Teaser Of How Powerful Team Tazer Bigfoot's Blobsquatch Enhancement Software Actually Is

When we last reported on Team Tazer Bigfoot's Blobsquatch Enhancement Software, we forgot to show you how powerful it actually is. In order to understand the magnitude of the ground-breaking technology, watch how it's able to detect even the slightest hint of Blobsquatch.

Skeptics will not have an answer for this-- we promise you:


  1. It was funny the first time.

  2. I can't stand Team Tazer anymore. They are making a joke Out of Sasquatch! I used to respect them. This is the dumbest stuff I've seen next to that stupid SciFi channel movie! Stick to serious researchers. Good luck to the people who take Bigfoot serious.

    1. Obviously, they do not take the subject seriously. Next thing you know, SWP will publish a paper about bigfoot tracks and then sell autographed prints on the web.

    2. Send this to azbirddog. he uses this enhancment as well. Good jon team tazer on exposing these people.

    3. But Bigfoot is a joke! When everyone tried to let you people in on the joke, you all said 'screw that, believing in Bigfoot is way more fun.'

  3. Just say no to junk like this that pollutes this site!

    1. I agree, especially the stuff like Meldrum hocking replica "autographed" footprints.

    2. I just finished installing the Blobsnotch software and it works flawlessly.

  4. Weak attempt at humour. I didn't enjoy that at all!

    1. I have to totally agree with you Jeremy. This is as bad as the blobs. Getting tired of it. Guess it's my fault for reading and even clicking on it. Next time I won't.

  5. Me either! They are making a joke about it. I would love all the amature stuff sent in as possible! Blobsquatch and all. This stuff will just stop anything from going in for fear of ridicule. It's tough enough the way it is now than to have researchers ripping on it. Court of public opinion is tough enough . I hope if I ever get a picture (blurry or not )I hope someone takes it serious.

    1. Trust me, you are in the minority of people wanting to "see Pareidolia and blobsquatches". The vast majority of people interested in this field wouldn't wipe their asses with the garbage that Fasano, Joe Black and SquatchMaster and many many others try to pass off as Sasquatch.

      People like Fasano (known hoaxer), Joe Black (I don't think he's a hoaxer but he's infinitely wrong about his claims) and The SquatchMaster (just wow, did you see his gorilla pic?) are the key offenders of polluting the field with garbage.

    2. Well if you want to hit a home run you have to take a lot of bad pitches . More videos the better. Unless they are so obvious. Fb/Fb at least weeds through the crap first.

    3. Yeah boy, they've been duped by people from all ages. Adults, teens and flat out kids.

      FBFBullshit is also part of the problem. Out of all of their breakdowns there is around 4 that are halfway decent. The others are reaching to the high heavens on tons of claims he's making in each of them.

  6. And to all hoaxers please stop sending in stuff!

  7. Looks like the guys are running out of material. Next they'll be pocking fun at Henry May :o

  8. Clicked off video at 1/2 way point.

    So far, I find the vids with info and humor, very entertaining.

    I find there vids with demanding viewpoints and attack concepts to be long-winded and boring!

    Guys, the core group of bigfooters have loooooong known "who" and "what" is Bullshit. You guys(Phil in particular)perception that "YOU" need to --educate-- all of us, is really rather condisending.

    We've known about Blobsquatches, faces in the "wallpaper", eroneous wood formations and the stupid "pancake for a feather" crowd for a long time.


    Besides, if your a rookie in this field, you need to go on a snipe hunt or two and have your ass handed to you! With experience, you get your head screwed on strait and began thinking rationaly.

    You know what???
    This Phil dweeb is a good example of an "ex smoker syndrom".

    Come on Phil, admit it. You got totaly suckered by some bigfoot hoax. Now your on a "mission" to correct the Bigfoot world as you see fit.


    Team Tazer, it was old and played out before you showed up. Let the rookies have there snipe hunt!

    Oh, oh thats it------ it's all of your rookie snipe hunt! I'm sorry I spoiled it for you!

    We already know what info is STUPID and who's to BLAME! Have for a loooooong Time.

