Cliff Barackman Says Yowie Episode of Finding Bigfoot "Might Blow Your Mind"

As we reported a few months ago, season 3 of Finding Bigfoot will include international episodes. Cliff Barackman and the Finding Bigfoot team just wrapped up their two-week expedition in Australia at a small farming town called Kilcoy, the home of the yowie. Kilcoy made a name for itself 30 years ago when two schoolboys claimed they spotted the yowie.

Kilcoy Statue Of The Yowie Photo (Queensland)

The team also investigated a jungle region called the Gold Coast hinterland where they met with locals and Aborigines from each area. "When you see the final television show and see what we got here in Australia, it might blow your mind," said Barackman.

Read below from Canberra Times:

Hunt for Aussie bigfoot is hit or myth
May 24, 2012 - 4:30PM

A group of US researchers from Animal Planet say they have discovered something that will "blow your mind" while looking for the legendary yowie in Australia.

Renowned Bigfoot hunters Matt Moneymaker and James "Bobo" Fay have joined forces with Cliff Barackman and field biologist Ranae Holland to track down the yowie in New South Wales and Queensland.

The expedition is part of the third season of Finding Bigfoot, which airs on Animal Planet.

The second season of Finding Bigfoot has just started on the pay-TV channel.

Barackman says that the two-week expedition to Australia, which has just finished, was far from a waste of time.

"A lot of our searching was being done during the day, but we did four night investigations with more success than others on some nights.

"When you see the final television show and see what we got here in Australia, it might blow your mind," he says.

The Animal Planet team travelled from Kilcoy, about 100 kilometres north-west of Brisbane, to the Blue Mountains during their two-week pursuit of the yowie.

Kilcoy was of particular interest because it claims to be the home of the yowie following the sighting of the creature by two schoolboys more than 30 years ago.

A large wooden statue of the yowie stands in the town and a park is named after the legendary half man-half beast.

However Barackman says their search eventually focused more on the Gold Coast hinterland - although he refers to the region as a jungle.

"Kilcoy claims to be the home of the yowie, which is a nice title for a town," Barackman says.

"Most of our work was either in the coastal jungles or the inner mountain areas of the Gold Coast," he says.

During their research, the Animal Planet team met locals and Aborigines from each area to discuss sightings and stories over time relating to a large creature that lives beyond the reach of humans.

He says there is no reason to dismiss the yowie as a myth or fantasy as there have been too many sightings and stories of its existence, which date back to before European settlement in Australia.

It's even possible there is more than just one unknown primate living in outback Australia, he says.

"There is an indisputable fact that people find very large humanlike footprints in very remote areas," Barackman says.

"It's my hypothesis that all of those reports and footprints can be attributed to one species of undescribed primate.

"I would not be surprised if there is a treasure trove of undiscovered creatures in Australia because so much of this continent is uninhabited."

Finding Bigfoot screens at 7.30pm on Tuesdays on Animal Planet.



  1. WILL or MIGHT blow your mind?

    1. In first pic it looks like Bobo is about to prison-rape Cliff.

      I think what "blows our mind" is that Renee meets a totally hot australian female surf-champion and slinks off for some fun "in the outback".....little does she know the "boys" have brought along a new night vision camera, and proceed to show us the whol thing right down to the " lover boy" tattoo on Renees ass

    2. maybe it does include a body and someone blowing someone's ass then?

  2. a body would be mind blowing, otherwise blow it out your ass!

  3. "When you see (...) what we got here in Australia, it might blow your mind," said Barackman.

    "Uh ... probably not, though," he continued, just out of earshot. "Actually, not at all. I'm really sorry guys. We got nothing. Moneymaker did procure a white powder-like substance from some locals in King's Cross, though. Oh, and we got some great thermal footage of a huge, retarded apelike creature running through the brush ... but it might have just been Bobo. Sorry."

  4. "discovered something that will "blow your mind" while looking for the legendary yowie in Australia". doesn't mean it has to do with yowie.

    1. It's revealed that Justin Bieber isn't a wildlife biologist at all be is really Justin Bieber. Mind blowing.

    2. lol, wft? lay off...whatever that was

  5. Is bigfoot real yet? No? Still just a myth.

    1. maybe you should answer 10 more comments by saying "says the....". I see some of us didnt get past 4th grade. But hey when you bend over for a living, thats just how it goes. Says the guy who just put your troll ass in its place, beeatch. Flabsino is out!

