Matt Moneymaker on Erickson Project: It's not a modified Chewbacca mask [Matilda]

We had some technical issues getting the YouTube live streaming podcast going last Thursday as Google+ Hangout did not allow outgoing calls. The host of the show Rictor Riolo had to call up Matt Moneymaker on his cellphone line to conduct the interview, so things did not go as planned. Nevertheless, we did get to hear Matt spill the beans on the Erickson Project footage and what the deal is with Matilda. Contrary to what we've been reporting, Matt says the sleeping Sasquatch released by Dr. Melba Ketchum is actually the adult female Sasquatch. Matilda is shown as a teenager in a separate video. The video is convincing, but isn't good enough to convince some skeptics.

There has been some images from Bill Munns matching different Wookie masks to images of Bigfoot from an Erickson Project video. Munns is currently challenging anyone with knowledge of the film to prove to him wrong.

Some have taken to Twitter to ask Matt if he can verify what he saw when he privately viewed the Erickson Project videos in Colorado.

"@MattMoneymaker1 Anyone know where these pictures came from?," Twitter user DuffBrew85 tweeted to Matt.

Here's Matt's response:

@DuffBrew85 That's incorrect. It's not a modified Chewbaca mask. It's a real animal. Several people saw it in person, including Bindernagel.

Clarifications: 1) Camcorder used for Matilda face shot *not* Hi-Def. 2) Matilda never growled at camera operator. 3) It's less than 30 secs

The phone connection during my interview with Rictor, et. al., made it difficult to hear all my words, so I do need to clarify a few things.


  1. Replies
    1. This isn't "Matilda". It's likely one of the fake videos that the property owner sold to Adrian Erickson. MM needs to do his research on this. Those who have seen Matilda's face know that this isn't Matilda.

    2. BFF got FUKIN PWNED YET AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

    3. We should petition Erickson to release the video. It's worth a try.

    4. It's not just one video that Adrian Erickson has, it's an entire documentary. He had his suspicions about this one video, which is why he sent it to Munns in the first place.

    5. Most folks just don't understand that Bigfoots have more in common with Almas in Russia or Yetis in Tibet than they do with apes, they're all primitive people none are animals in other words we don't have wild upright gorillas or whatever running around America but it would seem we do have hominins. Not canine-like things like this mask, get real.

    6. Bigfoots are literally everywhere. Even Hawaii. Mulder helped realize this. Come to the BFF. We can help you forget about logic and reason.

    7. Mulder has been awfully quiet lately

    8. Bigfoot's are everywhere and they are from heaven to. Melba in her paper said that found a triple/double genomic helix. Ketchum claimed that angels have the same DNA sequence.

    9. There's still the pancake video.

    10. I ran Mulder outta town just like I ran Kerchak outta town.

    11. Mulder will return on April fools day. He will be crowned king of fools.

    12. ^^Watching the BFF go down in flames?

    13. all of this is going nowhere fast... wow...

    14. I know a researcher who is involved with the BFRO that actually got to see the full Matilda footage, and he said he was convinced it was real. He told me about it before this whole Erickson project and "DNA paper" was a popular conversation point. His opinion on the video is actually the only thing that makes me think that there maybe something worthwhile to the Erickson project.

      The DNA paper is worthless, but there may be something to the videos.

      Of course I don't expect to really change anyone's mind. I realize that me saying that an unnamed source told me it's real isn't exactly any kind of convincing proof

    15. Travis, why won't they release it then and do some damage control?

      No one is giving those rubes a million bucks.

    16. Travis,
      Can you confirm with who ever saw the full video if this picture is Matilda?

    17. I don't know why they don't release it. I'm not involved with the project, the paper, or the BFRO at all. And that's a good idea. I'll email him and see if that's what he saw in the video.

      Thanks for the idea!

    18. So Moneymaker is confirming this still IS from the Matilda footage?

    19. I have no idea. I haven't seen anything that says he was confirming this, and I have never met or talked to him.

  2. Replies
    1. There once was a Bigfoot from Nantucket

    2. Matilda is not a modified Chewbacca mask... It was an unmodified Chewbacca mask.

    3. Who got his foot stuck in a bucket. He said with a grin looks like trouble I'm in so take my picture before I chuck it!

