Watch this: Frantic Man talks about what it's like getting chased by Bigfoot

Here's another video we found by the same amazing interviewer we did a post on two weeks ago. In this video interview, a man hilarious man tells DWS Bigfoot Researchers of his encounter with a Bigfoot and how he was chased by it. After you're done watching this interview, check out the one from a few weeks ago here: Interview.


  1. Replies
    1. Raging after watching sykes destroy the bigfoot myth once and for all^


    3. That dude is such a liar..


  3. There is trouble in paradise for Melba
    Seems she has questions to answer for GenBank, ZooBank, and many others...
    Does this mean shit is hitting the fan? just wondering

    1. It appears to be another anti-Ketchum hoax.

      Erin A Pubimed?

      Pubmed? PubMed? Pub/Med?

      Probably Ketchum's FB page will be hacked and disappear next. It's bizarre and revealing that Jayfers and the like enjoy and want this; they want her, her work, and the whole subject, swept under the carpet.

      The timing is starting to throw the whole Sykes/Channel 4/Nat Geo all into questionable light:

      If Ketchum has nothing, why hack and attack?

    2. Ketchum has nothing and the reason why people attack her is because she's a fraud, a liar, a thief and is full of her own self importance

  4. Note to Joe F.-
    Bigfoot is out of your league. Why don't you try raising goldfish or something?

  5. this guy is full of shit!!!!

  6. I was chased by a Big foot once. it caught and killed me!

    1. Bigfoot don't exist but dont just take my word for it, ask sykes.

  7. I would like everyone to know that Mike Brookreson and the Texas Hillcountry Cryptozoological Society have two new videos uploaded on their channel; these are 'THCS Woodknocks & Samples, and 'THCS Tree Breaks'. I will supply the link below, please subscribe and let us know what you think of the videos.


    1. Why no videos of an actual bigfoot? Why is that too much to ask?

    2. Patty and Leaping Russian Yeti (MK Davis version).


    3. Joe smoking himself again. LOL!

  8. Hello Joe,just seen the videos,really good,can't wait to see some more xx

    1. Hey Eva.

      There is one more in the process of being out together. Mid-week it'll be up. Thanks for checking it out. xx


  9. Joe you and Mike are trolls. There are no Sasquatch in the Texas hill country. LOL There isn't the cover, or habitat to maintain a population of Sasquatch. If you want a real family of Squatches my land in East Texas River Bottoms is the place you'll find em'. Not Burnet or Mason, or wherever the hell Mike was at in that stupid video. LMAO.....squatches habituated in the hill country......MY ASS!

    1. That's great... Excellent you want to exercise expressing your opinion, but the videos don't lie, if you would have watched them, laughably; you would have noticed the type of terrain... and I think it hilarious that you would suggest anyone else is a troll with an anonymous attack of a comment like that.



    2. Joe is right. The videos don't lie. They are videos of nothing.


    3. They were terrible. I really tried to finish them but couldn't . sorry.

  10. Just cause the samples Sykes tested were not unknown doesn't mean that we have no unknown primate type DNA out there.
    Do a search on the net and see for yourself. Even Dr. Meldrum says that we have UNKNOWN DNA from SOMETHING.
    Question, if you DON'T believe in the possibility of SOMETHING unknown out there why do you bother to come look here?
    Last 3 years there has been over 400 NEW species in the Amazon ALONE that has been found......Your pretty arrogant to think we know everything....

    1. Sykes was only ever gonna be as good as the samples. Bigfoot research will go on, the people who have seen these creatures will live on as will the mountains of other evidence there is.


    2. There is no real indisputable evidence tho..... Cue pointless cut and paste links...

    3. Dermals, transcribed language, unknown primate DNA, footage, hair, scat, tens of thousands of eye witnesses, 100 years of printed news media of skeletal remains.

      Cue pointless comments about being smoked with no counter argument that can amount to anything I need to be concerned about.


    4. Who transcribed the so called language? What proof is there except for a so called crypto-linguists' opinion? What proof is there that it's not hoaxed like Sasquatch Ontario's? What footage has been released that hasn't been contested? That includes PGF and Phill Polling didn't seem too impressed with the leaping Russian Yeti neither was I. How can any scat sample be proved to be Sasquatch when it's unknown to science and nobody can say with any authority what it's diet is? Which hair samples have come back as unknown primate from REPUTABLE DNA labs or scientists? By news media you mean local papers right? How many papers printed factual inaccuracies and tall tales to papers? If there are so many of these giant skeletons in existance why have they never been DNA tested? Where are they all? How many of them were sideshow fakes?? Eye witnesses? Come on how many are telling tales or misidentifying other animals and are too proud to admit they made a mistake? Dermals, who appart from Meldrum will back that argument? I wish the big guy existed but really at the moment there is no REAL evidence, nothing that conclusively says these creatures are for real.

