M.K. Davis Reveals Something Startling Analyzing The Turkey Hunter Sasquatch Deer Kill Footage

M.K. Davis is a professional when it comes to analyzing grainy footage like the Patterson-Gimlin footage. What he revealed in the Turkey Hunter video is quite mind-blowing. The picture above is an enhanced view and it does not look like a Bigfoot at all. As Davis explains:

It's very clear that this person is a female. The demarcation line between light and shadow that appears to be a pants line is not reliable and changes dramatically in other parts of the clip. The left image is deblurred which significantly improves the image. - M.K. Davis
Enhancement by M.K. Davis

Of course, Davis could be wrong about this and it could very well be a Bigfoot we're looking at. He's been wrong about many times before, and the Bluff Creek Massacre Theory is the most controversial. We have a poll for our readers below:

Does the Turkey Hunter footage show a Bigfoot?

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  1. So Davis sticks a filter on the footage and comes to the same conclusion that most others do Clothes. Excellent.

  2. First time I've heard MK NOT claim it is a bigfoot even when it's obvious it's a person.

    1. Fortunately Thinkerthunker thinks it's genuine so we can still rely on him for scoffer fodder.

    2. Thinkerthunker rocks! DO THE RATIOS!

    3. It still looks like a bigfoot to me,those arms look long xx

    4. Hi Eva :) .. they sure are big and heavy..that's for sure :)

    5. Eva, anything and everything is a bigfoot to you. Hell I bet you think your avatar is a picture of bigfoot. You are a perfect example of why the subject of bigfoot gets laughed at.

    6. 6:14, you're the perfect example of a busy idiot, running around all sweaty pointing out 'obviouses', when by your very actions of making such an effort, you make what your scrambling for reassurance over less obvious.

      You want a go at it, have a pop at me, we'll soon see who gets laughed at.

    7. lol! Captain White Knight to the rescue.

      Anonymous fodder is perfectly right. Loonies like Eva R thinking every shadow, person, leaf, and tree is a bigfoot. Zero analytical ability possessed by that individual.

      And you should hardly talk about busy idiots when you post 16 hours of the day to every John and Lucy comment made.

      Hah! Precious. But you literally have nothing better to do, so what can one expect of a computer need like you?

    8. go away dork. you are much less interexting than Shannon's side boob.

    9. Yes, yes, yes... Everyone is an idiot except you, eh? Spending all of your time somewhere where a 'big tough guy' like you can attack people from the safety of anonimaty... Busy idiot is probably the best brainstormed name for you son. I should do exactly what I see fit, and if that's bouncing people like you around for whatever length of time, what you gonna do about it son?

      Got an argument? Or is insulting people the extent of your efforts... I think you're too dense for anything else you know... If not prove it...

      : p

    10. You attack from anonymity, sir. No one can verify that Joe F the Welshman that obsessed online over bigfoot exists either. Pound your fists all ya want, you're still a truly anonymous poster.

      Besides, with all those passionate hobbies you have, it's amazing you find 16 hours 7 days a week to post. I post from an iPhone too but it still takes time no matter where or who you are.

      Anon is still 100% correct. People with zero analytical skills and a sheer acceptance are a large reason why people laugh at us.

    11. People laugh at us because we are funny. DSA-- Why so serious? This is a Turkey Hunter. I know because i go. I laugh at a few posters here too because they rant and rave about Footers but they ain't going out in the swamps at night with Stacy or the cold dark mountains with Cutino or even the buck brush with me. I promise you I've seen real fear from real people and you don't give a speech about being so startled. You drop more F Bombs than the Wu Tang Clan's "Ruckus in B Minor".

    12. Funny looking, yes. Funny in the head? Yes. Funny logic? Check.

    13. No, 8:04... I educate 60% of my time spent, baby sit the other 40%. There's lesser ways of using the blog though, like crying eeeeeeevery day about how much time some spend here, when you're here to notice how much time those people spend here... I realize I'm not exchanging with Einstein here.