  3. So what Matt is saying is this.

    George Lucas had a unreported encounter with a Bigfoot that only Matt knows about; and patterned Chewbacca to match the Bigfoot he saw.

    It is the only explanation; because it looks EXACTLY LIKE A WOOKIE!

    1. How do you know what a bigfoot looks like?
      The picture Munns posted closely resembles what I saw.

    2. Geeez, Lucas based Chewbacca off of his pet dogs face, fact. Wookies are dogmen.

    3. Chewbacca was based on art from the cover of a magazine. The exact facial features would be designed to reflect the needs of matching the artists' design to the face of the actor playing Chewbacca. There's no way it was based on a real creature... too many interpretations to get from concept to finished product.

      Here's the full breakdown if anyone is actually interested:

  4. Replies
    1. Isn't the little foreground tree in the sleeping Matilda still the same one seen in the mask shot?

  5. Bindernagel saw Matilda in person?

    Is that statement verifiable?

    1. When the video is released, it will speak for itself. I'll hold my verdict until then.

    2. Treu enough, but Matt's comments actually out him as a faker because not only does he insist on calling the species animal when they're clearly human but he's a faker because Bigfoots don't look like Chewie or Wookie they're people with humanlike facial features and language, nothing in these damn masks indicate speech ability yet we know they do so there goes any credibility he might have had left. Busted, Monkeyfarter. Go on looking for your imaginary ape you'll never find it because thousands of loose apes is what only madmen believe, you're as much part of the myth cover-up as the Tazers et al.

    3. Humans are animals. For some reason bleevers keep on repeating this idea that "Bigfoots aren't animals, they are humans."
      HUMANS ARE ANIMALS. You sound stupid enough already for believing Bigfoot, no need to push it further. You're welcome.

    4. Humans are a kind of people.

    5. Bigfoots have a black noses.

    6. Animals are smarter than some footers.

    7. Yup and yes of course they are hominins lol Seriously, you really think there is a relic human species that's often quoted as being over 8ft tall and is the result of a hybridisation event only 15,000 years ago? Oh, let's not forget there's the obligatory government coverups so that the world doesn't learn the truth because it would destroy society as we know it! You are beyond help.

    8. "HMANS ARE ANIMALS" oh right,heres me hinking we are mammals with dominionover the animal kingdom.damn im down anither notch, im a dumb a book lad

    9. You're a dumb animal who can't even spell.

    10. Dominion over the animal kingdom hey, like to see you show your dominance over an angry grizzly, a hungry tiger or a great white unarmed and one to one. We cheated to become top of the food chain, we moved away from all our predators and made sharp stabby things!

    11. I've heard Bindernagel speak about it and he seemed to say he did see a live creature, but it was not close enough to really be amazed by it. He did not seem overly impressed.

    12. We call ourselves humans, animals yeah sure whatever skeptard dudes if you must nitpick, but we still label ourselves humans. That's our official title and it'll be where these hairy guys eventually fall into.

  6. Some people will sink to any depths to try and prove their point! How dumb does he think we are? Really on a scale from 1 to 10 how dumb does he think we are????How dumb does ketchum think people are? Lol technology seems to be a big problem for Bigfoot hunters/ researchers. They can't even get a phone interview without some "magical malfunction"

    1. Footers are a negative number.

    2. Only funny that cynics here talk more about the subject than socalled bigfooters do, this in effect means the trolls are actually the real footers themselves.

    3. Hoaxers are dumb people who believe (and often prove) they can fool other dumb people.

      Hey, the cult mentality is easy to manipulate as Melba, Moneymaker, Smeja etc prove on a daily basis.

    4. Yep! Im a skeptic posing as a beleiver! Ha hoaxed ya!

    5. I posed as a knower/footer for a while. They believed every ounce of bullshit I threw at them.

  7. Begin the day with a friendly voice,
    A companion unobtrusive
    Plays that song that's so elusive
    And the magic music makes your morning mood.

    Off on your way, hit the open road,
    There is magic at your fingers
    For the Spirit ever lingers,
    Undemanding contact in your happy solitude.

    Invisible airwaves crackle with life
    Bright antenna bristle with the energy
    Emotional feedback on timeless wavelength
    Bearing a gift beyond price, almost free

    All this machinery making modern music
    Can still be open-hearted.
    Not so coldly charted, it's really just a question
    Of your honesty, yeah, your honesty.

