Please Do Breakdown Videos, Ca Hiker!

Ca Hiker is our new best friend on YouTube. In this latest webisode, "Theory & Evidence", Mr. Hiker ponders the idea of doing breakdown videos of his own. His breakdowns will be more focused on some of the theories that's being pushed by ThinkerThunker. Personally, we cannot wait to see what he has in store. Thanks for the shout-out and not paying any attention to our trolls =)


  1. Replies
    1. Calif. Hiker makes one good point about evidence, there are thousands of sightings that go unreported. But we still need to collect evidence.

    2. As far as him studying Thinker Thunker's analysis of different sasquatch proportions, there are a number of people who have looked into it. One problem is they walk with a compliant gait, not locking their knees like humans, but always keeping the knees bent while walking; so, the hands swing down near the knees.

      I don't know how often we can gage arm length in photos where they stand erect and have no bend in the arm.

    3. Where is Abohli Fala today?

    4. Iktomi, this blog is a stinking morass of low lifes and insane people. Why don't you go to another site where the subject is taken more seriously?

    5. Because I don't take myself too seriously, and I'm not being driven from somewhere because someone wants me too... I'm a little stubborn like that. In short; the more people try and drive people away, the more I stick around.


      I also love smacking Dmaker around whenever he wants it.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Howdy Iktomi and Dover!

      Glad to see some sort of sanity on the blog again. I was happy to see Ernie return. And Chick sure gave the trolls their comeuppance. Get 'em, Chick!!!!! :)

      Going to bed now....night all. Uno!

    8. Hey Uno!! Yes, it was great. Have a lovely sleep!!

    9. Yes, Uno, insanity is the root cause behind the disruption here.

    10. It'll pass, good people... I've been around here long enough to know that it always does in the end.

    11. 2:51, as you notice, you didn't get a straight answer from Iktomi on that question and you never will.

      Iktomi claims to want to discuss bigfoot in a rational manner without personal attacks or crazy drama, but he spends all of his time in the one place where that is guaranteed to happen.

      Iktomi maintains that he wants "trolls" to be moderated and he admits that he frequently submits emails to the blog owner to complain about offensive posts. Well, there are other sites Iktomi could go to and have everything he claims to desire and more. Message boards filled with bigfoot believers and tight moderation with no trolling or personal attacks.

      Iktomi knows of those other sites and chooses to stay here. Why you may ask? Some think that Iktomi has already been banned from those other sites, but that is doubtful.

      The real reason Iktomi stays here is because he loves everything about this blog and it gives him the opportunity to be something he is not. At the BFF, Iktomi would be almost nothing - a proverbial minnow in a sea of whales. Iktomi's ego coukdn't stand that. He needs to be the center of attention, even if almost all of the attention is negative. He savors his pretended role of "intellectual defender of bigfoot."

      But if you read Iktomi's regular posts, you will notice the obvious poor writing skills of someone with an abbreviated education, including frequent misuse of words and various malapropisms. It's the type of writing style that one regularly encounters from underachievers who try to communicate in an elevated style, but fail so miserably that it is comical.

      So you have an underachieving, insecure, and unsuccessful person who also has a large ego and who desperately desires recognition from others. Put that all together and you have your answer as to why Iktomi is here.

    12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    13. What's the matter Dmaker, darling... Did you just awake to realise you got ripped apart here?

      ... Not a good look when your "holier than thou" BFF mantle gets knocked out of the ball park around here on this "awful spam site" as you like to call it, by little old "underachieving, insecure, and unsuccessful" me.

      : )

    14. Where's Abohli? Searching the interwebs for more pictures to steal of course!

    15. Wow, anon at 3:41, that was beautiful, just beautiful. Thats what I have been saying this whole time. Joetomi stays here because he has a few people that actually buy into what hes saying. On a more serious forum however, his lies and misinformed theories would be destroyed in seconds and noone would give him the light of day ever again. Notice how anytime someone points this out he desperately scrambles to direct the attention elsewhere. Like he points out an argument with Dmaker when this anon clearly isn't Dmaker. Completely different writing style. Trying to divert attention to the obvious well written truth. All while staying within the confines of his little game that he set up to make himself seem a lot smarter than he actually is. Its just hard to believe that in this day and age with everything that we know there are still people out there stupid enough to buy into his crap.

    16. Looks like Dmaker got scared and ran off... "Lies and misinformed theories", show it to be case, darling. Is it so hard to get a challenge around here?

    17. What in the world are you babbling about, Joe-Abholi? What BFF mantel? I haven't been active on the BFF since last fall. You really should try to keep up. Perhaps spending less time scouring the Internet for other peoples photos to steal and put up on your long list of fake profiles.

      Have you told yourself how nice your hair is this morning yet? You fucki ng wackjob.

    18. But if you read Iktomi's regular posts, you will notice the obvious poor writing skills of someone with an abbreviated education, including frequent misuse of words and various malapropisms. It's the type of writing style that one regularly encounters from underachievers who try to communicate in an elevated style, but fail so miserably that it is comical.

