Timbergiantbigfoot should leave a camera inside his the shelter

Canadian Bigfoot researcher Timbergiantbigfoot believes someone is using his shelter -- but what? Some viewers are suggesting he should hide a camera inside the shelter. "Someone behind the shelter. Don't look at the floor. look thru the tree limbs," TGBF wrote.


  1. Replies
    1. Good morning. The video had some interesting sticks/trees leaned against trees. Although he made the shelter himself, which I'm not sure what the purpose of that was.

    2. I have heard that bigfoot are sometimes drawn to camp ground restrooms and tear the used sanitary napkin recepticles off of the walls. Must be some sort of hormonal thing.

    3. 3:32... Lucky no one cares for yours.

    4. Category 4 chimpout last night in MD

    5. BenD Dovers hairy buttcheeks in the house. Confuse any gorillas for bigfoots today Bend Dover?

    6. Hello from the fields of farmers only!!!!!!!!!

  2. of course Justin Timbergiant wont leave a trail cam because it is all a hoax set up by him

    1. Yup. It's all a bunch of (Timber)giant BS.

      Provide a specimen are shad ap.

    2. Please tell me anon... How would you embrace a specimen should someone present it to you?

    3. The blue plastic bags are there for the sole purpose of collecting bigfoot evidence
      Think of them as squatch poop collecting bags

    4. No one would deny bigfoot exists if a specimen was presented. Joe seems to think it would be denied because he believes the standard of evidence so far is on par with a specimen. This is of course incorrect. The standard of evidence so far is on par with the turd sasfooty found in her garden. This standard of evidence is of course outrightly and correctly rejected by anyone with even a few brain cells.

    5. "No one would deny bigfoot exists if a specimen was presented." Ok darling, let's see how rhetorical you can get over this;

      "Joe seems to think it would be denied because he believes the standard of evidence so far is on par with a specimen."
      Please, please, please darling... Please explain to us what that is supposed to mean? I makes no sense at all... Are you so angry that you are now mumbling and fumbling away? Are you so used to reading your own comments that you think anyone with a brain is meant to understand what you are trying to vomit? Why would someone deny a specimen on the basis of what I think of the current state of evidence... That I have never claimed is the equivalent to a modern type specimen? We already know logic is not your forte, don't shoot yourself in the foot for not making even a remote level of sense... Darling.

    6. Hellooooooooooooooooooooooo, duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh???????????????????????????????????????????????

    7. What did you think of the running of the apes in Maryland last night, once again Joe? When are they just gonna sterilize these people? A category 4 chimpout for sure!

    8. Yes and did you see how the night before they were running out of the pharmacy with tons of toilet paper. Is that some kind of luxury item for them?

    9. To Anon ... bigfoot exists so you need to get over yourself...but just why do you think you`re so important that anybody needs to prove anything to you ?

    10. Leon the fool
      Leon the fool
      Show him BenD Dovers buttcheeks
      And watch the fool drool!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    11. Iktomi: why are you always so nasty?

    12. ^ like the scorpion it is his nature..he knows no other way

  3. Hang some blue plastic bags on that shelter and see what type of reaction you get.

    1. Surround the shelter with land mines. When the squatch blows up, there should be enough remains to prove their existence.

  4. I bet when packham filmed his suit he had a good laugh with the crew at how ridiculous the notion of bigfoot is. Bet there were some classic moments of laughter at how dumb footers are.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yeah... He was laughing so hard he had to Goebbels ups an interview cause of his sham of a costume.

      I don't think the laughter was with him.

    3. 8 inches, can you handle that Joe? Im gonna squeeze your nose and your gonna take it all


    4. Bigfoot is real...you know it is real...why you persist in stupid trolling is the greatest mystery of this blogsite.

  5. .."he had to Goebbels ups an interview cause of his sham of a costume. "


    1. If you deny bigfoot you are obviously oppressing people like nazis did.

      Nevermind just how disgusting it is to equate the two.

      I lost family in the camps. It does make me angry to see the mockery this jerk makes of what happened.

    2. joerg getting destroyed by dmaker. Nothing new here

    3. joerg is a racist, doesn't surprise me

    4. It's creepy how the JREF footers are obsessed with the super friends.

    5. Alaska Bush Pilot and Kitakaze are my idols. They are what Joe dreams of every single night!!


    6. 6:55... You lost no one in the camps, you little psycho cyber nazi... And I make no joke of anyone who did.