    One likes to believe in the freedom of music,
    But glittering prizes and endless compromises
    Shatter the illusion of integrity.

    For the words of the prophets were written on the studio wall,
    Concert hall
    And echoes with the sounds of salesmen. Of salesmen. Of salesmen.

  8. This is NOT Matilda. It's probably one of the fake videos that the property owner sold to Adrian Erickson. MM needs to do his research. Those who have seen Matilda's face know that this is not Matilda.

    1. It would be nice if someone who's seen Matild's face would speak up.
      MM does not count, his opinion is null and void.

    2. Or better yet... Publish the film for all of us to see

    3. How dare you....they owe you NOTHING.
      Go out and film your own BF

    4. It won't see the light of day, like another anon said it's worth more as a kind of urban myth they're right. It's keeping the myth alive of this 8ft plus ANIMAL that's roaming round the forests of Northern America, if they were to release it the footage would probably be pulled apart as a hoax. Matilda's become this legend like Patty already and everyone wants to see the footage and made such a big deal that it can never live up to the hype.

    5. Matilda looks nothing like Patty. At least one of the two is fake. But chances are, both of them are.

    6. The pancake video is real, I've seen it.

    7. Patty's real and Matilda may not be, jury's still out on that one.

  9. There is no evidence that this is from the matilda video.

    1. Exactly it cleary isn't, one is old VHS the other sleeping one is not.

    2. These are not what the beings look like that are running rampant here in my backwoods, no way, no how

    3. So, what do your local Foots look like?

  10. It's along the lines of evidence footers are trying to pass as real each day.

    1. ^ Troll skeptard not realizing he's a footer himself by jiving it daily.

    2. Oh so now the footers are going to try and convive the skeptics they are really foooters which is why we come to this site. No I'm just bored and think its funnt that grown people beleive in a magic monkey that roams the woods but has never been caught in how many hundreds of years? I tried the I'm an adult but still beleive in Santa blog. But it was just a group of grannies talking about christmas and what they were going to get the grand kids

    3. Welcome to the wonderful world of Bigfoot cover-ups and denying authorities.

  11. is hooking up with Matilda considered beastieality?

    I ruv her.

  12. From DuffBrew85

    To clarify:

    Matt on Twitter posted:
    Clarifications: 1) Camcorder used for Matilda face shot *not* Hi-Def. 2) Matilda never growled at camera operator. 3) It's less than 30 secs

    To which I replied with:
    Modified Chewbacka mask?

    Matt then replied with:
    That's incorrect. It's not a modified Chewbaca mask. It's a real animal. Several people saw it in person, including Bindernagel.

    I then replied asking if anyone knows where the Chewbaca looking squatch came from and haven't had a response.

    1. And them moneymaker slips out the backdoor without answering. Classic footer move.

    2. swept under the rug with the rest of footing nonsense

    3. Matt's as fake as they come he's been milking this field and the gullible for decades now.

    4. Looks like moneymaker answered you . Whole lot of nothing.

    5. Got a response: @DuffBrew85 I don't want to comment on things that aren't officially released by the copyright holder. Copyright holder did release sleeper.

    6. Monkeyfaker will offer you a whole lot of nothing and you'll like it.

  13. That looks nothing like a Bigfoot. Fake as usual. The teeth are the give away, and the thing obviously isn't part human. Who would sit and spin on that thing. Wear a condom..

    1. Yep, real bigfoot faces are human-like and less hairy which is basically why all fakes show something animal-like where a mask is easier to hoax, we're yet to see a real bigfoot hominin face up close they don't dare fake this because that's easier to tell.

    2. Some cave chick about 15 thousand years ago, acordiin to the DNA report.

    3. check out the tent video.

      game changer.

    4. "AnonymousMonday, February 25, 2013 at 12:13:00 PM PST

      check out the tent video.

      game changer."


      And just how exactly is that crummy vid a "game changer"?

  14. Chewbacca clearly is a Bigfoot. Wookies must be a subspecies. Think about it. Chewies vocalisations and intelligence are exactly like a Bigfoot.