      So you have an underachieving, insecure, and unsuccessful person who also has a large ego and who desperately desires recognition from others. Put that all together and you have your answer as to why Iktomi is here.

    19. I didn't get scared and run off, Joe-Abholi. I just don't spend as much time here as you do. You'll have to find someone else to copy paste your nonsense at.

    20. But if you read Iktomi's regular posts, you will notice the obvious poor writing skills of someone with an abbreviated education, including frequent misuse of words and various malapropisms. It's the type of writing style that one regularly encounters from underachievers who try to communicate in an elevated style, but fail so miserably that it is comical.

      So you have an underachieving, insecure, and unsuccessful person who also has a large ego and who desperately desires recognition from others. Put that all together and you have your answer as to why Iktomi is here.

    21. "What's the matter Dmaker, darling... Did you just awake to realise you got ripped apart here? "

      Sigh. Joe, this is easily one of the most important parts about your personality that make you so pathetic and so easy to dislike. One normally does not prance around and declare ones self the winner of arguments. There are some that might agree with you, and many that might not. But when you prance around saying you have torn things to shreds, or pwned, really just makes you look like an immature child. And completely devoid of self awareness. You think this makes you look superior and enforces your image around here. But here's a tip for you, Joe-Abholi, real winners don't have to constantly stuff the fact in peoples faces. It's obvious to all who are present. You are just painting a sad picture of the person you really are.

    22. What's the matter Dmaker? Did you just get caught out in anon mode? Dmaker... You are a coward sir, a filthy, stupid little coward who's bitter cause this little "underachieving, insecure, and unsuccessful" dents that ego of yours too many times for you to handle.

      And I love it darling... Oh how I love it.

      : )

    23. Dmaker... Why don't you challenge me on the subject matter any more? Why do you just troll and throw insults my way and accuse me of being a million people like a paranoid psycho nerd?

      I can't tell if you are more scared than you are angry at me???

      : )

    24. Honestly Joe, seek professional help. I can no longer laugh at you, its kinda serious.

    25. Darling... How about you at least use someone else's arguments if you can;t devise your own?

    26. You should get a grip, Joe. Seriously.

      And I rarely engage you on the subject matter anymore because there is no point. You will just spam your usual copy/paste nonsense and then dance around like the fat, stupid pigeon you are declaring victory after you shit on the board. No need to repeat that over and over again.

      I do enjoy watching you squirm like the worm you are, however. This recent stuff with you and your fake photos and profiles and complimenting your own fake hair is super, super creepy.

      Do you wear a bib for your drool?

    27. "You should get a grip, Joe. Seriously."

      Really Dmaker? Please tell us how many internet personalities Joe is, please... I am curious to know all about your little obsession with Joe.

      You rarely engage the subject matter because you are too stupid to better me in any level of debate. I have taken care of every last one of your angles and it's left you with a nasty little bitter side that is far more accustomed to the level of a sick trolingl than anything else. I will post the same arguments over and over that have obliterated that little ego of yours, I have links saved that I can reference every time I have got the better of you, I have it all Dmaker... And it's all accessible whenever you decide to grow a pair and get back into it with me.

      You are a coward Dmaker, and not a smart one at that. I've got you thinking about me every day of your sad little fearful life.

      : )

    28. Tell you what, Joe-Abholi, I will gladly engage you on the subject matter as much as you wish, on a moderated forum. Meet me at ISF and we can have very lengthy discussions about bigfoot. But I won't do it anymore at a place like this. I'm tired of your wild imagination making up scenarios where you have pwned, or shredded, or scared or dented egos, etc, etc.

      Meet me at a place where actual adults can have adult conversation and I will be more than happy to oblige.

      Remain here in this childish little sandbox, and you will get nothing from me.

    29. "... on a moderated forum."

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! What's the matter "Dmaker", why can't you grow a pair and do it here where you are far more comfortable? I've seen you on moderated forums and you are intellectually inferior to the people who you exchange with, are laughed at by your own theory group because you lower the tone and never respond to your arguments being thrown back at you.

      Is that the ISF where you regularly name drop Joe and who you had to consult because you were too stupid to understand a Nature Journal? Those clowns are so intellectually backward in their scientific theory that they are the very last place I would consult for my shortcomings.

      What's the matter Dmaker, what are you scared about?? You're a coward Dmaker, and trolling is your level because when it's all said and done, you really don't have the skills to pay the bills... Do you?

    30. Thank-you for making my point, Joe. Perhaps you should now go back to searching the web for photos to steal.

    31. This comment has been removed by the author.

    32. Is that all you've got "Dmaker"? When it's all said and done, you're just a little p*ssy.

      : )

    33. Says the guy who dresses up as a girl to compliment his own hair.

    34. Hey! Anyone notice that when "Dmaker" is getting his head tuned in, his focus from his anon accounts on the same comment sections dwindles?

      You're not on trolling form today "Dmaker".