      The Anon is about as correct as a hypocritical degenerate, for someone so regularly denying sources of evidence for what they objectively are, I find it perversely audacious that anyone of that mind should take the time to point the finger at anyone. I might add... It takes a like minded to defend that, but hey, I'm not exchanging with Einstein here, right? Looks like your lack of argument really does prove me right, that's unless you've got the b*lls?

    14. Don't get Alky Joe upset. He might do something stupid. Well, stupider.

    15. It really makes your argument look stupid when there is at least an entire week's blog postings on the front page alone and your whole counter argument is under the false premise one must view daily to observe details. You fail to account for archives....and time/date stamps.

    16. You people are here enough to cry about me being here, nuff said. Hypocrites... You're only pi*sy cause you're owned.

    17. Hmm. Sounds like you got one upped and rejected joe. Ouch. Better luck next time slugger.

    18. There seems to be some confusion over what my avatar shows. When some (apparently quite a lot of) people view the 'I'm so startled' video they see creatures that could be bigfoot. The rest of us wonder what part of that video is not obviously just someone having a little fun. It's not serious, it's not a hoax, it's just a young woman making a prank video for her friends.
      Now on to my avatar. It's just a side view of a face, that is all. You see what you want to see. You don't need an MK Davis to analysis for that.

  3. Hmmmmm. If you removed the camo netting and Austin Powers' glasses from the girl who narrated most of The Blair Witch Project you would see her grin like a possum eating persimmons as her fellow hunters pick up their decoys and adjust their gear to leave the woods. As for the statement "it is very clear this person is a female" ...well I try and make the same statement each time I see a strange shape in my bed, like this morning for example. Then I wait for the sun to come up and wait for the strange interplay of light and shadow to reveal whether or not I'm wearing pants. Sometimes these reveals hit a little too close to home. Nevertheless Shawn, it won't take us participating in the BFE electoral process for most of us to reveal that we feel "so startled right now ".

    1. Super HD enhancement of this clip:


  4. FOOTNOTE: Blair Witch girl claims to be deer hunting, but she's sitting in a ground blind wearing face netting. Darling. It's called a T U R K E Y and it's not just for holidays any more. My name is MK Brookreson......and I thank you for your time. ;)

  5. I'm so startled--no one would say that--It would be I'm so scared--plus she has to go cause she thinks she is spotted. No -anyone would just shut up. Such bad acting---totally fake.

    1. I'm so startled...that line comes from South Park. I think this was just a joke.

    2. Yah yah yah I am lorde yah yah yah

    3. I like your music Lorde. Perhaps for this piece you called all the ladies out.

  6. There seems to be quite a split on this one,i hope it is real other wise i'm going to feel really stupid lol xx

    1. sorry luv, aren't you getting used to it?

    2. Eva..don't worry about it :) ..I'll never think our stupid :) just have fun!!

    3. I woke up this morning and the sun was gone
      Turned on some music to start my day
      I lost myself in a familiar song
      I closed my eyes and I slipped away

      It's more than a feeling
      More than a feeling
      When I hear that old song they used to play
      More than a feeling
      And I begin dreaming
      More than a feeling
      'Til I see Mary Ann walk away
      I see my Mary Ann walkin' away

    4. I'm pleased to have seen in the vote that 26 people agree with me :) xx

    5. Eva- pay no attention to Pootsie! All the fun is in the deciding for yourself. :)


    6. I'm a believer, but even i can see this is a hoax. It looks totally human, the girls acting is terrible and the South Park quote makes me think this was just a joke.

    7. I personally think it is 2 turkeys in camo trolling a lady who watches too much South Park!

      This place would not be the same without Eva and her opinions!!

    8. It would be a better world. She should be ashamed of herself.

  7. Cannot say I don't love it when I am right!! HUNTERS FAKE BAD ACTOR!!

  8. I do not know if they are female or male, but it was obvious yesterday they were human as you can see clothes and gear. I thought TT put this out as a joke it was so obvious. Later in the day after reading how the vast majority that made comments on his site thought he was right, well it was mind numbing. I guess sometimes folks want to see something so bad it clouds their judgement. He has done some really good work in the past, but this will never be one of them.

