Our Editorial On The Sierra Kills

Speaking of the Sierra Kills, we were just there about four hours ago. The first thing I did when I got home was boot-up my laptop and check to see what's going on in the world of Bigfoot. Lo and behold, right in the middle of checking my inbox-- popped up on my screen was Loren Coleman's editorial, "Editorial: Sierra Kills ~ Folklore, Makelore, Or Fakelore?".

"Part of the problem of the so-called “Sierra Kills” situation, after all, seems to be in its elusiveness, doesn’t it? The essence of this incident turns out to be nothing more than an elaborate story with a foundation of faith, tales, and less. Promises of forthcoming DNA analyses, presentations of testimonies based on the personalities of one or two individuals, and little else tends to look remarkably like folklore evolving into fakelore, not evidence. The more the “red” editing of the statements occurs, the larger the doubts grow." - Loren Coleman
What we would like to ask Loren Coleman is: What part of Justin Smeja's story doesn't match up? Coleman talks about the elusiveness of the story, but in our opinion, it's probably one of the most "open" incidents in Bigfoot history. Every question that has been asked, has been answered. The only lingering question we can think of that should have been in the polygraph examination was, "Justin, do you have the body?". The answer is no, he does not have the body. All Justin has is his story and the tissue he allegedly dug up from the snow two weeks after the shooting.

The Sierra Kills story has been circulating since Robert Lindsay broke the rumor last year. Since it surfaced, few experts have chimed in. Dr. Jeff Meldrum, who was one of the original visitors to the "kill site" back in July 2011, opinion on the matter seemed to be a little convoluted in the way he responded to the story. In Meldrum's most recent comment regarding the "Bigfoot Steak", he thought the hair on the tissue looked similar to that of a known animal such as a coyote. His comment was made a few months ago and we have no idea what his position on the subject is now. With all the talk about "science" and "laboratories" involvement lately, his view could change if the lab results suggest something other than a bear or a coyote-- such as an unknown hominid.

No one wants to get to the bottom of this more than Bart Cutino, a BFRO investigator who has been investigating the incident since finding out about it from his friend Derek Randles, the founder of the Olympic Project. Bart is a good friend of mine and just about every week Bart reveals to me tidbits of information about the "Bigfoot Steak" that's being tested. Besides the mysterious aspect of what the results may hold, Bart and Tyler Huggins both understand the scientific process that must take place to give the story more credibility.

It is from these little tidbits of information that I have come to my own personal opinion that yes, the Sierra Kills is quite possibly real. If the DNA results show something akin to Bigfoot or an unknown hominid, it would make it 100 percent the Real Deal Holyfield for most. However, for some folks, DNA alone won't convince them and they will not be satisfied until there is a type specimen (a body).


  1. Just found out Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, has passed away. What has this to do with this post? Well, nothing, but it's a hell of a lot more significant than what Loren Coleman thinks about the Sierra Kills, which really isn't significant at all.

    1. R.I.P. Neil, I actually grew up in the same neighborhood he lived in, he was very quiet and reclusive.

    2. yep Jerry nelson the voice of gobo fraggle and the count on sesame street bought the farm to 2 2 dead celebrities AH AH AH.

    3. Real classy,idiot.R.I.P. to both.

    4. Today we lost a great American hero! One of the last true real Heros! God speed Mr. Armstrong!

    5. No human has EVER set foot on the moon.

    6. And you would be incorrect.

    7. We may have made it to the moon since the original charade but it would be with alien technology. Folding space time would be the only way to get by the radiation belt.

  2. Replies
    1. so broski u ARE on board with the sierra kills story?? cuz i was just looking on a jan 2012 post where u stated that the whole story seemed like BS.. just curious my friend..

  3. Only a body will solve this, however the DNA results could make more people take this seriously and lead to a live specimen.