    35. Yes, yes, yes Dmaker... Please tell us how many other people are Joe... Not in anon mode this time though...

    36. I don't post anon, Abholi, I have told you that many times.

    37. You seem grumpy, Joeholi, maybe you should tell yourself how pretty your hair is. That might perk you up.

    38. This comment has been removed by the author.

    39. Don't you? What about the "your confused" comments in anon mode where you made a total idiot of yourself fumbling scientific theory that you admitted to? Would you like me to source that for you "Dmaker"?

      Grumpy? Nargh! I'm in my element smacking you around... Please tell us all about how many people Joe is...

    40. Joerg-Abohli is experiencing a complete psychological breakdown.

    41. Dmaker destroying Joe, nothing new there. Joeholi it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    42. Joeholi, I have never posted in anon mode, so whatever you think you saw, you were wrong, as usual.

    43. Really "Dmaker"? What's the matter, why are you in so much denial?? Anyone would think you're trying to steer away from the things you claim Joe does??

      Like I said "Dmaker", you're a p*ssy that by your own admission is too scared to go at anything with me other than trolling.

    44. You keep chanting that to yourself all you want, Joeholi. But I have engaged you plenty of times in the past on the subject matter. Some would agree with me, some would agree with you. There is no point to it any longer. I have seen all of your copy pastes, I don't need any more. Nor do I care to "debate" with a lunatic who creates multiple profiles just to give the impression of peer acceptance and agreement. If your arguments are so solid, why do you have to create and operate your own cheering squad? That is pathetic.

    45. Yes, yes, yes Dmaker... Please tell us how many other people are Joe... D'you know what I think? I think you're a little out of your depth when it comes to a real intellectual's debate. I've given so many real sceptics are laugh at your expense, how does that feel, "Dmaker" darling?

    46. Joeholi, any interpretation of events or claim of things you have heard outside this forum, I take with a huge grain of salt. You have demonstrated a clear disconnect with reality and a penchant for fabricating identities. Why should anyone believe a word you say?

      Please, by all means, cling to your fantasies if they make you feel better, Joeholi. Everyone here knows what you truly are. Sad, pathetic, little, man-girl.

    47. Can everyone see how much of a p*ssy Dmaker is... Now that's pathetic.

    48. Come on "Dmaker"... When you gonna man up??? Name an avenue of this topic and let's go at it... Come on sporto, anyone would think you're just a little p*ssy??

      : )

    49. " I've given so many real sceptics are laugh at your expense, how does that feel, "Dmaker" darling?"

      LOL, that is something that only Joe has claimed to have done, months ago. Now you are claiming it was you, Iktomi?

      Please, tell us all some more how you are not Joe.

      Pathetic loser.

    50. What's the matter "Dmaker"... Did that hit a nerve? Does it perturb you to know that the theory group you could only hope to aspire to are laughing at your comments and your hate speech?

      Ha!! What's the matter coward? Am I getting to you??

    51. Can I step in as an irrelevant peacemaker and say, guys? We're all friends here.

    52. Joeholi, I have told you what you need to do if you want to have a discussion with me on the subject matter.

      I have engaged you many times in the past. Now it is your turn to man up and meet me over at ISF. I have discussed the subject matter here on your terms many, many times. It's not unreasonable for me to request a move to ISF. If you don't have the balls, that's fine. But don't be calling me the coward.

      If you really need a discussion on the subject matter with me, just go through your large collection of links you constantly state you have. And fap away. Enjoy yourself.

      We can even start a thread at ISF: Joe's Thoughts on Bigfoot. I guarantee you will be the center of attention and will have a long line of skeptics to "shred". You would think you would want to do that. But I would bet good money there is no way that you are ever going to step out of this little outhouse of a discussion forum.

    53. **** Dmaker, buddy... I want to spit in his eye.

    54. No, Ernie. We're not all friends. I find Joe to be a despicable human being.

    55. What's the matter "Dmaker"... **** ISF, that fundamentalist crud site, what's the matter ... Do you need your pals to stick up for you? Let's do it here where you can get away with murder, let's do it here where we can call each other all the names under the sun and still address the subject matter...

      What's the matter "Dmaker", you seem a little quick with the excuses?????

    56. No excuses at all. I've explained myself. I am done with engaging you and your nonsense here. I've done it many times and there is nothing to be gained arguing with a lunatic who just declares himself victorious and uses his puppet accounts to pat his own back.

      I will discuss the subject matter, but not here. But you won't do that, will you coward?

    57. Joeholi, why wold you expect any reasonable person to want to have a discussion with you? You don't discuss. You copy paste someone elses thoughts and then declare victory and dance around. You never concede points even when you obviously mistaken.

      Why would you think anyone would want to engage someone like that? It's like arguing with a six year old. Grow up a bit and learn to have adult conversations and then maybe.

    58. ISF, Fundamentalist crud site? WTF does that even mean? See, this is another example of you trying to sound smart, but only succeeding in looking like a fool.

    59. Excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses "Dmaker"... Totally pathetic, what are you scared about Dmaker?
      ISF is a fundamentalist, quasi-religious site that holds a version of scepticism, a lie, at the forefront of their attacks on people with forward thinking ideas. What can a moderated forum offer you when we can go at it here? Anyone would think that you need someone to hold your hand... I suppose the dense trolls aren't ticking those proverbial boxes for you, eh "Dmaker"?