  6. man Shawn you got some real happy people commenting on your sight when are you all going to get it the show is thru the eyes of a bunch of people that are interested in ratings not finding anything and im not talking about the stars eather its the producers i know the team would like nothing better than them to let them loose with just there gear with out a whole gang of folks tagging along how much would you put up with to follow your dreams and get aleast some of you research out there on a national level like that

    1. Next time you're using google, type in "punctuation."

    2. opinions are like assholes every one got oneThursday, May 24, 2012 at 8:41:00 AM PDT

      just because you suck major tool and this dude dosen't don't make you any better than anybody else. the thing with finding bigfoot is that we (people who been here before the hit t.v. show)have to deal with children who think cause they went to some div. 2 college or most likely community college that they are some how better for pointing things out about others. your just a just a wise-ass faggot bitch. i don't like when children get their parents passwords and post major tool sucking comments. later on when your mother and i are doing the grown-up bump and i put it in her turd cutter, i will tell her how hard you try not to act like the occupunks. but just like college you can't pass the mustard.DIE ASSHOLE!

  7. They found the Geico Gecko!

  8. Go on shame the devil muther f'kers.

    Who wouldn't take an all expenses paid trip to Aus to look, drugs, birds etc., Ah yeah hold on!! the Yowie.

    It's all fun and games at the end of the day. Live and let live, OR get off your arses and 'DO IT YOURSELF' and stop bitchin.

    1. Seriously fella you aren't doing the trolls any justice like he is!lol!

  9. They confirmed through dna that Angus Young is a yowie/human hybrid

    1. Orang pendak/human hybrid and a kick ass guitar player

  10. What is the minimum weight limit to be a Certified Squatch Searcher? The average seems to be about 359lbs, but whats the minimum, 300? 280?

    1. I am 6-3, 252, I work out and am an ex-college football player turned bigfoot enthusiast. I would wad you up into a ball and use you as bait for a sasquatch.

      I do agree, if you are tiny and incapable of defending yourself, you are not allowed in my bigfoot club.

    2. Yea ,right.... You're only 4'6'' and weigh 90#! But I bet you're in the Midget Mafia,so it would be best to leave you be,right?

    3. yeah right Tim, no one is buying what you thought you looked like in high school. Its ok, youll be alright, theirs another bag of cheetos in the closet

  11. Crocodile Dundee was really from the U.K. and hunted alligators

  12. Fosters in NOT Australian for beer

    1. Dude you can't hang with that other troll!!!lol!

    2. Man don't troll me,I was just stating a true fact.

    3. I wasn't trying to "hang" with anyone. It was just a joke...didn't know that made me a "troll"

    4. Anon @ 4:12-There was some trolling going on in your thread.Sorry for the mishap

  13. Cliff looks like Richard Dreyfuss in that picture. Kinda blows my mind.

  14. Cliff seems to be taking cues from his show's overly dramatic and misleading editing department.

  15. Why can't you just leave Cliff alone??? He's the only one on that show that MATTERS!!! We love you Cliff!!

    Go away stupid hating trolls. Back under the bridge with ya!

  16. "two schoolboys thirty years ago." Hello?

    In the end, nothing on the barbie, as always. Oh, but our minds will be the gullibility, I guess....

  17. I really enjoy Cliffs input and web-page. In my opinion, Cliff is the "expert" of all the Finding Bigfoot co-stars. Cliff seems to be level headed, he doesn't rush to judgement, nor does he completely dismiss everything like one of the co-hosts. He also doesn't claim that everything moving or making noise is a "squatch" like the other guys.

    I love the entire cast though, Kinda like a good stew. Throw in a bunch of differnent ingredients and they blend perfectly together.

    Cliff's reputation has grown immensly since the Finding Bigfoot show, and rightly so.


    1. Cliff will always be a star in the Bigfoot field due to his personality and his ability to make friends and the right friends and not burn bridges is you know what I mean.

      I have been meaning to ask you Archer, what county in WV do you live. You may have mentioned before, just curious.


    2. With Cliff it is obvious that he really loves what he does. It is refreshing to see someone approach the subject with a level head and a true love for the search.

    3. with cliff its really obvious that hes willing to suck anyone who offers him money

    4. Thank you Archer for a serious post in the midst of all the immature crap.


    5. WV in the house........Logan County here. WV roll call, lets hear it:

    6. I live in the southern most county of WV. (McDowell Co.) We are a very rural area with no modern roads, etc.

      I currently have approx. 1200-1300 acres of land I lease/manage from a timbering company and the wild game is abundant here. Plenty of hardwoods, natural water sources, and very few homes.

