Steve Kulls On Lie Detector Tests And Justin Smeja

Steve Kulls is one of the most respected man in Bigfootery and his investigative skills are unmatched. Kulls, who also goes by "the Squatchdetective," is a former professional investigator and Private Investigator. His 18+ years in the field has earned him the respect of the media and he has been in numerous television programs including MonsterQuest on History Channel.

Earlier this year, Kulls orchestrated a radio show that made history by linking three different networks consisting of Crpyto 4 Corners Radio, of G-Streaming, hosted by JC Johnson, MNBRT Radio of BlogTalk Radio, hosted by Abe DelRio, and Squatch-D TV by the Paranormal TV Network. The show was about Justin Smeja.

After the show, Kulls released this statement:

Turn out was great, to hear the alleged story of Justin Smeja, in his own voice, tell the tale of how he allegedly shot two Sasquatch, much to the chagrin of the other person he was with. Also on the call was the driver as well, and for the first time, gave his recollection of events.

Plus the follow up of veteran Bigfoot researcher Bart Cutino, explaining the area where the alleged incident took place.

Many questions were asked to dispel rumors, and many new facets of information came out of the interviews.

Some pertinent information came out regarding the size and type of sample, turning out that it was not a “steak” at all, but more of a hide, according to Smeja. The fact that there are pictures, yet uncirculated, pertaining to the collection of the sample. That the sample weighed only 2 lbs., on the high side.

There were many other gems to come out of this program as well, and the tough questions were not held back.

As I’ve said in the past, the job of a host, is not to be an arbiter of opinion, but the conduit in which the audience can communicate with the guests. So we tried not to miss any questions, and a lot were answered by Smeja’s recounting at the very onset of the link up of the three networks.

We act like a judge at a jury trial, the decision to believe the account is completely up to our audience’s own opinion, which remained tactful and tasteful in chat, and I wish to thank all of the chat participants, for voicing their opinions in a tasteful manner and not fighting those with opposing views in chat.

- Steve Kulls

Now that the polygraph results are public, Kulls now finds Smeja's story even more intriguing. Kulls believes that beating a polygraph machine is much more difficult than what some people would lead you to be. "Beating the machine is a product of Hollywood," he said.

Recently, Alleged Sierra Kill Shooter, Justin Smeja took a Polygraph exam in passed. Even though he passed some skeptics and even some within the Bigfoot research community state that “lie detectors” are easy to fool.

In reality, polygraph exams are very difficult to fool, more matter to the fact, that is why intelligence have to undergo intensive training to “beat” the machines and even then, they are often not successful.

Beating the machine is a product of Hollywood. In reality,more matter to the fact, there are more “lie” results that are inaccurate than “true” results being accurate. And it is for that reason why so many states in the US find them inadmissible. Only about 20 accept them into evidence.

A search of the web will show very few sites discussing the guilty passing, more to the point; the innocent failing. The reason for that is easy, that the test (control) questions used to meter the truthful reactions, could be misinterpreted. Computer technology which is used in many of the newer polygraph units, assist in filtering out these misinterpretations.

Just merely believing you are telling the truth, does not trump the knowledge you are telling a lie either. It is that basis to which so many forensic investigators work upon, and in a face to face interview, a person can deny, deny, deny, but there facial and body language often can give that away.

There is one other major “X Factor” here, as in all polygraphs exams, the interviewer.

Click here to read why the interviewer is critical to a successful polygraph exam.


  1. Replies
    1. And so is your butt ugly wifes chest!

    2. No Bigfoots were harmed in the making of this thread.

    3. And so is your butt ugly wifes chest!

      Just out of Curiosity, how did you know? please don't say you're banging that ugly bitch.

    4. Just a guess but you just confirmed it.;)

    5. Ah I see, good job you never seen her bubble and squeak then.

      enjoy :))))))

    6. I am SO sick of this constant sexist crap!!! Do you boys realize that there are actually women that read these comments??? Why do you continually insult women??? Would blatantly racist comments be so accepting????

    7. In the words of an adult Bigfoot's chatter "bitch please"

    8. Don't be criticizing Bigfoots either, you KNOW that would be racist. So everybody just play nice, ok? C'mon fat girls, what say you?