      What's the matter Dmaker? Can we conclude that you have not the belly?? You're running out of chances darling!

    60. Most of the posters at ISF are atheist, you idiot. Calling bigfooters forward thinking is hilarious.

      A moderated forum would force you to behave like an adult. I'm not interested in any parody of an adult conversation where you are allowed to act like a petulant child.

    61. Don't try and talk reasonably to Joeholi, dmaker. He is in a fury today on damage control mode after his exposure yesterday. Did you see the new account he made up yesterday for you dmaker? It was named Dismantling Dmaker (or some crap like that). Joe was call out on it quick though. He was posting the same atheist crap as he is now.

      Joeholi has zero defense for his actions, so now he is bringing out the religious card. How disgusting. Keep up the good work dmaker, and just remember how funny it was yesterday seeing Joe and the superfriends exposed as the liars they are.

      And how could we forget. Joe telling himself he looked hot, had nice hair, and that he was blowing kisses to the children in his avatar picture, which explained the cleavage shoved up into the lens.

    62. ... Scientism is their religion, you twonk, and a version of scepticism their lie. "Bigfooters" are people who would seek out the answers for something that has every source of evidence short of modern type specimen. One of the greatest anthropological questions of our time... I call that forward thinking.

      "Behave like an adult"... HA!! Have you seen what you are reduced to these days, you child, because you haven't the minerals to get your ideas to wash around me? You are a troll "Dmaker", and you're concerned about adult conversation? Excuses, excuses, excuses... This is great stuff.

    63. You know what's more immature, ignorant, and annoying than anonymous trolling?

      MORONS like PJ/Iktomi, or whatever he prowls as now, even giving the time of day to it. You want to know how to defeat trolls? Give them no purpose. Don't even acknowledge the post. Move on.

      Then again, reading what was written up top, it's clear as day that adult behavior is not within some posters abilities.

    64. Please Dmaker, when you switch to anon mode to cheer yourself on, does it remotely bother you when you accuse people of the same things?

      Of course it doesn't, you're a psycho like the next troll.

    65. As you can see, Joeholi is clearly demonstrating his main defense mechanism when getting destroyed. Blaming his disgusting habits and faults on others. Now Joe claims dmaker is posting anonymously cheering himself on. Yet that is Joes main trait.

      Joe sure is taking a pounding, and now dan has joined in. Your a scared punk Joeholi!

    66. You can believe me or not, Joeholi, it's up to you, but I have never once cheered myself on in anon mode.

    67. We know you haven't dmaker. Everyone knows joes tactics. When getting the pounding of his life, all he can do, is blame whatever punishment he is taking on someone else. Its his only defense. Right now, Joe is getting destroyed for being exposed as abholi. Pretty soon he will start telling you that you were abholi, and that you are taking a pounding. This is the only thing he can do. He has lost control. Joes life is destroyed at this point.

    68. Excuses, excuses, excuses... And looky here! Is this Daniel, AKA MMG Senior, Mike Honcho? Surely not more astounding hypocrisy from this man???

      I think you're accustomed to pointing out your own habits Dmaker, that's what I think.

    69. Please 8:40... Please tell us how many people Joe are and all about the magic air force base???

    70. It seems that now when Joe is taking the pounding of his life, that he brings up a "magical air force base". What this is about, is anyones guess. It really is hard to tell how many people you post as Joerg/Joeholi, you very well could be 3/4 of the superfriends all yourself. Nooone would put it past you.

      So now your telling dmaker he points out his own faults?? that's laughable joeholi. Your single most defining trait, is blaming whatever you get called out for, on others. Its what your known for. Now run along home to your mommys nickers and high noon tea. Or do you have another females picture to steal?

    71. "Pounding of my life"... Darling, I have three trolls calling me names and expressing delusions that outline how long they've been mind twisted at their desktops for too long, oh please stop!

      The magic Air Force base defines your psychopathy perfectly, please, please tell us how all these Internet personalities, who are all in fact Joe, are all collected on an Air Force base in the U.S, conspiring against you? These were your words, no one else's... You poor dumb loon.

      It's pretty simple, Dmaker is a coward who hasn't the b*lls to meet me here on the subject matter. You are a coward because you spend the day attacking and hating on people from behind anon mode, spouting racist rubbish from the safety of your desktop and then blaming it on others. What a hypocrite sicko you are; but it's not like anyone hasn't come to that conclusion themselves, regardless of that I have to say.

      : )

    72. I've met you here on the subject matter many, many times. So, stop lying and saying I don't have the stones to do something that I have done many times already.

      You don't have the stones to step outside of this mockery of a forum.

      Also, the dude who makes a female profile just so he can compliment how pretty he is, should hardly be commenting on others psychopathy.

