Have You Ever Been To The Bigfoot Discovery Museum?

Curator Michael Rugg sat down with a reporter from Lodinews.com to discuss the Bigfoot Discovery Museum, and what all it had to offer in such a small package. 

What is there to see at Bigfoot Discovery Museum?
We have displays of everything to do with Bigfoot. We have Bigfoot traps, scat, hair and a possible Bigfoot tooth. All artifacts have been used for study by different researchers. There is also a map of the Santa Cruz and San Mateo areas with pins on it, indicating Bigfoot sightings from museum guests.
We also have audio of Bigfoot screams and video footage of a Bigfoot sighting.

What is there to do at the museum?
Something new we are starting are day, night and overnight tours. We are still working on what these tours will entail, but we want to start them as soon as possible.
We know that in the day tours, we will teach guests what to look for and how to locate Bigfoot and at night we will listen for Bigfoot screams.

What is the most popular thing to do at the museum?
Talk to me. I have 10 years of intense study on the mystery of Bigfoot, however my interest started after seeing Bigfoot when I was 4 while camping at Eel River in Humboldt County. I tried studying it in school, but they wouldn’t let me, so I study via the Internet, through other researchers and people who have come and shared their Bigfoot encounters with me.
Researchers like Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum from Idaho State and Dr. John Bindernagel from Vancouver Island have taught me a lot in my Bigfoot studies.

For the entire article, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. Good one Uno! I was sure I was gonna get that!!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I've never been to that museum, but I've driven by the Legend of Bigfoot Store a few times.


    4. Hi Guys! :)

      I wrote about Les' show last night back on the thread where Chuck asked about it, but I was way late to respond. Did anyone get to see it or last week's show? Uno!

    5. Nice to see sane people posting in the comments section.

    6. It was good, but last week's show was my favorite so far.

      The trolls must be on detention ;-) Uno!

    7. Bend Over was busy plucking dingleberries off of his butt cheeks!

    8. No, Uno, as you see the troll's who life is in his room hitting the refresh button at his computer, not wanting to miss an opportunity to demonstrate his mental illness.

    9. Concur. Alas, it is a tragic troll tale. Uno!

    10. Well sorry Bend Over Butt Cheeks, I figured that there must have been some good reason for you to have missed such an important bigfoot TV show! Maybe you had a big date with Abohli?

    11. Yes, Uno, tragic is the correct word. Has he explored the root causes of his disorders?

    12. Museums such as this don't really interest me to be fair. I get enough info etc. online. I'd rather meet someone like Bindernagel in person, for instance. However, if I happened to be passing by on a road trip I'd stop in.

    13. Totally agree, Ernie. I'd stop if I happened by one, but would not seek one out. Uno!

    14. It would probably be a better idea for Bend Over to "explore the root causes" of his dingleberry covered butt cheeks!

    15. That's the best you can do. You really can't articulate replies so you spout really immature (infantile) comments like this.

    16. Ernie, I believe I would like to stop at this store, look at the footprint castings, etc. It would be fun.

  2. Robert Lindsay quote

    "I am basically a maniacal pu*sy hound..."

    1. You should have stopped at "I am basic. . . ."

    2. 3:16 was meant for 3:14....not Dover's comment

    3. Yeah Bend Over Butt Cheeks, nobody cares what you think!

    4. You seem to care, responding as you are, and you don't like your mental illness exposed, like Iktomi, myself, and others have commented on, about your disorders causing your online trolling.

    5. Yes, you're correct there Bend Over Butt Cheeks, you and Joeholi even found the same article about trolling disorders completely independent of each other! Imagine that!

    6. Why are you so obsessed by trolls Dover?

      Didn't you know what this place was before you started posting here?

      These guys love to get a reaction. You guys feed them far too well.


    7. No, we discussed your mental disorders and the great article that described you to a T, someone who gets pleasure at other's discomfort -- showing how sick you are.

    8. MMG/stolen name used by the troll, you've been writing a number of manipulate replies lately to steer those here from attacking you, trying to reason that it's best not to offer any defense.

    9. I didn't understand any of that.

      However your garbled reply sort of answered my enquiry.

      Things round here have got so messed up its impossible to tell who the real 'trolls' actually are.


    10. Including you when you play the innocent me game of I'm not the troll, which you've done before.

    11. What he is saying dumbass is that you bastereds attacked MMG so much around here that he would never use the phrase "you guys feed them far too well" He hates you pricks as much as the rest of us.

      3:45 Idiot!



      THESE TARDS ARE MORE USLESS THAN USED TOILET PAPER!-------------------------------------------------------------- AND SMELL WORSE!, HA HA HA HA


    13. MMG started the troll war. MMG is the reason why this site is haunted by Joe/Iktomi. MMG has a LOT to answer for.

    14. It isn't the MMC's fault. The poster known as Joe/D Dover/Ernie Street/Iktomi/Anonymous/MMG/Troll Killer/Abohli Fala was highly unstable. While MMC may have set him off, had he not done so, something else surely would have.

