Could this be a Bigfoot nest?

This pretty interesting. If this is a nest, was Bigfoot drinking fruit juice?  This YouTube user believes he's close to tracking the creature that made this: "While out and about today I happened upon what I believe to be a Bigfoot (or Sasquatch) nest located on a hillside. I've encountered these nests before but this one was by far the best example I've ever come across. I have placed a trail camera in the area to capture the creature on film and I hope to bring you further updates as they materialize."


  1. Replies
    1. greetings from the USA

      Have any Yowie stories to share ?


    2. Oh boy hes back. The average IQ here just dropped rapidly.

    3. Oh come on brother! Is it all that bad? Cheer up...

    4. If you're a maggot it is. Thus its pristine attitude

    5. Iktomi, I honestly don't believe in bigfoot, but I've been reading the comments here lately and I noticed some person calling you a racist again and again. I mostly disagree with your posts, but I haven't noticed you write anything remotely racist. Why isn't there something done about that fool who continues to call you a racist?

    6. Hello my friend...

      I really don't know. I know for a fact that there have been emailed complaints gone in, I know this because I have had conversations with those who have sent them... I have sent complaints in also. Could it be that this chap keeps getting banned but is computer literate enough to get around it? Are there ways around being banned?? Maybe someone with better computer literacy could enlighten me???

      The chap that is using these racist remarks and accusations is doing so in order to drive me away from the blog, as he knows from past exchanges that I am deeply offended by them. The reality is that I am not going anywhere, and I hope you don't go anywhere either, sir. I hope that everyone can see that by not posting around here, he gets what he wants. This happens every now and then and we all return to having healthier exchanges on the subject matter in the end...

    7. Hey Iktomi, I believe there is currently or there relatively recently has been some type of relict humanoid that has been reported by a multitude of people. --- However, when I read a post today over on the BF Lunch Club where Matthew Johnson says he saw an interdimensional portal that opened and closed relative to his flashlight and inside this portal was another world with a red sky and dark vegetation, and this portal was being guarded by some three foot tall alien creatures, ..... I'm left to think we're all crazy as hell!! It's one thing to believe in cryptozoology but the laws of nature and physics have to be assumed to apply to undiscovered species as well.

    8. Glad to see you back here Iktomi. Also glad you are not leaving Bigfoot Student.

    9. Ha ha ha ha!! That made me laugh... I can't agree with you more sir!

    10. ABOHLI!!!!!! HOPE YOU ARE WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!

    11. Yep, you gotta love Joes Iranian cleavage smash account. Its disgusting. Give the Iranian back her picture joe

    12. ^ joe doesn`t know what to do with a real woman..but a man,now that`s another matter joe ?

      suck dick much ?


      I'm off see ya later people!!!

    14. Nice telling yourself goodbye there Joe/Abholi. Get rid of that nasty glamour shot, its disgusting.

    15. Thats a different person in the picture than Abohli used to have. The other picture was of an older woman. It might be a guy posting a womans avatar. Women don't usually represent themselves as other women. Men will often have a female model or something but the older lady wouln't fit. Its all confusing. I thought Abholi was the older woman, Why change avatars to a younger woman Abholi?

    16. Sounds like you know a lot about this using womens avatars. Do tell us more. Do you use the photo of a female model 10:23?

    17. Do you see one, 10:37?

      By the way, I was asking Abohli, not an intervening wuss. Move along.

    18. Interesting, tell us more. We hang on your every word!

    19. As most have said all along, Abholi is a Joe account. Its already been proven, not to mention that pic looks like a tranny

    20. Has anyone ever told you what an amazing conversationalist you are? I mean wow, often I must feign interest in what others are saying when they go on and on about useless drivel. BUT YOU are a conversational artist! I do hope you continue to dazzle us!

