FB/FB Confirms There Are No Bigfoots In Western Europe

Troll Foot Print From Norway

There you have it ladies and gentlemen-- after spending two weeks in Europe, the official words from the bishop of Bigfoot, FB/FB says there are no Bigfoots in Western Europe; not even in squatchy looking places like the Atalian Alps. There was absolutely nothing to see or hear... no wood-knocks, no Bigfoots intimidating owls and no signs of werewovles*.

Just returned from a 14 day European expedition to France, Italy, Germany and Norway. Although the terrain in the Italian Alps, Garmisch and much of Southern Norway appear "Squatchy". Zero sighting reports, zero knocks or whoops. We can safely declare western Europe as a Squatch-free zone. Feel free to travel w/ the comfort that you can travel and leave your favorite hobby behind in North America. - FB/FB

Back to the werewolf note. It appears the bishop may have left a little wiggle room for the possibility of werewovles existing in Europe. Here's the conversation between a fan and FB/FB:

Adam B:
Although I trust your instincts on most things, I do still think that Europe does have Sasquatch and/or similar hominids. Tracks and sightings have been reported in Norway, France, Spain and Sweden, amongst other areas. Footprints have also been discovered in Norway and Great Britain which don't appear obvious hoaxes.

Adam Bird, If there are subjects similar to Sasquatch in Europe they would most likely be humans that are closer to the wolf, namely Neanderthal variant of the original human body plan as we discussed in the book. There is certainly not the density of consistency one might see in North America.


  1. Damn it - no BFs in Germany!
    So i must go on drinking beer ;-)

    1. Bigfoot doesn't leave prints in Germany, as he is forced to wear socks with sandals :))

  2. I am new to this Bigfoot scene , it was the bobo interview on the rogan experience that made me get into it and look up stuff , I really think there is some great footage out there , and I really think there is an ancient ape in north America .. But man from reading the comments on this blog I gotta say it seems like a very volitile community .

    1. Yes, I've been following for few months and it's very dog-eat-dog. I also think there is very compelling evidence, but there is also a lot of hoaxing going on that really hurts the overall credibility and lots of people just have reached the opinion that everything is a hoax. Hopefully someday (soon?) proof will put all of the doubt to rest. We'll just have to wait and see. I just wish I could see a BF for myself so that I would know for sure in my own heart without having to wait for the proof. c:

    2. Don't like it, then go fuck yourself with a cactus you pansy ass faggot!

    3. @anon 931 Now I've seen everything, a man who can only get his jollies from screaming at people over the internet. Why don't you come say some of that shit to my face you pansy ass faggot.

  3. You dam straight Nicky no neck ! So don't get butt hurt when we come on to harsh .

    1. Lol I am fine with it just didn't expect so much trash talking ,.

    2. Dont be a wuss about it Nick, or the mafia will come and take back your cool nick-name.

      Fat Tony Salerno

    3. Hey,Fat Tony,keep messing with my husband if you want to sleep with the fishes.

      Patty no Puss

    4. Heyyyyyy fo-get about it !

  4. I have studied this quite thoroughly, there is no tradition of bigfoot-legends in Sweden and there is virtually no sightings reported.Adam B is making things up. Norway and Sweden are small countries, they are not very densely populated but there is still not a real possibility that there are bigfoots there. As for the troll-connection I have been over this before; The large hairy trolls of faitytales are a product of the late 19th century sagabooks, they are described as having large noses, tails and clothes. The trolls that people really believed in in older tradition were very hard to distinguish from humans.


    1. JN, so how do you know that there is no sightings ever reported of BF in sweden? (or in Norway, for that matter).

      I will say that if there is enough place for bigfoots in north america, then there is also enough place for a bf type creature in scandinavia (norway and/or sweden. Denmark is too small I guess, however I actually have found one reported sighting from here)

      - Denmark

    2. I said there are virtually no sightings, there is probably the odd couple of reports but if you get into the subject you will see that in the folklore tradition the bigfoot-type creature is not represented. Talk to hunters or fishermen, they will tell you all sorts of things but I don´t think you will hear bigfoot-stories. As a comparison Sweden have about 200 wolves and people see them all the time, that population is very weak in terms of breeding since it is to small. A larger mammal like bigfoot will have to have at least that size population to be able to breed. Furthermore, where would they be? The unfarmed forests of Sweden are small and in the mountains they would have to survive by eating meat, that meat would be raindeer and the sami would have reported a lot of missing animals if there was a large predator in the mountains. The northern part of Norway is different but again there is no tradition in terms of stories or sightings that suggest a bigfoot-type creature.


    3. Thank you for your answer, JN.

      I do agree with you, that the possibility of bigfoot in scandinavia is very very small. However it is still possible, if it is possible in north america. Many of the question you ask about the existens of bigfoot in sweden/norway, you also can ask about the existens of bigfoot in american. Where do they hide? If they eat meat, why doesn't more cow and other farms animals get killed or disappear? (I know, Matt Moneymaker would say, that it's because bigfoot know that cow's is human food.. LOL :) )

      But I totally agree with your view, and I have no reason to think anything else then you.

