Bigfoot Sign Is Everywhere, Especially in BC

Check out all the possible bigfoot sign these guys run across during a New Year's Day hike they take into one of their own research areas.


  1. Replies
    1. But if you read Iktomi's regular posts, you will notice the obvious poor writing skills of someone with an abbreviated education, including frequent misuse of words and various malapropisms. It's the type of writing style that one regularly encounters from underachievers who try to communicate in an elevated style, but fail so miserably that it is comical.

      So you have an underachieving, insecure, and unsuccessful person who also has a large ego and who desperately desires recognition from others. Put that all together and you have your answer as to why Iktomi is here.

    2. ^^ hey bernie .. it me again .

    3. ^^^ why you is noring me bernie

    4. Excuses, excuses, excuses... Why doesn't anyone refer to the subject matter anymore?

      : )

    5. Because the subject matter is absolutely asinine. But you posting as Abohli is frickin hilarious!

    6. Why don't you debate dmaker on a PRO bigfoot forum Joe. That should appease you. People will naturally want the argument to go towards a pro bigfoot side. And it will be moderated. If you will agree to do that with dmaker, I will stop trolling.

      Or do you have any guts or manhood at all? Dmaker has debated you on here numerous times. Are you gonna P U S S out Joe, or be a man for once in your miserable life.

    7. Friends and Supers:

      There is no moderator here. There is not going to be a moderator here. Many good people have given up on this site over the years, look back through the old posts. Many many people have left this place over the years because of these foolish bullies. We have lost M.B. likely because he was disgusted by the vile behavior towards a good man who died. Anyone serious in this subject who has a reputation to uphold will loose too much posting on BFE.

      There are 3 choices.

      1. You can continue on as usual, day in and day out. That is fine if that is what you want and are using this place as a way to burn frustrated energy. Must of you have real lives and don't wish to spend their time taking this stupid crap too seriously.

      2. You can boycott this place, and let the moderator have his perverse clientele and watch quietly as the ship sinks. This would take quite a lot of self control and a replacement outlet for your habit of checking in here. My guess is 1 month and the chimps will be gone. NO CHECKING IN. Clicks= lack of motivation for change.

      3. You can start playing just as dirty as them and best them at it. Everyone can make multiple "sock puppets" and use only those or anonymous to comment. Play just as dirty as them- no play dirtier, obviously it is completely acceptable. Trolls will tell you that is exactly what they want. That is not true for the 3 hardcore trolls. They want Joe first and Shawn's site last.

    8. ^ of course he isn`t going to take up the challenge .. he knows he can`t make the grade when it comes to real debate.

    9. Good job Joeholi, your childish stunt with the Abohli sock puppet account has caused Chick to leave the blog forever.

    10. The 3 choice comment is hilarious. Joe is going crazy with rage posting anonymously. Poor little Joeholi

    11. He got one thing right -- if Joeholi leaves, then I will stop trolling and they can have the blog.

    12. ^ clearly joe is a desperate boy

    13. 12:56... Hang on darling, do you actually think I care about you trolling me? Do you actually think that you dreaming about me, filling every comment section about me, is bothering me remotely? Darling... I have the patience of a saint. There's not one thing you can put in writing here that's gonna make me remotely worried, you're a psychopath... I feel terribly sad for you but that makes me feel better about myself, there's nothing much else to it.

      Why all the mumbo jumbo about a moderated forum? Let's do it here where we can get our rocks thrown at each other amongst the subject matter? Not one of you have the b*lls to go at it with me, because I am intellectually superior to you. I'm really sorry if that comes across as egotistical, but the proof is in be pudding darlings.

      You're all waaaaaaay to preoccupied with me, someone you've never met, than the topic... And there's only one reason for that, and it's because I've tuned your brains for far too long on the topic. And d'you know what's worse for you? Is after aaaaaaaaall this effort, after the countless essays, meltdowns, breakdowns, paranoia driven delusions... I'll still be here in the end.

      : )

    14. Hey Mr. "Intellectually Superior," that should be "too preoccupied." And that is not a misspelling, you just don't know the difference between "to" and "too." That is something a sixth grader knows.