    73. Joeholi trying to make the pounding seem less severe . It wont work Joeholi. We have destroyed you.

    74. Whats even funnier is Joe not acknowledging how much he is hated. He thinks its just a few trolls. When in reality, its the whole site, save the superfriends. And half of them are Joeholi accounts. Really really sad

    75. Hey dmaker, I know this is off topic but are you cheering for another team now that the Jets are out? Just curious.

    76. Excuses, excuses, excuses "Dmaker", what's the matter darling, you not got the belly? Those many, many times resulted in me covering eeeeeeevery angle, every mantra you can conjure and that's why you're not man enough, that's wny trolling is your level these days.

      Please 9:24... Can we have this list of everyone who's Joe?

    77. Joe trying to kiss up to dmaker using his ernie account. Dmaker knows about your antics Joeholi, and he isn't going to play ball with another sock puppet Joeholi account.

      So lets see, dmaker has debated Joe many times on here. And yet joe wont go to the isf for one little debate? Too anyone looking, its obvious what a scared little maggot boy joeholi is. In addition to being a "ladyboy".

    78. dmaker, the challenge to debate Iktomi at ISF is specious. BFE is an open forum, and so is neutral ground. ISF is home turf for you where you will have support from the moderators. Iktomi will be allowed to post a little while, then his account will be suspended, as per.

      You missed the point also that Atheism is a belief system. For some it is a religion. It is a belief system which requires faith.

      Anyway, you two could pick another unmoderated site for debate. But since BFE is unmoderated, there's no reason to.

      Umoderated = neutral ground.

      You want Iktomi to go where you have all the advantage. Calling him a coward is nonsensical, because he confronts you here on neutral ground regularly. If he were a coward, he wouldn't confront you here. What you want is to get off neutral ground, to ground which is advantageous to you. You could call that cowardly, but you debating Iktomi here on neutral ground isn't cowardly.

      There isn't much point in going to the ISF for debate, where all of the rules and moderation are stacked against one such as Iktomi. It's a false challenge.

      Iktomi could just as easily challenge you to debate him at a moderated site which is militantly pro-bigfoot, as the ISF is militantly anti-bigfoot. When you say No, he could just as easily call you a coward.

    79. Joeholi would only be suspended from ISF if he broke the rules.

    80. How are the rule stacked against him exactly? All the rules would do would force him to act like an adult. The rules do not enforce one belief over another. If you believe the opposite, then you are not very observant.

      I offered to debate him at the BFF many, many times. He still declined. His reluctance has nothing to do with which "camp" the forum is in. It has everything to do with moderation. He wants free reign to act like a jack as s.

    81. In a moderated forum, with a more mature user base, he would not be allowed to call people numpty, or stupid, etc. He would also be ridiculed for prancing around declaring that he shredded someone or pwned them or any of the other primary school nonsense he flings about.

      In short, he is not mature enough to survive in a moderated environment, regardless of which forum it is.

    82. No offense but atheism isn't a religion and not comparable as a belief system - as per religion, it's the exact opposite. Theism - you have faith there is god or gods and there is no scientific theory to back it up. Atheism is the lack of belief/faith specifically as it applies to religion based on the lack of scientific evidence coupled with fact/scientific theories. None of of which really applies to Bigfoot though. Unless you believe it's a god or deity/spirit of some sort.

    83. Let's hope Leon doesn't read that comment.

    84. Doesn't your forum have a member that prances around declaring this? .............
      you got "cerved"

    85. Excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses "Dmaker", what a joke you are.

    86. What I think you should do, Joeholi, is create another sock puppet, but this time maker him/her a skeptic. That way you can play with yourself all day long.

    87. Oh this is so rich. Iktomi calling Dmaker a p*ssy when he refuses to leave the confines of his little playground with all of his buddies here to cheer him on. No Iktomi, you're the p*ssy. A p*ssy little crybaby coward who runs and tells on people when his fragile feelings get hurt. Your big mouth on the internet more than suggests you are making up for what you are lacking in real life. Grow up you little bitch. Stop acting like a big man for talking tough on the internet. Knowing full well you live in a completely different country than the rest of us and have no chance at an encounter. If you were even a fraction of the intellect you act like you'd go to a moderated forum. Case closed on this coward.

    88. "I've given so many real sceptics are laugh at your expense, how does that feel, "Dmaker" darling?"

      LOL... wtf is wrong this retard? (Besides obviously confused feelings of sexual attraction to the same sex)

    89. 10:19 hey bernie .. it me again .. why you is ignoringe me

    90. Excuses, excuses, excuses... What a silly little bunch.

      Funny as heck.

      : )

    91. Friends and Supers:

      There is no moderator here. There is not going to be a moderator here. Many good people have given up on this site over the years, look back through the old posts. Many many people have left this place over the years because of these foolish bullies. We have lost M.B. likely because he was disgusted by the vile behavior towards a good man who died. Anyone serious in this subject who has a reputation to uphold will loose too much posting on BFE.

      There are 3 choices.

      1. You can continue on as usual, day in and day out. That is fine if that is what you want and are using this place as a way to burn frustrated energy. Must of you have real lives and don't wish to spend their time taking this stupid crap too seriously.

      2. You can boycott this place, and let the moderator have his perverse clientele and watch quietly as the ship sinks. This would take quite a lot of self control and a replacement outlet for your habit of checking in here. My guess is 1 month and the chimps will be gone. NO CHECKING IN. Clicks= lack of motivation for change.