    9. How is demeaning women racist?

    10. You just fucked up my song joke come back, you cunts. But he did ask for that I suppose :)

      Right bastards, back to taking the piss.

  2. Beating a polygraph is a product of Hollywood? So that's it folks bigfoot is real and js shot two of them. Not.

    1. Eegad I hope you aren't trying to be clever here. Please tell me you're being ironic.
      This is the saddest attempt at being clever one can make.

    2. Smegma is a lying bitch

  3. I am drinking cool-aid. I have decided to believe Justin Smeja until I see proof he is a liar.

  4. Shawn are you an environmentalist? Because you seem to love RECYCLING. The Smeja discussion has been done to death. All the footers are just going to say that lie detector tests are full-proof unless Bob H. is taking one. And all the reasonable people are going to point out that Smeja is definitely a liar because there is no Bigfoot. There's really nothing left to say about the topic.

    1. Well he's pretty limited on material, ain't he?


  5. We'll just ignore the fact that the examiner got her credentials and equipment out of a cracker jack box. Details don't matter with footers though, so it's great that he passed the polygraph.

    1. Can you back that up with some proof?

    2. Your an Idiot, She's been doing it for 10 years,
      and the equipment is new and the also used software to detect facial movement that would be
      made when someone is lying.
      Typical As*hole skeptic, only see the world from their view, if they didn't witness it, there's no way it could be true, Lazy as the day as long, just through out out assumptions without researching anything, and just ignorant about anything that does not effect them directly. 95 % of skeptics are the most conceded, self centered, tunnel visioned, pompous, nit-wits, you could possibly meet.

    3. YOU have just described your basic asshole believer only seeing what you want to see.

    4. the moon is made of cheese, crybaby denier!

    5. Yes it is made of cheese I had some on my baked potato with bigfoot steak at smeja's house last night.then he tried to shoot me.

    6. It is the skeptics who are the "Believers". They form their opinions in ignorance of the evidence, and so their opinions are based on faith. Those considering bigfoot as a possible animal, are basing their opinions on evidence, and thus are being scientific.

      The sad side of an issue like this is that it reveals how sheep-like most of humanity is.

      And...being a skeptic is not being either "reasonable" or scientific. Science is based on consideration of the unknown. Without that as a basis, there would be no science, as it all was an unknown, originally.

  6. I don't fucking believe you people.Sunday night a man was killed trying to pull off a hoax and over and over you kept saying good he deserved it he was an asshole.
    Justin smeja going by what you seem to believe shot and killed 2 of your precious creatures but that's ok because the steak may further our cause.

    I have believed in Bigfoot my whole life until last night. I need to thank you for waking me up to the fact that this is nothing more than a very warped religion.

    Smeja shot 2 Bigfoot because they diddn't belong.But Justin is a great guy everyone that meets him says the same thing he's a cool guy,great guy,great hunter and on and on.

    Justin's actions are excused simply because if the steak helps with the DNA studies believers can use that.Lets just forget that he shot 2 of them which so many of you would normaly be repulsed by.

    A man deserves to die for trying to hoax you but not for killing a baby saquatch just for the hell of it.

    Neither of these men deserve or deserved to die,one was a man who for whatever reason made a very stupid decision and got himself killed and could have killed others but diddn't.Had he lived he should have been punished to the fullest extent of the law.

    The other is a reckless fool that shot 2 whatevers because he wanted to even with someone telling him it wasn't right to do it he killed them just for the sake of killing and then looked the baby in the eye as it was dying and tossed it away like it was nothing.

    This is nothing more than a cult,you have nothing but faith and blurry pictures and yes that is all you have because all of the other so called evidence requires faith to believe any of it.I'm not a skeptic I just came back to reality.You are nothing more than hypocrites.Brainwashed hypocrites.

    1. What a gullible idiot you are.

    2. I think that is one of the best posts ever on this site, not that fucker @ 6:03:00 though as s(he) is a cunt.

    3. calling me gullible just proves my brainwashed hypocrite cult theory and is also very very funny.silly bitch.

    4. I agree 6:38, that was pure gold.

    5. An you in all this somehow believe you have the right or need to came call the mark on truth! Who the hell are you that anyone owes you an explanation???? Fucking Libtard!

