This Is Bigfoot Country: Walla Walla Blue Mountain, Home of Bigfoot

In 1994, a Bigfoot researcher named Paul Freeman filmed a group of sasquatches crossing a path in the Blue Mountains of Washington. The "Paul Freeman" footage is one of the most compelling pieces of evidence supporting the existence of Sasquatch. To Bigfoots, Walla Walla is their home. Bigfooter "Something Hairy In The Shadows" gives us a 45 minute tour of this mysterious and fascinating area. Check it out:


  1. Replies
    1. If you see "verified" after a name it confirms that it is another of joes accounts.

    2. that's actually not too far off 9:01. Joe busting the ernie street account back out is priceless though.

    3. We're so close to finding this creature. Hang in there against the trolls.

    4. Here's what I think. That video needs some major editing. But even then, meh. His story is somewhat interesting at the start, but the camera work is poor, and the video goes on and on showing nothing. It's not really worth the time to view.

    5. But if you read Iktomi's regular posts, you will notice the obvious poor writing skills of someone with an abbreviated education, including frequent misuse of words and various malapropisms. It's the type of writing style that one regularly encounters from underachievers who try to communicate in an elevated style, but fail so miserably that it is comical.

      So you have an underachieving, insecure, and unsuccessful person who also has a large ego and who desperately desires recognition from others. Put that all together and you have your answer as to why Iktomi is here.

    6. 9:07 hey bernie .. it me

    7. Hello Eva, I hope you're doing well.

    8. Hi Eva

      The guy
      In the vid calls himself a "knower". That's a great word to describe a bleever


    9. Hello 10:49,i'm fine thanks,hope your well too :) xx

    10. My dear superfrends, thank you so much fr the birthday wishes. You will be in my prayers.

      April Ashley :)

    11. Yes Eva, I'm doing okay -- April Ashley is quite a remarkable woman.

    12. Thank you for the compliments my friends! You are too much!!!

      April Ashley :)

    13. ^ enjoy it all while you can is May tomorrow

    14. Does that mean that Merrie May will return?

    15. Friends and Supers:

      There is no moderator here. There is not going to be a moderator here. Many good people have given up on this site over the years, look back through the old posts. Many many people have left this place over the years because of these foolish bullies. We have lost M.B. likely because he was disgusted by the vile behavior towards a good man who died. Anyone serious in this subject who has a reputation to uphold will loose too much posting on BFE.

      There are 3 choices.

      1. You can continue on as usual, day in and day out. That is fine if that is what you want and are using this place as a way to burn frustrated energy. Must of you have real lives and don't wish to spend their time taking this stupid crap too seriously.

      2. You can boycott this place, and let the moderator have his perverse clientele and watch quietly as the ship sinks. This would take quite a lot of self control and a replacement outlet for your habit of checking in here. My guess is 1 month and the chimps will be gone. NO CHECKING IN. Clicks= lack of motivation for change.

      3. You can start playing just as dirty as them and best them at it. Everyone can make multiple "sock puppets" and use only those or anonymous to comment. Play just as dirty as them- no play dirtier, obviously it is completely acceptable. Trolls will tell you that is exactly what they want. That is not true for the 3 hardcore trolls. They want Joe first and Shawn's site last.


    16. How about you leave first 1:04 idiot!?

    17. Yes, he should lead by example -- go away.

    18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Joe got BLOWN THE F*CK OUT

    Joe got called the f*ck out by dmaker and if he doesn't face dmaker at the ISF then he is a coward.

    Joe also raged so hard he broke character a couple of times confirming he is either DWA or sweaty yeti.

    1. The reason Joe won't sign up to the isf is because the person running the Joe/iktomi account and others is in fact already a member there... possibly William parcher. The person playing the role of Joe/iktomi etc portrays a textbook deluded footer quite delightfully. The guy is a genious and has fooled nearly everyone with his character creations.

    2. Iktomi debates dmaker here on neutral ground, so he's not a coward. Iktomi could challenge dmaker to debate him on a heavily-moderated heavily pro-bigfoot site, and call dmaker cowardly for refusing. It would be equivalent.

      dmaker wants to move the debate to his home ground where he has all the advantage. That is cowardly.

      dmaker's challenge to go to the ISF is a false challenge.

      BFE is an open forum, littered with dmaker supporters. Iktomi debates him here fair and square, which shows the opposite of cowardice.

    3. You forget that Joeholi refused many times to meet me at a heavily moderated, heavily pro-bigfoot forum, the BFF.

      It's about moderation for Joeholi, not who is hosting the forum.

      He's a coward and would never survive a forum meant for adults.

    4. ^ doest thee bleev the personage known by the aforesaid monikers of iktomi/joe/abbohli ist indeed the same verily do thee state ?

    5. Looks like Chick changed her name to some warrior moon crap. Does that surprise anyone? More and more accounts made, on top of more and more sock puppet accounts.

      Are you stupid hairymoon?? Dmaker and Joe have gone at it many times on this forum. And what happens. Joe eventually goes into meltdown, throws insults, and then copies and pastes a bunch of spam. Then tells people how they were schooled, and for some creepy reason, refers to them as "darling". Joe refused to debate anywhere other than here, where he can use his other accounts to help him. The problem is, we all know its still him posting, and they only end up hurting him.

      Dmakers challenge is fair. Joe and Dmaker should move to a moderated pro bigfoot forum. That's equal playing ground. I think we all can agree on that. Yet would Joe eve do this?? Not a chance in hades. Joe is a troll, and this blog is his home. And he wont ever leave. But that's actually good for us trolls, because he gives us the food we need. We don't want him gone. We want him here, to destroy him daily. And dmaker and Daniel and haints just put the icing on the cake when they pound the final nail in joe, each and every time.

