Les Stroud Speaks On The Bigfoot Burden Of Proof

Les Stroud shares his thought on the amount of land available to sustain a bigfoot in North America, and the burden of proof when it comes to the creature's existence. Thanks to Henry May for posting this clip.


  1. Replies
    1. I think most trolls would leave us alone if we just admitted it was fake and we're playing make believe.

      I know bigfoot doesn't exist but I don't care. This is fun for me. Trust me Abohli doesn't believe in what she talks about. Neither does DS. I think we should all admit that we know bigfoot isnt real. We're basically liars and thats not cool or moral. I admit bf doesn't exist and that this is just a hobby for me.

    2. ^ you KNOW bigfoot exists...that is simple...but the reason you`re here is a much more complex issue

    3. How to explain the state of bigfootery today? Bigfoot is a personal experience that doesn't need to rely on evidence collection (or even common sense for those who believe solely on the basis of sighting reports). Whatever you experience is, it's all you need, your participation is all that matters. If you show up you should get a ribbon regardless of how you place.

      For those few who might still care about results it's become impossible to justify the lack of evidence without special pleading. Don't worry, there are special pleadings aplenty and we can find one for whatever situation is encountered. Ever increasing numbers of game cams mean nothing because squatch avoid cameras unless it's a filmed encounter you personally find compelling. Increasing reports in urban areas are true because people don't make mistakes or lie, there's no need to look for evidence. This works because squatch don't leave evidence - no bones, no hair, no scat, no DNA. If you record some audio similar to a fox or owl it's obviously squatch because we know squatch are in the area from the anonymous sighting reports. Squatch are rare and hard to find due to their population being kept in check by dogmen so don't feel bad that no hard evidence is found. Except those areas where they are everywhere like hab sites and research areas where 10+ years of research can't yield a clear photo, hair, or scat because the squatch are super stealthy apes or all knowing forest shamans or invisible. It's all good, just keep posting your encounters and impressions because Science is most likely going to recognize Sasquatch any day now due to the overwhelming weight of the reports.


    4. Whatever the complex issue exists or not the fact is that I never have believed bigfoot to exist but am very interested in it like I am zombie movies for example. Whats weird is that people have to actual believe that they exists in order to satisfy some need.

      There are civil war enactors that are really into it but they dont actually believe that they're in the 1860s.

    5. ^ I have seen bigfoot...I do not need to prove this to you or even explain the circumstances..you need me to prove it but I have no need to do so.

    6. Excellent 2:45.

      What I really can't figure out exactly is why I care that the bigfooters believe or not. They're not hurting anyone. I like the idea of bigfoot fiction-wise, thats why I care in the first place. But I see bigfooters as fat, happy, arrogant people who are living a total lie and somehow it bothers me that they can't admit it.

    7. + 10,000 12:53. No amount of evidence will satisfy them. Go out and do the work yourselves. Go out on expeditions, I know for a fact there are several well known researchers who have publicly stated that they will take any skeptics out. Take them up on it and then decide for yourselves.

    8. Chick, you know that's a lie. I believe that every animal that is accepted by science to exist actually exists. Every scientist and lay person in the world would believe if presented with the normal evidence. All these blurry videos, photos, crazy sightings add up to nothing.

    9. This is rich, 12:49:

      "Whats weird is that people have to actual believe that they exists in order to satisfy some need."

      What is demonstrated by sceptic extremists every day is their need to believe that it doesn't exist.

      It is vital to the extremist that such a creature does not exist. They are utterly all in and invested in this belief. It is necessary for them. It is a need, a requirement.

      This is displayed ad nauseum here and on hundreds of other sites day and day out.

      You need to rephrase your comment and explain why sceptic extremists require the creature to not exist. It's beyond a requirement; it's an obsession. At all costs, the creature must not exist.

      That is, indeed, what is 'weird'.

    10. 1:02 Because I am in a creative field and I make a living from Cryptozoological subjects. Work I've been involved with has been posted here in the past and have been trying to figure out the psychology of the people involved. Surely, you must admit that DS with the blue bag markers is on the crazy side? I'm trying to figure out why some bigfooters, for example, get upset at a new bigfoot movie because it gets in the way of "real bigfoot research". There IS NO Bigfoot. They want to keep up this real BS that THEY profit from but otherwise...

    11. 12 49 You're absolutely inaccurate. The leap of faith is waaaay on your side. If something that big existed in the US it would have been captured in the last 60 years many times over. You're absolutely wrong.