    15. Oh! And the troll is wavering... He last two times he's been here trying to drive everyone away, towards the end he's made promises that if I left, that he'd leave.

      It's not long now people... It's not long now.

    16. ^ pisss off back to you sugar daddy you arsewipe .. you`ve been shown to be the cheap fraud everybody here knew you were all along .. and now you don`t even have the bal ls to face real challenge.

    17. 1:27 there are a list of trolls longer than your pappa`s skintube you`ve been comforting all those years.

    18. 1:24... Darling, you've been told before, go and get your moma to buy you an iPhone as opposed to spending her money on hat hideous pizza baby of yours... Not all of us are at a desktop with spell check.

    19. ho ho ho ..joe the inside "spoon" is lashing out in desperation

    20. 1:27... I'm here darling, let's go for it.

      : )

    21. 1:30 your post adequately sums you up as you clearly prove you`re not able to use spellcheck

    22. If you really had an iPhone, you'd know that it has an autocorrect feature and, as I mentioned earlier, you didn't misspell the word, you just didn't know which word to use -- similar to the time you used "conscious" instead of " conscience."

    23. Damn Joeholi, you need to settle down or you're going to have a heart attack! It's just a stupid blog -- I thought that you said you don't take any of this seriously? Wow!

    24. Hey grammar boy "--" it's a shame you can't use it for your own comments, eh?


      Such a good memory when it comes to me "--" not so good with memorising an actual argument on the subject matter I guess.

      : )

    25. 1:39... Darling, I don't think you realise how comfortable I am throwing tu*ds at each other, please don't think you're getting me agitated, I'm in my element.

    26. It's "to" bad I'm not intellectually superior and I don't know the difference between "conscious" and "conscience" and my iPhone doesn't have autocorrect for some reason!

    27. And I also have no idea how to "irradicate" someone else's argument like you do!

    28. I believe you have to have the thing switched on in settings -- but hey! You could prove me wrong about being superior to you and grow a pair on the subject matter -- right?

      : )

    29. Yes, telling people that they eat pizza in public toilets (?) is really slinging some potent t*rds!

    30. I'm not the one with the perversion son... Dirty boy.

    31. Hey Joeholi, we're dying to know what your next female account will be.

    32. ho ho ho .. it`s joe the inside "spoon"

    33. You tell me darling, you're such a Clouseau at getting to the bottom of things.

    34. 1:42 ... all work and no play makes joe a very dull boy .. been working overtime in the garden shed eh ?

    35. ^^ about as up to date as joe gets

    36. A robot or not a robot or not or a robot or notThursday, April 30, 2015 at 2:50:00 PM PDT

      12:56 et al, this IS a PRO bigfoot "forum" right here. You're on it. "" remember?

      Since it's unmoderated, it qualifies as a neutral battlefield. Iktomi takes on dmaker and all and sundry all the time here, unmoderated, already.

      That being the fact at hand, it's pretty goofy to be calling out p*ssy, as you are.

    37. Now there's a level of grammar to aspire to, 2:20... Put the twinkie down before you type, it might help us to ascertain what you're trying to vomit through that keyboard of yours.

    38. Damn it Joeholi, don't you know that a sentence should never end with a preposition!? That should read, "Now there's a level of grammar to which to aspire."

    39. The suggestion that this place would collapse without the 'Superfriends' is highly amusing.

      Just more folks passing through....


    40. Your sentence didn't need the comma after "read"... Swings and roundabouts darling.

      : )

    41. Joeholi, I'm afraid that a comma (a colon would have been acceptable as well) is required before a quotation.

    42. And I was only kidding you about the preposition -- that is an antiquated rule.

  2. your folks must be so proud of you^^^^

    1. ^ can`t even get that simple bit right .. idiot

    2. well make someone a fine wife someday^^^^

    3. ^ i`m sure you can pass on all the tips on how to part your legs you gay vermin

    4. i learned from the best...and boy your mom knows all the moves^^^

    5. ^ the way you describe things makes me your poppa ..hello sonny

    6. Friends and Supers:

      There is no moderator here. There is not going to be a moderator here. Many good people have given up on this site over the years, look back through the old posts. Many many people have left this place over the years because of these foolish bullies. We have lost M.B. likely because he was disgusted by the vile behavior towards a good man who died. Anyone serious in this subject who has a reputation to uphold will loose too much posting on BFE.

