Ca Hiker Gives Us His Thoughts on The Les Stroud Eye Shine Episode

Ca Hiker has been following Les Stroud for some time now, and it's pretty awesome that he's giving the community some feedback on some of the current topics. In Survivorman Bigfoot, Giants of the Forest, Les Stroud recorded what many believe to be a Bigfoot eye shine. Ca Hiker finally gives us his thoughts on the episode since YouTube user JaronZ discussed it a couple of days ago.


  1. Replies
    1. I think some of what is perceived as eye shine in the distance is really caused by him turning his flood light sideways, and the points of light are a reflection off the flashlight itself, not a light in the distance.

      That's a long flashlight in his hand. The points of light appear when he shines the light to the far left of the screen, turning the flood light sideways.

    2. What the heck would you know D Dover? You never been in the REAL woods! Have You? Come-on, tell the truth, now, You only go in so far, as you can still see the cars go by!

    3. Hey - I`m BACK and I am STAYING

      Y`all HEAR me now ?

    4. Well I see that Joe is back today posting as BenD Dover. Is the complaint in Joe????

      BenD Dovers Buttcheeks are the most credible voice in the bigfoot community. Especially when he endorsed footage of a gorilla in an enclosure as a bigfoot!!! HAHAHA. What a bafoon!!!

      Mr. Frank Evans

    5. You completely make up stuff like I once misidentified a gorilla in a zoo for a bigfoot, or I've never been in the woods when in fact you rarely leave your room, writing comments here all day every day.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Replies
    1. You guys are funny, the flat-earthers of the bigfoot audience. (And no, I don't have to go into the woods to be a part of the bigfoot audience.)

  3. I'm a hiker too, and I'll give you my thoughts on bigfoot.

    There's a lot of BS associated with bigfoot. So much so that nothing put forth as "evidence" is meaningful, except perhaps to those who already believe that bigfoot exist.

    If you want to prove the existence of bigfoot, provide a specimen, living or dead. Everything else is a waste of time because nothing but a specimen will prove their existence.

    1. Is your name by chance Captain Obvious?

    2. 515, is your name Captain Apparently-its-not-obvious-to-everyone?

    3. 5:07 ..but you`d only dismiss the evidence regardless so why bother to shsow it to the likes of you and your ilk ?

      Get off ya butt and start squatchin` boy !!!

    4. How can you find whats not real. Footers are idiots


    5. ^ pretends to be a skeptic but secretly is a "bleever"

  4. The Bigfoot community is a little darker today and this site is less of a magical place because of the absence of the Superfriends. Like the Greek Gods of old they have disappeared because people stop believing in them. These kind and gentle souls merely wanted to share their knowledge and the evil trolls finally wore them down using their secret weapon called REALITY. How I miss their daily warm greetings to each other, their zest and exuberance at being first and of course the daily schooling by the prophet Joe. These are indeed sad times for this blog and somewhere Sasquatch weeps. Woe is us.

    1. In their honor, I say "Hi" and hang a blue bag on a tree.

    2. Don't worry Eva they just need attention cause we have lives and they have nothing but sitting at home tickling their daddy's ass with a feather while touching themselves it's sad really we should feel bad for them not angry

    3. Thanks hairy bagdini - your kind and magnanimous expression of sympathy is noted and appreciated!

      Eh - got any feathers?

    4. Harry Bandini shut up and make me a sandwhich you closet homo.

    5. The trolls are begging for the regulars to come back, they know they have no life without them. Hilarious and pathetic.

    6. More like no comedy without them Vegasthehog. Daring (not begging) them to come back would be the correct statement. A footer stating someone has no life - hilarious and pathetic.

    7. no vegas feel free to go back to your basement..nobody has mentioned you one time don't flatter yourself..your not worth the effort to troll you just come here tell joe how much he means to you then accuse some anon of joe good day mr nobody

    8. Hey Harry, hows that dildo collection going?

    9. ^ can get 2 in whole now and one just kinda kissing the edges.


    10. harry must have gotten enough returnables saved up to get his internet back on


  5. so now we got eye shine from a 1 foot (no pun intended) tall bigfoot. you gotta be shittin' me right!

  6. Meanwhile, any quality bigfoot evidence?

    1. YES!!! There is . . . well we have . . . . but then there is . . . okay we do know . . . .

      Eh . . . . no.

  7. Les mentioned the forbidden word, "invisible", which is really going to screw with the minds of a lot of naive researchers. Especially the BFRO minions, who have never been "read in" regarding the Bigfoot phenomenon. lol


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