  15. Whos the first BFFer thats gonna admit they got fukin PWNED????????

    1. Well, SouthernDumbfuck seems pretty butt hurt.

    2. Ketchum still has supporters, over there in the magic kingdom.

  16. Ken: go back to Dyer's tree peeker, not the tent video. That one has to be, just got to be the real thing. Look what detail, what color, he has truly shown us all the way bigfoot supposed to look. Anything else is just a bad HOAX. Plus he still has the body, if Aliens or the Canadians, or the New Guys from Ohio and Ky haven't stolen it. I wonder if Melba's in his movie?

  17. Define Irony:

    The entire bigfoot community now relying on RICK DYER to deliver the goods.

    1. Not me. He is a Dueche. I heard he had been searching for Halloween costumes from a Hollywood designer about a year ago. Then he shot one.... Its all about publicity for him, he has a body, a fake one

    2. Not me. He is a Dueche. I heard he had been searching for Halloween costumes from a Hollywood designer about a year ago. Then he shot one.... Its all about publicity for him, he has a body, a fake one

    3. Vegas houses a Madame Tussaud's wax museum. Those things can look pretty real, lol. Don't know how much that would have cost, but he has "investors". I wonder if the artists at Tussauds could be found and asked? I would think people with that skill would not be a dime a dozen, after all. Relatively few would be masters of that particular talent and experience.

    4. Not me. He is a Dueche. I heard he had been searching for Halloween costumes from a Hollywood designer about a year ago. Then he shot one.... Its all about publicity for him, he has a body, a fake one

    5. Ken: I got my thoughts about Rick, But to hear people talk as if they were actually discussing a serious venture, Money Maker and that comedy show, it's unbelievable. What ever Dyer does or doesn't do, he's not on TV running around wood knocking and squeeling for the cam. I have fallen from the fence, but not because of my doubts in mystery, or the word and opinion of the few honest people making reports. It is just so silly to think that people actually follow this folly, and these TV clowns as if they are somehow educated about something that has never been studied by anyone. People are allowing them to make a great living while laughing all the way to the bank. I would bet a large sum against Dyer having a body of any undeclared animal, I would double that bet that he would produce proof before anyone of these so called BF researchers. I wish Dr Meldrum Would disappear into the woods for about 6 mos and return with the absolute verdict, either way..

  18. when do people stop talking about the matilda video and just release it already?

    1. when its released the game is up.

      crappy wookie suit filmed by some looney toon habituators that claimed when they moved house the bigfoots moved with them.

      its worth more unreleased.

    2. Whoa, they claim to have moved and the foots moved too?

    3. 12:49, that's why it will never be released.

    4. Of course they moved too, who wouldn't follow someone who put broken glass in their hotcakes?

  19. is mucklegrunt Matilda's husband?

  20. Moneymaker is not famous for being overly critical of purported evidence. However, he does point out hoaxes that he is aware of. We can conclude he has no first hand knowledge that either the sleeping Matilda footage or the footage Munns saw are frauds.
    The good news is we have eyes, and don't need Matt to tell us they are both worthless steaming piles of shit.

  21. Can someone tell me if I've got this straight:
    Erikson has a bunch of videos that were sold to him. Some are real, but some are fake. He refuses to release them because he wants a million dollars for them. Someone leaked a few images of the face in one of the videos, but these images are not of Matilda, the breathing carpet. MM is insisting that the obvious Chewie mask, although not Matilda, is in fact a real Bigfoot.
    Back to the beginning- why would anyone bother to make fake videos if they have real videos? It's all just so ridiculous. Time to face the facts, the Erikson videos are all fake and he just wants to make some easy money off of them.

    1. its simple

      there is no bigfoot

      therefore every video is fake

      so so so simple

    2. I agree.
      "But thousands of eye witnesses!"

      There are also plenty of eyewitnesses of the Mothman, Nessie, Dinosaurs, etc.

    3. You forgot the footprints.

    4. ^^^Which are known to be faked almost daily.

      Footprints are worthless.

    5. Yeah, but you still forgot them.


    6. I know, he would forget his own name if it wasn't for his mommy reminding him

    7. Very true, Erickson always has been and always was in it for the money. He stepped down when he realized his joke of films didn't have ANY chance in hell of being taken as legitimate. Trust me, that's what happened, cold feet.