      Only a sociopath would fill the comment sections with racist rubbish and then try and play the moral high ground so embarrassingly badly.

      The majority of people think I'm a loon that posts on a Bigfoot blog... An overwhelming majority can see you're a psycho who's unhinging is only reassured by you being at your desktop all day, so you can't hate people and do harm in your local community.

    7. Iktomi: on two occasions you have compared commenters to Nazis. The first time, it was Goebbels. The second time, Hitler himself. That's a fact. It was grossly inappropriate, and you refuse to apologize. There is no correlation whatsoever between the actions of anyone at all on a Bigfoot blog, and the vile Nazis responsible for the extermination of millions of lives and the untold suffering that they endured. That you would even suggest any similarity is in the very poorest of taste.

    8. Iktomi, please make your point without such insulting comparisons.

    9. -someone should inform the JIDF about joe.

    10. 10:20... You prejudise, intimidate and censor. I have no problem comparing you to a Nazi, darling.

    11. Joerg is getting mad with racism. Disgusting

  6. Good morning Iktomi!
    I find your reference to the love lock cave skull interesting. I myself have researched this subject for years and have also made a tentative connection to some of the giant remains especially those with the double rows of teeth. Two specific subjects that I documented have these double rows of teeth. This is puzzling to me as nature usually does not like redundancies. Also puzzling is the fact of red hair that seems to occur on the specimens from the Southwest to the East.

    1. Hello Abohli!! Thanks very much!! Likewise!!

    2. Damn your an ugly iranian

    3. Abohli, you do realize that the double rows of teeth thesis has been completely debunked, don't you?

    4. Abholi is a Joe account, so when your address it, refer to it, as Joe. Joe stole that picture from the real Abholi who posts on the BFF.

    5. Abohli- it would be amazing to see them in a museum. Really a crime that we cant see what was actually found, even if it was only photos.

    6. Why don't you super sluthers leave a message for Abholi on her youtube account. Ask if she posts here and see what she says. That channel has been maintained for years and freely given to people by the Abholi posting on this site.

    7. Chick, did you mean that you would like to see Abohli's boobs in a museum?

    8. No I would like to see you in a museum. I hear the large African elephant is missing its butt hole and you will fill the empty spot under its tail very convincingly. NOW you have an important place in society!

      Cheers lovey!

    9. You know what would be better heffer? How bout she answer the questions asked of her here instead of avoiding them every time they are brought up. You think???


    10. She did already sloppy poster pants. If you spent a little less time trolling and a more time reading you would have seen her replies weeks ago. You left some double dribble at the end of this thread. Yes, I saw that. Too bad anons can't clean up.

      Now listen, have things to do and I wont be giving you anymore attention today so save yourself some time and move along chappy.

    11. "Chappy" describes Chick's lips after a night at the glory hole!

  7. Mia Khalifa? Boy, you really are stupid if you can't tell the difference between Christian and Muslim. Obviously you dropped out after repeating the 3rd grade, I can tell because you like BIG letters-you probably have a pencil box full of those big fat pencils and crayons to help with your motor skills.

    1. Get your muslim man-face back to Iran you creep. Joe posting as a girl is pathetic and creepy. Now, isn't it time for you to get some more glamour shots taken and push your cleavage up towards the lens. And then claim your blowing kisses to children. Disgusting filth.

    2. When Joe gets riled up that his Abholi account is being insulted, his writing style becomes obvious to anyone who has dealt with Joe for any length of time. Joe, posting as a woman, whos picture you stole from the real abholi, who posts at BFF, is a new level of disgusting. Even for you. Just wait till dmaker and Daniel see this post of yours. It fingers you red handed!

    3. Not sure if Abholi is Joe. Could be. They sound alike at times, but if you look at the crap that Abholi posts as evidence of bigfoot, then you have to reconsider. I don't think even Joe would claim that moss clinging to the side of a tree is a camo bigfoot.

      Though, I do have to say, that Joes recent use of "darling" all the time, and his undisputed other accounts are quite creepy. And I mean, " It puts the lotion in the basket" creepy.

    4. Yes, that post does have Joerg's fingerprints all over it -- the maniac is even more bonkers than I originally suspected.

