Scott Carpenter Shows Us How He Got The DNA Samples For Dr. Melba Ketchum

Bigfoot researcher Scott Carpenter is listed as one of the major contributors to Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA study. He has submitted numerous samples including Bigfoot hair and saliva. In this video, he demonstrates how he sets up the "bacon grease hair trap" and he also shows us some possible Bigfoot hair that was collected from a hair trap baited with apples. "This particular hair sample was not sent into the study, by this time Dr. Ketchum already had ample samples for her study," Scott explained in his description.


  1. I saw this quite awhile ago and I'm thinking I might try this, but without the bacon grease. I like the tape idea.

  2. Hello, I must be going.
    I cannot stay,
    I came to say
    I must be going.
    I'm glad I came
    but just the same
    I must be going.

    1. Bye bye sad to see you leave I really thought we were bonding :(

    2. Hooray for Captain Spalding!!.. The other day I shot a bigfoot in my pajamas, how he got in my pajamas I'll never know.

  3. If you were extracting DNA from hair wouldn't you need a good sample like a nice big old clump a couple of strands wouldn't be any use would it?

    1. I think even 1 is ok, if you have the root.

  4. Scott is a good and honest man. He is a dedicated field guy working hard for a discovery. Understand he had no control of samples after they were sent in. I believe Scott 100%. I have little faith in the study. Cart before the horse is not science. No data; no discovery. Its 2008 all over again folks. If your an advocate, you have been fooled.

    1. "Timothy FasanoWednesday, November 28, 2012 2:09:00 PM PST
      Scott is a good and honest man. He is a dedicated field guy working hard for a discovery. Understand he had no control of samples after they were sent in. I believe Scott 100%. I have little faith in the study. Cart before the horse is not science. No data; no discovery. Its 2008 all over again folks. If your an advocate, you have been fooled."

      Okay if this is Tim Fasono and you state this guy is 100% believable, would not rock-formations count as art-work? Did you not say your self in your video that they were apes and if they were not, you would see art work?

    2. Why does T-FAT think he has any credibility..Joebblobsquatch is an idiot

    3. Could it be that they're butt buddies?

    4. To talk much and arrive nowhere is the same as climbing a tree to catch a fish.

    5. Agreed. Melba is destroying Scott's credibility.

  5. What's with Bigfoot researchers and bacon?

    1. I love the taste of bacon Herb. Usually there is none left for me take to the woods.

    2. I like bacon and taters : o

    3. You know what SN I'll give credit where credit is do.I've seen some of your videos and you seem to be honest about what you're doing and that's pretty rare.good luck.I shall now have a shot to being a stand up guy.Cheers!

    4. I shall join you and have another beer Herb. Thanks for the nice words. I may misidentify, or wrongly interpret but I never mislead. I'm my own worst critic.
      Cheers back at ya!

    5. Thats a good way to be SN and you're welcome.

    6. enjoy!

      Bacon-Infused Bourbon

      Ingredients: Bourbon, Bacon
      While you can't buy this in stores, a lot of people are making these meaty infusions right now, and you may even find it in a bar. Look, we love bacon, but here's the thing: it will kill you. It's infused into the bourbon using a process called fat washing. All of the actual fat is strained out, but the process leaves behind a dose of sodium and plenty of nitrates.

      Nitrates are used in bacon (and hotdogs and lunchmeat) primarily as a preservative, but when cooked at a high temperature, they become Nitrosamines, which have been known to cause cancer. Nitrates are also linked to infant methemoglobinemia and to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which can lead to emphysema and other serious lung conditions.

      Now, we don't know for sure that nitrates are transferred in the fat washing process—the FDA hasn't tested bacon-infused booze yet—but it seems likely. Alcohol is a very efficient extractor, so the nitrates could become even more potent in a solution.

    7. according to studies done in the UK I think? There is a very strong link between bowel cancer and processed meats so watch out bacon lovers

  6. Replies
    1. Yeah it must work great Tim I see you've had great success.

    2. Shit,ol' T-Fats eats the bacon fat before Kevin can put it on the tree.

    3. Fasano uses it to grease up a knot in a tree and then goes to plugging away and then Kevin has to pull off his belt and beat him off the tree.Such a sad state of affairs.