    1. I thought so too. Plus, the whole "I'm so startled" thing. That comes directly from the South Park episode "The Startling" from character Randy Marsh.

    2. Mind numbing? All due respect that's how a large part of your observations too. Whether you don't think before you post thoughts or if you really have such skewered perceptions, it can be mind numbing.

      TT did NOT release this initially as a joke. Joke is on you. You watch this trash, he gets paid just like he said at the end.

      99% of the footing community are only perpetuating a hoax, lying, trying to make a few quick bucks, or just trying to fit in somewhere.

    3. Truth to Power! Down with the capitalist/entertainment complex keeping the forest people down!

    4. Oh please... Your observations are so much better being rhetorical, unresearched, desperate, illogical and of the level of a ten year old scared of the boogeyman, right? Thinking before you post? Thinking ain't even something you're too good at considering you took the time to watch the exact same video, you laughably dim character, you. The only difference is it effects you in such a hateful little way, whereas Chuck uses it productively. Even when someone is agreeing with you, you really can't help being as hateful as only your affectionless little existence permits.

      Hey kiddo, what's the 1% that's legitimate in your little mind?

    5. You continue to attribute fear in a situation you can't comprehend. Why? Is that what you think about all the time?

      Must be tough to live in fear and ignorance every day.

    6. Chuck is the real deal. Chuck knows because Chuck goes. Drop the sarcasm DSA. You have to have real knowledge to lampoon someone. Or at least more than them. Oscar Wilde did. You don't. Declare your genius elsewhere lest ye be exposed as a Charlatan (UK? ;)

    7. Chuck needs a new hip and hasn't seen real action since Vietnam.

      Still again with talks of emotion and knowledge. Does it get tedious to attribute these responses to so many people?

    8. 8:19... I fear for your fragile sense of security/control should one day soon this species get a little closer to classification... That's what I fear for.

      8:26... Put the twinkie down when you're typing, no one can understand a word you're trying to type.

    9. Now you've done it 8:26. The therapist said we shouldn't do this to each other. But here again you make me sob. Now the makeup will run and I'll cut up my credit cards and go to the bar and wind up with mystery bruises all because you couldn't just treat me as the gender nonspecific decent person that id very much like to be. I'm going to go now and calm myself by watching the Star Wars trailer repeatedly.... Why DSA-- Why?

    10. LMAO @ Clueless Joe Fitz!¡!¡

      Wrong again, as usual. He thought: "that's a Squatch!"

      What a maroon!¡ You know how I know Joe's gay?

      He opens his mouth and pubic hairs fall out.....

    11. LMAO @ Clueless Joe Fitz!¡!¡

      Wrong again, as usual. He thought: "that's a Squatch!"

      What a maroon!¡ You know how I know Joe's ghey?

      He opens his mouth and pubic hairs fall out.....

    12. LMAO @ Clueless Joe!¡!¡

      Wrong again, as usual. He thought: "that's a Squatch!"

      What a maroon!¡ You know how I know Joe's ghey?

      He opens his mouth and pubic hairs fall out.....

  9. some dumb hillbilly lookin to shoot his dinner.......HOW DEEEEE

  10. Da woods be Mista Bigfoot's hood.......keeps yo azz out

  11. Not a single comment from Joe about this video....

  12. The first time this video aired, I didn't even watch it, as I knew it would be FAKE! Now I watched it, and within seconds, I knew I was looking at Turkey hunters leaving. I'm a Turkey hunter myself, and you got to have the lowest IQ possible, to believe this was Big foots!

  13. yes, female!...female bigfoot!

  14. M.K. Davis simply read the comments under Thinkerthunkers video, saw how everyone noticed that it was two more turkey hunters, and then saw a dual opportunity to be both a hero again and criticize a video analyst who is normally a lot better than M.K. the schiizophenic Davis has been at it.

    1. Except MK had to go one step further and attempt to identify the gender of the one on the left. This demonstrates a need to show that he has skills that are well beyond every bodies comprehension. I am surprised that he didn't also perform a gynecological examination using only this video and from this distance, given his past demonstrated expertise in diagnosing internal hemorrhoids on Patty.