    21. 10:56 ..yeeeeowww ... a tranny in a skirt is hot hot stuff ...I`ve a real hard on now

    22. ^ just so long as "she" has a beard that is

    23. ...10:32...Both pictures are on her profile...I don't think she is a sock puppet, but she is a pareidolia pusher..That stuff is the purveyor of the hopes and dreams of ghost hunters..Nothing is less scientific and more efficient at making cryptozoology look ridiculous than pareidolia...It is juvenile...

    24. No, she is a joe account. She claims there is someone at the BFF who is impersonating her. Makes no sense whatsoever

    25. ...Wow..That is strange indeed..He set up a fake blogger account in order to create a sock puppet here?..At least he chose pictures of woman with nice

  2. When are you bff nutters going to man up and take on the international skeptics forum intellectual heavy weights?

    1. They don't have to... The ISF get around and about in anon mode and save them the trouble.

    2. ABP is in stealth mode, lol.

    3. Your one to talk about posting anonymously and other different accounts. You racist

    4. Hey darling... Why don't you quote me? Saying the word "racist" at me a million times doesn't really achieve the desired effect... I'll be here tomorrow, and the day after... See ya later darling!!

    5. You were quoted last week for your racist comments about desert monkeys. When confronted with it, you claimed someone just made it up. That's how a coward operates

    6. Even Dmaker, your hero made you look stupid.

      Not a good look.

    7. Wanna make some more racist desert monkey comments Joe?

    8. wanna make up some more lies,you dork?

  3. no that's not a bigfoot nest. but did you know the tooth fairy payouts have gone up.

    1. The tooth fairy doesn't leave tracks, darling.

    2. Huge running of the apes in Baltimore last night. One of the violent gangs involved is named The Black Gorilla Family. Iky I told you they are a type of squatch.

    3. Yep, it was a category 3 chimpout

    4. You should take your pasty white arse down there and verify that for us, tough guy.

    5. I have a feeling tonight may be a category 5 chimpout. These porch monkeys are really getting out of hand.


    6. Like I should go check it out...see how that works out for you, tough guy...

    7. Let's be honest. ..nobody wants to go to Baltimore. ..even the people that live there don't want to be there

  4. Yep, the squatch always cut branches! Get real! A hunter cut this and used it as a blind! You can see that the branches are cut not broken.

  5. ...Bigfoots do not litter: They put their garbage in the blue plastic bags distributed by the bigfoot that lives near Doctor Squatch: it all makes so much sense now..This bigfoot left a can on the floor so he did not have a bag, proving they would have used it if they had one..This is it, a game changer: Bigfoot is real....

  6. Oh Brother! no wonder "Bigfoot Researchers" are look at, as DUMB. How can this Guy say for sure, that this is a Susquatch nest?

    I guess he al so has the "Bigfoot on the Brain syndrome". But really this guy isn't THAT stupid, This is staged! He/They put this together, to say "Look at me"! I am a Bad-Ass Big foot Researcher, look what "I" found!

    Now, that he's a "Bigfoot Expert", he can charge for Expeditions, write books, make DVD's and become Famous and Rich!

    Remember it's "Look at me"! "Look at me"

  7. I don't think Sasquatch is carrying a saw in his back pocket. Then again, maybe he stole one from a campsite. NOT.....

    1. That sucka had an arrest record a mile long. Good riddence.

  8. I don't understand why they are taking films of wind-blown trash and cut branches and declaring them as nest? higher primates do not use trash like birds do to make a nest.

    1. I don't understand why an Iranian would get some glamour shots taken, and then mush her cleavage up close to the camera to try and appear hot. Pretty pathetic

    2. ^^^ nothing worse than a maggot who hates beautiful women

    3. What beautiful woman is on this forum? lol.

    4. ^^ ooer ... somebody called me maggot momma ..ooer i`m just so down now

    5. I think the photo looks hot, and nothing more creepy than a woman hater.

    6. We know you think its hot Joe, your the one who operates that accounts. And its ugly

    7. Please... Tell us all about the magic air force base again?

    8. The magic air force base is where the government keep the magic monkeys. Quietly hiding them away from the public to keep the secret of bigfoot. That's what you believe Joerg. You have stated it numerous times.