    5. Scott Nelson - Retired from the U.S. Navy as a Crypto-Linguist with over 30 years experience in Foreign Language and Linguistics, including the collection, transcription, analysis and reporting of voice communications. He is a two time graduate of the U.S. Navy Cryptologic Voice Transcription School (Russian and Spanish) and has logged thousands of hours of voice transcription in his target languages as well as in Persian. He is currently teaching Russian, Spanish, Persian, Philosophy and Comparative Religions at Wentworth College in Missouri. It's really quite simple... If you slow chatter down to half it's speed and you come up with a complex layered dialect; you don't have to really try too hard to see what's in front of your eyes that's unless you have an agenda to not do so. If you think the Sierra Sounds are anything but compelling then you are either trying to play it a little too safe, or are of the outdated theory-group that these creatures are dumb animals without the mental capacity of speech; either way you are wrong and I don't care if you have a zillion years experience hunting; you are wrong sir. There are plenty of people with double your experience that will tell you that. Further more; the research that Scott has concluded on is in conjunction with thousands of years of Native American culture that state that these creatures can indeed communicate in such a means.

      Where is your proof that Sasquatch Ontario is hoaxed?

      Of course... Skeptics have contested footage, but they are very quick to not acknowledge the counter arguments that enthusiasts have, which in turn means skeptics have to find an explanation for a suit, or try and explain motion. Skeptics have the biggest chip on their shoulder, they are a little too special to have to answer to the counter arguments. I think you'll find that Polling was anything but unimpressed with the Leaping Yeti. His concusion was inconclusicve; stating that it is either a Bigfoot or a man in a suit (considering he is the best in the business at what he does, that's pretty significant) wheres making the effort to translate the Russian language into English in another version of the video would indicate that he is indeed very bothered and to state otherwise is a lie.

      Unknown Primate DNA/ Monsterquest Sasquatch Attacks.

      To go with the ten's of thousands of eye witness testimony, we have a transition in white settlers' diaries that for the time, had no way of contacting each other... This is what lends credibility to the natives, because more believable (in your eyes), Europeans saw these creatures as well. These accounts were then taken from diaries and written up in the news media of the day and are now in libraries up and down your great country... Hard to debunk eh? We have thousands of years of Native American culture also.

      Ok... What would be the one thing that would make all the evidence I've suggested up top real to you? Biological evidence??

      What if I was to provide you with sources, printed news media in fact, of giant skeletons being found up and down your country?

      JiggyPotamus -

      ... There is printed media in libraries all around the country that state quite clearly, with consistent details what they came across. Pretty hard to debunk eh?

      And low and behold, there we have evidence of skeletons being found in burial mounds, particularly in New England, that we're found due to the industrial revolution and then covered up as quickly as possible because you cannot destroy a culture to make way for your own, and celebrate it at the same time.

      For further reading of this... Check out some Jim Vieira on YouTube.

    6. Explain multiple person sightings please?

      Any one who has spent ten minutes looking at numerous casts can see that there are many, many first time prints that have a similarity in style of dermal ridging in the same way that two sets of finger prints from opposite sides of the country would look similar in style at first, regardless of apparent uniqueness under analysis. These casts cannot be explained away with desiccation because they have scar tissue and toe bending that many people who have done proper analysis have sited as the creature gripping into earth. There is a clear difference between desiccation marks and complex dermal markings. You can look for yourself on any image search engine and the fact that some have sited some casts that have been made poorly by amateur casters (these are mostly untrained civilian researchers, not perfectionists), as the main source to disprove such is at best desperate and ignorant of the wider picture of the sometimes difficult process it is to extract such prints. What a one in a billion lottery win chance that would be to somehow get the same pattern decades apart from opposite sides of the country?! The pouring of liquid into a cast can make desiccation wrinkles yes, but when done by amateur casters and there is so, so much more casts to counter that argument. Explain casts that are attained 40 miles into the interior of wilderness areas? The hoaxers would have to be either psychic or mind controllers to predict to the exact yard where the researchers are going to be to the exact moment eh?


