Man Claims To Have Killed Werewolf - "I wasn't gonna be its dinner or its supper."

I would be absolutely terrified if I ran into the thing this guy is describing. No wonder he says he shot at it. From the description it was kill or be killed.


  1. I hate those darn maggots who ruined this blog with their caustic comments!

    1. ^ yeah...baloney joe is well gone now

    2. joe can't comment he has a mouth full of caulk

    3. ^ and an anus full of semen

  2. I firmly believe that the primary cause of the super friends' downfall was due to the fact that they are all white yokel racist rednecks who are extremely resentful of Shawn -- a resourceful and industrious Asian American who has worked diligently to achieve the American Dream.

    The racist super friends (who are all lazy welfare bums) do not have the fortitude and courage to achieve what Shawn has accomplished. Their insane jealousy led them to attempt to sabotage the blog. I am happy that Shawn has recognized this fact and taken action to clear this site of the filthy scumbags.

    Shawn, we trolls admire and applaud your well earned success and view you as a shining example of what America truly represents!

    1. I bite the bubbles. In the tub. I know you know what I mean.

    2. Us trolls agree a million times over. Lets hear it for Shawn, who has helped to rid this blog of the scum known as the superfriends. Shawn is a shining light in the midst of the footer darkness. We own this blog. You are ours to dispose of at will superfriends!!!

    3. ^ hip hip hoorah hip hip hoorah hip hip hoorah

      jolly good show you good chaps,jolly good show I thay

  3. Man claims to have never missed dinner or supper !

  4. He shot the dog man in the shoulder with a 300 windmag, and it got up and he ran a 1/2 mile to his truck, ok.. I belive the shooting of the wolfieman, but running a half mile.... no way jose.... thank you , Howard Stern...

    1. LOL, THAT fat redneck beer belly sharecropper, running 1/2 mile??
      HELL NO!

    2. Howard - you've cracked the case! It is plainly obvious to all there is no way this overweight hillbilly could possibly run a half mile let alone simply run. This of course makes the rest of his story suspect (as if there was any doubt in the first place).

    3. ^ .. have you finished with the syringe Watson ?

  5. this guy should go meet up with Justin they can compare their tales of murder LOL, and no evidence to support it, and then Roe can make a bad film about it,)0(

  6. I see Kitakaze is over on the BFF lying through his rotten teeth again. What a pathetic character.

  7. He shot a werewolf, but did not kill it. In other words, he only pissed it off. Big mistake.

  8. shot a werefolf.? you gotta be shittin' me right!

  9. Trollanda, it's not just a cold sore.

    You're getting tired and bored with your own brand of milk carton humor.

    I give you a few more days before you burn out again.

    See ya

    1. Au contraire, the trolls are in the process of organizing a committee which will meet to discuss the drafting of a "troll charter document" which will serve to govern conduct on this blog. The primary purpose of the charter will be to prevent future atrocities, like those committed by the super friends. When the committee's work is completed, the trolls will make a collective public announcement in this comment section.

    2. Sure a "committee" is going to meet. The whole thing smells like delusion.

    3. This is true, we will have a troll charter soon. The superfriends are dead and gone. WE won the war. We always do. Crawl back to your holes superchumps!!

    4. You TROLLS will soon be kicking the dirt,d` y` hear me now ?


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