    12. I'm ok thanks Ernie,we're under a maggot attack xx

    13. 1:14 Well, if your make a living from cryptological subjects I would think an expedition in order. Hanging around here isn't going to get you any closer to answers about the subject. Nothing posted here will satisfy you and to be honest, you should really do your own research if you make a living at this.

    14. Ernst! You have been missed!

    15. Hi Chick. I pop in from time to time to read the articles but it's been busy. Hope all is well with you :)

    16. 1:14 I see you make money off of expeditions. Isn't that what this is about?

    17. Ernie!!!!

      To the poster up top, who I have suspicion is taking the Mick... Forensic dermals, hair, trail cams, photos, video, thermal, skulls, audio, DNA... All these things exist short of a modern type specimen.

      Glad I could help.

      (Ernie's back!!! : ) )

    18. Nope, they are free if you find the right people. You are so ready to be critical without the proper research.

    19. I paid 100 to BFRO for the expedition, that covered my camping fees and the rest for their trouble of putting the whole thing together. I think they earned it. There are several private groups with big names who do and have taken skeptics and believers out for free for years.

    20. Expedition? You mean driving to a state park and walking about 200 feet from the parking lot while some paid flunkie responds to your wood knocks so you feel like you encountered bigfoot?

    21. And yet you hang around here gaping wide mouthed demanding satisfaction like a hungry baby bird. Oh well.

    22. OH my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!! Joe actually busted back out the ernie street account. I thought he had abandoned that one. This is a confirmed joe account everyone. He battled under this account during the troll wars and he lost miserably. Time to bring back bert street!!!!


    23. In 2013 joe tried to tell people he wasn't posting under Ernie Street. Then, everyone, including Daniel and the others descended upon him and outed him. He really fooled no one. It can be debated who else Joe posts as on this account. But it is 100 percent confirmed Joe is ernie street. Check the 2013 threads out around the Christmas time if you doubt. He was exposed many times

    24. Pappy S. has gone back to the copy pasting of gibberish. You can tell his back is against the wall now.

    25. In 2013 joe tried to tell people he wasn't posting under Ernie Street. Then, everyone, including Daniel and the others descended upon him and outed him. He really fooled no one. It can be debated who else Joe posts as on this account. But it is 100 percent confirmed Joe is ernie street. Check the 2013 threads out around the Christmas time if you doubt. He was exposed many times

    26. What type of an idiot pays money to go on a bigfoot search. What a fat farm fool!


    27. 2:14... Please tell us about the magic Air Force base? Please, just one more time for a laugh?

    28. ^ you called me "darling" earlier, does that mean you'd like my c*ck stuffed in your mouth?

    29. I love how you got exposed for posting as Abholi today Joe. Just wait till dmaker and Daniel see that!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      But moving on, according to you, the magical air force base is where the shadow US government cleans up and hides any and all evidence of bigfoot. This is why we never find any , because the government is hiding them. That's what you have claimed Joerg. And that's where they hide the mythical magic monkey. in the magic air force base.

      Schooled abholi imposter!!!!! HAHAHAHA

    30. See what I mean? Now THAT'S comedy genius.

      : )

    31. Nice trying to play it off Joerg. You were so destroyed today, I barely have words

    32. Nothing unusual about you barely having words is there?

    33. Henry May is a fat lazy porker born to criticize people that get out in the bush and exercise. Pos

  2. I agree with Stroud to a point. Yes, the burden of proof lies on those who believe bigfoot exists to prove they exist, not on the skeptic, but the skeptics who claim "they do not exist" can't prove their negative either. At best they can claim they believe there is insufficient evidence for their existence.

    1. Big gay Jon!! plink plank, PLOP!

    2. RepetitIve boring maggot!! ooer ooer,OOER!

    3. puss licking mmc^^^...get a new schtick already

    4. d!ck licking maggot...,go cut yourself. ooer...ooer

    5. Struck a nerve, huh? 1:02
      Just admit your deciet,
      Its ok the truth will set you Free!

    6. struck a nerve?....nope....

    7. Keep at it D Dover. I actually agree with what is going on in Maryland. The cops have to lean that black lives matter. I hope our people take a few of theres out. Our back is against the wall.


    8. There is no need for an attempt to prove a negative. You need to prove your claims, bottom line. Real proof, scientific analysis, round acceptance of analysis.

    9. Daniel, what do you think about Joe getting caught red handed posting as abholi. And remember Chick has been backing and swearing by this person for months. Ruff Ready also said today that he has known abholi for years and she is a real person posting here. So he was obviously lying. And now joe has busted the ernie account out again. today has been epic Dan.

      what are your thoughts on Joe posting as abholi, seeing that he has posted as her, and then complemented himself on his regular account. Telling himself he was hot and had nice hair. This is epic Daniel!!!!!

