Was The Dogman Story Leaked On Purpose To Discredit Robert Lindsay?

People laugh at the idea of Dogmen DNA being studied by the Ketchum group, but was the recent "Dogmen" rumor leaked on purpose to throw off Robert Lindsay and ultimately discredit him? According to one of our many "spies" in the group, there is NO dogman study being done by Ketchum or anyone associated with her. But why try to discredit Robert Lindsay? And what makes him so special?

The group has been extremely tight-lipped as of late and this could mean a number of things. For one thing, the Bigfoot DNA paper has been delayed numerous times due to "rejections" by the science journal (supposedly the Nature journal group). Because of the gravity of the study, it's probably turning out to be bigger than Ketchum herself and she needed more scientific might to put behind her project. This could explain why about a month ago they were desperately seeking an anthropologist with at least a bachelor's degree, or a biological/life sciences major with a masters or higher. "I assume they needed one for the paper, and with the sense of urgency, it appeared that they needed someone quickly so they could get that extra signature and credentials and send it back for peer review again," our source said.

So what's this got to do with Lindsay you ask? Like us, Lindsay also has spies in the Sasquatch Preservation group. The group was originally started by Sally Ramey, Arla Williams, and Dr. Melba Ketchum. Although members of the group were handpicked by Sally and Arla, it seems some of them hold no allegiance to the group and are just it to hear the latest juicy gossip from the Ketchum camp. Sometimes, information that wasn't intended to be made public somehow escaped the confines of the group and into the hands of bloggers. To see how fast information was being leaked from the group, it is believed that the group decided to throw out a bone to see if anyone would bite-- Guess who bit the "Dogman" bone?

It appears that it was all a test to see if the media (and yes, this includes Lindsay) would carry it, and we all took the bait. It's unlikely the Dogman story affected Lindsay's credibility however. He's still chugging along fine and Loren Coleman even mentioned Lindsay's name in his Sierra Kills editorial piece.

Before we end this post, our "spy" managed to grab this thread before it was deleted from the group:

Sally Ramey wrote on August 14th:

Here is a portion of the intro to the platform we will present upon publication of Melba's paper. I want you to see the credit given this group:

"The (INSERT NAME)'s platformis based on ..... (hidden because of leaks) ... More importantly, it includes input froma Facebook group of more than 320 people, representing a wide variety of perspectives and experiences, who acted as an online “think tank.”

This is ALL that we can share at this point in time. This group has served an IMPORTANT purpose, and it will obtain a new name and a similar, expanded purpose after the paper is out. I cannot express enough our appreciation for your input, your thoughtful comments and reasoned, respectful and mature discourse. We have had VERY few of the issues that have plagued other...


  1. so tired of the games and secrecy from this 'group'. It's time they put up or shut up'

    1. Oh and they are just going to share everything with you? A privately funded study. Your special . They are doing a publically funded wild rice study in our state on sulfates affecting it's growth and they will not give the results until the university is done with it. It's been going on for 2 years. That's on Wild Rice not On a new species! So please quit asking to be privy to information that your not and heck if it takes another year so be it. Melba is doing what others never dared to do and we should all give her credit!

    2. Actually many have dared to hoax and to string along the footers.

    3. Except this is finally the real deal.

    4. If it was a hoax they would have done it already and someone would have come clean. Do you really think someone would take all this time out of a regular job to hoax? Right! Very unlikely!

    5. Um, actually it makes perfect sense you retard. Most of the complaints about Ketchum were about failure to render services and ultimately failure to render services in a timely fashion. Ketchum has a documented history of being as slow as fuck, and that is when she IS paid. Think about how slow she's going to be when she's hoaxing; no one is paying her and there is no deadline.

    6. Nice! Calling people a retard? Grow up- and no it doesn't make perfect sense. Most if not all info on Melba is someone making stuff up and putting it as fact on this site . You seem very gullible!

