Girl Finds Bigfoot

Tsaaloh Expedition is an independent film that follows the story of Mary Margarette Clover on her quest to live out the family dream of finding Bigfoot. They are currently seeking help through  Kickstarter. Check for the link below.

For their Kickstarter, click here.


  1. Remember the days when first meant something?

    1. Hi there Joerg, I just thought that I'd let you know that the source of the fake photo from your Abohli Fala account has been found.

      The photo is of someone named Iris Padilla and Joerg is using her photo to pretend to be someone else. I will be notifying Ms. Padilla to let her know that you are stealing her identity and pretending to be her.

    2. What do you have to say for yourself there, Joergy, you lying bast ard.

    3. Joerg/Joe/Iktomi/Abholi/Dover should be banned.

    4. Anyone here who isn't a variation of Joe please raise your hand

    5. He really should be banned this time.

      Outrageous. Seems no lie is to low for the church of bigfoot.

    6. Is Joerg the crazy guy who posts on Lindsay's blog? The guy who believed every crazy twist in Dyer's Hank hoax?

      Oh I see I've been busy posting lots on here. Try and make me slightly more amusing and hellishly interesting next time.


    7. So says the lying acolyte of the Church of the Raging Randi, member number 3:08.

    8. Magic Air Force base.

      Classic psychological breakdown.

    9. ^ so says joe/iktomi/jeorg/ernie/etc etc

    10. This is great, Joe exposed as Abholi and he cant say anything for himself. This is epic, joe exposed for posting as a female, and complementing himself as a male. This is too much!!!

      The troll who exposed this is a new hero. Chick and Ruff also exposed as liars after backing abholi.

      And then Joe bringing back the ernie account to post under. This is amazing. Who would have thought us trolls were the good guys. the superfriends are frantic and crumbling.

      Wait till dmaker and Daniel see this!!!!!!!! And haints!!!!!

    11. After reading all of this I had to remind myself this a BIgfoot blog and not a children's Facebook page...
      Way to much effort on nothing! Wow...

  2. "Girl finds Bigfoot"? Hasn't that plot already been done a few times? How about D. Campbell (skeptic) finds Bigfoot, but falls in love with girl. But she has already fallen in love with Bigfoot. So, D. Campbell offs the Bigfoot and the girl then offs D. Campbell. Now that has possibilities.

    1. Nah...I like bigfoot cuckolds Cambell.. the girl is brought to unremitting orgasms by bigfoot while the cuckold Campbell,humiliated in a corner watching,tosses hisself off furiously.

    2. ^ then girl forces Campbell to "clean" both her and bigfoot of all natural love juices..he eagerly complies while donning dark stockings

    3. ^ Ohh this sounds goooood .. are there high heels involved ?

    4. Look at Joe. so nervous about Daniel seeing him exposed as abholi today, that he has to lash out. Pathetic

    5. ^ admit you`re really fantasising the part above played by Campbell...I can hear your ass lips twitching

    6. No 4:42 those are yours. Yours sound like Maracas, quite distracting but most of us have learned to tune it out.

  3. Shawn, let me know if you make back to Santa Cruz to the Capritaurus Bigfoot Museum, won't you? Idlije to meet you in person so I can speak to you about the filth you let onto this blog. In fact, I'd be tempted to give you a black eye.

    1. I'm sure that Shawn will be forwarding your comment and IP address to the proper authorities for likely criminal proceedings against you.

    2. 2:45 That's a hate crime. Are you claiming to be Mike Rugg, owner of Capri Taurus Bigfoot Discovery Museum?

    3. Once again, follow the money. The owner of the bigfoot museum that sells books, etc... wants to profit from HIS brand of make believe. Dyers, etc... bad,, Museum owner...good. No bigfoot yet there are good and bad bigfoot according to his belief system.

    4. This is great, Joe exposed as Abholi and he cant say anything for himself. This is epic, joe exposed for posting as a female, and complementing himself as a male. This is too much!!!

      The troll who exposed this is a new hero. Chick and Ruff also exposed as liars after backing abholi.

      And then Joe bringing back the ernie account to post under. This is amazing. Who would have thought us trolls were the good guys. the superfriends are frantic and crumbling.

      Wait till dmaker and Daniel see this!!!!!!!! And haints!!!!!

    5. and Bend dover with the law comments. HAHA

    6. I thought you guys new that photo was fake? I found this out yesterday but thought you guys knew. Google image search is your friend.

    7. Right. The police have nothing better to do than follow up on someone's comment on a Bigfoot blog. Besides, saying your tempted to do something is not a crime. Neither is saying you'd like to talk to someone.

    8. ^ you`re right .. they`re all out shooting unarmed black folk

    9. ^ says the hypocrite racist .. constantly accusing others of this vile mental state .. you reveal much of your unstable "talents" as you hide behind posting anonymously .. you have lost not merely your battle here, but your war, big time .. remember,this "war" is nobody`s but your very own

  4. If you want to get rid of the filth here you have to weed out the JREF footers.

    1. ^ you are a blasphemer .. get on your knees and ask forgiveness..and while you`re down there you can suck my dick

    2. Oh yes, 3:21, thank you for confirming, via your comment, the mental calibre of your average run of the mill garden variety JREFer.