    1. Live specimen? They aren't animals so you'll see no cages or anything like that, there'd be so many legal and humane problems with that idea purely from an ethical standpoint so you'll probably never see that. In a third world country maybe but it certainly won't happen that way here, and that's precisely why DNA is first and crucial. Then you can move in and film later. The day people understand this, that's the day the search can really move forward and resolve it when realism and logic will set in not wild fantasy.

    2. With all do respect how do you know what they are or what will happen if they are found.The last time I checked nobody knows anything yet opinions and rumors thats all.

    3. What you non-scientific types seem to miss from all of these stories: It only takes a few weeks for a reputable reference or research Lab of any worth to DNA-type a specimen, of any specimen type. It doesnt take months and years but weeks.....where are the results?

      And, if there is a bone, piece of flesh, whatever that can be tested multiple times from multiple sites and yield the sane results....they have the exemplar specimen...no body required, but an added bonus for sure.

      Smeja is either smart, and waiting to reveal baby bigfoot, or a complete idiot like Rick Dyer...we will see which.....

    4. Smegma, like everyone involved with Bigfoot, is nothing but a lying charlatan trying to get his cut.

  4. Loren Coleman is like the father most of us never had.

    1. Yes in the sense in 50 years he never did shit for us. But some how he still thinks his opinion matters. Loren no one cares what you think of the sierra kills. Its so much bigger then you its insane for you to even comment on it. Obviously you are not up to date on story to even make such a comment. Like usaul you are making an uninformed comment on something you dont know anything about.


    2. Loren, is a media whore, nothing more! So sick of him!

  5. Don't expect Loren Coleman to say anything that doesn't direct attention to himself. He's an opportunistic exploiter who's never made his own headlines. He prefers to somehow attach himself to other news, and often tragic news that is completely unrelated to cryptozoology. Don't give him any more attention.

    1. That's very true. Loren has always lacked integrity.

    2. Not trolls. Just several people expressing their dislike for Mr coleman

  6. Loren is a jackass. He often proves that to us. Here is a great example

  7. Coleman is famous for putting his foot in his own mouth. He has a very long history of it.

  8. Lc really shouldn't comment on a story he obviously knows nothing about. Loren is just a bitter old man who hasn't found shit in 50 something years of "research". He tried so hard but all his years in this field have amounted to nothing. All the big name researchers can not stand him. He is constantly putting his foot in his mouth and injecting his opinion when he is not up to date on the facts

  9. Loren Coleman is a nice lady.



    2. WHAT THE FUCK IS TH.. I mean, what the fuck is the difference between an attention hoe and and attention whore?

  11. That must be Garry Coleman's Dad ! Lol

  12. Lc really needs to stick to monitoring his own play ground. He needs to be somewhere he can delete all the hateful things everyone says about him. No one likes him. He is gonna get hurt playing with the big boys from next store.

    1. Next store? I see you are a graduate from public schooling.

    2. You're just mad that you got beaten up by a nun.

  13. Did I miss something?Have some DNA results been released that I haven't heard about because I hear people saying Bigfoot is not an animal they are a kind of human.

    I'm not a skeptic by any means but the last time I checked There have been no results as to what Bigfoot is.Please correct me if I am wrong but all I have heard is opinions.

  14. This is nothing more than silly Bigfoot drama not to be confused with the last round of Bigfoot drama or the one before that. This is just a story, as is everything else about Bigfoot. Stop with the silly bullshit and go out and get us a body, it's the only thing that will do sugarbabies. Put up or STFU!

  15. STFU= Sassy Tiptoeing Fruitcake Umpire.

  16. STFU= Silly Toadstool Fundy Uranus

  17. I'm willing to wait awhile to receive the results as long as it is a credible university. I know that they would not want to release the results to Bart and them until they rechecked their results several times, verified that their people followed methodology protocol, and researched all possible ways that they could have gotten false results.

