Statement From Justin Smeja Regarding Sierra Kills DNA Results

Justin Smeja is the person who claims he shot two Bigfoots in the Sierras in October 2010. He recovered a tissue samples 5 weeks after the shooting. Unsure about the tissue's origin, Smeja sent it to multiple DNA labs for testing. After months of testing, the lab results have finally been released and it shows "bear" as the major contributor of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. Here is Smeja's response posted on the Team Tazer Facebook group moments ago:

Thank you all who have followed my story the past 2 years. "Its been a fun one". I receive many emails from you all each week and will say 95 percent are positive and for that I thank you. I have met a lot of great people and we have had some good times.

I am relieved that now you all know the truth about the sample recovered in the Sierras on November 10th 2010. I was giving false confidence in that sample just like the rest of you. To be totally honest I've been kind of excited about this release knowing the truth can't hurt.

I can assure you with only my word this changes nothing about what happened on the eighth day of October in 2010.

For now I'll spare you the lengthy details. I will have plenty to say in the next few days when I do a release of my own.

Forgive me if I dont go on the defensive or worry about damage control. Truthfully I don't feel like I'm the one who owes you all an explanation for the results released today.

People in this circle have said things in private and done things behind closed doors that they will have to be held accountable for very soon.

Yall seem to be a lot more worked up about all this then I am. Trust me I'm resting easy, I feel sure I'm living with character. I've done all I can do for now to bring you the truth about this incident. I'll look forward to sharing more with you soon. - Justin Smeja


  1. Replies
    1. Bigfoot is Bullshit but Bears are RealWednesday, December 26, 2012 at 11:20:00 PM PST

      Dear Justin, you are either the biggest idiot and liar that ever lived, completely insane, or so stupid that you shouldnt be walking free in society...maybe a combination of all. In any case, no one is going to buy your books or bullshit and quite frankly I am proud of you for delivering the coup de grace to the pathetic spin of lies and deceit that is the Church of Bigfoot.

      Heres a hint: When you shoot an unknown animal, take pics, samples, the body, anything that can be delivered to a state college zoology department before the local press is called. When you are lying about the previous scenario, just hide your head in shame at what a total pathetic individual you must be.

    2. Real Justin statement: "I am a tool, buy my book of lies, to be released with drawings soon"

      Yes he killed two of 'em, held the baby and only got a t-shirt, lousy book deal, DRAWINGS, and a film from Ro Sahebi trying to cash in LOL!

    3. he's a world-class hunter and poacher of course there are no pics or trophies!!!!

    4. DNA results prove that Justin fucked a bear? Have I got that right?

    5. You can tell we are in the you tube age when some nobody that I would've never known about had I not stumbled on this site can say I will do a release of my own as if it were gonna be a national news press release

    6. In Ro's movie, Morgan Freeman play the part of the sasquatch, while Gary Busey plays Justin. Nancy Grace as Melba Ketchum, The Rock plays Bart Curtino.

      I saw the previews and it already sucks.

    7. You couldn't pay me to watch Ro's movie

    8. Justin did NOT fuck a bear. A bear fucked Justin. That is the dna which was submitted. I'm sure they found gerbil as well.

  2. Replies
    1. You just said "Tim foil hat" instead of "Tin foil hat"

    2. Hey hey hey!

      Go easy on me!

      That's right, I wear the hat, so people tend to call it a Tim foil hat--it's an easy mistake, I get it.

      Come guys, jus' lissen to me, OK?

      I IZ real smart, OK? I'm right about everything, OK?

      Just click my link and you'll see how impressive Timmy really is!!!

    3. I think he ment a Tim Foli hat.

      The former shortstop of the Pittsburg Pirates has a huge cult following.

    4. Yay! A Pittsburgh reference...

  3. Replies
    1. Smeja is an American idiot and completely full of shit. Biggest liar ever. And I happen to believe there is a possibility Bigfoot DOES exist. Just don't believe anything that comes out of Justin's mouth, his story changes every time he tells it

  4. Does it bother no one that a piece of five plus week old tissue and hair from a reported female bear tested MORE positive for human than bear? 15% Human, 10% Bear and 75% of what? I spent a while reading dna testing results and have not seen one yet like this test today.

    I am only more confused by this test. I care less on who, what, why etc it was done. I just don't understand why so much of the data is left unexplained.