    9. Thanx Iktomi you are too kind.Well, once again the trolls are showing their lack of intelligence. Hey, why don't you try Googling Choctaw language and find out
      that it is an American Indian dialect. FYI-
      A picture blowing kisses to kids because
      they are missed and wind whipping hair
      around is NOT a glamour shot, but hey if
      you trolls say so! I know you want pictures of sheep, but I don't have any for you. Thinking you might need to order one of the inflatable kind.

    10. That glamour shot is ugly as sin. yeah, im sure the kids you were blowing kisses too appreciated the fact that you were trying to show off your cleavage to he world. Its disgusting. Get rid of that ugly picture.

    11. Never mind about 9:05 Abohli. He is a woman hater. It is all the rejection they give him.

    12. Hey Chick! Glad you are here! I thought he was maaaaad over the wool stuck in his zipper. ~ _0

    13. ^ ^ ^ 9:26 is a bloated faggot

    14. That's rich. The fat farm farmers only heffer coming to the aid of Joe, posting under Abholi, who is using a nasty ugly Iranians picture as an avatar.


    15. EPIC FAIL X2! Now thats the kind of entertainment I have been hoping for out of you. Much better keep up the good work!

    16. Uh oh, I revoke my words of encouragement. You are back to using old material again. Keep at it, I know you can do it if you really really try!

  9. I've had a look around this bigfooting thing. There seems to be a lot of talk, a lot of drama and a lot of excuses and despite all this, not a single piece of evidence that a species of undiscovered 9 foot apes live in north america. Don't know about you but that is a deal breaker.

    1. ^^ you`re somewhat behind the times .. they now grow to reach 43 ft tall lie.

    2. There is in fact every source of evidence short of modern type specimen. The excuse as to no modern type specimen? Can you catch something that's 9 foot with moma and popa around the corner should something occur? Plenty of missing hunters remember.

    3. Your an idiot racist Joe. You obviously have no outdoor experience. There aren't plenty of missing hunters you fool. There is no such thing as bigfoot. Only an idiot like you would believe that bigfoot cloak themselves. Now switch to your DS account or Abholi account and compliment yourself. You nasty racist

    4. If I'm racist; then quote me.

      If I endorse the idea of cloaking; then quote me.

      If "Bigfoot" doesn't exist; use something other than hate speech and lies to support your argument.

      Pretty simple stuff darling.

    5. Oh... And don't call 8:48 a coward... He doesn't like that at all. But if you should call him a stupid coward that can't support his ideas... Which is what anyone impartial would think of his character via his actions, then I would expect another crazy meltdown.

      Cue another ten million comments calling me a racist without so much as an ounce of sense!

      Laters gators!!

    6. Okay, here is bigfoot, zero monkeys. We have zero specimens. Pretty good proof huh? Now post the dermal footprints and the Patterson film as proof they exist.

      You were quoted last week being racist. When those quotes of yours were posted you claimed someone just made them up.

      You also support DS (probably another of your accounts, who happens to be named Joe), and DS spouts the most ridiculous cloaking crap anyone has ever heard.

      You are a racist Joe. We have more proof of that, than that bigfoot exists. You are destroyed and you are mad you lost the blog. Cry us a river son!


    7. "Zero, zero, zero,zero"... Show it to be the case darling. Support your arguments, it's what adults with intelligence do.

      Quote me if I'm a racist, the amount you keep on about it, should be easy, right?

      I'll pop back later, to see if you've manned up... I won't hold my breath.

    8. What are you talking about you bafoon? Show me one instance of a verified bigfoot body that we have???? We have zero. Try and argue that son. IN other words, they don't exist

    9. I can give you a skull very easily!

      ... Glad I could help darling! The only thing that doesn't exist, is an adult's argument in you, darling.

