This Video Shows That Monkeys Do Not Like Birds

Watch what happens when this kid is harassing a monkey, and decides to give it the ol' middle finger. Moral of the story, don't tease animals.


  1. Hey, by the way. Did anyone else notice how boring these trolls are? I mean they really are lacking. Not funny, same ol same ol. Pretty dim mentally. They rely on filthy remarks because they aren't naturally funny. I don't know what to say. Except DULL.

    2 out of 10 girls. Bring back the Superfriends, these guys suck!

    1. I guess Winston is on the crapper.

    2. Maybe that aggressive monkey pushed him in the toilet and flushed.

      OR Maybe Ol Winnie got the ban hand.

    3. Yeah - bring back Superfriends because saying "Hi" and "Bye" to each other is so freaking exciting.

    4. Like you can say something exciting! What a dumbass.

    5. Sorry sad sacks, the trolls are alive and well and we are not worried at all about being banned by Shawn. You see, we respect Shawn's privacy and right to enjoy his life -- unlike the sucking friends who whine and moan to Shawn with constant emails (and even phone calls according to Leon) anytime their precious little feelings get hurt.

      If you plan to stay on this blog, you'd better not offend the trolls or you will suffer a horrendous beat down (similar to what the stupid friends experienced).

    6. it's called friendship.but what would you know dork,you have none.

    7. Well that wasn't very exciting. Try again dumbass!!

    8. To 7:23:00. Real trolls don't join clubs Randi boy! Your troll army can't tie their shoe laces. Shit! Be prepared to be trolled by the A true troll! I'm coming (in your mouth).

    9. "Hi Superfriends!!! Wow those skeptards are really dumb. Hahahahahahahahahahahahah"

      How's that? That's the kind of exciting crap you really want to hear huh?

    10. I thought you already came on Bend Over's 200 pound dingleberry covered butt cheeks. You'll need some time to reload!

    11. This blog has become a troll paradise -- I love it!

    12. Hey "A true troll" -- as a troll you are certainly welcome here, but remember that we are the original trolls who cleared out the vermin (known as the super friends) who previously infested this blog.

    13. Ol Winnie late to the party. Busy in the bathroom doing who knows what. Nobody is afraid of you. You are a sick little puss. And the rest of your personalities don't count as a troll gang.

    14. Hit a nerve 7:36:00? And you call yourself a troll. Your just a stupid f**ker who can type like a monkey!

    15. Ooo I like you 7:50! Hahaha, Winnie sometimes has to type with 1 hand cause the other one is busy. When he is hiding on the toilet.

    16. Gotta watch out for the one hand troll army!

    17. Well, sad sack, I never had Shawns number. He used to call me --- is this real, is that real? Then he started calling at like 1 in the morning cause I made a couple of you little trolls cry. I haven't sent Shawn anything in the last year except a couple photos of a 15 inch finger. I even have the photo of the x-ray, But I wont give it too him and he is to chicken shit to post the other photos for you all to see???, ha ha ha.

      He is a turdball --------- just like you skeptard crack lickers ------ Idiots, every one!

    18. 1 hand, 1/4 of a brain. They are dangerous!

    19. Speaking of monkey's 7:50 - how's that search for Bigfoot going? Oh - that's right, you Superfriends are too busy saying "First" "Hi" and "goodnight" to each other. Wow - now that's some compelling reading. Of course with your level of intelligence that is high entertainment. Yes - bring back the Superfriends (yawn).

    20. Oh, I see you didn't take my advice. You are still boring. Yawn is certainly right. Superfriends always on your mind, in the shadows, around the corner. Too funny. You see them everywhere even when they aren't here. I guess that part amuses me. Like I said, not too bright little fella.

      TK, give em the finger lol!

    21. Hey Troll Killer! Is that crap your résumé? Shut up!

    22. Well I know a few cowering snivelers who are afraid of "Winston": Joerg Sicktomi, Redneck Mikey, Bend Over Butt Cheeks, Leon the Meth Monster, and the Doll with Balls Chick.

      Anytime the trolls disturb their oh so delicate feelings, they call up Shawn and cry like babies, screaming, "Make Winston stop!" LOL

    23. "boring" says the guy who who thinks "Hi" and "First are the epitome of entertainment. You must be a blast at parties.

    24. Hey 8:02:00, the search for Bigfoot is going well thank you. As a matter of fact I was in a bar looking for the big guy, but found your mother instead. That bitch is twice as hairy as Bigfoot and smells way worse. Gave her five bills to buy some better perfume!