      3. You can start playing just as dirty as them and best them at it. Everyone can make multiple "sock puppets" and use only those or anonymous to comment. Play just as dirty as them- no play dirtier, obviously it is completely acceptable. Trolls will tell you that is exactly what they want. That is not true for the 3 hardcore trolls. They want Joe first and Shawn's site last.


  2. Replies
    1. ^ i thay .. ith that a lithp you hath or a pen1s in your mouth

  3. I would love to see more CA hiker here. It is like being home in the mountains that I love. Plus, he's a believer.


    1. Hey buddy!!! Glad to see you here. Just wanted to ask you something though, and that is, can you handle 8 inches?? You sound tight


  4. Iky please go check the children.

    1. Please go check your shorts, I think you've done it again and it stinks in here.

    2. I'm referring to the disabled children you are supposed to be caring for. It is their unchanged diapers that are causing the smell. Do we have to contact your employer about this?

    3. Oh riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight... ????? Please, please tell us about the magic air force base that everyone on the internet, who are actually all Joe, attends to conspire against people posting comments on BFE?

    4. I will, if you tell us why you and all your "friends" were proclaiming for months that Abohli was a real person and that some of you had actually met her.

    5. I have no idea what you're talking about darling... I've been skipping your meltdowns and delusions of late.


      But I'm still fascinated about the magic air force base... I've got time for that.

    6. Of course you have no idea. -- when it was convenient for you, Abohli was your best buddy and now you claim to know nothing about her.

      I feel sorry for Chick as she was duped by you in a cruel manner and she was left all alone yesterday to attempt to defend that whole mess. Good to know that you abandon your "friends" and leave them hanging to look like total fools.

    7. "Best buddy"... Bro, is your life so uneventful? Abohli seems lovely and I did read through that and it was excellent seeing Chick smash you woman haters around.

      Good for her.

    8. Yes here is what you wrote yesterday: "Hey Abohli! Stick at it princess, I love your posts." And then when Abohli was exposed as a fake, you didn't once stick up for this person who you claim "seems lovely."

      I respect Chick for confronting the issue, but believe you are slime for leaving Chick alone to attempt to defend the debacle that you created.

    9. Oh dear... Please, could you give us the list of everyone who is Joe again? I could do with a laugh.

      I enjoy Abohli's posts, you may want to initiate the only attention you can muster in that excuse for an existence of yours kid, but sometimes responding to your creepy woman hater attacks just escalates things.

      Chick knows I've got her back, and it must have hurt that "never been touched" mind of yours for a lady to knock you down to size, eh?

    10. Can't you even keep your own BS straight? When I asked you above about the Abohli disaster, you claimed that you "skipped" it, but then you later declared that you "read through that." Which is it you damned liar?

      And as far as you having Chick's back, actions speak louder than words and when the chips were down, you ran like a yellow coward and left Chick on her own to defend the horrible mess.

      This will not be forgotten by your "friends."

    11. Boring!!!!

      Are these the same events? I really couldn't give a monkeys, I would however love to be someone like you... Spending each and every waking hour committed to a delusional paranoid existence.

      Are you parents aware of how you spend your days? But I'm here now darling, what would you like to discuss? Please... Tell us about the magic air force base??

    12. You're a pathetic coward and Chick has 100 times the cajones that you have. She admitted that she was fooled by a "super friend" and owned up to it. You just ignored it and went on your merry way -- some friend you are.

    13. But if you read Iktomi's regular posts, you will notice the obvious poor writing skills of someone with an abbreviated education, including frequent misuse of words and various malapropisms. It's the type of writing style that one regularly encounters from underachievers who try to communicate in an elevated style, but fail so miserably that it is comical.

      So you have an underachieving, insecure, and unsuccessful person who also has a large ego and who desperately desires recognition from others. Put that all together and you have your answer as to why Iktomi is here.

    14. Get on the subject matter then kid! Oh that's right... What was I thinking? That's why you're resorted to writing essays... Eh, butthurt nerd??

      : )

      Chick destroyed you, it was very, very amusing. Go and get a massage or something, you greasy fat nerd, maybe you won't hate woman like a coward in future.

    15. Joerg, stop spitting on your keyboard as you type and try to come up with something readable -- the plural form of "woman" is "women" and I think you could have added a few more "very's" to cover up your limited vocabulary!

    16. One of Joes only defense skills, is too turn around what is going on with him, and blaming it on others. He was destroyed so badly yesterday that he now is claiming others got destroyed. Very funny. And Chick destroying people??? HAHA.. You mean when she had a breakdown as her lies were exposed for the world to see. Silly little Joeholi

    17. "Destroyed" a euphemism for "100 posts of your own meltdown paranoid delusions"... It's rather a spectacle in psychology to see you psychos operate.

      Please tell us how many people are Joe, and all about the magic air force base?