    How do you get more human dna on a piece of bear flesh? Did someone handle a bear recently then handle the sample? Did someone toe the sample out of the snow with boots that had bear blood and guts on them, then pick it up wearing gloves with bear dna on it? Seems to me there should be more bear dna in a piece of flesh from a bear than any other dna.

    Where is the data for the remaining 75%?

    Where are the photos showing the comparison of control dna and sample dna matching?

    Too many things not explained. These results ade only muddying tje waters more.

    1. How was the fur not "EASILY" identified by a hair expert?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

      Someting isn't right!

    2. "Does it bother no one that a piece of five plus week old tissue and hair from a reported female bear tested MORE positive for human than bear?" Yes it bothers me that Justin gets off on and shoots his at the site of dead animals.

    3. There is that too. This whole "Sierra Kill" and Ketchum project have been so tarnished with conjecture, lies, misinformation and other crap that I highly doubt anything will be accepted from it.

      I don't know Mr Smeja but know others who do and believe in him. I have no faith in lie detectors though. I have neen through a few and passed when I should not have.

      I don't know Dr Ketchum either. But again know those who do and still have faith in her. I have heard outrageous claims made supposedly by her, but seen very very little supporting those claims. If her study was conducted as she stated recently, it is going to be very hard to disprove.

      What I do know is I am not happy in the way this entire bigfoot field is run. There is so much infighting and "mememememe" going on that it destroys all chance of teamwork. Too much greed in being first to prove bigfoot.

      If the same amount of energy was spent working together to prove the existence of bigfoot as is spent trashing others trying to do the same, we would have proof years ago. Few researchers are willing to work together.

      There is even infighting between people on same teams. So all the while everyone is bickering among themselves, back stabbing one another, trashing this report or that report, bigfoot is walking the woods with a great big bullseye on it's chest waiting for the next person with enough courage to pull the trigger. So much for these so called researchers who are wanting to protect bigfoot.

    4. By there is that too, I am referring to the 7:29 Anon, NOT the getting off Anon. I would think if the dna tested was semen, that would have been noted. I think it likely the contamination came from handling the sample with something that had his blood, sweat, tears, etc and bear dna together.

      Gloves or boots jump to mind, especially gloves. I have cut myself many times field cleaning animals. Or wiping my nose with the back of my glove if it runs or I had a nose bleed. Or wiping sweat off my forehead.

      I want to know what the 75% left unexplained is. Simple question.

    5. I agree! I do trust David Paulides, I just think he got a few folks involved that makes his hard work look bad to new-comers. Its still good research he's done. I think it will sort itself out in some way. There is something out there.

    6. Well said my dear boy, Mr Big Jim.

      The missing 75% of the DNA is obviously the primary DNA of the sample!

      Watch the scoffers jump and leap and jockey for position, while your point totally eludes them.

      A bit limited, aren't they?

      Sherry? Brandy anyone? I have a fine port just in. Follow me.

    7. Well said Big Jim and the others that followed. This test only went mtDNA, which when tested for the past 10 years has always come up human or contaminated, except for the test that Curt Nelson a microbiologist from U of Minnesota did on the Snelgrove Lake sample. He got some very interesting results that showed non homo sapien primate, but could only take it so far. Dr. Ketchum went the very expensive route of nuDNA to get her findings. When interviewed on C2C AM for three hours, she was asked about Smeja's sample and she did not say if it tested positive for Bigfoot or even if she did any analysis on the sample. She did not mention any particular sample, only that the vast majority were hair, but she did say there was some tissue involved. Was this tissue from Smeja, Snelgrove Lake, or elsewhere? She did say however that she did believe Smeja's story.

      Did Smeja recover Bigfoot DNA that had been snacked on by a bear? That would account for the test results that only did the mtDNA testing. Or did something else happen. All I can say for sure is I will not get all worked up right now. It may sort itself out in time. Just way to many unknowns at this point to make any statement besides a vague opinion.


    8. Oh, for Christ's sake! The DNA was tested in England, came back Black bear. The boots were tested as well and NO blood of any kind was found to be present. Justin Smeja is the biggest liar on the planet, I've seen him on 3 different shows and he gives 3 different accounts on how the young one died. And never a mention of the other young one. Surely that asshole would have shot it as well. Didn't snap a picture with his cell phone, didn't cut off a little piece of flesh he could have easily hidden, nothing. Anyone who believes this bullshit story is an idiot as well. and BTW, I DO believe Bigfoot exists.