    1. Pfffft, you act like there's no need for Phil to enlighten others on Pareidolia. Take a look above, as you can see, obviously there's a need for him to keep educating others. What am I talking about you ask? Well, again, look at the guy above who basically posted: "people need to send in everything, blobsquatches and all, send in everything". He's basically asking for the.field to become even more polluted than it is now.

      I think more people need to post their thoughts on all the "claimed Sasquatch vids". Its the only way that those people (who plan on submitting so-called evidence) will actually sit down and "think" about what they're getting ready to submit. Think about this........Fasano has over 800 videos, Joe Black has uploaded a bunch and the SquatchMaster has too AND not one of those videos HAS ANY TRUE EVIDENCE in them, not one. Basically each and everyone is a massive waste of time. I'd prefer not to have to weed through thousands of bullshit videos. It pollutes the field and does nothing but make it a big joke.

    2. That guy is 1 / 100,000.

      So what, and so we have to listen to all the "want-a-be" whiners. If your stupid enough to get suckered, so be it. Mother nature is at work!

    3. Leon, that estimate is not even in the stratosphere. Its in reality much closer to 1/10. Sitting idly by and doing nothing is piss poor and that's exactly why we have that communist in the White House right now. I don't see why anyone would be against those who choose to expose people who are flat out hoaxers, Pareidolia freaks and blobsquatchers kings.

      Its almost like you're encouraging it and that makes absolutely no sense at all.

      I'd much rather not see ANY blobsquatchers or Pareidolia videos. If that means waiting months or even years in between videos and pics then so be it.

    4. Anon 3:02. What about scary pup tent deer snort events?

    5. Good post Leon! Can we be friends now?

    6. At Anon 3:02. I hate apathy more than most, but this is bigfoot were talking about.

      Everytime we get a stupid vid up here, it gets the shit beat out of it, evereyone. I think there might have been merrit to a couple. My point is, there is no dillusional hoard of believers buying every hoaxed or blobsquatch vid. It's a game we all play and give input.

      I don't think it's right that a few want to come and knock all the pieces off the board-------------

      Let the stupid players pick up those cards!
      Give the rest of us the freedom to make our own decision.

      I don't even feel compeled to hit play on most vids! ha ha ha

    7. oh, and he is a sorry socialist, not a communist!, ha ha ha!

      Either SUCKS!

    8. Leon, I just want you to know I agree with 98% of what you said in the above posts. Thank you.

      I have respect for anyone who is out actively searching, who is outside in the search, in rain snow, bugs, mud and among the snakes and wildlife searching.

      Not the snakes here, who are not outside searching but whose qualifications seem to be based on computer monitor surveillance.

  9. I thought it was kind of funny. I've seen so many videos where I was like "where is it" and suddenly there's a face randomly drawn on. It doesn't mean they're making a joke of it, more they're just poking a bit of fun at ourselves. Nothing wrong with that.

    1. Have you seen how worked up Phil gets, he is going to pop. Hurts my eyes to watch!

  10. Believer here I wouldn't really consider stuff related to bigfoot to be "serious" research. Most of the "serious" researchers just make it up as they go. Its more like a fun hobby so stuff like this is kinda funny. People need to relax and not take it that seriously.

  11. jeez people, if you can't see the humor in that you might need to lighten up a little bit.

    Every other video posted on here looks just like their "enhanced" images...

    Nice job guys, that was dead on perfect.

  12. Yes, but does this software also work for aliens?

  13. Thing is, 'believers' aren't necessarily improving our understanding any more than the hoaxers. Team Tazer made the second video endeavoring to exaggerate above the overt and commonplace lack of discernment (FBFB, et al) - the absurdity of which was depicted quite well in the first video. They have a handle on the meme and good for them for calling people out.

    1. Stop joking about Bigfoot. In case you didn't notice, Bigfoot is a serious subject, OK?

  14. Finally, someone figured out how to break the code and get into Bigfoot's alternate universe.
    I have a feeling that SWP is on the verge of a major discovery here.


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