    18. Joeholi sure is obsessed with a magic air force base. What is your obsession with air force bases Joe? As far as people you post as, well your confirmed accounts, just to name a few, are ernie street, joe, lktomi, abholi, dismantling dmaker, merry may, etc. Your a pathetic fool who is so mad he got exposed for posting as a woman that you are lashing out in a fury. Its very amusing yet sad at the same time.

    19. Yes, that was some "paranoid delusion" -- as Abohli posted for months, we called her a trolling sock puppet and you defended her and told us that she was real and that you loved reading her posts.

      When she was exposed as the fraud that we said that she was all along, now we are "paranoid" and the person who defended her (and very likely was her) is the sane one!

      Wow, that is some great logic there Joeholi!

    20. Don't forget Joe telling himself he had nice hair, and that he was hot!


    21. Please darling, please tell us all who else Joe is? Please Dmaker... Come and let us all know who Joe is, every one of them.

      Why don't you quote me on everything you say darling? It's all here on BFE right? I don't know if Abohli is real, it doesn't enter my head because I'm not a paranoid greasy nerd who thinks everyone on the internet is as twisted and as sociopathic as I am.

      This list is like getting blood from a stone.


    22. joeholi getting exposed has been the highlight of this year. Joe, your sock puppet accounts, male and female are being exposed. Your demise is near

    23. highlight of the year?


    24. Yes, yes, yes... Can we have the list of sock puppet accounts? What's funny, is that for weeks and weeks you've been exposed for answering your own comments like a psycho, you're showing your scars darling!

      : )

    25. There goes joe blaming what he has been going through on others. His most definable trait.

    26. maggot's praying for advice from his spiritual leader right now......

    27. 9:44... You are a frickin' loon! Ha ha ha!!

    28. ^ says joe the inside "spoon"

    29. Friends and Supers:

      There is no moderator here. There is not going to be a moderator here. Many good people have given up on this site over the years, look back through the old posts. Many many people have left this place over the years because of these foolish bullies. We have lost M.B. likely because he was disgusted by the vile behavior towards a good man who died. Anyone serious in this subject who has a reputation to uphold will loose too much posting on BFE.

      There are 3 choices.

      1. You can continue on as usual, day in and day out. That is fine if that is what you want and are using this place as a way to burn frustrated energy. Must of you have real lives and don't wish to spend their time taking this stupid crap too seriously.

      2. You can boycott this place, and let the moderator have his perverse clientele and watch quietly as the ship sinks. This would take quite a lot of self control and a replacement outlet for your habit of checking in here. My guess is 1 month and the chimps will be gone. NO CHECKING IN. Clicks= lack of motivation for change.

      3. You can start playing just as dirty as them and best them at it. Everyone can make multiple "sock puppets" and use only those or anonymous to comment. Play just as dirty as them- no play dirtier, obviously it is completely acceptable. Trolls will tell you that is exactly what they want. That is not true for the 3 hardcore trolls. They want Joe first and Shawn's site last.


  5. Replies
    1. You've missed nothing but psycho trolls & the likes of Dmaker in meltdown mode thinking everyone on the internet is Joe... My friend.

    2. ^ Psycho troll. And Vegas is a big fat ass who doesnt't shower regularly and is missing teeth. Also made up a story about seeing a Bigfoot. Go take a shower and play outside, both of you!

    3. You've missed nothing but psycho trolls & the likes of Dmaker in meltdown mode thinking everyone on the internet is Joe... My friend.

    4. Hey Iktomi, Vegasthedog an SuperFriends :)

      Iktomi, I see your baby sitting hahah!! Good job :) !!

    5. Anyone see Surviorman bigfoot last night. Only caught last 15 minutes. Guess he was with Scott Carpenter in Tennessee. Will have to view on Friday if home. At the end he admitted it is best to stay in one area for a prolonged period of time for results as expoused by Robert Morgan also.

    6. Whats new out in Pennsylvania Vegas the Dog?

    7. Yeah, Chuck I saw it. It was pretty good. And I won't spoil it for you :)

    8. Nice to see you busting out the ernie account early today Joeholi


    9. Ruff, what do you have to say for yourself after yesterday. You claimed you knew Abholi for years and she was legit, and really posting here. So please explain your lies, now that the abholi account has been outed as Joe. Please Ruff, explain yourself.

    10. 7:40 hello bernie ..fancy meeting you here

    11. I'm late to reply, Chuck, so don't know if you will read this. I saw it, and it was good. Scott (I'm not very familiar with him) did a good job and brought up aspects Les hadn't thought of before, like neph. They didn't have much action, but it was still a good episode. Last week's episode was my favorite so far.

      Glad to see you around again, Chuck. Uno!

  6. This Guy, don't have the "Creds' to do A Video breakdown. He is not experienced enough, nor has he ever saw a Bigfoot. Just another "Wanna be" desperate for attention!

    And. . . Leave Joe alone! Man! some of you Trolls (Like Dmaker) are obsessed with Joe! Why does Joe's comments put you Trolls in a Sissy-Fit? You people have no life!