    7. Klingons also have a transcribed language therefore Klingons are REAL!!!!!!

    8. No... Klingons are a fictional alien race.


    9. I did write a long rebutal but it wouldn't let me post it. That DNA evidence was retested on a later episode of MonsterQuest with different results, think it was found to be a fungus. The sample off the screw board in the cabin, wasn't it? The tales of uneducated early settlers in a New World with different indigenous fauna how many of these settlers had even seen a Native American before? A wild man by European standards? How many of these stories were exaggerated to make those involved look more heroic a bigger, scarier bogeyman or maybe (as I said previously) stories exaggerated to sell local papers etc. Stories of the Wild West were exaggerated to sell papers why not big hairy wild men stories? If you buy into these settlers diaries do you believe all the sailors tall tales from the same time period? The big hairy wild man is a common bogeyman in all cultures probably because what's scary to humans? Something bigger than us, sharp teeth, covered in hair like other wild animals yet a human quality to link it to us and provide some form of intelligence to chase down naughty kids!! Is Jim Vieira a professor in human evolution or anthropology, maybe he is an archeologist? Historian? Biologist? Where does he teach? Hoaxers, who says those discovering the casts aren't the ones who made the casts? Nothing, nothing at all. How many primatologists or linguists have backed up that guy off Joe Rogan? What exactly is a crypto linguist? How many of them are they? Why isn't anyone else supporting his claims by that I mean a professor or scientist? There are plenty of stories from the UK about giant hairy men that Nick Redfern's looked into do you believe them too? I remember what Phill said about the leaping Yeti vid and I know Phill has a sardonic tone anyways but I would imagine if he was really swayed by that evidence his reaction would have been more positive?

    10. Joe, most of the people you bring up as "credible" are a fucking joke. Just like your tired and bogus arguments. Just shut up already. You make it hard for anybody to enjoy anything about the subject on this site. Believer or are one of the true trolls of this website. You make it hard to even consider the evidence. While you sit there and pound the pavement about skeptics never looking at your "evidence," you never once bring anything remotely valid to the table. Not to mention you don;t take anything the skeptics say as worth anything. You are just as bad.
      Try something new for once. Go out and get better evidence. The reason the skeptics reign supreme is the fact that your "evidence" has been mostly picked through, and torn apart. Not all of it, but mostly. So just stop for once, and look at yourself. You look like a lunatic at best, and you are what everybody makes fun of with 'Footing. You do more harm than good. Yes there are trolls on here, but you seem to be the most uninformed one. Do us all a favor and try something new. Most importantly, admit when your stupid ass is wrong, which is quite often, as that would bring some humility into the shit you post.

      King of Reality

    11. Oh dear...

      Comparing a native American to a wild man is laughably bad. There is a major difference between a eight to ten foot hairy biped with long arms and a native american. When you have ten thousand years of native culture with these accounts transitioning it, with the same descriptions being used for different people that were separated geographically at the time, then that is not people peddling stories to sell papers. You have two different ethnic groups that did not have any or very little contact with each other, stating the exact same thing. These diaries are still in libraries and the fact that newspapers used them to tell such accounts is pretty much irrelevant and in fact, merely legitimizes the accounts further, because you have the same sized remains being found in New England and in other parts of the country... You now have accounts of living giant hairy bipeds and the remains of giant hairy bipeds. It is the same accusations of 'tall tales' that you would use for eye witness accounts today, however that does little do really debunk anything... And from here; you have a steady transition into modern day eye witness testimony that numbers in the tens of thousands; a lot of which is multiple person. Suddenly, you have a steady influx of accounts that you would no doubt ignore and ask 'if these creatures are real, we would see them all the time?'


      "The big hairy wild man is a common bogeyman in all cultures probably because what's scary to humans?"

      I love the way that people use the fact that these creatures have been documented for many hundreds of years on each continent where there are wild wilderness areas, as an example as to there being nothing to it and purely a 'human psychological trait?!

    12. Writing the name Jim Vieira would be referencing an expert that has conducted years' worth of research into uncovering the documentation of giant hairy biological skeleton evidence that is being hidden from the general public by institutions like the Smithsonian. The evidence of which is in libraries up and down your country and would articulate the uphill struggle enthusiasts have to provide the biological evidence Tardists require. James Vieira is a writer, researcher, stonemason and member of the Northeast Antiquities Research Association. Vieira is a frequent contributor to the Shelburne Falls Independent and the national publication Ancient American Magazine.