      Poor little baby Joeholi.

    6. ^ ye gods man.. can it be so ?

      joketomi is revealed

    7. Friends and Supers:

      There is no moderator here. There is not going to be a moderator here. Many good people have given up on this site over the years, look back through the old posts. Many many people have left this place over the years because of these foolish bullies. We have lost M.B. likely because he was disgusted by the vile behavior towards a good man who died. Anyone serious in this subject who has a reputation to uphold will loose too much posting on BFE.

      There are 3 choices.

      1. You can continue on as usual, day in and day out. That is fine if that is what you want and are using this place as a way to burn frustrated energy. Must of you have real lives and don't wish to spend their time taking this stupid crap too seriously.

      2. You can boycott this place, and let the moderator have his perverse clientele and watch quietly as the ship sinks. This would take quite a lot of self control and a replacement outlet for your habit of checking in here. My guess is 1 month and the chimps will be gone. NO CHECKING IN. Clicks= lack of motivation for change.

      3. You can start playing just as dirty as them and best them at it. Everyone can make multiple "sock puppets" and use only those or anonymous to comment. Play just as dirty as them- no play dirtier, obviously it is completely acceptable. Trolls will tell you that is exactly what they want. That is not true for the 3 hardcore trolls. They want Joe first and Shawn's site last.


    8. How about you leave first 1:04 idiot!?

  3. First for the Superfriends


    1. The Maggot ^^^

      I've got a song here that describes the maggots better half


    2. While I agree that this guy is a maggot. The maggot impersonating who posted that link is just another maggot impersonator. Although it does apply to the original maggot.


    3. ^ doest thee cuhm `ere mooch lad ?

      ye hardened dick sucker

    4. ^^ the Maggot again!!!


    5. ^^ se`est thou shut thy gob .. verily.

    6. ^ he is indeed the site troll

  4. It's all so, so boring. Nothing new in, forever.

    1. It is what it is

      I feel the same way about the radio program Coast to Coast. For over twenty years they have been talking about all kinds of stuff and yet over time nothing seems to change

      I know BF is real so what happens as far as news goes really doesn't change my point of view

      But I know someday the breakthrough will occur. Looking forward to that day


    2. I thought that you were looking forward to your future "breakthrough" between Bend Over's dingleberry covered butt cheeks!

    3. Anon 10:29

      If you are able, take a friend and a camera, phone and tape measure. Then using satalite images find the darkest green woods near you that you can go onto and head out on a BF adventure. Take some snacks and drink and have fun looking for stick structures and tree breaks and footprints. Take lots of pics with the tape measure for scale and then share it all with us. Always let somebody know your plans for the day. And don't forget to gift the big guy


    4. ^ gayest shit ive ever heard. Nice try maggot!!


    5. Only a bigoted, narrow minded homophobe uses the word "gay" as an insult.

    6. also film your adventure put it on you tube and whamo, you are now a professional researcher,also you will be sure to have 25-50 lunatics posting on your channel about all the peekers and dogmen they have spotted

    7. ^^ Speak for yourself maggot. Doesn't matter about Abholi, even if it is Joe, who really cares. I don't. In fact, Joe, please continue to post as Abholi. It would serve these trolls right!


    8. ^ shutteth thy gob thy heathen troll

    9. well if your a liar and a fraud i think it does matter if someone you considered a friend lies to your face..that is a problem i for one will never believe him go right ahead jackass and welcome him with open arms it speaks volumes about yourself ...calling people names like maggot makes you feel tough huh..your just a bald jackass hung like a stud field mouse

    10. What is whamo? A place to upload videos? Cant find anything on it other than being a toy company.

    11. ^ i am told MMC is accepting gay skin-lolly deep `twixt his hairy,though moistened,brown and quivering lips

    12. What I want to know is,Where is John W. Jones Spoke, and his business side kick Mr. Frank Evans?

      Do you know that Joe Fitz, John W. Jones and Mr. Frank Evans are all Welsh!
      Also where is Cory Hawk, Tina running Bear and Joey P.(John's Mohawk Brother-in-law)?

    13. Friends and Supers:

      There is no moderator here. There is not going to be a moderator here. Many good people have given up on this site over the years, look back through the old posts. Many many people have left this place over the years because of these foolish bullies. We have lost M.B. likely because he was disgusted by the vile behavior towards a good man who died. Anyone serious in this subject who has a reputation to uphold will loose too much posting on BFE.

      There are 3 choices.

      1. You can continue on as usual, day in and day out. That is fine if that is what you want and are using this place as a way to burn frustrated energy. Must of you have real lives and don't wish to spend their time taking this stupid crap too seriously.

      2. You can boycott this place, and let the moderator have his perverse clientele and watch quietly as the ship sinks. This would take quite a lot of self control and a replacement outlet for your habit of checking in here. My guess is 1 month and the chimps will be gone. NO CHECKING IN. Clicks= lack of motivation for change.

      3. You can start playing just as dirty as them and best them at it. Everyone can make multiple "sock puppets" and use only those or anonymous to comment. Play just as dirty as them- no play dirtier, obviously it is completely acceptable. Trolls will tell you that is exactly what they want. That is not true for the 3 hardcore trolls. They want Joe first and Shawn's site last.


    14. How about you leave first 1:05 idiot!?

  5. The Freeman footage is not convincing, at all.

    It looks fake.


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