This Is One Of The Scariest Stories I've Heard From A Bigfooter

When Bigfoot Crossroads asked Kirk Brandenburg of the Falcon Project ground team to be on the show, they had no idea they would end up hearing a story like this. This is part 2 of the interview, and it's one you definitely want to listen to.

In case you missed it, here's part 1 of the interview as well. Be sure to subscribe!


  1. How can it be a moose? It's on a slope! It is a mother and baby bigfoot. There were likely prints as well. There is no greater evidence than dermal ridges in plaster casts. Game over. Go back to school, kid.

    1. Bra, mooses can slope it. Seen a moose on a 35 'gree incline back in the day. shhheeeeeee!

    2. Son, don't be talking smack about what a moose can and cannot do. They ain't no bigfoot. Bigfoot can manuever a slope like it was sitting back sipping lemonaide. Moose won't go nowheres near a slope. Walk right around it. Slopes is moose krypronite. Bigffoot, son, not no moose.

    3. Could be deer. Deer on a slope pretty common. Deer can hoof a slope no prob. Deer hoof it and make easy work of slope. Deer just turn around and they look back at the slope like it weren't even a slope. What was that a flat surface cause it didn't feel like no slope. Thats whats going on in a deers mind cause slopes are like flat areas to deers.

    4. I doubt it was a moose ...they don`t reach 43 ft until late grandfatherhood

    5. Moose don't get much taller than 7 feet tall at the shoulder. Of course head and antlers could add to that.
      Did you actually see one that was 43 feet tall or hear about it? Even if it were an older or grandfather moose like you suggest it probably wouldn't keep growing. Did you make any plaster casts of the area? The hoofs would indicate size. 43 feet would be a record moose. Maybe not impossible.

    6. The concept of dermal ridges and the Patterson film is Joes rosetta stone. Without them, nothing makes sense. The film is an obvious hoax, but I will digress. Joe doesn't seem to realize that dermals can easily be faked, and they could back in the 50s and 60s as well. The whole world of bigfoot revolves around the Patterson hoax and the many hoaxed footprints before and after it.

      But hey, if you obey footer logic, its quite possible that while Bob H was walking in the suit, a few cloaked bigfeet walked along side it. And they were wearing bedroom fuzzy slippers so they didn't leave tracks. Then they levitated into there saucer, and traveled to the 4th dimension of milk and honey, where they periodically make trips to earth from.

      You footers are just pathetic. Its too easy. Got blue plastic bags?

      Got desert monkeys?

      Got cloaking?

      Got lazer beam eyes?

    7. I have it on good authority that AlaskaBushPilot has indeed confirmed it was a moose. He should know - he's even kissed one!

  2. The footer who pretends to be a skeptic is an odd tiny little sub culture. Do you jref footers think Kitakaze is a better pathological liar than APB ? He's only pretended to make a living in the music business, pretended to be an international diplomat and pretended to find the P/G suit among a million other lies he's told on JREF and the BFF ?

    1. yeah for you ...must be hard going thru life with only one thing on your mind. then again you don't have much time to post between flippin' burgers now do you

    2. ^ how much "free" time do you have between eating them ya fat fool ?

    3. Not much free time. I have to flip many burgers and I 'm fat.

    4. Where is BenD Dover Buttcheeks. Oops, I meant lktomi. Ooops I mean Joe. Oops, I meant Joerg, Ooops I meant Abholi. Oops I meant Merry May. Oops I meant Ernie Street.

      I have to admit though,, I have begun to like the bush pilot and K comments. Someone is making them legeds here. And its pretty funny.

      Long Live Trollandia!!!!

    5. A leged is a term that is used to describe BenD Dovers wide and sweaty Buttcheeks. Its catching on, especially in the LGBT community

  3. Anyone else concerned about the volunteers on Project Falcon. These guys could screw this endeavour before it begins.

    1. Its such a retarded idea to begin with. But it complies with footer logic.

      So lets see, this species alludes all cameras, night vision, etc. Plus knows to fear man, cars, airplanes, etc. And also can see clearly at night and has all these extra sensory powers, yet in the mind of footers, it some how makes sense that they wont hear or see a balloon equipped with high tech cameras.

      Its absolutely a ridiculous concept, and odds are it will never get off the ground. If it does, we will all have a good laugh at the wasted money.

      Oh yes, and since the animal doesn't exist, it will be hard laughter as well


    2. 8 inches, can you handle that? Ive got it in my hand, and its getttttinnnn harrrrrdddd!!!!!!

      Big Jim Jr.

  4. Children please,the adults are speaking.I doubt if any of the children have ever spent a night in the woods alon.

  5. Only one problem. Kirk has a problem with the truth so that is why I would not believe a word he says.


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