      Argh, the old cop out... The people who attain the casts are the hoaxers. Well how's this? You are just as credible as the people who attain such casts, less even, and it is your word against there's, so I think I will go with the people I know as opposed to your anonymous character, if I may? If you can't explain evidence, suggest it's a hoax by done by hoaxers, but sidetrack from offering any explanations to the tracks being found where they are found; typical.

      If there was anyone as equally as qualified to counter Scott Nelson's opinion on such a profound topic; they would have by now. It is what it is... It took Scott seconds to come to the realization that the sounds are language, that's without implementing his various techniques over a long period of time. Now if anyone else who is as qualified would have come to any other conclusion; they would have by now in seconds, wouldn't they?

      Cryptolingusitics- "basically it is one of the hardest jobs in the military to learn depending on how you score on the DLAB (Defense Language Aptitude Battery) you will be assigned at the DLI (Defense Language Institute) a language in the category that you score. I believe it goes Category I = 90 Category II = 100 Category III = 105 and Category IV = 110, you can look that up, Im not sure about that, I just know for sure that IV = 110 or higher the category is based on how similar the language is to english so I's are Spanish French Italian... IIIs are stuff like Farsi, Polish, and Japanese and the IVs are the hardest to learn: Chinese Korean and Arabic you go to DLI for a length of time depending on the language you're assigned, it's usually about 1 year then you go to cryptology school for about half a year during that time you will become completely fluent in the language both written and oral. Be warned, the washout rate is roughly 75% at DLI. it's a great job to have, a lot of people get picked up for diplomatic jobs or work for the CIA afterwards, plus with the Army it comes with a $40,000 enlistment bonus

      Good luck, maybe I will see you at DLI in a few months

      USAF Cryptologic Linguist"

      Nope... You can put a spin on what Polling suggested about the Leaping Yeti, but it would just be a spin... Nothing more. That is significant that he did not debunk it and when you take into account the motion change in the terrain, the gate, girth and muscle tone and speed... Then there is no wonder that he wasn't successful in what he does so well.


    13. LOL @ Joe. What a fucking retard.

    14. King of reality...

      "Blah blah blah blah blah... Repeat, burp, fart."

      Counter my points for once instead of dribbling on to the keyboard bro... I am going nowhere and there is nothing you can do or have ever said that has or ever will counter my points that are backed up with experts and professionals, and that is all that is important to me.

      How about you try something... Instead of sitting there and typing little in the way of reality, try and actually debate me and counter my points for once as opposed to just saying they have... What's that?

      Oh yeah...

      Now run along old boy... You're just a little sore from the last time I made you look silly.

      ; )

    15. You don't have any real experts Joe!!!! That's the point that the King of Reality was making! So basically this Jim Vieira is another amateur crackpot he has no formal qualifications, he has no relevant background in anything historical, biological or anthropological and he's determined to expose the great Smithsonian cover up!!! Lol!!! Seriously???? Do you just believe any TouTube poster??? Of course the crypto linguist has to be right within seconds of hearing the Sierra Sounds with his one and a half years of linguistic training wasn't it? Saying that if his claims could be refuted they would have been is a pretty lame cop out, which linguists or maybe primatologist have backed his conclusions? So Joe do we have ape men in the UK according to eyewitnesses we do! Eyewitnesses don't mean squat without other evidence to back it up which no one has provided! How do you know with any certainty what a Native American looked like to a early settler???? There's hardly anything there for Phill to debunk! A black blob that supposedly has muscle tone??? A black blob bouncing in a forest is only proof positive that you have low standards in your "evidence." At some point you're gonna have to concede to the fact that there is no solid evidence at all for these creatures!!! You can't even have a rational discussion on the topic without resorting to insults, you're getting rather trollish there. If you were an American who'd had a sighting or a personal experience I'd cut you some slack perhaps but you live in Wales so how with any certainty can you say that these creatures exist?!! That's some Yorkshire common sense for you there Joe, and whether I'm posting as an anon what's it matter what name I use? It's the internet!!! I could post as Jones the Steam, Tony the Tiger or anything!!!

    16. Oh double dear...

      Why would Jim Vieira require any expertise in biology or anthropology? You see... Jim Vieira's expertise is in stonemasonry, to which he uncovered countless stone structures and burial mounds in New England that are indicative of an advanced civilization. In accessing libraries in the region to find documentation of such, this is where he came across countless examples of printed news media documenting burial mounds that have uncovered giant skeletons.