      - Denmark

    4. Oh, and yes.. The one "sighting" of Bigfoot in Denmark I am talking about, is not from a credible source.

      Just so don't start looking through google, trying to find the sighting :) I don't think there i anything real to it.

      - Denmark

    5. Sweeden and Norway are small countries as s previous poster states...WTF.....you are kidding right ?? They are quite large countries. There are written down stories about humanoid giants. All stories are based on some sort of truth

  5. Shouldn't FB/FB actually find Bigfoot here first before they go looking other places that have no Bigfoot lore to begin with?

    1. That Norwegian track's so fake looking, I'm surprised FB/FB went all the way over there.

  6. Thanks FB/FB. I live in western Europe and confirm there are no bigfoot in the US or Canada either.

    1. ^and i can confirm there is one 3rd grader on this comment feed^

  7. "most likely be humans that are closer to the wolf"

    Maybe they mean the dogman; it is about as believable.

  8. If there are no bigfoots; what made that huge print?

    1. A human with a piece of wood

    2. Didn't you know Swedish woman are renowned for their well endowed feet, and their tight little supple bodys and small breasts and pert nipples?

  9. Adam Bird Is Gae-Rath the Gae!

  10. I just spent two weeks hiking in Central Sweden and, I gotta tell you, it's real squatchy out there.

    1. Bullshit. It's tough and rough but BG territory? get real, do you know the Swedes, Norwegians, Danes, Germans etc., spend more time hiking than anybody? As it's all wild camping, they fucking love it, 100's of thousands of them per year, canoes, backpacking, nordic walking, cross country skiing etc.,

      and 'Yes' I've been there many times.

      AND NOT ONE verifiable sighting.

  11. Oh but there are dinosaurs in western europe...big ones.

  12. Thank you FB/FB but I must politely disagree if that is ok.

  13. So because FB/FB has used 14 days in 4 countries (3,5 day in each), he can be sure that there is no bigfoot's in the whole western europe? LOL...

    How can you look in all these countries woods in only 3,5 day, since you come to that conclusion, Mr. FB/FB?

    So if I go to the states, and into the woods, and don't hear or see anything for 3,5 day.. I can then claim that the states have NO bigfoots in their woods?

    This is shit. But okay, it's FB/FB we are talking about. I haven't hear anything but shit from them.

    1. A bit like Finding Bigfoot then? :) but reversed.

  14. He didn't mean "wolf" literally, but in terms of the theories in his book. Wolf is to dog as Sasquatch is to human there, a bigger, wild original form. That is what he thinks, anyway. It certainly does not connote "werewolf" or "dogman."

  15. Maybe there are no BF in western Europe, but two weeks is not enough time to know for certain, don't you think? I've spent some time trying to find game on short hunting trips, and man, sometimes you get skunked. Sounds like someone is not facing up to the shame of not finding what he was looking for. S*** happens, and you're still as great a BF hunter as you were before, and more experienced. Really, I would have to hear more about "no BF in anyplace" before I would ever say something bogus like that place has no BF. Nuff said.

  16. I am not saying I agree, but FB/FB is basing this off of "Sasquatch" behavior. I do not think there is just one surviving Hominid out there. ALL of Europe was once Neanderthal territory. So if these reports are Neaderthals, then why would they behave the same way what we call "Sasquatch" would behave? Even what is reported in the Pacific NorthWest of the United States and Canada, does not have the same reported behavior of what is in the Deep South.

    As for the Troll argument. There is medieval artwork of "Wildmen" that fit the Bigfoot description.

    But yes, that foot-print is fake and textbook as to what I was just talking about on the forum lol. steep walls instead of a gradual slope an completely flat on the bottom lol

    1. LL of Europe was once Neanderthal territory. So if these reports are Neaderthals, then why would they behave the same way what we call "Sasquatch" would behave?

      - You ever though about the possibility that sasquatch is actually a neanderthal? That could answer your question.

      Even what is reported in the Pacific NorthWest of the United States and Canada, does not have the same reported behavior of what is in the Deep South.

      - What is the difference, if I may ask? Not to be cool, but I really wanna know :) (If anyone else can answer this, please do so)

      "But yes, that foot-print is fake"

      Why is this fake? Is all bigfoot tracks then also fake? If not, why are some of those real and others not?