  22. I propose that this year, April fools day be dedicated to footers, worldwide.

    1. every day of the year is april fools day for footers (they are retards)

    2. I wouldn't go as far as calling them retards. They have some sort of psychosis, I think. Don't know what the name of it is, but they sure as hell got it.

    3. Id go that far. To believe in a magic monkey is delusional.

    4. ^^delusional isn't retarded.


    5. I love footers have you been interested in Bigfoot for a long time ?, this is fascinating.

  23. Replies
    1. There is no "Matilda". Matilda was the name of a bigfoot drawing, fact...dumbass.

    2. Matilda is a famous breathing rug.

    3. ^^It was a name given to a picture...dumbass

  24. So is MM saying the picture isn't Matilda? Or is he saying the picture is of a real creature?

    1. MM says he won't comment on the new photos that look to be a Chewbacca mask because the copyright hasn't been released.

    2. At this point mark, fuk knows what's going on. All I know is there is still zero evidence for this magic monkey man.

    3. He's saying bigfoots have a black noses.

    4. P.P.S. USA = Obese McDonald's addicts.


    5. Black noses are people too.

  25. Can anyone tell me if there are any researchers actively looking in the deep forests of the PNW? This is where the research should be focused. Not Florida or those other states that have about 3 trees.

    1. ^^Example of a mindless footer. Go over to BFF, they'll tell you everything you want to hear...and you'll believe them. You're to lazy to dig for the truth and you want to believe so badly that you gobble up anything that makes them real.

    2. I'm banned from the bff I'm afraid.

    3. I believe Meldrum is doing his blimp study in the PNW, otherwise I'm sure some BFRO loons are habituating there with nothing to show for it.

    4. I too am banned from BFF.

      Those kooks can't take a joke or criticism.


    5. I am banned as well but then again I was a jerk.

  26. Can anyone, who downloaded the PDF please please please send me the Ketchum Study to

    1. You'll receive it as soon as I receive your $30. Be patient.

  27. who is Bindernagel and what makes him some sort of authority on Real vs. Fake man/apes?

    1. He's a famous Sasquatch researcher, who wrote lots of books about it. Google for him.

    2. He's just one of many bullshit artists in the field of bigfootery.

    3. He is a a really nice guy with an education, not something you see much around here though.

  28. What about tits? Monkeyraper said this is the adult female so it should have some tig ol bitties. It would require a bit more fabrication to the chewy costume if needed to fashion some realistic hairy meat canons.

    1. So, you wanna see Squatch boobs?

    2. The proof could very well be in the boobies.


    3. They don't have boobs per se just a patch of skin on the chest that oozes milk when needed.

    4. I bet if you put Patty in a full nelson she could suck on her own scuds.
      Squatch Nuts

  29. Why doesn't Erickson release his videos? The study ist out! How many years more does he want to wait?!

    1. He wants his 1 million dollars.

    2. He doesn't dare. He knows he'll get ripped to shreds just like Melba has. At one time he probably thought that if the world accepted her BS, they'd buy into his wookie videos. Wrong.

    3. He doesn't want to look like more of a fool than he already does.
      He unknowingly paid ungodly amounts of money for hoaxed videos. Then when he found out they were hoaxed, he bought videos from Brisson and Standing...FAIL #2.
      Would you be foolish enough to release hoaxed videos, knowing you paid that much money for them?

    4. ^^That, and every time he finds a buyer, they laugh hysterically upon seeing the videos.

    5. Could Erickson really be that dumb? I'm sure he would have insisted on watching the videos before purchasing them. Maybe he has never seen Star Wars? I didn't hear he bought Standing's footage, but good lord one look at that and I wouldn't have given two bits and a cup of hot chocolate for that crap!

    6. Some of the footage may have been created by his team-i think that is the case with the rug thingy...

  30. It sure as hell is not a bigfoot either. Looks like fuckin Eddie Munster.

  31. Erickson, Ketchum, Paulides, Meldrum, Sykes. All in it for the $$$$$. Only SWP living his humble existence is a true bigfooter.

  32. Pleas anyone, who downloaded the PDF, send me the ketchum stuy, please!

  33. It's okay to believe in Sasquatch, Folks. But, it's not okay to believe in the this piece of Shit. For Christ sake, go with your gut, folks. If your gut tells you this is real, you need a serious gut check. Again, it's okay to believe, but don't go getting all retarded in the process.