    6. 5:58, this is a pretty pathetic post tbh. You were a believer your whole life but now you realize it's a sham, because Smeja's an A-hole and a good percentage of people who post here are dimwits? So an entire life of considering a possibility is thrown out because you suddenly took a moral high-ground relative to the community that posts here?
      What on earth made you a believer before this point then? Did you know someone who was a believer who made sound moral judgements?
      All evidence requires faith? What about the faith required not to believe? If you're in the middle of nowhere and see tracks of bigfoot, there's no faith involved, the track is right there. And what about the faith required not to believe? You have to have “faith” that every single shred of evidence has some kind of explanation aside from it's purported origin. You have to have faith that every single person that has ever sighted a bigfoot is either lying or mistaken. Every single one. 100% of them. You put your 100% faith in science which has an absolute perfect record of, either not understanding the whole picture, backtracking to cover errors, and being politicized.
      Then you decide “well the people on here are douches for: 1. being happy a man died while not being very clear-headed, and 2. Being happy that another guy killed a couple of squatches who were completely innocent, which has nothing to do with evidence at all? So what is it? The fact that there are some douches on here is not any contrarian evidence at all pertaining to Bigfoot. In fact, your logic actually requires a belief in bigfoot because if there was no bigfoot than Smeja didn’t do anything wrong therefore you don’t have a chair to stand from so you can look down and point at others…your logic is more screwed up than the most naieve of believers.

    7. I completely agree with most of what you said. These idiots that continually post on this blog do not, in any way, make the reality of this creature any less. They exist. Period.

    8. You are pretty stupid. There's gorilla suits out there too and people dress up and scare each other in those as a joke all the time. Does that mean that gorillas must be fake? No.

    9. Am I the only one that couldn't be arsed to read 08:01:00 post?

    10. The hoaxer deserved to die...natural selection and all that. Anyone deliberately deceiving others is not doing good.

      Bigfoot investigation is not based on faith. Rather it is those who BELIEVE such a thing cannot exist who are operating on FAITH.

      On hoaxing, is there any documentation of bigfoot hoaxing? I realize there probably is such baloney going on, but dont claim something was hoaxed, without some evidence -- video demonstrating someone with fake feet, making convincing tracks, for instance. I googled bigfoot hoaxing and expected such, but nada. So the track hoaxing seems to be an unproven crutch used by folks who are Believers --that bigfoot cant exist.

      Just sayin.

  7. A little redundant, but that describes the situation. Up to now I thought Bigfoot was a harmless myth hobby, but these people will stop at nothing to get their magic monster to be proven real, very sad indeed.

    1. redundant yes.Make no mistake what was at one time harmless has become a cult full of very ill people

    2. moon is made of cheese, cry, cry , cry ---- doesn't mean a thing! Obama is out by the way!

    3. What's more scary than the thought of a ten foot monster monkey being in the woods is wondering if I'll encounter one of these bleeber freaks.

    4. ^ Just look in mirror you closet bleeber.

  8. Steve believes the so called new york footage is a real baby bigfoot, clearly a monkey, no mother bigfoot would put her young baby in a tree where there are dozens of people around during a music festival, makes no sense, like Justin's story which you can do every kind of , lie detector test, dna test, etc, no body no proof, plain and simple, life goes on...........

    1. the moon is made of cheese, wah, wah wah!

  9. This is great. Another hoaxer trying to be an investigator . This man has never admitted to be a part of the 08 hoax. This man is a s****** how soon do we forget.

    1. You must be a Biscardiite. Steve Kulls BUSTED the '08 hoax live on Fox News...You talk about forgetting but it seems you're more on a mission to try and rewrite history....Kulls busted the '08 hoax. FACT. If you call Steve Kulls a hoaxer, you're a flat out liar. Show us the evidence! You can't. Cheers.

    2. He waited 4 days after he found out that it was a rubber suit! Sounds like to me he was trying to get more money. Wake up...oh oh oh i forgot if you don't own up to it people will forget!

    3. Kulls had a chance to fess up many days prior and did not until he ran out of wiggle room. The hoax was busted before Kulls jumped off the Biscardi meal ticket, he was just trying to save some face at that point. But Kulls did buy his benefactor time to spin that debacle.