      For further reading, check out this nice bit of research by JiggyPotamus below...

      And what would be your version of 'proper credentials' be exactly? You simply cannot get more credible than this guy's resume and his method over a long term had contributed to a war effort (the cold war)... He has also uncovered a lost Russian dialect. Every field of research in history has had to start off with 'someone'. If he was to have critics he would have had them by now, I've seen many skeptical groups condemn the Sierra Sounds before Scott came along, why not Scott's now that he has? That to me says it all and it's pretty obvious that someone would have spoken out about this by now had they felt the need to... We're are talking about Bigfoot dialect here for Christ's sake's, how more profound? Someone should have spoken out against him and if they haven't in this time that doesn't discredit his work but stands it up for what it is. this is Bigfoot territory and experts are few and far between. That fact doesn't make them less credible sir but makes them pioneers.

      You do not have to be a linguistics expert to listen to what is in front, you do however have to be a cryptolinguist to have the necessary tools to transcribe it. Out of the tens of thousands, MAYBE MILLIONS of people to have heard these sounds, it would have taken someone with the equivalent expertise as Scott, seconds to come to a counter claim if it was the case. Though I agree that in an ideal world all sources of Bigfoot evidence should be peer reviewed and backed up with a second opinion, it is not realistic to the few people willing to put their reputations on the line; hence the reason why so many researchers apply their expertise after their retirements. With the dogma surrounding this subject, along with the wider negative agendas you cannot perceive Scott as a pioneer as opposed to a loan theorist. You obviously have not listened to his work, but I don't expect you to and even if you did, I wouldn't expect you to deliver an honest evaluation of it because you are now more concerned with having the last work with me.

      Ummmmm, I know what a native American looked like to a settler, because there are accounts of settlers having Indian guides and trackers. Like I said; there is a major difference between an eight to ten foot hairy biped with long arms and a native american and these descriptions are very much articulated in great detail.

      We do not have ape men in the UK no (?????) you cannot compare the frequency of British sightings to that of American sightings and that is now getting slightly desperate... and if you are suggesting there is no evidence to back up American Bigfoot claims; Dermals, transcribed language, unknown primate DNA, footage, hair, scat, tens of thousands of eye witnesses, 100 years of printed news media of skeletal remains would counter that notion.

    17. In Leaping Russian Yeti; you either see a creature jumping from bipedal to quadrupedal motion in very tricky terrain, leaping feet into the air in transitioning those motions, muscle tone in the back and arss, limb length and girth matchable to patty... Or you see a blob without offering an explanation how that stealth would be accomplished; even in a bulky, no-neck outfit.

      ... At 1.47 mins, you see it pull itself along with it's arms in that terrain.

      Ummmm, where have I resorted to insults???? I think you should in fact look up the definition of 'trolling', what I am doing is defending a subject with debate from people who are in fact 'trolling' this blog.

      I have friends and researchers in the States who I trust who have had multiple encounters with these creatures, and the difference between you and me is that I do not ignore the other tens of thousands of people who have seen them as well, not to mention the other sources of evidence I have listed, that you fail to debunk without a counter argument.

      I mean everything I say to you in the most respectful way possible... There is only one person who is using exclamation marks and I have not insulted you once. I very much like people from Yorkshire.


    18. No unknown primate DNA, as I said they retested it and it didn't yield the same results. What scat? What hair samples that have been conclusively proved to be Sasquatch? It's impossible to tell from video footage if something is a real Bigfoot or not as we have no type specimen to back that up and Bill Munns can work that Bigfoot dollar all he wants but his opinion means squat. A non-proven species can not have a transcribed language that's the cart before the horse there buddy. Untill a real language expert that's a qualified professor or an expert in linguistics varifies your crypto linguist then it means nothing. By your reasoning I could say David Icke is right that the Royal family are really lizard people in disguise because no one has proved him wrong. You know why no one's proved him wrong? It's cos he's making crazy claims and no one can be arsed to prove him wrong. The fact that no one has proved your crypto linguist wrong is because outside of the Bigfoot community Sasquatch isn't a big deal, we know Ketchum is full of it but look at the lack of response when the news reported that she'd proven that Bigfoot exists. I'm sorry Joe but if I want someone to repair York Minster I'd ask a stonemason (ironically there's actually one behind the Minster!) but if I want to learn about human history I'll pass on asking a stonemason regardless of what he thinks he's found. Every culture has a hairy man, they also have all kinds of similar mythical creatures, dragons, shape changers, giant carnivorous birds and vampires all of which people still report seeing do we believe all of those too?