    15. A.C. is the one that started crap with him, Harry B, many others. Caught him Lying to me and it was on -------- you little back stabber!

  3. Didn't Mike Rugg make a comment on another thread recently?

  4. I've just made a scientific breakthrough. There is likely only one other poster on this thread named Joe/D Dover/Ernie Street/Iktomi/Anonymous/MMG. Joe et.al. suffers from dissociative identity disorder, and that he is often the only poster here. His different personalities constantly insult one another, and that is consistent with his extremely low self esteem. His obsession with Bigfoot is an attempt to compensate for his powerlessness and insignificance. Son, get some help.

    1. Whe the hell are you? Haints? Who is this guy?

    2. Ernie, your Joe and Iktomi personalities know of me. Perhaps you could get them to explain it to you.

    3. Never heard of you. Fk off noob. Nevertheless, I shall now call you Taints.

    4. It's like an episode of the Twilight Zone....

      We are ALL the SAME GUY!

    5. MY scientific analysis says you suffer a God complex induced by a dissfunctional family. The constant stress of your abnormal childhood removed all sence of security. Your fearful inward thoughts have haunted you to the point of lashing out at others. Anyone with a positive and re-assured belief system is your "percieved" enemy! You dont want to be misserable and "alon" so you sadly attempt to destroy what others believe. Wetther they are right or not is irrelavent to your deviant mind.

      The belief that you would decry most, "God" of course! "There is no such thing" But the very statement of fact would require you to be all knowing ------------- An attribute of GOD.

      You are a fool.

      Nd of course an Idiot!

    6. Oh, and a commy prick for trying to tell others what to think, idiot!

    7. Leon, I think that Ernie would disagree with you on the "god" aspect of whatever point you are trying to make.

    8. TROLL KILLER. I shall have to remember that. Another personality of the sick, sick individual. Known as Joe/D Dover/Ernie Street/Iktomi/Anonymous/MMG/Troll Killer. Oh yes. And Abohli Fala.

    9. You should read it again dope.

      It is irrelavent in this point, wether God exists or not, that is your business. But the argument is always rooted against itself in the debate.

      But the individual who makes the declaration , is a crack-head! Broken argument.

    10. Can someone explain who taints is and where he came from?

    11. Ernie - Taints used to be a believer, now turned troll. He used to subscribe/buddy with a well known hoaxer. He swings both ways but currently now is swinging with trolls. At least that is what I gather from the postings ;) Uno!

    12. Good to know. I haven't been on here in ages and he's swinging my name around like it's his pecker (sounds like Dan). Like he knows me. I find that offensive.

    13. Ernie, I think you are misusing the term troll. According to Wikipedia, the term troll can be abused to refer to anyone with controversial opinions they disagree with. Such usages goes against the ordinary meaning of troll in multiple ways. Most importantly, trolls don't actually believe the controversial views they claim.

      The problem is, the posters you call trolls aren't. We actually believe that Bigfoot does not exist.

    14. Did I call you a troll in this thread?

    15. Ernie, we have like three really bad trolls, Dan being one, The old A.C. is another, and one or two others. Sick trolling.

      Hi probability that the house is doing some of it, likely Robert lindsay, maybe Rictor?

      Mike Merchant is another possibility as it appears the end goal is drive everyone away!

      And Iktomi has got all there heads held in the toilet, ha ha ha ha

      Fake names are being used left and right to start shit and dicredit others. These trolls seriously nedd an ass-whoop'in Windigo style, ha ha ha

    16. By the way Dan, I was here probably 3 years before Joe showed up. leon w.. The bigfoot Patriot, TROLL KILLER.

      Im OG bfe poster, ha ha ha ha ha

      Go to the basement and play with your little mouse balls, Daddy or Bascardie will be down after a while to tuck you in. Probably both!

      ie. Dans obcession with anal humor!

    17. No, Ernie. Actually, you did not. Uno did. And I admit that I could be wrong about your being one of the "Joe" personalities. Actually, the most serious problem with this board is the use of a wide variety of IDs by Joe/Iktomi/Abohli Fala etc.

      In any event, I'm a former BF researcher turned non-believer. I was never involved in hoaxing, and I don't align myself with any particular clique.

    18. You are wrong. I'm not. I was accused of being Joe by one of the main trolls on here, who is still around I see, because I defended him. He kept on and on with it. The reality is, I have no problem with skeptic posters. I actually enjoy reading their points and if we're using religious terminology as descriptors when it comes to cryptozoology and Bigfoot, then I'm rather agnostic. I just find the topic interesting.