      His investigative skills are on par with the guy who inspects bags at Walmart. They would get double bang for the buck as his hot air would cut heating costs.

      People do forget, or never knew, the bigfoot hoaxers are counting on it.

  10. Why the hell are so many skeptics on this site posting their rants? Seriously, if you don't believe...if you've never had an experience with a possible sasquatch (like I did on Mt. Ranier in 1999), then why are you even wasting your time replying to posts in this blog?
    Go & start a skeptics' blog somewhere else so that the rest of us can read & enjoy (hopefully) the continuing unravelling mysteries and research into Sasquatch that we care about.
    Please...have a heart & be courteous to others.

    1. Completely agree!!! Thank you for posting. :)

    2. How very clever. But we weep for the loss of civility & critical thinking.

      Please keep the comments as an internal dialogue in the vast and vacuous chasm that is your mind.

      Thank you.

    3. you do the same crybaby, it's not on you to dectate reality to other people you commy Libtard!

    4. Thanks for making my point...

  11. @7:36 what right do I have?the same godamn right you have to state my opinion.This has turned into a cult,you can spin it any way you want but Sasquatch isn't the only psychic around I to can see the future.
    Some time in the next ten years you crazy mindspeak believers will be sucked into some big name researchers claim that Sasquatch has come to him and helped him translate the sierra sounds.
    After this amazing claim he will pass a poly and you will drink that cool aid.
    Said researcher turned messiah will start you off going door to door with publications and then it will happen.
    This squatch messiah will start moving you into a compound heavily armed of course with an endless supply of 20.06's and baptize you in a big ass pool of bear piss after agreeing to give up all free will.
    This will happen after the DNA results come back "soon" and will be inconclusive at best and you will all say there it is it doesn't match anything so it has to be Sasquatch or they all come back as known animals and you will say that doesn't mean they don't exist.Because you believers have to have it both ways.

    I am batshit crazy.....or am I.

    1. Why did you leave out the part where the Bigfoots will send messages to the squatch messiah with orders for the minions to carry out? Are you afraid that we can't handle the truth?


    3. And the messiah said, "Bigfoot says he needs money to save his species, join my facebook group and await the next message on where to send you check, money order or paypal". And the other messiah said, "I can show you bigfoot, or at least you will hear him and get spooked, come camping with me - only $400, plus you supply food, drink and pretty much all the gear you need."

      I do believe there are squatch messiahs in these here woods.

    4. Yes, the BELIEVERS in the nonexistence are very much like a cult. And make about as much sense.

      Meanwhile, the scientific investigation will go on.

      The only problem is the elusiveness of the critter and the nutcases who decide to fasten themselves to the issue for whatever reason, and are dragging red herrings around.

  12. There is no such thing as a "lie detector" test. It is called a polygraph and is not admissible in any court of law. Fact.

    1. I thought the article said 20 states do admit polygraph tests as evidence. The reason the rest dont admit them is not that liars cant be detected, but that truth tellers are sometimes shown to be liars.

      Yes, I know you are just blowing it out your ass...

  13. It's even better if you listen to Bigfoot on Ice with Steve at the airport, or when Kathy Strain goes, "Steve you a good man" and the almighty pause.

    Run it through a voice stress analyser and you'll see when he's lying. Really an eye opener.

    Oh did I forget to say...I still had all of those recordings :)

    1. Alot of people still have those recordings,what's your point? Kulls was at an airport trying to do a show with thousands of listeners on his cell phone? Yea I'd say that would be stressful.

    2. Praise the lord for the apologist.

      I do believe we have a squatch religion in these here woods.

  14. 08 hoaxers past one on cnn given by a ex fbi soon do we forget!

    1. No they did not. It was proven part of hoax. Get your facts straight also bob h took his 10 years ago long before technology caught up to human deception like it has now

  15. "Steve Kulls is one of the most respected man in Bigfootery and his investigative skills are unmatched."

    Is this a joke? LOL.

    A self aggrandizing hoaxer who calls himself a detective. Isn't his specialized training in theft prevention at a K-Mart or someting?

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