    2. Let's leave all this talk about gynecological examinations to the professionals. I'm scrubbing down now.

  15. How many years of zero bigfoots does it take for a footer to accept reality?

    1. wrong again joe

      plenty reported ZERO found

      show me ONE if they've been found

      you CAN"T

      because YOU ARE STUPID!

      Peace out!

    2. if you post links to blurry video, include where the specimen may be examined please

    3. Come out from behind the couch, pull your hands from your face, put your taped up specs on and open your eyes, that's the best advice I can give you son, nothing will hurt you...

      Like I said, plenty found.

    4. Like I said, plenty reported ZERO found

      we will not tolerate your LIES anymore JOE

      get it right or stfu

    5. No... Uneducated, unqualified, anonymous you with a dense take on its definition says so... I'm here to remind you of how wrong you are son.

      Lies? How about you show me they're lies, you'll tolerate me bouncing you around and like it.

      : )

    6. Joe is cornered again. He has got nothing, so now we have to prove bigfoot does not exist. What a childish argument.

      2014 was a devastating year for bigfootery. Move over Nessie.

    7. Show us the bigfoot you found Joe. Or admit you're a liar.

    8. Eh? Where have suggested you need to prove anything? What you need to do is prove you've got an argument for staters, and then find an angle to test the evidence I list you a bit better... If the demands of scientific debate are a little out of your depth, then you could always get an adult to help?

      2014 showed us a handful of reported samples weren't what they were chances to be, with physical and anecdotal evidence rolling in as the months go by... When the main guy of genetics in the world starts theorising on relict Neanderthals and makes his Sasquatch field research public, I think you need to look at how much more you've edged towards mental breakdown than anything else.

    9. 8:48... Have I ever claimed to have found a Bigfoot? Has the sugar gone to your head?

    10. Quit saying plenty found! It is untrue. If it were found you could show it to me. You cannot.

      Plenty reported, zero found, is correct.

      We all know this. You just look stupid pretending the reality is otherwise.

      YOU damage your own cause.

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. "find
      discover or perceive by chance or unexpectedly.
      "Lindsey looked up to find Niall watching her"
      synonyms: discover, become aware, realize, observe, notice, note, perceive, learn, detect
      discover after a deliberate search.
      discover or perceive by chance or unexpectedly.
      "Lindsey looked up to find Niall watching her"
      synonyms: discover, become aware, realize, observe, notice, note, perceive, learn, detect More
      discover after a deliberate search.
      "I can't find my keys"
      synonyms: locate, spot, pinpoint, unearth, obtain, detect, put one's finger on;"
      I think you'll find that every time some one reports an encounter with a Sasquatch, it falls well within the definition of it being found. More so when you have reports from professional stock that even yield physical and biological evidence from the very same instance. If you've seen a dog in your back yard and found trace evidence of it and filmed it, then you merely haven't caught it yet... Very basic stuff. I'll damage our self esteem a little more, nothing else. Plenty found;




      ... None caught.

    13. At the times I have checked in here to see the latest goings on I have to admit I was always puzzled by the "plenty found, none caught" phrase. My interpretation of "found" is when something can be shown and I don't think Bigfoot qualifies (yet) but hey that's just me.

      I think plenty reported, zero found is a much more accurate statement. Just my 2 cents.

    14. Nargh! Plenty found works just fine with the facts thanks... We've found Sasquatch in America... We just haven't got them in a zoo. Not that that's deisred by me.

      In the same respect that the mountain gorilla was found... Took em 60 years later to track.

    15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    16. So Robert von Beringe takes one trip into the jungle and manages to shoot two gorillas. Countless people have been roaming the woods for centuries and not one bigfoot specimen recovered. I can't agree with you using the gorilla to justify why we haven't found a bigfoot. Every sighting, photo, video, audio that doesn't result in a bigfoot only widens the gap between bias and reality.