  10. Calling someone that dismisses bigfoot a skeptic is an insult to skeptism and critical thinking. Bigfoot requires zero skeptism and zero critical thinking to dismiss. It is on the same level as Santa. Bigfoot you say? Dont exist. And that's that. Bigfootery is merely a f*cking hilarious sideshow to real critical thinkers.

    1. "Critical thinker", is a euphemism for a closed mind because they can only draw upon personal experiences and observations. Every Critical Thinker has a good set of horse blinders hanging in the closet, in order to prevent the expansion of their personal observations.

    2. Closed mind or open mind, bigfoot still does not exist.

    3. I don`t see how this could be a bigfoot nest .. bigfoot only likes blackcurrant and strawberry fruit drinks .

    4. Tell President Jimmy Carter that Bigfoot does not exist, and he will beg to differ with you. Presidents are on the Pentagons, "Need to Know" list. 7:36 is obviously not on that list.

    5. Actually, a skeptic is someone who refrains from judgement... Calling oneself anything of the sort and dismissing something out of hand that has ten thousand years of cultural acknowledgement that transitions contemporary reports that is supported by forensic and biological evidence... Is rather cringey.

      Go back to school and learn your definitions, not to mention a little about this topic before you get made to look silly.

    6. 8:30 oh yeah,sure you have his number handy ?

      or is your dick in hand at present ?

    7. Joe is just mad because of the running of the chimps last night


    8. maggot's just mad cuz his blue check hasn't showed up in the mail yet....

    9. ^ ooer ...somebody called me maggot momma ..ooer,i`m just so down now

  11. Ah Joe is back I see.

    So Joe looks like you were wrong AGAIN about Sykes. His book is out and yep once again zero bigfoots. Will you ever learn?

    1. a fella told me a story that joe is queer ..he said one time when he was sucking his dick it stunk of shite .. just a story I was told.. don`t know if it is true


      ... Ever wonder why none of your heroes come and cheer along your nonsense? Tick, tock...

      ; )

    3. ^ do you have a link to the images in the above post ? now that would be a sight to see..and the stench..!!!

      YUK !!!

    4. Joe constantly changes his story about Sykes to suit his motives. For instance, when Sykes first made his announcement about the bear DNA, Joe swore that Sykes was going to prove bigfoot or else he would leave this site. And when Sykes proved nothing, Joe decided that he would now start saying that Sykes would prove it in the future. Then when Sykes put out the book, Joe said again it would prove that these unknown primates were living amongst humans an mating with them up until 100years ago. When that turned out to be false, Joe now states that Sykes will prove it in the future. Joe just keeps changing his story to hide the egg on his face. Joe is a fool and a racist.

      BenD Dover Buttcheeks

    5. Sykes has never stopped working darling, not on Zana and not on Sasquatch; my stance aaaaaaaaaall along and I was right aaaaaaaall along too. Ever wondered why your hero Danny doesn't come around and cheer you along?

      ... All the info you need is there darling. It must have killed you to know that all this time Joe was right.

      Tick, tock...

      ; )

    6. Joe is irrelevant. Dr Squatch created the blue bags thesis and he posts here by the name of DS. He's in the field in the US not behind a computer a ocean away in England.

    7. Nope, you lost the bet Joe. It has been posted numerous times. In fact, you yourself acknowledged you lost the bet. You left the site for 3 days before coming back and telling people that you were never leaving and that you didn't care if you lost. Disgusting racist. Enjoy the chimpout last night?

    8. Sorry!! Sykes was and is still working on Zana... It's very, very, very, very simple. The book with all his work under his original research title has only just been released... This is painfully obvious stuff, my darling.

      That must burn... Ouch!!

  12. Iktomy there is one thing creepier than a woman hater and that is your serial killer fetish.

  13. This moron is yet another example of the endless stream of Bigfoot researcher wannabees, who intends to "be somebody" via youtube. All of the branches in this alleged Bigfoot nest, HAVE CLEAN CUT ENDS FROM A SAW. Furthermore, Bigfoot does not understand how to access the fruit punch box by punching a straw through the aluminum foil. Until you have at least 5 years of experience with numerous face to face encounters, it is better to not open your mouth otherwise you will reveal how little you actually know about the basics.