    4. A bad reputation lasts for ten thousand years.

    5. Has that been carbon dated?

  7. Fatsano likes the smell of bacon and taters : )

  8. I absolutely love his technique! While I strongly doubt Sasquatch are out there leaving messages for us, I absolutely love the bacon grease and tape technique!! Current techniques often employed obviously aren't working too well (in my opinion because we are being too obvious by using our voices to make calls and other things) so I love seeing new ideas being used in the field! I think the bacon grease and tape idea is genius!!

  9. So Sasquatch speaks Cherokee? Thats news to me. I would think the tape on the tree would scare off the bigfoot ( if they are so intelligent). Interesting techniques. I wonder where he is interacting with them? He has a southern accent. He mentioned 30 degrees in January. Is he in the south? That would be unusual.

    1. I guess the idea is that, because the Cherokees (and other natives) have been on the continent so much longer than any other group of people, bigfoot has had much more time to learn their language? Given that written Cherokee was not invented by Sequoyah until the early 19th century, further explanation as to how bigfoot learned to read the script (as opposed to other European languages) might be helpful. BTW, love the song quotes that people are posting -- keep them coming! Okay, back to surfing porn, I'll check back in later.

    2. CC, I was wondering about written Native American Language as well. Scott has at least one video where he makes the symbol for something like "friend" and a Bigfoot allegedly changes the symbol to mean something else.
      I found out about there written language when I was researching Cree after Scott's video. That would mean that somebody had to teach Sasquatch this written language in order for Scott's evidence to be factual.
      Don't get me wrong, I like his videos, I just think sometimes a bias gets in the way of critical thinking.
      I'm glad you touched on this.

    3. I was able to find Cree syllabics on Wikipedia. A short quote:

      "Cree syllabics were developed by James Evans, a missionary in what is now Manitoba, during the 1830s for the Ojibwe language. Evans had originally adapted the Latin script to Ojibwe (see Evans system), but after learning of the success of the Cherokee syllabary, he experimented with invented scripts based on his familiarity with shorthand and Devanagari."

  10. mayor whats your take on all this bacon grease ? im sure this is a subject you of all people have quite alot to say about

  11. If this actually works then why isn't he placing a camera trap across from the tape trap?

    1. That is a very valid point!

    2. Because that would be to easy.

    3. Do we really need to see Bobo on camera licking up bacon grease?

    4. In all the time this guy has been getting the hair samples like this he must have at least thought of putting a game camera there?!!! If not then why not? If he's getting samples constantly then why not get a photo of it too???

    5. I am not sure but it looked to me in the video that there was a large chain wrapped around the tree? Look's like the same sort of chain seen in many trail cam set ups? But I really do not know for sure just an observation. What i do know is Tim-Fats is a douche just like his buddy dryer go away both of you!

    6. And why does he insist bigfoot visits his back porch in town to steal dog food, yet doesn't have a photo or evidence other than hearing a "thud" when they jump away?

    7. probably was a camera up but wheres the fun in showing the racoon ?

      instead its more fun to make up that its a magic forest monkey!

    8. If Lisa is right are there any game cam photos? And it's ape not monkey it doesn't have a tail!!

    9. I had a look at some of his other youtube video's and he has a theory that Sasquatches can see infra red light and so stay away from the trail cams..

    10. Dunno maybe they don't see infra red just the big green camera stuck to a tree trunk who knows?

  12. If a man dwells on the past, then he robs the present. But if a man ignores the past, he may rob the future. The seeds of our destiny are nurtured by the roots of our past.

    1. I wish I'd ignored your post thats a second or two wasted :)

    2. Man who stand on toilet is high on pot.

    3. Its all in the past now...oops,so's my comment

    4. Divide an orange--it tastes just as good

  13. this is also an excellent technique to catch annoying Chickadees

    1. That made me laugh I shall drink to that a few. I need a break.

    2. We are watching the whole group around the clock. All we need is your orders to move. You kill everyone young and old as a lesson to all the others. I expect it.

    3. To stop drinking, study a drunkard while you are sober

    4. I am off work for 3 days so no moderation today I didn't allow myself much fun for a few months so I have to make up for lost time.

    5. Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still.