    Remember, the university and scientists that are doing this will be putting their REPUTATION on the line, so I don't think they will do the one day Jerry Springer "Whose yo daddy?!" DNA test. I think the university will take at a minimum the better part of a year to give their conclusion.

  18. Who will be Smegma's next "friends".

  19. Loren Coleman trying to chastise people regarding Bigfoot. What a hypocrite! This clown used a human thumb to create the "NAPE" print. LMFAO. You guys go look at that thing when you have the chance, its truly hilarious. He also stole footage from Peter Byrnes house and made a profit from it (thousands) from Unsolved Mysteries. When Peter found out about it he called Coleman and asked him about it, Coleman lied at first and said he never made any money off of Burned stolen footage. Then Byrne contacted Unsolved Mysteries himself and they sent him the records and sure enough Coleman was compensated. Armed with this information, Byrne called Coleman back and threatened legal action and within hours a check was on the way to Byrne. Loren Coleman is a giant farce and a hypocrite NOT to be taken seriously. And with SWP now being involved with Coleman, he's not trustworthy either.

  20. I see that Coleman doesn't like Lindsay. Big surprise. I don't like Lindsay much myself. Who does!?

  21. I am sorry to ay that most of the sensible comments criticizing Coleman are just about right on.

    He's a typical narcissistic Bigfoot celebrity type. He has an ego bigger than Rhode Island. His claim to fame is "monster books" in which he uncritically suggests that all sorts of nonsensical creatures may in fact exist. His books lack the skepticism that he displays in this article which doesn't make much sense.

    Either he uncritically believes in all of his monster nonsense or he's a shyster pandering to the lowest common denominator screaming, "What out for the MONSTERS!" solely ion order to sell books and for no other reason.

    Loren has hated the Sierra Kills story from the get go for the same reason a lot of these narcissists do - petty jealousy. Narcissists are filled with envy and jealousy, and they hate it when their rivals beat them to the punch. Loren didn't get to break this story, so he has to tear it down and everyone associated with it.

    That's pretty much all there is to it.

    The guy is very bright, he writes well and he works very hard (he's written quite a few books). It's sort of a waste of good talent though due to his lousy personality which cancels out a lot of the good.

    And you are correct, he is not well liked in Bigfootery at all. His popularity is on the level of Tom Biscardi's.

    1. he jumps at the chance to appear in documentaries too! So there!

    2. yuck! robert u are very hard to look at! u are ugly!

    3. He's very handsome from behind!

      Rictor the Rectum Wrecker.

    4. Thank you for the most truthful and proven post you've ever made on this site. +1.

  22. I wish the DNA paper would get published soon....I am so tired of waiting and refreshing this page for the last year.

  23. YAWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


    1. All I can say is "LOOK AT THE SHITTER ON THAT CRITTER"!!!

  25. Phil said "Mr. Coleman wrote, "The essence of this incident turns out to be nothing more than an elaborate story with a foundation of faith, tales, and less." So much for the scientific method. The first enemy of science is predetermination. It is obvious that Loren has not examined nor does he intend to examine the evidence. He doesn't place any weight on the circumstantial polygraph results nor does he wait for DNA results or seek out other possible evidence before making his finding. He obviously sees it as a silly claim not worthy of his examination. And why should he? What good would examination of a claim do, other than the seeking out or the finding of truth? I was dead set against the Sierra kills story at the beginning. Since then, there has been some compelling evidence brought out by Ro Sahibi that (if you were of a scientific mind) requires further examination. To make such a child-like assumption about the quackery of something without proper inquiry is not the way to defend healthy skepticism."

  26. Hoaxes fizzle out relatively quick while this Sierras incident is gaining more steam it seems and I'm really starting to wonder now. I mean Smeja passes polygraph as that 's tough I don't care what anyone says, Bart Cutino & Tyler Hugins are now testing this stuff at several labs and have publicly promised complete transparency, Ro is working with documentary etc..just starting to get a feeling on this one.


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