    A Troll's Life:

    "Let's see, as soon as I wake up, I am gonna take a Piss, drink some Coffee, put the Computer on, and Rag on Joe"! Joe's intelligent level and his knowledge of Bigfoot scares me to death I can't eat, sleep, Fart without thinking of Joe! I am sooooooo, obsessed with Joe, I am going to fly to Wales, just to see what he looks like, and. . . even if he is a real person.!

    1. The Trolls are just children. You have to let them act the mayor of Baltimore says..hahaha!!

    2. Laughingly comparing stupid arguments on a bigfoot blog to a real life tragic event -- par for the course for the racist Joerg.

    3. Your a tragic event ..the day you were born. Anon 6:42

    4. That would be "you're" you illiterate, lazy racist.

    5. Ruff, what do you have to say for yourself after yesterday. You claimed you knew Abholi for years and she was legit, and really posting here. So please explain your lies, now that the abholi account has been outed as Joe. Please Ruff, explain yourself.

    6. Friends and Supers:

      There is no moderator here. There is not going to be a moderator here. Many good people have given up on this site over the years, look back through the old posts. Many many people have left this place over the years because of these foolish bullies. We have lost M.B. likely because he was disgusted by the vile behavior towards a good man who died. Anyone serious in this subject who has a reputation to uphold will loose too much posting on BFE.

      There are 3 choices.

      1. You can continue on as usual, day in and day out. That is fine if that is what you want and are using this place as a way to burn frustrated energy. Must of you have real lives and don't wish to spend their time taking this stupid crap too seriously.

      2. You can boycott this place, and let the moderator have his perverse clientele and watch quietly as the ship sinks. This would take quite a lot of self control and a replacement outlet for your habit of checking in here. My guess is 1 month and the chimps will be gone. NO CHECKING IN. Clicks= lack of motivation for change.

      3. You can start playing just as dirty as them and best them at it. Everyone can make multiple "sock puppets" and use only those or anonymous to comment. Play just as dirty as them- no play dirtier, obviously it is completely acceptable. Trolls will tell you that is exactly what they want. That is not true for the 3 hardcore trolls. They want Joe first and Shawn's site last.


  7. As an anonymous spectator I can declare that Joe got pwned by dmaker. Obliterated if you will.

    1. Nope...your underage ..and need to grow a working adult brain to even make sense punk!!

    2. It's creepy how the JREF footers are obsessed with Joe and the super friends.

    3. Ruff, what do you have to say for yourself after yesterday. You claimed you knew Abholi for years and she was legit, and really posting here. So please explain your lies, now that the abholi account has been outed as Joe. Please Ruff, explain yourself.

    4. Funny, a certain Joeholi also loves to call people punks. Another Joe account outed today.

    5. I think eva is actually Joe as well. Is he using a female persona to troll for men? It is a legit question.

    6. Anon 8:39. You do know that Eva is a transgender person right? And im being dead serious. You can even ask her. She has talked about it many times on the forum

    7. Here you go fellow troll

    8. 8:13 ..why,you cheap punk !!

  8. Joe got BLOWN THE F*CK OUT

    Joe got called the f*ck out by dmaker and if he doesn't face dmaker at the ISF then he is a coward.

    Joe also raged so hard he broke character a couple of times confirming he is either DWA or sweaty yeti.

    1. Yes, joeholi did indeed get blown to pieces. But Joeholi will never take dmaker up on his offer to go to the ISF for debate. Can you imagine how bad he would be crucified by logic? Words couldn't even begin to describe it. No, Joeholi is a little coward, and being the little coward that he is, he will stay on this blog till the day he dies, blaming his meltdowns on others.

    2. Excuses, excuses, excuses... Let's see it here, you can't, you're too stupid, and that's why you hate me.


    3. ^ there is a reason you hate yourself .. try to forget the home life "incidents" you experienced .. they really weren`t your fault .

    4. Friends and Supers:

      There is no moderator here. There is not going to be a moderator here. Many good people have given up on this site over the years, look back through the old posts. Many many people have left this place over the years because of these foolish bullies. We have lost M.B. likely because he was disgusted by the vile behavior towards a good man who died. Anyone serious in this subject who has a reputation to uphold will loose too much posting on BFE.

      There are 3 choices.

      1. You can continue on as usual, day in and day out. That is fine if that is what you want and are using this place as a way to burn frustrated energy. Must of you have real lives and don't wish to spend their time taking this stupid crap too seriously.

      2. You can boycott this place, and let the moderator have his perverse clientele and watch quietly as the ship sinks. This would take quite a lot of self control and a replacement outlet for your habit of checking in here. My guess is 1 month and the chimps will be gone. NO CHECKING IN. Clicks= lack of motivation for change.

      3. You can start playing just as dirty as them and best them at it. Everyone can make multiple "sock puppets" and use only those or anonymous to comment. Play just as dirty as them- no play dirtier, obviously it is completely acceptable. Trolls will tell you that is exactly what they want. That is not true for the 3 hardcore trolls. They want Joe first and Shawn's site last.


    5. 12:49... Are you still eating pizza in public toilets?

  9. Iktomi you just feed trolls by talking to them. What you do not do is talk about bigfoot much.
    Try not answering trolls for a change.


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