    10. Daniel C., to his credit, didn't walk lock-step with the insanity of this nonsense.

      Daniel C., there is ample evidence but a number of people will simply say they do not exist without explaining why the evidence is insufficient, hiding behind the statement it's not up to them to prove a negative when they need to explain why the evidence is wrong.

    11. BenD Dover Buttcheeks in the house!

    12. What nonsense do you refer too Bend Dover? The nonsense that someone, who you have defended before, pretended to be a female named Abholi? What are your thoughts on the situation Bend Dover?

    13. My thoughts are you're a sick individual -- only someone with deep mental issues would engage in the kinds of activity you get pleasure from.

    14. "There is no need for an attempt to prove a negative. You need to prove your claims, bottom line. Real proof, scientific analysis, round acceptance of analysis."

      There is a requirement to test scientific evidence however, and support your ideas... Reclining on a negative proof fallacy, when the scientific data in question is not negative, is a suppression of evidence fallacy.

  3. Les Stroud "posted" this......um.....on his show.

  4. I agree with Stroud to a point. Yes, the burden of proof lies on those who believe bigfoot exists to prove they exist, not on the skeptic, but the skeptics who claim "they do not exist" can't prove their negative either. At best they can claim they believe there is insufficient evidence for their existence.

    1. You're not very smart, are you Dover?

    2. BenD Dover, BenD Dover
      Show him Joes panties, and watch him roll over!!!!

    3. Wow! We are all so impressed with your colorful wordsmithery,brilliant cadence,and poetic content only a 3 year old would be envious of. Keats and Yates must be rolling in their graves.

  5. Bigfoot is real folks..it is that simple .. regardless of whether any proof is offered it makes no difference to the reality.

    1. I firmly believe the rioters in Maryland should take the fight to the police and shoot back. They deserve it.


    2. You can't prove unicorns don't exist either, what's your point?

  6. Calling Big Jon, calling Big Jon! Its been too long and even Ernie is back! Where are you?

    1. Joe is on a "break" but Iktomi knows where to find him and brings us regular updates.

    2. Don't worry Ernie, you won't be left out of the next big gay super friends orgy -- and Joe will be there for you to enjoy!

    3. Joe now posts under the name Iktomi -- his old account was banned because of his hundreds of racist and homophobic posts and the fact that he stalked other commenters who disagreed with him.

    4. OH my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!! Joe actually busted back out the ernie street account. I thought he had abandoned that one. This is a confirmed joe account everyone. He battled under this account during the troll wars and he lost miserably. Time to bring back bert street!!!!


    5. ernie street is a confirmed Joe account. Joe hasn't used it since the end of 2013, but it looks like he has decided to bust it back out. No biggy, a couple days and everyone here will know its you again. Now cry to your mommy darling

    6. I'm pretty sure I posted here after 2013. Thanks for attempting tabs though. ;)

    7. Yep, he has the same awful writing style as Joerg.

    8. In 2013 joe tried to tell people he wasn't posting under Ernie Street. Then, everyone, including Daniel and the others descended upon him and outed him. He really fooled no one. It can be debated who else Joe posts as on this account. But it is 100 percent confirmed Joe is ernie street. Check the 2013 threads out around the Christmas time if you doubt. He was exposed many times

    9. You JREF footers who are obsessed with Joe are creepy.

    10. I bet Iktomi would like to see "big Jon"

    11. Joe got exposed as posting as Abholi!!!!!!!!!!!!

      YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    12. He did? Do you have proof? You know PROOF that Joe did this? Please post it up I want to see that as well.

    13. Hey Chick, why don't you swear that Abholi is legit for months on end again. Or you could just flat out lie like Ruff. Lets see............joes writing style matches abholis exactly.......check. They both show up and go away at the same times.........check.

      You lied for this woman/man Chick, and we wont forget it!!!!!!!!!

    14. Still waiting for you to post it up

  7. Amazing that you're still around 2:12. Kudos to keeping up your insanity and obsessive behavior. That's quite somethin.

    1. The person in these videos matches the original poster here. I am going to ask her if she posts here.


    2. While you're at it, ask him/her why he/she is stealing Ms Padilla's photo.

    3. Yes, great work guys. The source of Joergs Abholi account has been found. Score another for the trolls!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Joe got busted. And on the same day he brought back his ernie street account.


    4. Fellow troll, please post your findings after every Joe and every Abholi post. You found Joe out. Great work. Just like he was found out when he posted as Merry May.

      We will continue to flush out the Joe accounts one by one.

      Poor little Joe/ernie street. Exposed doubly!!!

