DB Young Talks About His Encounters And The $100,000 Bigfoot Photo

We reported earlier in the year about a photograph taken on the property of DB Young in which $100,000 were offered to the investigating parties if they could prove it was a hoax. In this interview DB talks about the photo, and other activity that has been witnessed around the property.


  1. Replies
    1. Good show, lad. You are obviously not a knee-walking Welshman.

    2. You win!!!
      Tim gets to chew on his Pops 4skin!!!

  2. no one believes this crappy photo is real! what joke, and this clown doesn't have a 100,00 either, he is another BF loser, that has never had a real experience.

    1. This photo is legit. I know people who can vouch for Don, who were on his property not long before and after that photo, and saw tracks and things.

  3. A bigfoot with dinosaur arms......

    1. Abnormally short arms relative to body even for a human. And such frail little forearms and wrists. It certainly doesn't match the prevailing descriptions. Definitely would have trouble wiping his dingle berries off.

    2. The arms are bent forward. Anyone should be able to tell those arms are not straight including mentally defective trolls.


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