    1. If it IS fake, I still think it must look pretty damn good for MM to say it's real. I mean, nobody likes to look like a dumb shit. On the other hand... That really looks like a wookie mask!

    2. The fact that the teeth match the teeth on the mask very closely is what really gives it away. It is a modified Wookie mask. There is no doubt about that...

  34. Ken: Matilda the breathing rug? MM will say and do anything he thinks will bring home the bigfoot bacon. One of His RESEARCHERS, told some people here in TN that they had as many as three family groups being constantly videoed. MM also agreed, but ask that it be kept secret for the time being, yea right. How does one become an authority about an undiscovered animal? Is it based on ones ability to make money on the subject? When and if a creature like Sasquatch, is ever clearly proven, full and immediate disclosure will follow. I would bet the farm, none of the clowns knocking wood, running through the woods, and squeeling and howling will be the lucky discoverers. They do put on a good comedy, and Moneyracker is an inventive lead clown and showman." Matilda" the long awaited, much debated, rug that's slated, to be released at a later date? yea go Matt go, Do you need someone to help you count your money?

  35. My ass my be dumb, but I'm no dumb ass. NEXT!

  36. Oh Gawd this hurts, but I have to say it; even as an Agnostic. God/Nature works in mysterious ways. Who knows what is possible? I am going to still sit on the fence and see which way I fall.

  37. LMFAO, stupid degenerate bleebers look like stupid degenerate bleebers once again.

    Two things are infinite: the universe and bleeber stupidity and I'm not sure about the universe.

    Face it morons, that Wookie mask IS the Matilda footage. You idiots thought Bigfoot was real? Ah ha ha ha ha.

    1. It is one of them. There are 2. The sleeping rug and this highly anticipated joke.

    2. If people are too stupid to open their eyes then they deserve every bit of heart felt hurt they endure. Its comical.

      She's a Veterinarian NOT a Geneticist

      GenBank easily does what Smelba says it won't

      Her business has a Grade of "F" by the BBB

      Bigfoot braids her horses hair

      Bigfoot speaks to her in her dreams

      Bigfoot communicates with her when she holds a sample in her hand

      Bigfoot used telekinesis to knock her out and make her "sore" down there

      She communes with a family of 5 but has zero proof

      She buys a fake journal and website

      Publishes her non peer reviewed paper in a fake journal

      Uses real science and scientists as an excuse for it not passing a peer review and being published in a real/credible journal

      Cites The Epic of Gilgamesh as supporting evidence

      Cites a Daniel Boone story as supporting evidence

      Cites an April Fools joke unknowingly as supporting evidence

      She tries to get Smeja to degrade his sample so there would be no other sample to disprove her botched findings

      When that didn't work, she used the only excuse she had (Smeja switched samples)

      Trent University tested the same sample as her and found Ursus Americanus and human DNA (homosapien)

      She never even asked for Smeja's DNA to rule out his DNA as contamination

      I think this one is pretty damn easy to figure out


    3. I agree Bigfoot is real, welcome brother.


  38. Moneymaker's message to Munns:

    Bill, you are overlooking some important things:

    The Wookie mask wasn't just some fanciful monster face construct. The shape of the mask was a good approximation of the face of a large primate that would have adapted to a colder climate. You can see many of those same facial characteristics, like the nose and mouth, in the faces of most other mammals in temperate climates. This one simply has more primate characteristics ... just like the costume designers were trying to achieve with the Wookie.

    Take a close look at the faces of other large-ish American mammals, like buffalo, elk, muskox, bears, river otter, etc. ... Flatten their snouts and give them omnivorous primate teeth. What you get is a Wookie-type face, which just happens to look a bit like Matilda ... as one should expect !!! .. because the Wookie was made to appear as natural as possible, and was, in part, based on eyewitness sketches of bigfoots, and the Patterson footage, and the Mcclarin bigfoot statue in Willow Creek. If you contact the original Star Wars art/costume designers you will find a pile of bigfoot sketches in their files. Those sketches were shown in the very first documentary about the making of Star Wars. Those designers actually said it was supposed to look like a bigfoot.