    5. Done, but keep in mind Abohli (Khatt Hansen) may have originally posted here and then been hijacked. There are other ways to contact the real woman online aside from Youtube.

    6. And this has nothing to do with Joe. It is likely our very own serial impostor.

    7. Wait till dmaker and Daniel see this!!!!!!!! AHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    8. Shut your face up chick. You are now trying to cover it up. Remember you have been swearing that the Abholi that is posting here is legit. Ruff even claimed that he has known her for years and that she is really posting here. You all are gonna look like idiot liars out of all this. You have been defending this imposter for months Chick. Now your trying to say it was some troll. You swore it was her 100 percent. Now you look like a stupid fool!

      The superfriends are crumbling. HAHAHAHA

    9. Joe doesn't have anything to do with it??? lol. Are you stupid? All along everyone has pointed out how Joes posts mirrored Abholi's. And now that we know its a fake account. I wonder who could be behind it?

      Lets see, and just today you were claiming Chick that Abholi answered all those questions that were raised of her, and that she put us trolls in our place. And now look at you!!!!!!!!


      WE WIN TROLLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    10. Shut your own face idiot anon. When I am wrong I admit it. If I am wrong I will. I am waiting to see what she has to say.

    11. Khat is nuts. About par for the course, I would say.

    12. @ 2:28 how did you find the original image, what program was it? That really was good work.


      Chick is exposed for lying about Abholi. How classic. And Joe is confirmed as the poster. This is too good!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Then you have Ruff who we no know is a liar, and probably a joe account. He claimed he knew her and that she was really posting here. You see, this is why us trolls troll. To expose this filth.

      YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!! Dmaker this is truly epic. Joe busted as Abholi and all the superfriends are caught in the lies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of them have been lying!!!!!!!!! This is great. This is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Wait till haints sees this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    14. Nobody is going to tell you anything Chick. Why should they, so you can try and avoid future mistakes in weeding out your friends sock puppet accounts. Look at you trying to twist the story, now acting like you were an innocent victim of being fooled. You swore by this woman/man for months. You and ruff look like complete fools.

    15. Can you imagine the superfriends scrambling about, sending emails to each other dmaker? They are panicking trying to figure out how they will get out of this one without looking like horrid. Ooops too late for that.

      This ought to be really good. I cant wait to see there responses. All of them lying, this is EPIC


    16. I wasn't speaking to you obviously 3:03. As for the sock puppet mumbo jumbo connected to me or anyone else- post it up. Prove I did such a thing! Lets see it. It was likely you. If this person is a liar have at it, I wont stand in your way.

    17. So now your trying to say this was one of us trolls. That's rich. You and Ruff in particular look horrible right now!!

    18. like I said if I am wrong I will admit it.

    19. LOL, "Abholi" has already taken the stolen photo down..


      Too little, too late, moron!

    20. Kudos to the guy that found it, I would rather know.

    21. You psycho nerds seriously need some fresh air and a massage.

    22. Hey Dmaker, sorry about the Jets. We'll get the Ducks for you.

    23. Chick exposed as a liar. Joe being busted as being abholi, then busting out the ernie street account. HeyJoe, don't try and get it in with dmaker under your ernie account. He knows its your ignorant face!!!!!!!

      Us trolls just exposed you all. Nice hair Joerg!!! Nice hair. This is epic. You fools exposed as liars.

    24. 3:30- And look you still have an A1 micro penis! All is well with the world!

    25. Whoa - some things never change. Same crazy troll that's been here for years. Hilarious.

    26. Maybe you are sorry you visited today Ernie he's at an all time high level lol!

    27. I love how the superfriends are going into damage control mode, trying to pass the blame. Chick and ruff exposed as liars, Joe exposed as abholi, it cant get much better. But yes it can, joe busted back out the ernie street account. Funny how joe and ernie are now responding together. You liars and frauds have been exposed.

    28. Don't downplay your lies Chick. And Joe posting as Ernie just makes my day. Everyone already knows its him. He probably thought he could sneak back in and people wouldn't remember him being exposed last year. Too bad for him. You pack of liars known as the superfriends have now been busted for your sock puppet accounts, and the defense of them. You cover it up as a group.

      Now start sending frantic emails to one another, and to shawn. Hopefully shawn will ban you after seeing what you have been doing. Exposed for the world to see.

    29. No exposing, only another of his mental breaks.

    30. yep, try and downplay it chick and joe (postin under ernie account). Us trolls will make sure and throw it in your face. Just wait till Daniel sees this

    31. Joe, when you post as ernie, do you often say "yes yes"?

  8. No one is here for the articles :-/


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