What Kind Of Beast Is The Ozark Howler?

The Ozark Howler is another cryptid that supposedly roams the areas of the Ozarks in Arkansas and Missouri. A four legged, black-haired creature with an eerie howl that terrifies anyone caught in its path. But is it real?

Perhaps the most distinctive feature of the Ozark howler is the distinctive sound it makes, described by Wikipedia as being “a combination of a wolf’s howl and an elk’s bugle.”

As you will see shortly, this factor has led me to have a personal thought concerning the creature’s true identity. In fact, reports from witnesses who believe they have heard the beast, far outnumber those who claimed to have seen it.

One witness reported that he and his wife did, both within hours of each other on May 28 and 29 of 2011, near Jasper, Arkansas, in Newton County. They promptly reported it to my friend Lon Stickler on the 30th, and he posted it on his popular website Phantoms and Monsters. (If you have never checked it out, do so.)

The couple were camping at a local RV park and took a short hike through a nearby valley in daylight, and on their way back, the man noticed something that seemed to be pacing them a short distance in the brush bordering the trail. During the next 10 minutes, the man caught several brief glimpses of it, but could only describe a “dark four-legged creature moving back and forth slowly through the brush.”

For the entire article, click here. 


  1. Replies
    1. This is the world in which the maggot resides



    2. The maggots are positively consumed with Joe. How do they do this 8-12 hours a day? Where do they get the cash in order to live, while acting out their Joe obsessions fulltime daily? It takes a ton of cash to simply live. Where and how do they get it?

    3. Wow!! Up intil now, I was attempting to not pass judgement .in regards to Joe...
      However Now, with all this NEW info,
      All I can say is I'm FLABBERGASTED
      In regaurds this SICKO FREAK!!!!!

      Judge not thy yea be judged, ,,

    4. you know very well they all start off their mornings with a cup of Joe

    5. I guess the little maggots have been put to bed and tucked up by their little maggot mommies.


    6. Go prod your lunch in the toilet. You erelevant looser!!

    7. Uh oh 1 of them is still running around here.

    8. The Jref footers obsession with Joe and the other super friends is absolutely creepy.

    9. ROFL,,, comedic genius!
      awe crap,just dropped my Blunt!

      Oouch, sh*t

    10. I made NO POST ON THIS THREAD.

      DOUCHBAG POSTS ALL DAY LONG IN OTHERS NAMES ------------------------------------------------------------ BECAUSE HE IS A NOBODY!

      and an Idiot!

    11. Myself, and I'm sure others quickly realized it wasn't you Troll Killer. As you say, he frequently steals other's names to post with while at the same time accusing the respectable posters of all being the same person.

    12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    13. ^ shut up you petty morons

  2. no mmc ( site troll ) you are on here 24/7...it's all adding up now you know joerg has many accounts and people started getting close to outing him then you came in to distract us with all your dover and maggot claims..........your the troll

  3. An Ozark Howler sounds like an euphemism of some kind, just saying...

    1. I was hunting a firebreak about ten years ago several miles north of Viola Arkansas when a Howler crossed the field.

      It was getting dark so I went back to camp and about thirty minutes later we heard three screams from that direction.

      I thought it was a bear or a big hog until I saw this article and put 2 & 2 together. Had to be a Howler...

    2. I eat more chickin than a man ever seen, backdoor manWednesday, April 29, 2015 at 10:08:00 PM PDT

      ^ Haw BACK DOOR MAN!!
      The men don't know,but the lil girls UNDERSTAND!!

    3. Cut your fingernails !

      You've scratched down to something important in your head.

    4. Clive im gonna squeeze your nose, and your gonna take it all. Ive got it in my hand and its getting hawwwwwwddddd!!!!!


  4. The Ozark Howler is just some chick that about half of the people in the Ozark mountains have banged!

    1. ^ is she known aa a "mountain bike" ?

      i DO like a nice looking slut i must confess

  5. I have a friend who saw this in Fayetteville, Arkansas in the late 80's. Near the University HPER Building (athletic facility). He took a short cut late at night up a wooded hillside to get to one of the nearby dorms from the athletic center and something resembling this scrambled up the hill after him. He ran to the dorm and as he crossed the parking lot he saw it emerge at the edge of the woods and described it as a werewolf. Sounds remarkably like the description given in the post.

  6. While camping on the Buffalo river this weekend we heard it or a howl/growl like we have never heard before. We are all experienced woodsman that has heard every animal in North America....this was nothing like we have heard before. As we were turning in for the night it howled twice and was within 60 yds of us. It made grown men grab their pistols and lay in wait. We looked the next morning for any kind of tracks but there was not much mud. It actually shook us up wondering what it could have been. Never believed in any on this stuff but this weekend makes me wonder.


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