    You have presented three (3) different Wookie masks for comparison to one Matilda face. The subtle differences between Matilda and those Wookie masks are distinct enough to demonstrate that it wasn't a "modified" Wookie mask. Notice the difference in the nose angle. Notice the very distinct difference with the fur also. Ask yourself, "Why would the person who "modified" the Wookie mask make the fur so different??" A hoaxer would not have made the fur look like it does on Matilda, but nature would have made it that way, if the creature had adapted to very cold climates over a long period of time.

    1. I think Matt should backup his claims about the Star Wars designers. As a fan, I can tell you he is playing fast and loose with how Chewbacca was "designed" and what he thinks he remembers hearing them talk about. In other words, he is full of crap, and is making up things to justify his won wrong ideas about it. This stuff is known about, and he is simply wrong about Chewbacca.

      For a good breakdown of exactly what went into the creation of Chewbacca, look no further than the following page:

    2. *typo: his own, not his won.

    3. Some relevant quotes:

      George Lucas: “We didn’t really have the ability to do animated characters at that point, so I made the decision with Chewbacca that he would be a large man in a suit. So [Stuart] tried to take what Ralph had drawn and interpret it to use Peter Mayhew, and he is a certain structure, has a certain way of walking, he has certain eyes and taking his actual skeletal structure and turning that into a costume and a face that would mechanically work, and that changes the design, just by the nature of the reality it changes it. Whenever you have a design concept, and you put it into reality, most of the time, especially in the early years, it would change everything.” (2)

      But more than that, it sounds like the design was kept fluid up until the last day:

      Lucas would often pop in to see how Stuart Freeborn was doing on his first project, Chewbacca the Wookie, which he was making from straight yak hair (Freeborn’s sketches, which bear some resemblance to the man, also below). “I would go in there every day and push the nose around a little bit and push the chin up,” Lucas says. “I kept pulling the nose out and pushing it back. It was difficult, because we were trying to do a combination of a monkey, a dog and a cat. I really wanted it to be cat-like more than anything else, but we were trying to conform to that combination.”

    4. You have only a shallow understanding of how the Star Wars characters came to into being. They were the creations of an artistic team headed by a guy named Ralph McQuarrie. You obviously weren't aware of that, but could only quote some superficial reference to the later stages of development of the Wookie costume. Go do your homework about Ralph McQuarrie's artwork and his team before you spout your half-assed superficial knowledge.

      Ralph McQuarrie's inspiration for a the Wookie came from a bigfoot. Lucas LATER realized it had to be a man-in-costume. You are obviously not familiar with the documentary about Ralph McQuarrie's team of artists and his conceptual sketches and paintings.

      The Star Wars characters were NOT the sole creation of Lucas. He adapted McQuarrie's artwork for the film.

      Do your homework.

    5. That article you point to doesn't mention the word bigfoot, but when you see the documentary with those artists discussing the development of the Wookie they DEFINITELY say the word "Bigfoot" and they actually show some books with drawings of bigfoots, albeit among a whole bunch of other artwork.

      These artists (wasn't just McQuarrie and Lucas) didn't just do things from scratch ... they collected all sorts of stuff to guide their artistic development. Sketches of Bigfoots were among them, but they definitely settled on something that would look like a terrestrial mammal, and more like a bigfoot than an ape. It had to be different than a planet-of-the-apes creature.

      Unfortunately that documentary is not on YouTube or I would post the link to it. If you find it you will see the bigfoot images among the pile of artwork and photos they used to come up with the Wookie look. You can even look at the page you posted the link for above ... you can see yourself that it looks more like a bigfoot than a planet-of-the-apes figure, or a "dogman".

      Notice the difference of the feet in McQuarrie's concept of 1976 as opposed to Shoenherr's concept of 1975.


      Notice how McQuarrie's "Wookie" feet look exactly like the feet of a bigfoot, rather than the three-toed sci-fi creature feet in Shoeherr's concept.

      Where do you think McQuarrie's Wookie feet concept came from? Look at it and think about it, and go find that documentary about it.

  39. fat fucking peice of shit, low life dick sucking bobo taterholing faggot. he needs to crawl in a hole and die.

    1. must be Matilda's dad commenting again. doesn't want his daughter to be the first bigfoot to ruin there long run of elusiveness and the family name. they will b kicked out of the lovely neighborhood watch they are in too.

  40. Maybe it's the real Chewbacca?

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