  14. Haha! Dude just so happens to find a BLUE juicwbox in the middle of the woods?

    1. So your now saying that blue anything is sign of a sasquatch? Shouldn't you be highlighting bible pages. This type of crap is how you know that DS is just a troll account. No one, outside of a mental institution would actually believe this crap. DS is just a troll account to increase blog traffic.


    2. Wrong MMG HE'S REAL:

    3. Then he is crazy and should not be allowed to practice medicine. 8 years of med school for a chiro? That is a big, fat lie! You would be lucky if you had 8 years total--including undergrad.

    4. Putting words in my mouth again MMC? Where did I say anything blue is from a BF??? I think it's beyond obvious who the TROLL is! A blue bag, or anything in the middle of the woods, is more than likely a BF marker, but not always.
      Racer X has a great reputation in the BF community MMC, do you know who he is? He would say that I'm a legit researcher. He gives an honest unbiased opinion, you could learn a lot about how to post if you don't agree with something MMC, by reading his posts.
      Also, MMC, if a Christian's Bible isn't marked and highlighted, I would question how much they have studied the bible. I don't know ONE Christian, who's bible isn't written in, and highlighted!

    5. 9:36, it should say 4 under, and 4 Chiro. My friend did the write up, and there were typo's...But you are correct, if that is what it says.
      Thanks for pointing that out.

    6. DS- Be aware that there is an MMC and an MMG. Both of which are routinely hijacked by maggot.

    7. DS quote:

      "A blue bag, or anything in the middle of the woods, is more than likely a BF marker, but not always."

      DS is the greatest representative of the bigfoot community ever. He is saying that bigfoot are finding trash, mostly blue bags, and placing them in the middle of the woods to mark things. It can be wind or people but it is mosatly bigfoot who are doing this. This is an original idea. DS is genius!

    8. "Increase blog traffic????????????????????"
      I post maybe 1-10 comments/day, and most are answering the silly trolls.

    9. If a bag is TIED on, in the middle of the woods, WHO DID IT....WIND? BF? PEOPLE?
      Well Genius?

    10. BWWWHAHAHAHAHHAHAH......So says the guy who does zero research!

      And why would a person do this??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
      And don't say so the didn't get lost. People aren't taking blue bags with them on hikes!

    11. They question is how can you even function much less hold a chiropractic practice. Are you still working?

    12. Don't confuse DS with the facts!

    13. A chiropractor has no PHd, so stop calling yourself "doctor" DS. Chiropractors basically are one step above a high school diploma.

    14. Any doctoral degree confers the title of Dr. Family doctors do not have phds either. A phd is a doctor of philosophy in whatever discipline. All phds are doctorates, but not all doctorates are phds. Like DDS ( dentist), family doctor, chiros, naturopaths, etc...

  15. Looking to hook up with other gay bigfooters. Soldier 1969 on YouTube.

  16. Cloaking , Blue Bags, and Backward Bameras: 60 Years of Bigfooter Evolution.

    1. They just are invisible most of the time. They own no invisibility cloaks because that have no hangers and no closet to hang them in. Youtube video, George Knapp, Hunt for the Skinwalker, has every conceivable paranormal event documented by real scientists.

    2. ..but they do collect blue bags. Got it.

    3. ^^^^ So says the guy who never researches!

    4. What research? Driving along a highway making up bizarre fantasy associations about trash and an imaginary creature?

    5. DS is just a troll,, pay him no attention

  17. Fucking losers! Sad bunch of adults that carry on conversation with themselves, neither bigfoot nor anything else can save you people from the shitty lonely existences that lead you to believe this fuckery!

    1. ^ ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

      talking to your self again

  18. I have more hours than a medical Doctor, does that make me a real Doctor?
    I guess you're too stupid to know that anyone who has a Doctorate degree, in that profession, is a DOCTOR of that profession. A Dentist is a Doctor of dental medicine, Doctor's of Psychology, Doctor of Chiropractic..and I have a PT degree....more than 5,000 hours past a high school diploma.