    17. Well for starters, Robert von Beringe was not out looking for mountain gorillas, nor did he know how to track them, and came upon them quite accidentally while scaling around a volcano. This being achieved many, many years after the knowkdge of such a primate first circulated. Actually learning how to track them took longer. He also happened to find them in the same manner in which my defintion up top lists in similar scenarios, to which can in turn be attributed to inumerable reports of hunters reporting Sasquatch... The only difference here is we have too many instances of missing hunters to count, if you catch my drift? The gorilla is a primate that evades civilaistion in social groups in similar terrain. The reasons I can use it are obvious; it took all that time to find the gorilla yet the evidence for which did not stop being a reality in that time. What's more... Is in Sasquatch we're dealing with something far more intelligent, intelligent enough to have culture, therefore far harder to come to a conclusive stage of field research.

      "Every sighting, photo, video, audio that doesn't result in a bigfoot only widens the gap between bias and reality."

      No... Accumulative research that rolls in continuously, pointing straight to more verification of an unknown primate does NOT help your argument what so ever.

    18. Funny how bigfoot apologists use the gorilla or the coelacanth almost as proof that bigfoot exists. For every mythical or assumed extinct creature that turned out to be real and alive, there are a magnitudes more that have remained a myth or extinct. The odds are against ya, bigfoot.





      NONE CAUGHT!!!










      NONE CAUGHT!!!!






    20. Let me know when we've come to a conclusive stage of field research. Until then, have fun pouring over blurry videos.

    21. Sasquatch is intelligent. An unproven characteristic of an unproven creature used to explain why we have no proof.

    22. Plenty of DINOSAURS found:



    23. "Accumulative research that rolls in continuously, pointing straight to more verification of an unknown primate does NOT help your argument what so ever."

      I guess "research" is in the eye of the beholder (or should we say the believer).

    24. @11:35. I believe in dinosaurs. Those videos totally confirm that I was right!

    25. 11:18... I've never used the coelacanth as a comparison, I do use the Bili Ape and Mountain gorilla as it's basic logic, something that maybe a little alien to someone so riddled with denial as you... I might add that at this stage of a comparison to the mountain gorilla and Bili Ape, we in fact have more physical, biological and anecdotal evidence than what the aforementioned primates had in their discovery durations. I'll also add, that these 'magnitudes' that no doubt account for the most ellaborate of sensationalist comparisons you can conjure, neither did or don't account for every source of evidence short of modern type specimen for this subect... I'll apologise to visitors to this blog who had to read your shoddy odds, nothing more.
      11:26... I'll point you in the direction of far more evidence than blurry videos in the time that happens, let me know when you get all grown up to understand it.
      11:33... Sasquatch is intelligent yes, that would be the most obvious thing imaginable for it to evade the way it has done so well for this long, and there is in fact plenty of EVIDENCE for this in the culture that can be pointed to, and lack of proof (body) does not equate to lack of such evidence, because science can analyse the data in that evidence. Didn't you get burned with the Negative proof fallacy the other day?
      11:38... Yes, very much so... And in your case when it's shoved in your face at the expense of your ego, the beholder turns denialist.
      11:35... Lucky people are seeing dinosaurs everywhere, eh?

    26. Relying a bit heavily on ad hominem tactic, aren't we?

    27. I would say ask an adult to help ascertain the points I've made... I've got no problem with bi*ch slapping you in class.

      : )

    28. Joe. DSA has trotted out the old coelacanth again. Why not use Loren Coleman's re discovered largest terrestrial land mammal, Alberta's own wood bison. Written off as exterimct, a 1957 fly over a heavily wooded area led to their chance rediscovery and the important re introduction of a brucellosis free strain of hearty breed into the gene pool. As Coleman quite correctly pointed out the discovery could have been facilitated much sooner but no one was looking.

    29. Only in the sense that you slap, joe, and you are a bi*ch.

      : )

    30. ^ schooled.

      Mike! How about the Wollemia tree of the Australian Blue Mountains in 1994! That doesn't even move around!!

  16. MK didn't enhance anything because we can't go full screen with his video. Furthermore, there is no change for the better, and it actually looks worse than the original. But hey, what else do you expect from the second most insane person in Bigfootery. With Dyer capturing first place, of course.