      Super job, that.

      There is one problem with your proposed sexual scenario:

      While I am on my knees, I am still much taller than you are.

      We have a problem then with you begging me for fellatio. You'll need to find someone your size, and beg that person.

      In the meantime, please do continue to verify for all, the impressive mental capacity of the average JREFer with more public d*ck sucking requests.

      We're all highly impressed, I'm sure.

    3. This place has always been a cesspool. It used to be highly amusing however.

      Now we have two sets of crazies squabbling like children. No value or fun to be had whatsoever.

      The Troll War was my Iraq.

      So many regrets.


    4. MMG is a textbook footer.

      He goes to the conferences, he has a good ole chinwag with gimlin and meldrum, pays his money like a good footer, and comes home with a couple of new hoaxed casts labelled as genuine bigfoot footprints.

      Hook line and sinker my friends.

    5. Thats BS. I learned about JREF through this site. This site promotes it. No other bigfoot site mentions it.

    6. 3:32`ll have to bend your neck get on with the job in hand,or mouth as it is in this case...hurry as I`m still hard

    7. This is great, Joe exposed as Abholi and he cant say anything for himself. This is epic, joe exposed for posting as a female, and complementing himself as a male. This is too much!!!

      The troll who exposed this is a new hero. Chick and Ruff also exposed as liars after backing abholi.

      And then Joe bringing back the ernie account to post under. This is amazing. Who would have thought us trolls were the good guys. the superfriends are frantic and crumbling.

      Wait till dmaker and Daniel see this!!!!!!!! And haints!!!!!

    8. joe also posts as eva r and has conversations with himself

      wierd sh*t folks.

    9. Moi? Textbook?

      Never been so insulted.


    10. textbook as it gets

      bleeves in magic monkeys yet tries to rationalise it but still looks like an absolute numpty

    11. I have been thinking the same thing about Eva R fellow troll. It would explain the dual sexuality posts

    12. ^ no substance to any of his arguments so resorts to ridicule as a tool ...lame mental capacity

  5. o please ! although i did see a real camel. a toe that is.

  6. Has the recent circus show orchestrated by joe and his multiple accounts an attempt to detract from the complete lack of any actual bigfoots and deflect away from the daily pwnage footers have to deal with when they come up short of any scientific credibility?

    1. Nice bringing back the ernie account joe. And for being exposed today as abholi.

    2. Joe, will you be posting as ernie chiefly from now on, after being destroyed today?

  7. pwned like DWA watching the x creatures bigfoot episode

    1. Packham now studies ticks....

      He doesn't like to talk about BF anymore.


    2. packham really grinds on you MMG


    3. Footers love Packham.

      His BBC funded suit fiasco is used repeatedly as proof that the PGF isn't hoaxed.

      You know that section was cut out of the UK version by the BBC because it did the opposite of what Packham set out to achieve.


    4. "proof that pgf isnt hoaxed" only a textbook footer would state such a blunder

      packhams suit was laughable

      the pgf is a different suit and is equally laughable

      anyone who thinks the pgf looks like a real animal should seek professional help

    5. pgf is undoubtedly real ....... so shut the feck up

    6. Joe is forced into anon posting. YES!!!

    7. For MMGs great work above, he has now been taken off the troll list. Welcome to the trolls friend

  8. pwned like joe as the credits rolled after the final episode of bigfoot files

  9. pwned like sweati yeti when kit points out his ludicrous faces on mars BS

  10. pwned like Joe being exposed for being Abholi, Ruff being exposed as a liar, and Chick being exposed as a liar.

    1. amen brother!!!

    2. Answering yourself I see.

    3. Yep, you got it wrong anon

    4. Yep, you got it wrong anon

    5. Chick is on major damage control. You nasty liar. Im glad you and your kind were exposed. Look at you having a meltdown for being destroyed!

    6. No your nasty. Look at the filth you spew on this site daily. Nice projection. Nice story.

      Prove to me who the impostor is. Prove it. IP addresses. And Chick is gone for good.

    7. That is prove that Abohli is Joe- Iktomi- or me. Ip addresses. If its one of us, I am gone for good. Proof with ip addresses.

    8. ^ why allow an anonymous and vindictive asshole to force you to threaten to leave here ?

      he`s a control freak with no control here so lashes out with unfounded accusations..and even if true,so what ? ..who cares ?

    9. Calling his bluff. Isn't true, so he can't prove it. It's been thrown out, if he can't prove it he can shut his face. And in reality, if it is true I really don't care. This place is no fun anymore anyway.

      Why are they allowed to play dirty all day and we can't get one in. If it is a Superfriend, more power to ya.

    10. So lets see, earlier today Chick was telling the trolls that Abholi was legit and that she had her own youtube channel that had been up forever, etc. Then a troll exposed Abholi.