      There are 3 choices.

      1. You can continue on as usual, day in and day out. That is fine if that is what you want and are using this place as a way to burn frustrated energy. Must of you have real lives and don't wish to spend their time taking this stupid crap too seriously.

      2. You can boycott this place, and let the moderator have his perverse clientele and watch quietly as the ship sinks. This would take quite a lot of self control and a replacement outlet for your habit of checking in here. My guess is 1 month and the chimps will be gone. NO CHECKING IN. Clicks= lack of motivation for change.

      3. You can start playing just as dirty as them and best them at it. Everyone can make multiple "sock puppets" and use only those or anonymous to comment. Play just as dirty as them- no play dirtier, obviously it is completely acceptable. Trolls will tell you that is exactly what they want. That is not true for the 3 hardcore trolls. They want Joe first and Shawn's site last.


    7. Well, since it's not May yet, we can keep on till then. The trolling will continue whether it is addressed or not. Unfortunately, often times there are no comments regarding the actual article because the main troll gets pleasure in diverting the comments to the troll's insane mindset.

    8. Of course, the troll as of late has been declaring victory for running off the decent posters, and suggesting that Iktomi could go to a place that is moderated.

      So, these three points above appear as a manipulation of asking people to not respond to the troll, and maybe if they just leave here and stop posting the troll would go away, and so I wonder if this isn't more of the highly manipulative troll trying to stop people from giving it back to him and convincing them it would be better to leave.

    9. Dover... This troll has tried bargaining my removal at least twice before. He goes in the end, you'll see my friend.

    10. Damn it Bend Over Butt Cheeks, you figured out our dastardly plan! You are too smart for us!

  3. well whatever gender this poster joe/iktomi/ahboli/dover/merry may....i believe they have a condition known as megalomania

    1. joe likes to take himself very seriously indeed .. though he pretends otherwise now .. he`ll be along shortly to take you to task.

    2. Joe takes a worse pounding, on daily basis, worse than a white woman in the middle of the running of the apes in Maryland.


    3. Why don't you bring yo white a$$ down hurr and $ay dat BiOtch?

    4. ^ you can`t face whitey one to one .. always need a gang to fight just one of your superiors .. tip for you .. eat more bananas for strength

    5. tip for you 2:15...take an enhancement pill so one doesn't steal your girlfriend next pencil d!ck

  4. "Bigfoot on the Brain Syndrome" is spreading! Even in Canada! God help us!

    1. Friends and Supers:

      There is no moderator here. There is not going to be a moderator here. Many good people have given up on this site over the years, look back through the old posts. Many many people have left this place over the years because of these foolish bullies. We have lost M.B. likely because he was disgusted by the vile behavior towards a good man who died. Anyone serious in this subject who has a reputation to uphold will loose too much posting on BFE.

      There are 3 choices.

      1. You can continue on as usual, day in and day out. That is fine if that is what you want and are using this place as a way to burn frustrated energy. Must of you have real lives and don't wish to spend their time taking this stupid crap too seriously.

      2. You can boycott this place, and let the moderator have his perverse clientele and watch quietly as the ship sinks. This would take quite a lot of self control and a replacement outlet for your habit of checking in here. My guess is 1 month and the chimps will be gone. NO CHECKING IN. Clicks= lack of motivation for change.

      3. You can start playing just as dirty as them and best them at it. Everyone can make multiple "sock puppets" and use only those or anonymous to comment. Play just as dirty as them- no play dirtier, obviously it is completely acceptable. Trolls will tell you that is exactly what they want. That is not true for the 3 hardcore trolls. They want Joe first and Shawn's site last.


    2. As far a manifestos go, that was pretty lame. Can you also count to potato?

    3. Friends and Supers:

      There is no moderator here. There is not going to be a moderator here. Many good people have given up on this site over the years, look back through the old posts. Many many people have left this place over the years because of these foolish bullies. We have lost M.B. likely because he was disgusted by the vile behavior towards a good man who died. Anyone serious in this subject who has a reputation to uphold will loose too much posting on BFE.

