Ghostly Apparition Scares Young Actress Along Roadway

Let's face it, ghosts are scary. But ghosts on roadways at night are extra creepy. A young self-proclaimed actress from California had the fright of her life when she witnessed the ghost-like apparition of a woman on the road her and her mother were on.

Kiaya H., a 16-year-old who claims to be an actress, says she and her mother were driving through Fresno two years ago when the mysterious woman showed up.

“We were driving in a south part of Fresno,” Kiaya told Cryptozoology News. “At around 9 p.m. I looked out and saw this old lady in the middle of the road,” she added.

The woman, the eyewitness says, was either “Hispanic or African American” with a red shirt and carrying a “wire basket” on her hand.

“She was probably 5 foot tall. We could really only see her in the head lights. I was afraid she was going to be hit.”

Suddenly, according to Kiaya, a car “went right through her”. “I was scared out of my mind,” said the actress. “When it went through her, she didn’t act afraid or anything. Like she didn’t even see it.”

And, says Kiaya, seconds later, the woman “wasn’t there anymore” and that the “whole image disappeared”.

For the full article on, just click here. 


  1. Hello you flatulating butt heads. How's that bigfoot nonsense working out for you?

    That's really great! There's nothing wrong with fleecing all of those working class drones- hell I been doing it for years! If I'd have dreamed that this BS fairy tale was such a money spinner I would have jumped on the old BF bandwagon many moons ago.
    Give it to me baby! LOL!

    1. Yes, footers are the stupidest people on the planet. A good example is DS. He is either one of 2 kind of bafoon. One is a really stupid troll, who has a poor battleplan. Or 2, a beyond belief bat sh@t crazy person who sincerely believes there own lunacy. Only the bigfoot and alien crowds draw these kind of people in. They are the most insane of the insane, and will do and try anything to satisfy the voices in there heads.

      But hey, maybe those voices are a cloaked bigfoot whispering in there ears. Maybe that's why Joe posts as so many male and female characters on this site. Maybe its because of the voices he hears from cloaking bigfoots.

    2. "Yes, footers are the stupidest people on the planet."

      Don't be so hard on yourself. You seem to be able to spell at least.

    3. Something tells me you're wearing a trench coat.

    4. This video needs to be re-titled..

      The scariest video NEVER

  2. The concept of dermal ridges and the Patterson film is Joes rosetta stone. Without them, nothing makes sense. The film is an obvious hoax, but I will digress. Joe doesn't seem to realize that dermals can easily be faked, and they could back in the 50s and 60s as well. The whole world of bigfoot revolves around the Patterson hoax and the many hoaxed footprints before and after it.

    But hey, if you obey footer logic, its quite possible that while Bob H was walking in the suit, a few cloaked bigfeet walked along side it. And they were wearing bedroom fuzzy slippers so they didn't leave tracks. Then they levitated into there saucer, and traveled to the 4th dimension of milk and honey, where they periodically make trips to earth from.

    You footers are just pathetic. Its too easy. Got blue plastic bags?

    Got desert monkeys?

    Got cloaking?

    Got lazer beam eyes?

  3. Cervelo is over on the JREF/ISF board lashing out at his fellow pretend skeptics. It's fun to watch.

  4. That has to be the stupidest staged video I have EVER seen!Anyone can drive down a road at night,screaming like girls and take video of someone standing on the side of the road and move or cover the camera well before they get close enough to tell who it is .FAKE!

  5. That has to be the stupidest staged video I have EVER seen!Anyone can drive down a road at night,screaming like girls and take video of someone standing on the side of the road and move or cover the camera well before they get close enough to tell who it is .FAKE!

    1. of course it is fake

      everything here is fake

      me ,you, the verified posters,trolls,videos


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