    19. Oh, I recommend you check out the Ancient Aliens Thanksgiving episode of South Park too Joe think you might like it :)

    20. There have been plenty of hair samples that have come back unmatched to anything else. The Skookum cast hair samples? The Pangboche Yeti hand tissue samples came back “near human, but not human,” in other words, “almost human” in 1991.

      Laughably, you cannot get more clearer than Patty and in the screenshots of Leaping Russian Yeti, you can see clear, very clear details and regardless if you are willing to swallow that; you offer nothing in the way of an explanation for movement, motion and speed. In Leaping Yet and Patty, you also have a matching specimen.


      Carts and horses are irrelevant. There is plenty of evidence for this creature being real; there is even a branch of wildlife biology that identifies new species' by the tracks they leave... Therefore when you have all the accumulation and then a transcribed language that is both above and below human frequency and is too fast for humans to mutter, consistent in the respect of repeated words and answers; you have to do more than merely compare him to all the quacks you can think of... You offer nothing to counter his expert opinion and therefore what you think is again; highly irrelevant.

    21. Here's that CV for you again...

      Scott Nelson - Retired from the U.S. Navy as a Crypto-Linguist with over 30 years experience in Foreign Language and Linguistics, including the collection, transcription, analysis and reporting of voice communications. He is a two time graduate of the U.S. Navy Cryptologic Voice Transcription School (Russian and Spanish) and has logged thousands of hours of voice transcription in his target languages as well as in Persian. He is currently teaching Russian, Spanish, Persian, Philosophy and Comparative Religions at Wentworth College in Missouri. It's really quite simple... If you slow chatter down to half it's speed and you come up with a complex layered dialect; you don't have to really try too hard to see what's in front of your eyes that's unless you have an agenda to not do so. If you think the Sierra Sounds are anything but compelling then you are either trying to play it a little too safe, or are of the outdated theory-group that these creatures are dumb animals without the mental capacity of speech; either way you are wrong and I don't care if you have a zillion years experience hunting; you are wrong sir. There are plenty of people with double your experience that will tell you that. Further more; the research that Scott has concluded on is in conjunction with thousands of years of Native American culture that state that these creatures can indeed communicate in such a means. His method over a long term had contributed to a war effort (the cold war)... He has also uncovered a lost Russian dialect.

      It is hilarious that you would suggest that he is not a proper linguist; what do you do for a living? What are your credentials? You are just some bloke from Yorkshire, anyone who challenges a professional under anonymity is simply a nobody in comparison and until you can present a counter professional opinion, his work stands up. This is the way enthusiasts and skeptical stances work; to you a loan theorist is a quack (conveniently without offering anything to back it up) and to me a loan theorist is a pioneer. It would take someone with the equivalent expertise or a mere language expert seconds to identify a flaw in his research... Why hasn't that happened yet with all the attention the Sierra Sounds have had; this being some of the most profound evidence this subject has? I don't expect you to answer me honestly, but merely draw on other sensationalist examples as opposed to offering any real explanation for the transcription. Cynical at best and you must counter research with if not with research, a mature approach at least.

      "You know why no one's proved him wrong? It's cos he's making crazy claims and no one can be arsed to prove him wrong."

      ... Well you seem to care very much. Why don't you try and prove him wrong, oh yes! Cynicism appears to be the brunt of your approach, I don't think Scott will be getting his knickers in a twist any time soon, eh?

      David Icke, mythical creatures, dragons, shape changers, giant carnivorous birds and vampires... Laughably; libraries don't lie. This is something you have avoided in an attempt to attack Jim. The giant skeletons is something Jim goes on to after his long professional talks on stone structures. I am not an anthropologist, but the beauty of libraries, research; heck our entire educational system is set up so that anyone can access history and truth, and if this is presented by a butcher, then that still doesn't make the truth lies... Only an effort at censorship attempts that... Which is essentially what you are trying to do now.

      Cue the sensationalist comparisons and 'everyone's an idiot' explanations...


  11. Mike is an obviously a trust fund baby that's turned into a lush with a lack of responsibility.

  12. I want to punch him in the face.

    1. No need to punch the stupid. He beats himself up every time he posts.

    2. The dude in the video posts? That's who I was referring to.


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