    1. Did you post a video about "white posts" in the woods and then delete it as MMC claims?

    2. Would you believe the reply if it doesn`t correspond to your preconceived belief ?

    3. I'd believe what DS says. I think he's "out there" but why would he lie about a video he did or did not make?

    4. ^ bigfoot places blue bags as markers you have been told

      so be advised you azzhole

    5. we know he believe that, moron. Now we're discussing what DS is alleged to have categorized as 'white posts'.

    6. Anyone who claims a bigfoot sexualizes a piece of wood, is bonkers


  19. I deleted 3 video's total.
    1) Was the guard rail video
    2) Was a white bush, that was shaped like a person. When I went back to the area to check, it was a bush, so I immediately pulled the video
    3) My nephew. Poor kid got trolled for telling the truth.

    1. Make thatu 4...forgot about the orb video.

    2. I believe you. I just want to know if MMC is making things up about Bigfoot leaving "white posts", which reference something of a sexual nature.

      None of the 4 videos you mentioned seem like they address that topic unless it is briefly mentioned within a video.

      If MMC is making it up then I'll keep that in mind whenever I see any of his posts.

    3. I see absolutely no reason to trust anything he says. He's put words in my mouth several times, bared false witness, lied.
      I don't lie about BF stuff, and if you ask me a question, I will respond if I see it. I have nothing to hide, and everything to share.
      Funny how I see no blue bags in the trees, NOV-APR, when all the BF aren't around....Guess people take a break from littering during those months.

    4. After your ridiculous "white post" video, you need to be smacked around for a couple days straight. Then you had to pull your video of your nephew, because you got so much hell for coercing him into making up an encounter. And so now you blame it on him being trolled. That's a bunch of crap, you just got caught lying and coercing, and you are trying to weasel out of it.

      Then you have your fake doctorate. A chiropractor requires no Phd, and its likely you have little more than a high school diploma. I would say that your clients would be horrified to find out the person who is adjusting them is one of the craziest people around. Im sure they would love to know there chiropractor believes blue bags in the woods are signs of bigfoot, that and "white posts". Maybe we should tell them?

      But chiropractors are about as useful as herbal/naturopath type people. And they tend to be morons or hippies. So you cant expect much out of there clientel.

      And your statement about highlighting bible pages? are you serious? You said you have never met a Christian that didn't have a highlighted bible and notes annotated. Well then you haven't been around many Christians now have you DS. Besides the hyper religious and preachers/pastors, I have rarely seen someone going to town in a bible. And I have been around plenty of Christians who were just as holy as the next.


    5. ...I staple my bible pages to my clothing like Big John Brittle in "Django Unchained"...Nothing says "Dangerous Fanatic" like bible pages stapled to clothing and nobody bothers me on the subway...

    6. If you know a Christian MMC, who's Bible isn't marked up, I would like to speak to them, here, or email.
      I find it impossible for a serious Christian, who studies their Bible, not to have it written in. The guy who led me to the Lord, had a Bible like mine...I said "WOW" when I first saw it....He said "That's my 7th one" all the others were wore out, had to keep getting new ones!
      Highlighting and circling Scripture helps to memorize, and find them easier...It is encouraged to write and highlight your Bible among Christians MMC.

  20. If they just threw out Dr. diploma's, you'd be one too, medical school, national boards, dissecting people head to toe, over 5,000 hrs, what do you have? You can say whatever you want, you cant prove any of it, WHY, BECAUSE YOU'RE A LYING COWARD, WHO HIDES BEHIND HIS COMPUTER, MAKING UP SLANDEROUS LIES ABOUT ME.
    I never said anything about you MMC.....Your character attacks and lies about me are unfounded, uncalled for, and just flat out lies. You honestly should be ashamed of yourself, all I'm doing is trying to prove BF.


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