    6. When I watch the drunk I become jealous

    7. Rumferlife Ya know I'm gonna tak your advice and slow down so I'm gona stop doin' shots and mix myself a drink because it works better for the pasties anyway so either way I win

    8. oh ohh NOT A?

      Pink Panty Dropper

      18 cans Beer
      1 bottle Everclear
      1 bottle Tequila
      1.5 jugs Pink Lemonade

    9. Rum and Herb, quite a tasty combination, it's just missing one thing... RUSH!

  14. Replies
    1. Just buy a captive one don't take them from their natural habitat it's cruel, poor cameras

  15. When you drink the water, remember the spring.

  16. Aside from the method, whatever camera/mic combo used is great. Listen to that tape come off the roll!

  17. Replies
    1. Nice to hear from you been a while

    2. Papa said I had to clear my jars out and take them to market.

    3. Poop in a jar guy cracks me up every single time : ) lolololol

  18. The people working behind the scenes don't usually get the credit they deserve, but thanks Scott. You actually have the guts to go out and do something. If everyone tried more often than just criticizing, bigfoot would already be in the books.

  19. Melba has until December 19th, 3 weeks or even December 28th if we are generous; if not, then we call it BS and Hoax.

    She said a few weeks, that's it - hold her to that word.

    1. A few weeks until she announces she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks then she'll be releasing more information in few more weeks

    2. ...then it's 2091 and we're all dead. It's the circle of life, the wheel of fortune.

    3. That is bullshit right there, friend. If the article was going to appear in a peer-reviewed journal in a few weeks, she would know the edition. They are not newspapers you buy on the stand hoping to see your work.
      She did not say it was submitted to a journal, she said it is being reviewed, which probably means they are looking for a blurb before they self-publish and get demolished. It is going to get ugly....sooon.

  20. Lol The Melba has ample samples.

  21. Why do squatch suddenly appear
    Every time you are near?
    Just like me, they long to be
    full of bacon.

  22. Herb- pasties? Anyone else on here doing any research in the UP of MI?
    -grand marais BF dude

  23. Bigfoot isn't pleased about this:

  24. If Ketchum was analyzing hair samples, where did she get the nuclear DNA? Hair roots only contain mitochondrial DNA, not nuclear DNA. Even then, that's only if you get the roots - the follicles contain no DNA whatsoever.

    1. That's what I thought! Apparently tho is has made some scientific breakthrough where she's able to extract it?

    2. You can't extract what's not there. It's not a matter of it being difficult to extract, it's a matter of it not existing. Really sort of a poetic metaphor for the whole experiment - you can't extract the DNA of a creature that doesn't exist.

  25. i lost interest on this project months ago so didnt realise scott capenter was involved with providing evidence. he is just another yutuber posting film with false titles like '2 bf right in front of me' etc.... thenthe film shows zip apartfrom shadows. he is just another squatchmaster or fasano ie a youtube hoaxer. this report is losing credibility quickly with idiots like him involved. we are al wasting our time hoping his report will show anything of general interest nevermind real evidence. nonsense,move on and dont give these peoplethe time of day. its what carpenter,timbergiantbigfoot[a real nut who takes film of gorrillas and says its BF.seriously] ,fasanao live off. i bf exits[which i doubt all these decades later] it will b by some quite guy who doesnt want youtube views etc or make people wait years for fuck all reports.


  27. I got a better way to fit Melba some DNA

  28. I guess based on using his bare hands we now know where the human dna component is coming from in these studies.

  29. Hair contains protein notably Keratin and you can extract dna from it.

  30. I am I completely freaking missing something here! He uses "bacon grease" (which is PIG DNA), uses NO latex gloves, touches the tape with his bare hands, no face mask and a knife that has been everywhere? Is this what I am seeing and is this "How the evidence was given to Ketchum's lab"? Is this what I am seeing?.....paaaleeeeeeeze!...And to top it off, he is placing hair specimens in a plastic baggy that degrades DNA! This is why the paper will NEVER pass muster with the scientific community! If this is representative of how Ketchum received samples..."then she is TRULY SCREWED!"

    1. To true but you know what will happen? It will be proved a bullshit study and the conspiracy theories will go into overdrive, they're already starting now and the paper hasn't been released yet!! Whatever happened to facts being facts?


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