Drone Captures Creepy Girl In Woods, Freaking Everyone Out

This is one of the most hilarious footage ever. So, some people decided to fly their drone over Cannock Chase in Staffordshire, UK and films a strange looking girl wearing a white robe standing in the treeline. The video has gone viral since it was uploaded about a week ago. "Wow....definitely looks like a female maybe wearing a white robe....very strange.  If human, why is she out there in the woods alone?  Maybe also there's some sort of cult activity there?!" wrote one commenter. Youtube user James Whittaker says this area is full of strange activity. Here's his video:


  1. Replies
    1. HOW THE DEVIL ARE WE ALL???!!!!!!!!!!

    2. 8 inches, can you handle that?? Hows your lips?


    3. Then im gonna squeeze your nose, and your gonna take it all!!!!


    4. At the bottom of Iktomys hole is a big big man Big John.

    5. Hey maggot ^

      So why you trying to ruin Shawn's site?

      You got problem with Shawn?

    6. Hey everyone look its the maggot guy. Whats up buddy, mom not pack you a fruit roll up in your lunch today? Maybe you'll get lucky and someone on the short bus will accidently drop one for you. What do you have have against maggots anyway? Are you intolerant?

    7. Iktomi! Thank Heavens! Shawn has come out of the closet and is turning this into a pick up site for homo's!

    8. Maggot up Maggot

      Now what's you problem with Shawn?

    9. Us trolls have no problem with Shawn. We love him. He is one of us. Without him, our dominance over you would have never been possible. You idiots are trying desperately to regain your precious blog. But its too late.

      In a desperate and pathetic attempt to try and salvage something, you are now trying to leave comments to try and draw Shawns attention, in the hopes you can rile him up and make him do something. But it wont work you bunch of fools. We own you. We have obliterated you. WE are many. You have lost and never will recover!

      Leon the fool, Leon the fool, show him a picture of BenD Dovers hairy buttcheeks, and watch the fool DROOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Mr Frank Evans

    10. The concept of dermal ridges and the Patterson film is Joes rosetta stone. Without them, nothing makes sense. The film is an obvious hoax, but I will digress. Joe doesn't seem to realize that dermals can easily be faked, and they could back in the 50s and 60s as well. The whole world of bigfoot revolves around the Patterson hoax and the many hoaxed footprints before and after it.

      But hey, if you obey footer logic, its quite possible that while Bob H was walking in the suit, a few cloaked bigfeet walked along side it. And they were wearing bedroom fuzzy slippers so they didn't leave tracks. Then they levitated into there saucer, and traveled to the 4th dimension of milk and honey, where they periodically make trips to earth from.

      You footers are just pathetic. Its too easy. Got blue plastic bags?

      Got desert monkeys?

      Got cloaking?

      Got lazer beam eyes?

      Got "zapping" ?

      Got infrasound?

      Got ultrasound?

      Got samurai voice?

    11. The Maggots a methhead. Probably a chicken head

    12. Got an example of faked dermal ridges in the 50s and 60s? Didn't think so... I really would like to advise you to not get into dermals with the likes of Joe or myself, cause I'll make you look rather stupid.

      "Carl Olinsolet recently posted this intriguing enhancement video on Facebook. The video shows the lower legs and feet of the subject of the Patterson-Gimlin Film, and focuses on the toes of this animal. A feature, which I have noticed, is that the toes lift excessively, possibly due to limitation in dorsiflexion of the ankle joint. Here is Mr. Olinoslet's video, which does a nice job of pointing out this feature in the animal's foot


      The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary defines dorsiflexion as "the turning of the foot or the toes upward". As physical therapist Kevin Cooney has explained to me, ankle dorsiflexion is one of the actions required to clear the foot during swing phase of gait, as well as setting up heel strike for initial contact with the ground.

      This animal appears to exhibit greater toe extension during the swing phase of gait than those of Homo sapiens. Physical therapist Kevin M. Cooney, who specializes in gait at a biomechanics lab, has pointed out to me that humans who have limited ankle dorsiflexion due to calf muscle tightness often compensate for this limitation using increased toe extension to maximize swing foot clearance so they don't trip. When comparing the Patterson-Gimlin film to the actor in the suit (see diagram below), it appears the animal has more of a "foot flat" contact onto the ground with toes hyper-extended, whereas the person in the suit has exaggerated ankle dorsiflexion and a heel strike at contact.If the Patterson Film subject was a person in a suit, then it would have had ankle dorsiflexion rather than the abnormal toe hyper-extension in the film (as demonstrated by the diagram below). It would have been very difficult to replicate this toe hyper-extension in the large "clown shoes" which must have been worn if this was a costume, as the subject's feet were measured between 14 and 15 inches long. If it were a person in a suit, they would have had to exaggerate dorsiflexion at the ankle to raise what would likely have been synthetic material to make the foot this long, as is well demonstrated in the actual man-in-the-suit trial in the diagram. In addition, achieving this degree of toe hyper-extension would be very difficult in Homo sapiens."

    13. There goes Joe with the copy and pastes. He has no clue what he is talking about with dermals.. They were faked many times in the 50s. Sorry PJ, your hero Munns has been shamed, and so have you.

    14. There's no such thing as desert monkeys I'm afraid darling... There are however Sasquatch reports from areas where there are significant desert land masses;





      ... Let me know if you would like the published study where it was determined that there is a none human primate making sounds both above and below those of human primates (ultrasound and infrasound), in Northern California.

      Oh... And got monkey suit?