      There are 3 choices.

      1. You can continue on as usual, day in and day out. That is fine if that is what you want and are using this place as a way to burn frustrated energy. Must of you have real lives and don't wish to spend their time taking this stupid crap too seriously.

      2. You can boycott this place, and let the moderator have his perverse clientele and watch quietly as the ship sinks. This would take quite a lot of self control and a replacement outlet for your habit of checking in here. My guess is 1 month and the chimps will be gone. NO CHECKING IN. Clicks= lack of motivation for change.

      3. You can start playing just as dirty as them and best them at it. Everyone can make multiple "sock puppets" and use only those or anonymous to comment. Play just as dirty as them- no play dirtier, obviously it is completely acceptable. Trolls will tell you that is exactly what they want. That is not true for the 3 hardcore trolls. They want Joe first and Shawn's site last.


    4. ^ Are you off shift already joe ..I thought you had another 4 or 5 "customers" to "serve " ?

    5. Please give us the list of Joes and tell us about the magic Air Force base again?

    6. ^ remember joe ,those home life "incidents" really weren`t your fault ..try to remember that

    7. I'm not the one with the apparent alcohol problem (the way you type)... Trying to forget about something? Freudian slip??

    8. Notice how iktomi replies vociferously to ALL comments directed at "joe" . Yet more proof of the joketomi etc etc accounts

  5. Lap the bases 12:58, lap the base ---homerun!

    1. Hey Iktomi, mike, chich, chuck,Mike, AND FRIENDS.

    2. ^ remember .. all work and no play give joe a very sore anus

    3. Hey TK...don't forget me :-).......and BS

    4. Yes sir DS, Bigfoot student, Tim-UK, Harry B, and----- Clive and Ruff, Lots of good People around.

  6. You're not going to change my mind about bigfoot. It is part of my belief system. I don't care if every other bigfooter starts to say bigfoot doesn't exist. It's what I choose to believe. Skeptics are the ones with a problem. I know that I'm a simple fool but I'm happy. The skeptics are the unhappy ones minding other peoples business.

    1. Yes right you're a fool. NEXT!

    2. A fool would be someone who spends all their days in and around a topic that breeds nothing but negativity and contempt in them.

    3. I don't hold the topic in contempt, only the actions of those who do so for their entire time spent.

      Busy idiots.

    4. Wow. So you have built your own little religion around Bigfoot. Do you call it Squatchianity or Squatchitology? Do you have a prayer rug with a compass so that you can orient it towards Bluff Creek and pray to him five times a day? How interesting. And sad.

  7. You're right Anon 1:35!
    I figured out what the problem is with these trolls. After reading what MMC, or MMG, which ever it was, it became clear to me what the problem is with these trolls.
    They are so convinced that BF does not exist, that they think anyone who does believe, is either just trolling, or hoaxing, or in it for notoriety, or money, because no way, BF exists.
    MMC accused me of being a troll, and not a real researcher (because there can't be such a thing, in his mind)...Even to the point where I say I'm a Christian, and I wouldn't lie about BF, so he/they have to mock that, and my Bible, because that just can't possibly help my credibility, it's all just fantasy on my part, and I'm in it for whatever their minds conjures up. That is how they think folks.
    But they don't see to take into account my sighting, and the mockery I received from these sightings, is what drives me to prove this. I'm out filming almost daily. I don't film myself, so you can throw the notoriety out the window, and I don't monetize my videos. You may not agree with my research, but you can't deny that I am out there trying, researching.

    1. I certainly can't deny that you're insane and that you lied about going to medical school for eight years.

    2. You don't confuse MMC with MMG. If you do you end up with the deadly Blue Bag Syndrome. Nasty.

    3. DS, shoot me an E-mail.

    4. 3:11, You're a troll, I already said that was an error, go read what I wrote.....Jealous Idiot!
      I don't have your email TK?

    5. Didn't I get an e-mail from you through Iktomi? Maybe I'm wrong. You got a page up somewhere?

    6. Not sure?
      You can email me.

    7. It's hard to tell who's real or not in asking for and giving e-mail addresses.

    8. Got it DS, delete the post.



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