  5. Evidence tells me that Bigfoot is nothing but folklore. In the same category as unicorns, lochness monster and chupa cabra. It's nice to hope that some day a bipedal hominid be discover in north America but seen the type of looney people that are involved in this field, nothing but ridicule will come out of all of this.

    1. Ah well... the unicorn sightings logbook is pretty thin, so yr busted for gross intellectual laziness there.
      But, the fact remains that there is still no physical evidence to sustain the existence of Bigfoot. Fortunately for the footers, this balances perfectly with the evidence against the existence of Bigfoot. There still isn't any of that either...

    2. I like that "gross intellectual laziness". It pretty much sums up most of the people in this site. It should be incorporated into law. "What did I do officer?" "I'm writing you a ticket for gross intellectual laziness in a school zone"

  6. i love it justin is going to "rest easy" haha i bet! what does he care? he has and will still profit from bullshit lies...

    1. He's got a good role model in Gimlin. Make up a story and stick with it... the fools will follow.

    2. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

      Useful idiot at 8:42.

      Very useful indeed.

    3. STFU dork and get back to your homework.

    4. ^^^ has finally found full-time work as an ass napkin for Smeja. Bravo!

  7. Not sure how things work in la la land but if he were in my state the Department of Natural Resources would be knocking on goofball's door.

    1. Why? He had a bear tag. People shoot salls all the time only to find out they Have cubs later. You can do that legally if you guesstimate cubs to be 51lbs or better anyways. By October almost all cubs are that size anyways

    2. California State Fish and Game did knock on his door several months after the incident. They then "declined" to be further involved......

      And even if Sasquatch do turn out to be another living member of the Genus Homo at some point in the future, and legislation is put into place to protect them, that does not mean that anyone is ever going to be charged for a crime against something that was not known at the time of the shooting. You can't prosecute under a law that was put into place "after the fact". That is just common sense and legal fact.

    3. If they are homo, they may be protected already. Nothing to stop a grand juy from handing down an indictment. The law would be made more specific, if the prosecution failed.

    4. No one will ever be charged with murder for killing a bigfoot. If a 8' tall hairy human was shot and killed in downtown LA, it still would not change the fact that currently bigfoot is a myth. Even in areas where laws exist protecting bigfoot, like Skamania County, WA, no one can be convicted of killing something that is not real.

      Once bigfoot is proven, THEN and only then, could people be charged with killing them.

      Bigfoot is not going to be 100% human. Even if 1% of the dna is other, that makes it enough nonhuman to prevent murder conviction. We have thoroughly hashed out this topic of killing bigfoot many times. Until it is accepted and laws put in place AFTER acceptance, bigfoot is in serious danger of harm and death.

    5. Yes you most certainly can 'prosecute under a law that was put into place "after the fact"'.

      O.J. suffered that with that God damned ridiculous Nicole Brown Simpson Law BS which allowed her diary contents to come into evidence. That law was passed DURING the trial, AFTER the crimes, and was a total farce and insult to the Constitution of the United States of America.

      Yes, the same constitution which thousands died and bled for, which many who signed went from riches to rags, and many of those knew that upon signing they would go from riches to rags, but signed anyway.

      Can you imagine such guts and nerve in 2012-2013? What a bunch of sad corrupt fat wimps we have here now.

      Don't doubt or underplay the corruption of the courts, which could make retroactive whatever they feel like making retroactive depending on how they feel getting up any particular morning.

    6. You say OJ suffered? Pass me a hankie please..........

    7. Nobody would notice if an 8 foot hairy anything was shot in downtown la period

  8. Those of us who have been paying attention know that you never claimed the piece of hide and fur you found five weeks after the shooting were actually from what it was that you shot.

    Those of us who have been paying attention know that it was not you who called it a "steak".....

    Those of us who have been paying attention appreciate that you and Bart wanted absolute confirmation on what this sample actually was, after many disturbing things began to surface regarding the first person who received this sample for testing, and made sure that several other highly reputable labs were involved in order to do so. Labs that are certified and accredited, unlike the first lab involved.....

    Those of us who have been paying attention appreciate the fact that you, Bart Cutino, and Tyler Huggins took it upon yourselves to research and test this sample in a completely above board and transparent manner.

    I look forward to the further truths of this situation unfolding in the next few days!