    19. Yes, I wrote that you were a troll, and I stand by my identifier of you, haints. You are my, and many others here, definition of a troll.

      I never said you were a hoaxer though. My conclusion of people here is only by what they write. I have no basis of claims to anything else. You wrote that you buddied with Biscardi so that is what I wrote. I never meant for it to sound as if you hoaxed anything. I have no knowledge of that. I was just giving Ernie the low down on his question of "who is haints?"

      Hope that clears the air. Uno!

    20. I also did not think you ever hoaxed anything Dan.

      It's just funny that when you got into this, you really picked a low-down snake. But I got suckerd by a couple things I saw, It could happen.

      Are you sure your not Over-compensating now because you felt dupped with Bascardi???
      Is that why your so aggressive about Bigfoot?

      I mean I think it's fine if you don'e believe, but why is it that you gain some kind of satisfaction over pissing in somebodies cheerios? It is wierd!

    21. We apparently differ in our definition of troll. And to clarify, I did not "buddy" with Biscardi. On one occasion, not long after the freezer incident, he asked me to serve as an independent observer in case he found something so I could verify he was not hoaxing. He did not hoax a sighting or evidence in in my presence; actually he found absolutely nothing. End of story. Anyway, no harm no foul, Uno!

    22. Ernie, I have no problem with skeptics giving their points of view either. We can have respectful discussions on this topic. Opposing the trolling has little to nothing to do with opposing skeptics, and the definition of what an Internet troll is, that was given earlier in this thread at 4:35, was made up. It is not about opposing someone with a different opinion.

      Here's one definition.

      "A member of an internet forum who continually harangues and harasses others. Someone with nothing worthwhile to add to a certain conversation, but rather continually threadjacks or changes the subject, as well as thinks every member of the forum is talking about them and only them. Trolls often go by multiple names to circumvent getting banned."


    23. This comment has been removed by the author.

    24. Yes, I did paraphrase on the term "buddy." My apologies for that, Haints. I haven't been around long enough to know much about Biscardi, only what has been written here.

      I haven't the time to do all the research on the computer that others do to know all the players in the bigfooting arena. My knowledge/ignorance begins and ends here on this blog, except for what I have personally witnessed while out in nature.

      I am a believer because I have no other explanation for what I have experienced, and no time for investigations nor the inclination for field work as I am a chiken **** at heart.

      I take a long bubble bath every night to soak away the tough skin I develop from this blog ;) Uno!

    25. I'm cool with that DAN!

      Your still an Idiot though for being so closed minded.
      And it's most definetly filled with some crap from the believers.
      But it ony takes one, and I've seen mine!

    26. Not me.

      I haven't trolled this place in over 2 years. I don't care. I have nothing to say; I know exactly what everyone of you regulars respond with most times.

      There is no discussion. There are no points being made.

      It's a very successful troll or few, followed on most posts by Iktomi/Joe/whatever he goes by now. Sprinkle that with some blissfully unaware posters, some sock puppets, Clive, and a couple irregulars sometimes and there is nothing to say.

      4 years and the only thing that has changed at all is the loss of 99% of the posters, good or bad, because of one obnoxious child.

      Not much for me around here.

    27. Then why come here to post that Daniel? Fuuck off. What a self righteous clueless dipshit.

    28. The Cryptic Realm coulda been a contender !

    29. Daniel C., I don't mind discussing points with skeptics, which have as much right to give their view points, as long as it's serious discussion. The games played here by the trolls makes it more difficult for skeptics to converse here by the trolls creating a greater adversarial atmosphere than it should be.

    30. Anyone want to read all about Haints' support for Biscardi?


      ... Glad I could help.

    31. Nothing will ever change with you. You haven't grown, you certainly haven't matured. The drivel that you posted for what must be the last two days is on par with how I posted 3,4 years ago. Did you get layed off or something?

  5. do they have a real stuff bigfoot there in the museum? thats what i thought.

    1. No, but they have a real drawing of what a real photograph of a real wood carving of a real stuffed Bigfoot would look like.

    2. They have a real "big" TOOTH!

      Probably just got knocked out of Dans mom's mouth for back-talking durring wrestling!

      Shut uuup aannnd brinnnggg me a beeeer!

    3. They found DNA evidence in the curator's beard.

    4. Evidence of what -- Bend Over's dingleberry covered butt cheeks?

  6. Surely they must also have one dedicated to Joe and his many aliases in the international 'foot enthusiasts section.
    And to accompany it they will also need a troll exhibit . I'd rather fancy being lost in the woods with a bigfoot nearby then be stuck in an elevator with one troll

  7. Did you ever notice that Mike Rugg has a bit of a Santa Clause look to him?

    I like the guy. He's very down to earth. And what a great job. It beats working in a cube day in and day out. Maybe I should quit my job and start my own bigfoot museum. I'll spring that idea on the wife tomorrow.


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