    7. the idea of waiting for the paper to be accepted is B.S. as long as all of the scientific data isn't published the bulk of the evidence could be released. What or who is Ketchum afraid of sacking her? She could raise some funds if there was some proven evidence released. I was very optimistic when I first heard of her work and the sierra kills, as each day goes by she looks more and more like a carnival sideshow act.

    8. Anon 11:13, you get called a retard because you're a retard. If you had done any research you would realize that most of the “info” that you are calling made up is from the BBB's website you dipshit.

    9. Any reasonable person knows that this can't be hoaxed because there is too many people involved and to the dink anon 10:14 what is your personal knowledge on these supposedly time lines people not connected with the study are putting on her? You don't have a clue ! Timely fashion ? Are you slow in the head? These things take time and science isn't exact and always punctual! Go back to your welfare life and STFU!

    10. You are the absolute most subhuman degenerate retard I have encounter on this website Anon 11:40. You start out talking out of your ass, claiming that Ketchum's study is taking so long that it must be real. Then when someone points out that the BBB has DOCUMENTED her history of slowness you turn around and try to claim that too many people are involved for it to be a hoax. Who the fuck is involved? You don't know, you don't have a fucking clue, you're just speculating wildly. Now stop making things up, and fuck off and die you parasitic mental defective.

    11. Anon 11:34 is a retard. He reads hid stuff second hand and takes it as fact! Retard!

    12. Anon 12:00 seems like he is a bi polar freak show who flys off the handle when he doesn't get his way! Whaaaa Whaaaa cry baby dipshit ! U don't know jack Shit about nothing going on ! Basement dwelling mammas boy!

    13. Oh let me tell you a few/- Olympic project, Smeja, Erickson, Randals, and the list goes on both for contributing and assisting not to mention numerous other individuals not in the Bigfoot field! What does slowness do with anything? If the evidence didn't support a high degree of probability do ya really think they would still be working on it? I would think not! Why don't you start your own study Dink? Oh you don't have time? The shut up and let the findings come out since your not willing to do anything!

    14. If thats the case, all they have to do is say more data is being obtained and the project is taking longer then expected, or that they are re-evaluating their results and are not prepared to submit.
      Thats not what they do, however. They spread falsehoods about the publication process and show us blurry pictures of stick structures. We can find those on youtube, but thanks anyway.

    15. How many times does a contractor finish on time? Most who spread falsehoods are others claiming they are close to the project.

    16. Sounds to me that you're no better than the Anonymous who posted at 12:00, 12:22 Anonymous. You think that you're so mature that you shit on someone who's post you can't stand. That goes to show what a big baby you are.

      And for the record, makin' fun of people who are immature makes you just as immature as them. In other words, you are who you claim to hate if you sink to their level.

  2. robert "david koresh" lindsay is a useless tit on a bull. this man tries to come across as a know it all in the sasquatch field. i just ask you to look at his web-page and then make your own call. he is a pig that needs to be called out for it. go ahead take a look if you dare. just don't eat anything prior. you will puke!

    1. You sound worse than he.

    2. and if he's not making you mad, he's not doing his job lol

    3. "You sound worse than he."

      Says the prick who probably jacks off him. Do you really think that Lindsay's kicks ass?if so, you're livin' in Lala Land.

      If I didn't now better, I'd say that you can't stand anyone postin' mean stuff about him that's true. if you're a true Bob Lindsay hater, you wouldn't post shit about this other haters.

    4. ^^ quite a delusional comment from your Lindsay-kissin' ass. you think that it's someone's job to piss anyone off? well, lemme tell you something, douchebag: IT ISN'T!!!

      the only thing that pissin' people off does is get your ass beaten which is also what deserves to happen to Robert's.

      what i find hypocritical about that Lindsay fag is that he doesn't mind givin' others crap but get whiny when he's shit on. since you sound like you suck up to him, both of you should screw each other to death.