    1. +1 ^ thanks Nadia, the stfu key was sticking for me and my post was much less pg13 than yours

    2. hi Nadia.. i think Nadia is just too fricken cute!!!! keep doing what you do.....

    3. "Those of us who have been paying attention" would know there ain't no 'squatch.

      Seriously, you can trust me. Just click my pic.

      I'm incredibly bright.

      No, really.

    4. My STFU key remains on until you people either give up the details or quit discussing this alleged shady conversation between Ketchum and Smeja. Were you there to hear this conversation, Nadia? Was Bart? Right now you're acting like a schoolgirl clique loudly announcing you have some "secret we can't tell". BULLSHIT.

    5. Nadia nailed it! She's right on

    6. Justin claimed initially he shot 2 bear. Light grey ones(??) bear hide was recovered from the site.

      Game over Phüdderz. Its time for you to EAT. CROW.

    7. If your idea of too cute is a crazy big headed dwarf then you're right on

    8. I do Bigfoot DNA studies in my meth lab all the time.

    9. We should compare notes because I take acid by the vial in order to figure out the intricacies of Bigfoot mind speak

    10. And to be able to see the interdimensional mythical beast

    11. Thus far I've only been able to talk to my neighbors black lab

    12. those of us that have been paying attention also believe Mr Smegma is full of crap

  9. You morons have hoaxed this bigfoot shit to the point where if an actual bigfoot were discovered ... no one would believe it!

    1. Hell he could do talk shows and donate his body to science at this point and people would say it's a hoax

  10. "Trust me I'm resting easy, I feel sure I'm living with character."

    Lol, man. You've either conned a lot of people or done something quite heinous. Good thing you are comfortable in your own skin. Your new friends will stick with you so long as they think they can gain from your friendship.

  11. Bryan Garcia I won't be surprised that in the end everyone is hoaxing.
    2 hours ago via mobile
    Sharon Lee beginning with ..... oh shit have to bite my tongue again!
    2 hours ago

  12. In Soviet Russia bleeve we do you.

  13. Bigfoot does not exist people.. This red neck was on crack when he shot a bear and cub.. Do you really think someone would shoot an unknown animal and not take a pic or any other type of evidance at the moment? How had would it had been for this crack head to take the littlefoot that he was holding in his arms? Come on people!! Wake up, these are all lies or this guy and his companion were on some good shit that day.

    1. You are wrong. This situation may have looked bad a few hours ago, but Justin has explained it all and very well I might add. I have new hope.

    2. He could be the biggest hoaxer in the world, and it would Not change the fact that bigfoot does exist.
      How on earth can this one DNA result disprove all the other evidence from around the world? It cant.

  14. It's propaganda, plain and simple.

    1. Yep. The phone lines are a'buzz today with CYA CYA CYA. Let's get our story straight.

  15. Larry the Cable Guy and guns don't mix much.

  16. I wish the bigfoots peace. All humans do is shoot things and act like crazy unknown primate.

    The world is not safe with humans.


  17. Did you see the story links below this one? Looks like Smeja should have taken Ricky up on his offer of $1 mil for a serving of steak.

  18. This could have all ended if some motherfucker just pick up the body to begin with. Game over! Instead he walked away and came back 5 weeks later. What a Fucking Pussy!

  19. Why was he hunting bear with a rifle that is generally considered a medium game round? The 25-06 is considered a great deer gun but not larger game like bear where a 30-06 or 308 would be far better choices.

    1. Is that the best you got? I can call people names all day but it doesn't answer the question.

    2. That's the problem with this blog, if someone doesn't have anything valuable to add they call you a idiot or moron.

  20. google "25.06 for bear" and thousands of hunters use it for smaller to med

    1. Yes and can use a .223 to hunt dear but it's generally not considered humane. That's the reason I'm asking this question.

      And by the way Justin why aren't you posting under your own name?

  21. I had a friend who hunted with a .25-06. He used it for everything. Small game to bear and elk. I never liked the fact that the bullet available was only 120grs. But the energy is actually pretty good. You have a .25 caliber bullet stuck on top of a necked down .30-06 cartridge. That allows for serious speed and good penetration. At 500yds a .25-06 is still carrying around 1000 foot pounds of energy. That is much higher than pretty much all handguns and several slower, bigger loads.

    He may have a personal reason for using that gun. Or he likes how there is less meat loss. Who knows. But it is not the caliber of the gun so much as shot placement that gets the job done. Bears have been killed with .22's and .50cal bolt actions and everything in between.