      Is it coincidence that from Abholis first few posts, all the regulars immediately realized it was Joe and called him on it?? And now its revealed that Abholi is indeed a troll account, and you actually have people questioning it? lol. Give me a break. Come on, you people are trying to crack the mystery of bigfoot, and you cant even put 2 and 2 together to see that Joe is behind this. And Chick knows dag on well tat Joe is behind it. Remember you have Chick and the other superfriends who are denying that lktomi is Joe. When Joe has really taken no pains to say it isn't him, in fact he has been caught acknowledging it many times. So if the superfriends are willing to play along that lktomi isn't Joe, would it shock anyone else that they are hiding the other Joe accounts as well.

      This is very very funny. The superfriends are being aired out and they are panicking.

      IP addresses? are you serious Chick. I tell you what, if you and Joe post your IP addresses on here and Shawn confirms them, then the trolling will stop, at least from my end. But guess what, you would never do that. Cause if you did, people would know who you were and where you were from. So quit trying to act like you have something to prove, cause you would never own up to it.

      its much like the time Joe promised to leave this blog for good if he lost the original bet. And lets see, that lasted what, 3 days? Come on chick, you remember? Kinda like the time Joe tried to be a knight in shining armor and tell the trolls in 2013 that if they left everyone else alone he would leave the blog? It really is funny.

      You freaks are the bottom of the barrel of the bigfoot community. And that's saying something. Just imagine what the JREF, BFF and ISF are saying about you and how hard they are laughing at you. You were aired out today worse than a load of foul garbage. It will be fun when Ruff shows his face to rub his nose in it as well.

      Prepare for every time you post Chick to be reminded of the abholi affair.


    11. Well I take that back, us trolls really don't care about you Chick. Its Joe that we want. We are sick of him and what he has done here. We are sick of all his many accounts.

      So here is the deal. Turn Joe over to us and get him to leave the blog, along with all his many accounts. If he does, then you and your superfriends can have the blog. All we really care about is Joe anyway. And Joe, remember that pic, I do!!! hahaha

      What do you say Chick, do you agree?

    12. Oh I see, you cant prove your bullsh*t accusations. So I guess you have to shut your pie hole. Remember, proof or it didn't happen!? You must prove your claims NO?! What a F*cktard. Maybe one of the other troll nerds has some sort of higher abilities and can get the proof you need.

      Like I said, if it is a Superfriend, more power to em!

    13. Ahh, so you finally admit it is a superfriend (joe). Nice. And also nice to see that you admit your lies. Come on chick, lets put you to the test.

      Tell me:

      Yes or no. Is the person posting as lktomi also the person who used to post here as Joe. Your integrity is on the line. Please tell us, and think carefully.

    14. I dont have to dance for you pig.

    15. Us "trolls" = 1 idiotic moron. Everyone knows this.

    16. So your now dancing around the issues huh? What accusations are being made? That abholi is a troll account. We made those earlier today, and what happened. we were proven right and you looked like a fool. Abholi is a joe account. We all know this is true. This is the only accusation being made.

      Your blog is gone and your lies are aired out. Face facts


    17. And you wont answer the question. Typical of your behavior as of today Chick.

    18. Why would I owe you a solitary thing?

    19. Your the one trying to say that your integrity isn't in question. You say you don't know who abholi is. But yet im asking you about lktomi! If you answer honestly about him, we will know you have some trustworthiness. IF not, then we know you are willing to keep secrets of who joe posts as. Its that simple. Put up or shut up.


    20. Post it up. Your the one with the accusations. Prove it or it didn't happen.

      BTW- You have no sort of integrity or trustworthiness, you have been basically an animal on this site for years running off good people.

    21. And we all know who you really are why don't you show some integrity and come out from your little hidey hole? Not enough integrity to stand by your words and accusations? That would be a start as to the quality of your integrity.

    22. In fact, maybe we could continue this conversation after you come out from behind the shadows.

    23. Okay Chick, I admit it -- I am who you think I am. Now what do you want to discuss?

  11. anyone remember that snow walker footage that meldrum declared was a real bigfoot which turned out to be a hoax, that was a howler! god bless the footery lunatics!!

  12. gggggggggggggggggggggggot monkey????

    1. after chicks exposure today, its probably she too is a sock puppet account

    2. 4:02 why not take up saxophone or something similar as you clearly have a penchant for placing your lips around phallic shapes..however you`ll need to learn how to blow as opposed to your habit of sucking

    3. ^MMC aka mid Michigan chlamydia

    4. ^ but no less valid a point nevertheless

    5. mmc is the site troll always has been


    1. This is the greatest day of my life. Joe and the others got destroyed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Celebrate with me fellow trolls!!!

    2. The greatest day of your life? What a fking loser.

    3. 4:16 how utterly imbecilic

    4. Chick and Ruff exposed as liars, and Joe being expsed as Abholi. And Joe busting out the ernie street account again. This has been epic. It has been the best day of my life, and spiritual!!!


  14. MMG was applauding with the rest of the footers at the conference when gimlin announced that it was only him and roger at the creek that day

  15. Why In God's Name Would Anyone Want To Disclose What Bigfoot Really Looks Like? Why? So Millions Of People Can Stalk It And Kill It !!??!! LEAVE IT ALONE!!


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