  3. Let's have a scientific study and at the same time POST on facebook and create groups blah blah blah...


    What are they, children? He said, she said!! fucking ridiculous.

    1. yes, they talk about not owing bigfooters anything in the way of info or a small peek of evidence. But they share nothing, lead everyone interested in the subject on with constant replies of "soon", "be patient" ,etc., and leak fake BS to Lindsay? If that is true, it is very shady and suspicious...why does it all need to be kept such a big secret?

  4. I have a video of dogman dry humping Robert 'stranger danger' Lindsay's leg. Wanna see?

  5. This doesn’t make Lindsay Look worse at all. Up until now everyone always assumed that he just pulled everything out of his ass, and that he didn't really have any sources. If the dogman story was an intentional leak then Lindsay really did have a source.

    1. He might have a leak source but a bad one at that.

    2. That would still be one more source than Lindsay's ever had before.

  6. If we can get DNA we can get a photo.

    Hundreds of DNA samples but no photos?

    Big problems with this.

    1. Of course we can get photos, but people are rotten photographers for one thing and most trail cam owners aren't the least bit interested in proving Bigfoot real.

  7. Fabricating Bigfoot Evidence -Is It Incompetence Or Deception?

  8. I think Robert is purposely making this dogman shit up to get a response from Sally or Melba.

    1. I think you need to put down the CRACK PIPE!!!

    2. "I think you need to put down the CRACK PIPE!!!"

      You need to shut the hell up an' quit kissin' Lindsay's ass.

  9. Group started by Sally, Arla and Melba. Well that tells me all I need to know. Melba could have retained some integrity if she had stayed away from those two.

    1. This is the stupidest comment I've ever read on here.

    2. Retained some integrity? Ketchum's lab is a joke. The BBB gave her an F rating. She believes in nephilim. And she claims that Sasquatch braids her horse’s hair. Ketchum doesn't have any integrity to retain. If I found out that her lab assistants are all Somali pirates it wouldn't surprise me in the least.

    3. Get this birdbrain, the squatch species aren't apes they're a hominin/humanoid species so don't expect them to only sleep all day or eat fruits but be up and about communicating.

    4. Who the fuck are you talking to Anon 9:01? Did you post your response in the wrong thread or something?

  10. Wow, who hooked Josh Gates?

  11. Your speculations are all wrong on many levels, including the dogman leak. Lindsey also speculated on something and used words out of context.

    Your quote from Sally is being used out of context too.

    The only thing correct in this blog is that there is a DNA paper about to be released.

    1. (In a sing-song voice) You'rrrrre just a trollllllllllll.

    2. a dna paper is about to be released...........when? Oh ya, I forgot. SOON, right?

    3. You have no concept of time and what soon actually means in scientific terms, it means things will be released when they'll be released. Not a damn second sooner, so grow some patient balls and grasp that even this subject takes time and isn't nor should be coming any faster than any other subject just because it's Bigfoot.

    4. Many people know what "peer review" means in scientific terms, and that is why the support for the project faded. Reviewers are unpaid and anonymous, do you think they spend more then 1 semester doing a favor for a journal? Duh.

  12. Who said Lindsay ever had credit anyway? If you believe he does, you are as ignorant as he is.

  13. A grand story this has turned into. With the Bond like Robert Lindsay and the Expendables worthy combination of Team Tazer Bigfoot acting as the unknowing populous's brave champions and the antagonist played by this new SPECTRE of an organization, the Sasquatch Preservation Group. I may not know many things, but I do know SPG is a think tank...of evil!

    1. Yep, that's footery for you. All drama, and no Sasquatch.

  14. First issue: the copied post is incomplete.
    Second issue: the date is incorrect.
    Third issue: the post was never deleted.