      Prior to moving back to McDowell Co. (where I grew up) I lived in our state's capital for almost 20 years while working there as a WV State Trooper. Once retiring from the dept. I decided to move out of the city. I came home and build me a log house "smack dab" in the middle of nowhere WV. I have satellite internet and television due to none being available in our area.

      I have always hunted and fished WV but not until 2009 when I had a run in with atleast two sasquatch that were essentially right in my front yard, did I give the topic of sasquatch much thought/consideration. I am hooked now.

      What I have noticed about these creatures; they seem to have the uncanny ability to realize when I am actively trying to look for them. It is when I least expect something to happen (wood knock, whoop, etc) that it does. When I go out looking for it to happen-it doesn't.

      This past spring my wife and I were setting on our deck with the kids playing acoustic guitar. I had taken a night vision monocular with me onto the deck just in case one of our "visitors" decided to drop by and spy on us. While playing guitar, "something" came through the woods and started crawling the woodline adjacent to our front yard. This "something" positioned itself perfectly to watch us from some thick undergrowth while remaining hidden. I retrieved my night vision, flipped on the IR and pointed it toward the area where the creature was hiding. Essentially, whatever was in the woods, back-tracked out of there. For several weeks I didn't hear anything. I actually think I scared whatever it was off.

      Recently, things have started to pick back up.

      As far as "concrete" evidence, I have a picture of a track I photographed. I found the track on a game trail about 200 yards from my home. My dogs were going crazy one night and looking in this particular area. The next day I went to where they were barking and found a track approx. 18inches long by roughly 7-8 inches wide. Five toes. I know this isn't a hoax or prank because my only neighbors are in their late 50's and they have no idea about my encounter.

      Many, many more stories I could tell. To much info. not enough time.


  18. Shows that could be better than this:

    "Finding Dracula"

    Matt Moneymaker and the gang travel to Transylvania with the latest in high tech equipment to track down the elusive prince Vlad the Impaler.
    Is the Transylvanian wilderness hiding upright walking vampires? Watch Animal Planet to find out! ... but seriously, the answer is no...

  19. I love Tim Fasano more than life itself. Is that wrong ?

    1. Considering there's alot to love about Tim Fasano, no it's not wrong.

    2. I love that he's been exposed as a hoaxer by Steve Kulls.

    3. Fasano only deserves praise. So quit your whining !

  20. With matt moneymaker at the wheel, nothing really will blow anyones minds. Matt has made so much stuff up and staged so much crap that you cant believe him anymore. Just like on Autumn Williams Mysterious Encounters, moneymaker continues to stage evidence. Thats why Autumn cancelled her involvement in the show, because matt staged evidence and began staging hoaxes. If you want to see an example of this, one of the last episodes of the seriess shows a supposed trail camera shot of a bigfoot that is close to the camera, its at dusk and it is sillouetted against the sky. This of course was a crew member in a suit, as it was later revealed. Autumn didnt want anything to do with this so she ended her involvement. Shortly after the tv show was cancelled. Its amazing that matt has threatened and silenced people who bring this up, and now its not talked about. It should be on the news and talked about on every bigfoot site. Its pure fact, and moneymaker cant deny it. The one time he commented on it, he stated that it was a joke, but it was presented in the series as dead serious. Moneymaker is a hoaxer and a conman. But somehow, he has been able to take advantage of peoples interest in the subject of bigfoot, and actually are paying money to go on his expeditions. Its beyond me how anyone could spend money on such a thing, its so dumn its a novelty. Cliff and Bobo i think are good guys who have done their share of good research, and i can understand them being on the show for money, but they are hurting their reputations at the same time. I now associate these two with moneymaker, as soon as i hear their names, and im sure many others do. And therefore i dont take what he says that serious anymore, as i expect matts shameless propaganda somehow tied in, whether they know it or not. If i were cliff and bobo, id finish out the season, join the olympic project and start their own show thats actually research based. Put moneymaker out of buisness and do the field a favor and get some good solid research publicized. The field desperately needs this right now, as moneymaker has created a legion of morons who are wondering the forests banging on trees and howling. If you dont think these people are going to learn what were doing and change their habbits and avoid us even more, than were crazy. We are hurting our own cause with matts show. Just like a deer under pressure will change habbits, these hairy people will do the same, and we will loose what little chance we have to find one.

    1. Someone debunked what you're claiming on the recent Autumn Williams' Mysterious Encounters topic. I actually bought in to the possibility of what you said there at first but someone else rebutted it and I have to say that now I buy in to the rebuttal more -so than you're claim. Moneymaker really needs to clear this up himself though.

