Fringe News: Bigfoot Hunt, Lake Monster, UFO Cloaking Device

In tonight's news, Rev. Jeff brings you: An insane lake monster from Ireland, the hunt for Bigfoot in Whitehall NY, new footage of a military plane using alien cloaking technology, a Disney UFO documentary, and Canada's UFO Crash witness speaks out.


  1. Real serious scientist will never accept anything but a body. No body no bigfoot.

    All there is so far are Liars making up stories for decades and hoaxed films.

    The bigfoot myth is only alive because a few folks make money off of suckers that believe

    1. ^ The Dumbest American! The statement about people lying and hoaxing is a lie. Happens in less than 5 percent of the cases. Yeah I'm gonna run around town and tell people I saw a bigfoot and subject myself to ridicule? You dumb Muther F'cker! Money? What money ? Please stop with your low IQ statements. My guess is you just make these stupid statements because you just want the attention you lonely nerd!

    2. Yes, there is a lot of hoaxing.

      Yes, there are lonely, weird, and off-balance people that cling to bigfoot, ghosts, and aliens because they want to believe they have some sort of psychic or spiritual ability to be closer to these things than the average person.

      But there are also a lot of people who were just camping, hunting, or driving and happened to see one.

      Saying this is all a hoax is ignorant and a huge oversimplification of the whole thing

    3. Let's just say there's too much damn hoaxing going on lately, all the clips you see there to the right of you now they're fake bigfoot clips most of them. I think they're not just faked by smallminded nerds with too much time on their hands, it's done to stall the subject with ridicule and waste our time with that nonsense while the real ones are still walking around out there.

  2. Please No UFO and Alien Crap. Drop the Rev. Because he is in the fringe group trying to tie aliens and Bigfoots . No relationship! Last time I checked it was called Bigfoot Evidence Shawn!

  3. Gullible you.
    Krantz Green and Meldrum are wrong just keeping a silly myth alive to cover for what's really going on that bigfoots quite likely are either an unknown relict tribe of people or they're aliens, maybe you think we have thousands of undiscovered upright gorillas speeding around our forests ?
    Get real, they're clearly not what you've been conditioned to believe.


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