      Hope for your answers :)

  17. Yes wildmen fit the description but they (the artwork) are from continental Europe and not Scandinavia.


  18. 14 day investigation is a small investigation to say that ther are no bigfoots in western europe!!need a little more investigation to councoude that they are not there

  19. there are bigfoot legends in sweden and norway, we have many dense forests of largely unexplored land in sweden filled with elk, wild boars and raindeer, and i believe there are because there are reports and i heard a credible witness say he saw a bigfoot on the shore while fishing on the lake standing in the trees watching them and it was 8 or 9 feet tall (about 2 metres), with dark fur and ape like face, bipedal, it was not a bear, for sure, he said it was too close to have been mistaken for a bear, we have a legend of a creature called the Snowman or Snömannen and it's our version of the yeti so i don't see why there couldn't be some form of yeti or sasquatch in scandinavia, with all those forests and mountain areas in norway and sweden it's very possible the yetis might have migrated from russia and kazakstan to finland and sweden

  20. Well, I live in Finland and I gotta say, I don't think there are squatches in Scandinavia. Sure There's a lot of forrest, but..they are not that huge, not enough for a big biped creature.

    Russia, namely Siberia could definitely be prime habitat for this creature however. There are huge forrests there. If sasquatch ever visited Finland it would have to be near the eastern borders. In fact, I do recall a tale I heard as a kid. It was about the wild men that were hairy and lived in the forrest. The idea of hairy wild men dates back many many years I think and is known in Karelia. Then of course there is the russian Yeti -- that may have influenced these stories. Finns have always called the creature "snowman", not bigfoot, or sasquatch. It has a place in the folklore for sure.

  21. You spent merely "14 days" in a few European countries and you already "declare" Europe to be a "Bigfoot-free" zone? Man, this almost gotta be a joke, or you really havent done enough research. Myself, being a Scandinavian, have done some research into the topic of Scandinavian/European Bigfoots for some years and I have already found several legends about mysterious, giant hairy wildmen in several European countries (especially Scandinavia) and I have also found a lot of modern sightings. All in all, there is a pattern of sightings here stretching as far back as the Viking Age and all the way up to the very modern day. And I wouldn't be surprised if they discovered Russia to be inhabited by such creatures aswell, that would even further strengthen the idea of Scandinavian/European Snowmen. Scandinavia is such a huge area of forests, mountains and wild terrain, theres actually a huge part of this land that isn't inhabited and there are still some unexplored or badly explored regions of the Scandinavian peninsula. Being someone who loves nature and to travel across the country, I can tell you there's more than enough room in this northern land to hide several to-science unknown giant creatures.

    One thing that you have to understand is that you cannot just "declare" that Europe is not inhabited by Bigfoots, wildmen, snowmen or giant hairy hominids just because you spent only 14 days in about 4 countries and just didn't happen to find anything at that specific time. You're gonna need to do a whole lot more trips and investigations than that to even come close to "declaring" Europe to be uninhabited by such creatures. Legends exist in Europe, and sightings still occur. To the well-informed, this is fact. It's not a fact though if there really are any European/Scandinavian Bigfoots here in Europe or Scandinavia, though I really don't have any real reason to doubt that there are.

  22. The mountain hairy giant Rubezahl of the Giant Mountains Riesengebirge who is fond of children.

  23. I am very new to this but i have recently been to italy were i went hiking with a friend near the sanctuary in oropa, i dont belive in bigfoot but ll im saying is that there is a very large at least 7-8ft competly completley covered in dark matted fur with clear muscle defenition through the fur, humanoid living in this stretch of mountains!!! it was my first time to italy and i literally came back on saturday and due to y experiance have been reading s much as i can on bigfoot! we were near the top of the trail were there was a lake when i felt this overwhelming feeling that we were being watched! i looked around and up at the ridges running along the mountain when i noticed something tht didnt quite look like rocks at this point its was only 40 meteres from us up on a ridge, i told my friend who looked around and suddenly the camouflaged creature moved and i have never been so scared in my life once it moved we had a reference to look at we could see what we was looking at! i will probably get stick for this but im am now 1000% sure that bigfoot is real and looks very different from how it is described by other peoples accounts i have read online! 7-8 ft tall matted brown fur like a dread lock texture very ape like face and red eyes!!! holy fuck we immediatly ran after having a very clear undeniable view of this creature because it seemed to be moving towards were it could climb down and then we encountered a 2 hour chase literally running all the way down the mountain never seeing the creature again but feeling its presance very close by through noises and yelling!!!! i have never encountered anything like this before and if im honest im still a little shaken up by this encounter i havent slept well at all since Saturday! all i know is that what i saw was undeniable and in the italian alps there is guarenteed one but there must be more bigfoot!!!! and the conical head im reading about and yellow eyes is not what i saw its very hard to describe but the face was eerily human but at the same time very different i dont know what else to say except italy was the last place i was expecting to see something like that!crazy i have a holiday again to italy in september and i really dont want to go again until i can get confirmation of what is in the alps! whatever it was seemed like it was playing games all the way down and it felt very intimidating as though if watever it was wanted it could have done serious damage to either of us!!!! would love to know if anyone knows of any legends or sightings in this area as i am literally going out of my mind because it is undeniable that there is big foot in the alps this article is incorrect would love any info!!!!!!! thanxx


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