    I personally would use a heavier gun for bear hunting. But that is because I want that animal to drop right there and not have to go crawling into brush looking for a bear that might be looking for me.

    1. Jim I've read allot of your post and you like a responsible and humane hunter. The key to what you said is "because I want that animal to drop right there". So if Justin's telling us the truth he shot a animal that was far larger than a black bear with a gun that was of questionable caliber for what he said he was doing in first place.

    2. He did indeed do that. But what is a questionable caliber for bears or bigger? Is it .308 and up? Or could it be .223 and up? If he is a good shot, has a clear shot at kill zone, is confident that everything will kill the target, then isn't that ok?

      If a trained military sniper uses the same round in same scenario, is it any different?

      How about those who hunt with bows and arrows? Those don't even come close to firearms in energy.

      It comes down to shot placement. That is what kills a target. If the round is capable of entering the kill zone, then it falls to placement.

      We can gather this though. He shot the adult whatever and it ran off. He shot the young whatever and it didn't. But since he panicked after looking at the young one he never tracked down the adult. It could have died just out of sight. Or it could have lived. We don't know.

      So yes, I do agree with many, some of what he did was unethical. First, he was not sure of his target. That is in the top five things hunters need to be aware of. Those are, All guns are treated as loaded at all times regardless of rounds in it. Never point a gun at something you don't want to kill. Always be aware of your target and what lies beyond it. Never release the safety or put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to fire. And you can't recall a bullet.

      He also did not attempt to recover the adult. He said he felt threatened by the young ones, so that was why he shot one and also part of why he panicked and left. He should then have contacted fish and wildlife. But since everyone reacts to fear differently, we really can't say much more.

  22. It's time to put this DNA study in the garbage where it belongs. Smeja and Ketchum are irreparably tainted now. Everyone got suckered including Wally. He may have shot one but I believe he never went back there to retrieve it. That part sounds like horseshit. The guy is a lazy ass redneck who chooses to kill from his truck for crying out loud. He might as well just set up a lazy boy in the flatbed, crack the beer and kill everything in sight like he's so fond of doing. I say he dropped the story out, but when it came to collect the body, never went back out. He just opened his walk in freezer of carcasses and hacked off a slice. As for Melba she just may be the ultimate con-artist, fabricating the entire study itself by delaying and prolonging it ad-infinitum. She's just writing up a big word document and got her friends to take part. She's probably a skeptic herself who is looking to profit. Justin probably didn't like his take so he then suckered in Bart and co. And now it's just a dragging on of he said she said shit-fest with promises of more shit to one to keep the hoax alive as long as possible. Well meaning people got suckered into Justin's and Melba's scam.

    To quote PT Barnum, "there's one born every minute"

    This orchestrated con-fest is just another bomb going off on top of the real research into this subject matter. Outsiders like Justin and Melba should never be trusted again.

    The subject matter is still valid of further exploration. There is a plethora of both physical and circumstantial evidence as well as tons of eye witness testimony and aboriginal narrative. All of this has to be accounted for and investigated. But due to mainstream science cynical and skeptical stance, it is left to amateurs to study who are incapable of working as a collective. We have nothing but cliques and individuals all vying to undermine one another. We are truly a pathetic lot.

    1. The trip to recover any body was not done by himself. There were a few others with him I do believe.

      I agree the whole bigfoot field is a walking talking Springer episode the past couple years.

    2. Just he and Jack allegedly sought to recover it. Then on a later date others were brought to the location to look for more clues.

  23. This is the first time I've commented on the Smeja story. My opinion is that it makes no difference whether or not the story is true. There is plenty of real evidence. This story just doesn't pass the smell test. The "freaked out" response that supposedly explains the lack of evidence just doesn't make ANY sense. It might be true...who cares? It does nothing to further the cause.

  24. Maybe the survivor returned to the site to find a bear gnawing on the corpses. It grabbed a big, stout branch and clubbed the bear to a pulp, mixing its flesh with that of the dead Bigfoot corpses. It's as possible as anything else in this story.

  25. What are the odds that a coyote colored black bear died were a coyote colored bigfoot was shot?

  26. There is so much going on right now that I don't know what or who to believe. I think I'm gonna back off from this for awhile and come back at a later time when things have settled down and some truth and actuality have been brought forth. Too many lies. Too much bullshit, from both sides of the spectrum.