    1. He's not even in the top ten. He is queued up behind at least a dozen on the BFF alone.

  17. It's a fat bitch putting her t-paper away after taking a fat bitch shit in the woods. Clear as day. If the DOOOOOSH turkey hunter actually thinks it's a bigfoot, take his gun away. He's obviously unsafe to be armed!

  18. WHAT IS AN "M.K. DAVIS"?? sounds like a tractor company

    1. It's an overweight amateur astronomer with a pension for conspiracy theories.

  19. MK is a complete nuisance. He's the one who claimed the Gable Film was legit - and clings to an unfounded "Bluff Creek Massacre" theory. He's a horrible researcher who makes stuff up as he goes along. Don't support this idiot! 'Nuff said.

  20. bigfoots look convincing, therefore it could be the best video in years (even top 5 of all times)...however, the way the "turkey hunter" speaks sounds play-acted...and: would anybody really talk in such a situation?, I dunno...

  21. Step 1: Believe in Bigfoot.
    Step 2: Return to Step 1.
    Step 3: Think critically.

  22. It's a tough job Joe but keep up the good work!

  23. Looks like two other turkey hunters, carrying their gear (not deer carcasses). Probably her friends! Her comments sound totally unconvincing, like something out of a high school play.

    1. But but but...THE RATIOS!

      They're not human!!!!

  24. i think MKdavis needs to upgrade his software, he maybe using an outdated version of videostudio

    1. Or maybe one day, of the countless people who have captured blurry pictures and videos, someone will capture something clear that doesn't need someone to enhance it. But alas, the bigfoot is too intelligent to allow itself to be seen clearly.

    2. Not impressed. Most people aren't. Why do we keep going back to a forty year old film? Surely, there is better footage? No, I guess not.

    3. No? Would you like me to point out to you why that is? You wanted clear footage; nothing clearer... You want more footage then I'll source you it happily.

  25. Thinkerthunker commenter: Sorry TT, I like your work but this is clearly two hunters. You can see several clues like the shading difference between the top and bottoms (pants) and hats.

    Thinkerthunker response: Is that your impression or can you prove it? Why don't the figures confirm to my ratios?

    Thinkerthunker commenter: Can you prove that those are deer, or that they pick up a baby bigfoot? That video is so blurry and pixelated it would be hard to accurately apply measurements (assuming that the ratios mean anything).

    Thinkerthunker response: Well, those ratios do work out because I proved it. Thanks for your comment.

    1. Clearly 2 hunters? Where are their weapons? Hunter's don't carry black objects, and hunters don't walk fast through the woods. Hunters do not put black objects on their chest. Both seemed on a mission to go somewhere, one kept going, and the other picked something up. I'm not saying the footage is real, but you cant say it's "Clearly" hunters.

    2. They surely aren't Bigfoots, D.S. Whether they are are hunters or not, they ARE modern humans. They are clearly wearing clothes. To claim otherwise is insane.

  26. For the love of god. I know bigfoots are real. I have seen one and was within 50 foot of it. That doesn't mean everything is a bigfoot. The dude on the right has on a hat! Seriously? We are debating that this garbage might actually be real?

    1. Great eye 2:16!!
      You cant see the hat in the MK footage, but in the original it is clear, and when he bends down, you can tell it is a person with a hat on.
      Bravo sir!

  27. Stablized and zoomed version clearly shows two people.


  28. You know how I know Clueless Joe is gay?

    His farts smell like Vaseline!¡

  29. I think we have to call in the F.B.I and C.I A. on this video,just like all the rest of them.........

  30. most who comment have ordinarily not spent time in the deep woods. All the smart articulate comments come from bloggers/utubers and so on that sit in a chair and do their research by internet. Go in the woods close to any habituation site/national forest/hot spot and spend a week or two. Get friendly with the locals, you know, mother natures creatures, and if you are lucky enough you may hear something that peaks your interest. Leave the quarterbacking to the professionals that get paid millions.. Leave the squatching to the brave and valor folks who endure the wilderness and take satisfaction in knowing what you wont get down and dirty and do.


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