    15. Got Munns "shaming"? Got an example of dermals being faked?? In any adult debate, you need substance to your claims or you just look like a prized prat, darling.

    16. Lots of relic hominids in Baltimore. It is like Gorillas in the mist. A real rise of the planet of the apes.

    17. Iktomi, there was a troll here this past weekend who mentioned that he can refer you to some resources on the subject of racial sensitivity. Given the racial intolerance you have recently displayed, it would be a good idea to take advantage of the offer.

    18. hey iktomi .. i have never read even one of your corny cut n` paste (f)articles ..not even one..you snivelling oaf

    19. You are a liar Maggot. You are trying to ruin this site. Who are you ? Snowflake? Sleeveless?

    20. J' accuse YOU Iktomi of introducing noxious racist rhetoric onto this blog. If you are unable to keep your foul racist opinions to yourself, then I suggest that you join a white supremacist blog where you can roll in the pestilence among your filthy racist pals.

    21. Iky if you were to walk down one of there neighborhoods in America at night I think you would develope a different opinion of the species.

    22. ^^So says the racist called maggot

    23. ^ ooer ...somebody called me maggot momma ...ooer i am so down now

    24. She is in the woods because whoever made the drone footage put her there to create a sensation.
      More fake drama from the bigfoot world.

  2. Haven`t we been through this already ?

  3. What language is he speaking?

  4. So... they take the drone in for a closer look... then don't fly in close? Of course not - blurry, indistinguishable objects leave room for the imagination to run wild, and that would spoil the story. Nothing to see here folks.

  5. Not much bigfoot news, huh?

    1. 2015 year of not finding bigfoot..just more folks trying to make money off the myth.

  6. Biologist sampling bugs menacing plantations. Sorry, no mystery.

    1. I think it's about time for Ernie to check and say hi.

    2. Check. Hi.

    3. Bigfoot Student likes to put the feces on his skin, or else he gets the hose again.

      Ruff and Ready to give it hard

  7. Good Day Iktomi, Dover, et al

  8. OK, I need you JREF footers to knuckle down and concentrate on this question. This goes back to footers like you pretending to be skeptics.

    It's a given that only an imbecile would believe that all of Alaskabushpilots life stories are true and that his long winded, half baked theories on the mindset of people who believe in Bigfoot are not just psychological projections of his own mental illness.

    With that said, he has also admitted on JREF that he has posted on the BFF as a believer for "fun". How do you know he's not just a believer yanking your chains like you do to yourselves ?

  9. Trolls think they've taken over this site. But they have not. In fact, something tells me that they will soon, by necessity, disappear from this site. Then, the valuable contributors (Iktomi, D. Dover, Eva R., Uno, the real MMC, Chick, BigfootStudent, etc.) will again be able to engage in intelligent conversation without the foolishness that has temporarily been allowed. Bye trolls.

    1. In the Know...Whether or not something is done about the sorry, pathetic trolls - and make no mistake, something SHOULD be done - the trolls, despite their delusions of grandeur, will never "take over" this site, and the real contributors will not be run off. They are too strong, too intelligent, to be overcome/overwhelmed by psychopaths.

    2. In an amazing coincidence, exactly 70 years ago today, Adolph Hitler uttered nearly those exact same words while he was trapped in the bunker in Berlin.

    3. "Intelligent conversation" LOL. That will be the day...

    4. dmaker, your moniker should be "troublemaker." Do you think because someone has an opinion that differs from yours he necessarily lacks intelligence? That is a bit self-righteous and self-important, don't you think?

    5. Of course not. Differing opinions are great. If someone, for example, believes that random trash on the side of the road to be evidence of bigfoot, well then they are either nuts, playing a game, or very dimwitted.

    6. Furthermore, 10:19, have you yet to notice that this site is not a serious discussion site? It's actually a pretty big joke. Not exactly the place to wag your finger and talk about proper behavior.

    7. Perhaps, but your response to the initial commenter implied that you feel none of those mentioned (Iktomi, D. Dover, Eva R., Uno, the real MMC, Chick, BigfootStudent) can engage in intelligent conversation. I think that's an unfair comment. I personally think the blue bag theory is a bit over-the-top. And I don't always agree with any of those folks mentioned, but agree with them or not, most if not all of them have demonstrated a reasonable degree of intelligence. You referenced the blue bags in your rebuttal, but DS was not even mentioned in the original list regarding intelligent conversation. So it seems you are painting everyone with the same broad brush.

    8. dmaker, regarding your comment at 10:43, I confess you've got me there. For the record, I am not trying to wag my finger. I just sincerely wondered if you really felt such regulars as D. Dover, Iktomi, etc., were less intelligent than you because they have differing opinions.

      I meant no disrespect to you. I apologize. I should have worded my comment/question differently. I was basically doing what I was accusing you of.

    9. ^ No problem. My skin is very thick here. It's not a place to be taken seriously.

    10. LOL, of course Dmaker is much smarter than Joe and his many accounts, including BenD Dover Buttcheeks!!!

  10. of course its a demonic ghost girl hunting easter eggs.

  11. doesnt look particularly like a little girl to me ,its as quite as easily a woman!

    so that's shit

    te UK hasno BIgfoot creatures. the place is overcrowded and the size of tecas so 8ft 600 ape people pods is a joke[as is its American cousin]

    we all love a mystery ,just not at the sake of common sense!]
    Which is a big problem for those of us who have an interest in the crypto world

  12. It is a person in league with whoever drone boy is. They created the scenario


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