    5. ^
      Your obsession with Joe is bordering on mental illness. Get some help Resume.

    6. ^^ Detective Maggot on the case.

    7. Lets not forget that Abholi, just like so many other Joe accounts, has stated she wants serious bigfoot conversation and moderation of trolls. She was told to check out the BFF, a site with full moderation, where you can have serious discussions with no trolling. And what does she come back with?

      That someone at the BFF is impersonating her!!! Are you kidding me?

      And her response to this impersonation? Come back to a bigfoot spam blog, where she knows she will get zero moderation and serious conversation, and just let the impersonation continue!

      One simple email to the mods at the BFF and the impersonator would be banned. Yet she didn't do that. she just came back here and let the impersonation continue. That makes zero sense. Unless you realize that the person here, is likely the impersonator, and even more likely, that person is Joe.

      Even lktomi and Dover both agreed that the impersonation issue, amongst other issues that arose from abholi statements were very suspicious. Some very good questions were asked of abholi to explain things about her story that make zero sense, and of course she didn't respond. What we have here, is a troll.

    8. It could be Crapmaker having a conversation with himself. Him following around Joe and the other super friends is beyond creepy.

    9. Joe and Ben Dover get trapped in a blue plastic bag. Along comes a bigfoot and carries the bag back to it's lair thinking it's filled with sugary snacks. Timbergiant comes along and enters the cave and that's when all the fun starts

    10. "Beyond" creepy? Wow, that's pretty bad then I guess.

    11. So Falalala -- how come you only post at about the same time Joe Iktomi posts? Are you two Siamese pinheads or something?

    12. How do you define follow around? By simply posting here once in a while? By your definition, anyone who posts here is following the super friends around..

    13. Follow around? Think remora and shark, Kenny.

    14. No one is buying that Abholi is really who she says she is, at least on this forum. She may be a real person, but the psycho that is posting under her name on this forum isnst her. Just another Joerg account

    15. Lovely to see Haints (the one who defends Biscardi) and Dmaker (the one who worships ABP), all get together with the psycho internet creeps and share like minded ideas.

      Hey Abohli! These clowns have never been with a woman, that's why they hate them so much. Stick at it princess, I love your posts.

    16. Im sure you do Joe, since she is one of your accounts. Your just ma dmaker and haints put you in your place darling!

    17. I am a sometime visitor to this site...I agree that the post being spoken about reveals a rather different side to the usual portrayal of the Abohli account...this specific post reveals a very different character..one I have seen before when the account named je/iktoni has a "breakdown"...I think there`s a more than even chance they are one and the same.

    18. Oh no 1:52... I'm really sad now, Dmaker and Haints; grown men hating on a blog.

      I need to rethink my life, darling.

      (Notice how they never challenge me on the subject matter anymore?)

      : )

  8. Abohli Fala is the real deal ..I've know her for a few years :) ...

    she is very nice and that's a fact.

    Marky Mark

    1. Did you not notice that there is a reply button moron?

    2. Yeah, but who the Fock are you? JoJo the Dog-Faced Boy?

    3. Ruff, you've seen her in person?

    4. Yes, he dry humped her leg once.

    5. Atta boy haints. Just saying what we all are thinking. Ruff is likely just another joe account.

    6. Look at all the aspiring amateur detective maggots here. Ha Ha Ha Ha!

    7. ^^ Look at Joe, anon. Ha Ha Ha Ha!

    8. ^ ..hmm ..this Havana sure is a nice smoke

  9. The annoying thing about Abohli is according to her old avatar she is obviously Caucasian yet see insists on selling herself as Native American.

    1. that picture is ugly as crap also

    2. Aaholey is the Bruce Jenner entity within Joe.

    3. your refrigerators produce section is the entity within you,cucumber boy.

    4. ^ speaks from long experience with "mayonaissed" cucumber

  10. You know what would be better heffer? How bout she answer the questions asked of her here instead of avoiding them every time they are brought up. You think???


    1. Abohli is a Caucasian woman.

      She gains happiness through identifying with and claiming Native American identity.

      She is not hurting anyone.

      She is just a typical character which many bigfooters are.

    2. Why would anybody feel the need to discuss their personality to an individual that isn`t prepared to reveal their own ?

      ..perhaps you`d have a point were you to post under a moniker other than Anonymous.


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