    If people are not interested in the group's cause, they need to get out! There is NO DNA news there. Also, you should get some better spies... LOL
    Please, note: thoughtful, reasoned, respectful... Not words I'd use to describe discourse, here.
    David from the PAC/NW

    1. Ah, shut up you cum guzzler. We all know you're only in Melba's little Bigfoot club because you're gunning for her taterhole. Well it ain't gonna happen. Everyone knows She's been queer with Sally for quite some time.

    2. Whoa, heavy trolling there.

    3. Oh, hit a nerve have I? I sounds like someone's a teensy bit irritated that they won't be getting into Ketchum's panties anytime soon. David, you got beat out by Sally Ramey, the worlds most inept publicist. That's pretty freaking pathetic dude.

    4. @ 8:21:00 AM PDT

      Spoken like a person proud of their 3rd grade education.
      Don't bother responding, I wouldn't want you to
      miss The Flinstones.

    5. Ha Ha! You really didn't know did you? You thought your little cougar hunt was gonna have a great big happy ending. David, you know how many limp dicked loosers like yourself have joined conservationist clubs in pursuit of some tree-huger ass only to loose out to a girl? Yeah dude, Ketchum likes the fur burger, deal with it.

    6. Thanks for proving my final point. :)
      David from the PAC/NW

    7. My fourth issue didn't post: When someone begins a statement with the words, "I think", it can be assumed that they don't know and are speculating or expressing an opinion.
      David from the PAC/NW

    8. As I stated earlier - the quote, and Lindsey were stated way out of context. David is correct, there is no DNA discussion there. SPS will see the report when everyone else does. We're busy doing other things in preparation. We are a positive, empathic and respectful group of volunteers.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. If the study is not out by the end of December,
      them all the skeptics and the like can have a
      field day serving crow, But highly doubt your going to get the chance.

    2. Go blow another Mr. Clueless.

  16. whose theory is this? Robert Lindsay is fairly irrelevant to the real world so why would someone put together a conspiracy to discredit him. He has no credit anyway in the mind of anyone whose opinion is worth anything. This theory is typical Lindsay pretentious nonsense. Lindsay is the Troll Daddy numero uno and all you footers fall for it everytime. This is all make beleive, a weird in-joke at the expense of the gullible and no amount of wiseassing is going to change that.

  17. Well, one thing is for sure, after meeting Melba, I have some credibility issues with her.

  18. I mentioned about a month ago on here the possibility that Lindsay was being "flushed" -- he even replied to say he was aware of that possibility. So why grab such obvious bait?

    Anyway, just want to point something out: I don't want to say too much, but I'm in the "academic community," and I can tell you that it's a pretty bad sign if they were seeking an "anthropologist" with a bachelor's degree. I don't mean this in a snobby way, but adding someone who has an undergrad degree in anthropology would be a HUGE red flag. There are plenty of actual anthropologists out there, and they almost all have PhDs. In this vast pool, they could not find a qualified anthropologist? I understand the stigma those anthro's would face from the academic community, but there are younger ones and those who work outside the academy who might have less to lose in signing up.

    1. Again, what has been reported about "seeking of an anthropologist" on this report is way out of context. It is/was not what you think it is for.

  19. Replies
    1. ^ No, you do, you false assumer. You don't know who the hell she or he is. So don't fuckin' make a false assumption 'cuz doin' that makes an ass outt you an' me. Besides, would you want others doing that about you? If not, then quit bein' a judgmental asshole and ignore the goblin's comment.

  20. this blog is my favorite!

    The daily bigfoot news and drama that occurs on here is fantastic.

    Thanks Shawn Evidence! and all you bloggers for the daily entertainment!

  21. Dogman might be part of the "Ketchum Report" if the study turns out to be some Biscardi orchestrated website or DVD. He is allied with Grendal films, which has a dogman doc.

  22. Why would a filthy bigfoot want to braid a horse's tail or mane? They walk around, covered in their own shit covered hair.
    This Ketchum is worst thing that could happen to bigfoot "research".


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