so desperate they may try anything. They are foaming at the mouth, in a state of rage, because Shawn doesn't care about them. And because we have destroyed the superfriends forever!

    11. 7:26 Baloney Joe was and is a vindictive and abusive moron...I hope he`s never seen again on this site.

    12. The skeptardical infantalia in this thread is epic.

    13. Joe schooled the "septics?"

      He schooled people who are infected?

    14. 6:01 hey that`s a great idea ..bake `em a hot "shite pie"

    15. ^ 5:11 let`s face it..the people imbecilic joe appealed to haven`t the nous for spelling.

  2. Replies
    1. I have a recipe I call Grunt Cakes. I make them with my own body.


  3. Bend Over's 200 pound dingleberry covered butt cheeks also produce a "bigfoot cake" if you catch my meaning!

    1. BenD Dovers smelly buttcheeks and matt johnsons turd gifting bowls are the most credible voices in the bigfoot community. With blue plastic bags coming in a close 2nd.

      John W. Jones Spoke

    2. I thought JWJS died in a tragic butt fracking incident?

    3. Unfortunately, Mr. Spokes has recently passed as the result of a tragic accident (I will spare you the graphic details of the horrid incident -- let's just say that there is a gigantic brown spot at the site where Mr. Spokes' life ended). You will be happy to learn that a sky burial is planned and that Frank Evans will be presiding over the solemn ceremony. Further details will be forthcoming.

  4. now you ain't shittin' me right!

  5. I keep my turds in matt johnsons ceremonial gifting bowls. When I take them out, I make sure to place them in blue plastic bags as soon as possible. I then tie them off and sling them at BenD Dovers buttcheeks!

    1. ^ the contributor of 99% of comments to this site

    2. look dover trying to troll lol,,^^^^

  6. What does this site have like 2 people posting crappy comments?

    1. Clive has been trolling the site constantly and he drove away all of the good posters.

    2. Clive good - other guy bad

    3. 9:59 you`re the other one ?

      I`ve been wondering who the other person posting here was

  7. Shouldn't this be called the Patterson Con Job Cake?

    1. ^ y`need t` tek a looooong look at the only bigfoot you`re EVER likely t`see .

      The y`can polish it off with a glass o`da hard stuff


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