  27. When Elvis stopped by for a capachino last night, he told me the aliens alerted MiB about the situation and that MiB went in and recovered the Bigfoot bodies and left samples from an alien bear mutilation.The actual bodies that Smegma shot were transported the the secret NAZI base on the dark side of the moon where Agent "M" a.k.a. Michael Jackson is keeping them in his bedroom next to his Rick Dyer blowup doll. This HAS to be a true story as everyone knows ELVIS DOESNT LIE!!

  28. And the air is let out of another of the Bleevers ballons......No worry there's lots more con men with enough hot air to keep the ruse going for another half century or so. 10 foot human/ape hybrid living in the woods? Seriously? in this day and age.

  29. I take heart in the fact that one day when the big guy is discovered that all u trolling haters will find your selves sitting there in front of your monitores fucking dumb struck not knowing what to say or who to shit talk that day : / although I'm sure if you don't already have a list of sights that you troll your angry redirect on that you'll no doubt find smthng else to hate on untill that day us blevers as u like to refer to us as will continue to defend support and rally behind people who have since the begining of recorded encounters been sadly ridiculed : ( so there have ater you haterbateing trolls for one day we shall have the last laugh :@ )

    1. Do thay have skools were yer from?

    2. Yup : ) but I had to drop out in the fifth grade to help support my family...what's your point ?

  30. Did you guys look at Smeja? I mean REAL good....he has that "glassy eyed confused stare....definately a victim of some serious mind rapes....someone tell him to wear his tin-foil hat next time.

  31. "it's been a fun one"

    There is a RED Flag if I ever saw one.

    Case Closed.

    1. Yep. He'll be sneaking off back to Texas any night now.

  32. What I am having a hard time figuring out is how admitted hoaxers like Rick Dyer get funding to run around pretending to be looking for the big guy?
    Dyer, Biscardi,Fasano,Smegma.....and people keep believing their crap!
    Shouldnt surprise me though,the same people re elected Obama! We wont have to worry about any Bigfoots being killed though,Obamas gonna get their guns!

  33. I can't believe that,
    after seven years now,
    the reason that I still can't see
    the Adrian/Kentucky/Dennis videos
    is somehow now because of this Ketchum Smeja Hersom Erickson tangled web
    in this never-ending soap opera of selfish stupid actors.

  34. What is the probability of going to that same spot and getting a chunk of BEAR? Zero chance. Unless thats what he killed and tried to get out of his bull shit story not knowing people would test that for DNA and maybe he didn't have a bear tage either. Just to say he killed a bigfoot to get out of a poaching fine for shooting a bear without a tag. He said he was quite worried about fish and game officers showing up. Unprotected animals known by hunters, means no getting into trouble for killing it. Open season my friends!

    1. Tough to figure out what really happened. Maybe when its all over someone will do an investigative piece on it. Justin may have originally planned a harmless tale about shooting a "weird bear" but decided to go all out bigfoot hoax when he saw how guys like Randles were willing to lop every bit of bullshit he spewed.

  35. If anyone is willing to consider the truth of the matter as first and foremost, no matter what...

    then anyone someone please tell me...

    is there any reason at all why "Sociopathic Liar" should not be at the top of the list?

    Bart, what if he lied to you all this time?

    People lie.

  36. Where is the chain of evidence connecting something that was allegedly picked up out of the snow two weeks after an alleged killing, and with some samples that Ketchum has? THERE IS NO CHAIN OF EVIDENCE PEOPLE! GET REAL!


    47:05 - 47:13

  38. I listened to Justin on sqatch talk and I can't believe how he lies, I'm also buddies with randy and what Justin says after randy shot the deer is a joke, there was no prints around and no rocks banging together, u r Rediculios Justin

  39. Too many details and contradictions in his story. He's a poor liar.

  40. Very funny Justin is getting what he deserves. Next time maybe he will use that thing that's sitting on top of he shoulders, before he starts flapping is lips. I'm glad no one believes him that will give the man ape hopefully some peace until the next dopey redneck shoots first and ask questions later. I can't wait for all this to go away. I can see the woods being bombarded with crazed gun men looking for something to kill.

  41. As a hunter and outdoorsman this guy is nothing but a "POACHER.!" He kills bears without a license then claims it is a bigfoot when a game warden is nearby! What a douche!

  42. Cannot believe they are still showing this douche on TV today, And still the Olympic Bigfoot research group has not updated it's stance on this douchebag


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