    25. All hallucinations and psychosis you hairy sweaty tyke. Nobody thinks about you as much as you imagine. I know, its a sad realization. You possess some sort of paranoia- or wishful thinking.

      You don't mean much, you're only merely a temporary inconvenience. You have been banned before, and you will be banned again. And now I cut you off from my attention- which you cannot exist without. Have your mediocre tantrums while you can. And prepare to get very hungry troll.

    26. Oh OUCH 8:16 you must be a SUPERFRIEND to come up with a razor sharp response like that. Alright - "HI" - does that send tingles down your spine? How about "GOOD ONE - hahahahaha" - does that get you excited? Wow - I can hardly wait for the return of the Superfriends so we can once again read interesting comments (like yours - yawn).

    27. 8:27 is still dull. Such a simpleton.

    28. It's a maggot bloodbath.

    29. Funny how his responses are slow as he is dividing his time between BFE and JREF.

    30. Oh I'm sorry 8:30. Let me speak your language "Hi" - that better? I bet you wait up half the night just to say "FIRST". Yeah your a real Einstein.

    31. Since the stupid friends are currently engaged in this incredibly lame attempt at trolling, I assume that Shawn won't be banning anyone! Ha ha, keep trying bone heads!

    32. Well, well, well. Hey there wanna be troll, your insistence that I'm a Superfriend is all right with me, but you might want to ask them first cause they might not want me as a friend. Your my friend dumbass! Us trolls don't try to exclude folks from a forum, but give free reign to everyone to shoot off their mouth. Your general lack of intelligence is fun to observe. I just love it when it turns to paranoia when you are being crushed. Anyways, I going on another expedition down at the bar. I'll say hi to your mom. Love ya bro! Chill, see ya tomorrow.

    33. That should be "you're my friend." Before calling someone else a dumbass, you should at least become partially literate. Consider that lesson #1 in your troll training class.

    34. Being crushed? Gee - I'm glad you told me otherwise I never would have known it. Your post saying bring back the superfriends is okay with me . . . . if you enjoy meaningless dribble and daily affirmation of everything Bigfoot but hey - if that's the way you swing. I will agree us trolls need to be more original and inventive so keep trying and I'm sure you will someday get there. I like you fellow troll and I'm sure the superfriends would like you as well as you seem to support them.

      Oh yeah - mom says it's cool with her if you can't get it up and she doesn't think your gay (well, okay - I lied about that last part).

    35. It's cool 9:31. He's off to the bar to "study".

    36. Why don't you join him maggot?

    37. The other maggots call him names and make him crrrryyy!

    38. (Sob) Why don't you like me 9:49? Calling me such a harsh and cruel name like "maggot". Don't you want to be SUPERFRIENDS? We can say "hi" to each other every day and race to be "first". Wouldn't that be fun?

    39. HAHAHAHA Hi Maggot! First!! Ha Ha!

    40. Good one Anon! Your a true SUPERFRIEND now!

    41. Thank You Closet Friend !!

    42. Leon the fool
      Leon the fool
      Show him BenD Dovers Buttcheeks
      And watch the fool drool

  2. Cervelo is over on the JREF/ISF board lashing out at his fellow pretend skeptics. It's fun to watch.

    1. It's also fun watching him kick your ass 6:55. I hate to say it, but you are getting destroyed over there my friend.

    2. It seems he's embroiled in an argument with another footer named "William Parcher".

    3. Alaska bush pilot and Kitakaze are legends here. They are worshipped by Joe from afar.

    4. lol 12:05 - You are the one who made them famous Closet Friend. Then you continue to "pull one for joe". I'm disappointed fellow troll.

  3. well it sure is nice to all leons 52 personalities in one post boy the legion has you going ape shyt, the usual 67 ha ha's in a row is a sure sign of a babbling lunatic meltdown now be a good little kook and go gets you some litium and go nite-nite ok....btw switch to bowl killer because you have to be baked to say half the crap that spills from your mouth idiot

    1. Considering you just typed a paragraph long "run on" sentence? Who's having the meltdown again?

    2. My 8:44 post was meant for 8:28.


    3. I'll smoke three bowls and still score 40 points higer on an I.Q. test than you ---- Idiot! ha ha ha ha ha hah ah ah ah ah aha ah

    4. By the way, these other Leon's Rock!

      Were all Leon and Joe, and Mike and chick and Eva

    5. Leon the fool
      Leon the fool
      Show him BenD Dovers hairy buttcheeks,
      And watch the fool drool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  4. Sorry to intrude on the SausageFest that's going on here...but I have a question about the video.Is that a Maquac ?Schooled that kid...


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