    2. Autumn can debunk it even better than Moneymaker. This person above (Anon 1:01) is making bogus assertions about Moneymaker that he claims came from Autumn. There's no love between Autumn and Moneymaker but she never said that about Moneymaker. Autumn knows Moneymaker backed out of the show because he didn't want to be involved with a production that would fake things. Autumn didn't want to continue with it either, but she had to wait til the season was over before backing out.

      Anon 1:01 is nothing more than a rumor-mongerer, and he's trying to propagate false rumors about Moneymaker. Certain people have been doing that for years, because Moneymaker banished and banned them from all BFRO functions.

    3. Love him or hate him, Moneymaker and Finding Bigfoot have done more to bring the topic of Sasquatch out into the mainstream than everyone else combined.

      It is not a coincidence that Finding Bigfoot has over 1.2 million viewers weekly and now there are legit. studies being conducted about this creature.

      The scientific community now feels that it is "safe" to look into the mystery of the Sasquatch because so many people in the world already believe in the possibility of its existence.

      Whether you want to credit MM for this or not, facts, numbers, and NOW credible scientific DNA studies prove my point.

      MM is here to stay!

    4. on september 2011 i think it got 1.8 or 7 million views or thats what i saw on the internet but the internet isn't always true

  21. The yowie highlights the major biogeographic problem with the existence of bigfoot. If you accept the premise that people in Australia occasionally see giant hairy hominids, you're left with a finite number of potential explanations. 1) Yowies are actual creatures that either crossed from Eurasia in boats or are an astonishing example of convergent evolution producing a primate-like metatherian. 2) Yowies are explained by some kind of supernatural nonsense. 3) The big hairy man-animal seems to be a common archetype across a lot of cultures, and sometimes people's brains use that archetype to fill in the details of something they didn't really get a good look at. Now, which one of those possibilities is the least ridiculous?

    If we can agree that the idea of a Yowie is absurd, what does this say about its North American equivalent? The BFRO's database is full of reports from places that can't even support black bears, let alone giant hominids. If people that report seeing bigfoot in little patches of suburban forest surrounded by densely populated areas are mistaken, why aren't people who report them in the wilderness, where they maybe even more primed to misinterpret things, similarly mistaken?

    1. The theory that best fits Yowies on the Australian continent is the same one that brought the Aboriginal people to Australia. Australia is separated from New Guinea by 93 miles through the Torres Straits. This is a very shallow sea that was a land bridge during the ice ages as was the Bearing Sea, thus providing a natural land route.


    2. Exactly. Would be cool if they visited the lady in the youtube clip entitled "yowies talking", she sounds pretty credible and sane to me.

    3. Sorry Alpha dog, but that is not a sufficient answer at all. The question is how did they get there from Eurasia, not New Guinea. You're correct that New Guinea and Australia represent a single major biogeographic region, but they are both on the same side of one of the strongest biogeographic breaks in the world: the Wallace Line. The Torres Strait and the rest of the Australian shelf are shallow, but the trenches and troughs of the Malay archipelago are not. Humans crossed this line in water craft, and their dogs and pigs did thousands of years later.

    4. To my limited knowledge of the Yowie; sightings have been very limited with the "few and far between" term being used here. In North America there are documented sighting by the thousands over the past two or three centuries. Many, many of these sightings are from credible individuals who had more than a simple fleeting glimpse of something that was simply misidentified.

      I could see the Yowie potentially being a misidentification of something else simply because of the limited number of eyewitness accounts, but the North American Sasquatch cannot be so easily dismissed as a hallucination or misidentification.

      Just because a rational, intelligent person cannot perfectly fill in all the blanks within their own mind to perfectly, neatly explain why something is or isn't they way we think it should be; doen't mean that it isn't happening.

      We are humans. We are not God. We do not know everything about everything just because we think we do.

      KJV Bible: "Through man's knowledge they will become ignorant of the truth."

  22. That yowie statue bears quite a resemblance to the drawing of the skunk ape the wildlife worker saw in Florida.

  23. willing to bet its a few howls and rustling in the bushes. this progrmme cant possible uncover anything.its a circus.the pirmate,if its there,would have to be retaded to go near this lot

    on a separate subject a note a new species of gibbon was found in Burma yesterday,it wa a big animal. thought it may be of interest to some. if an animal that size stayed undiscovered in a small country surely t gives credence to the yeti/yowie in those vast inhabited areas. bigfoot,come on,i think we all know that's bollox

  24. CRIKEY If Steve Irwin was still around he could catch the Yowie and wrestle it down and stick his thumb in its butt-ole and really piss it off

  25. We almost viewed the less than elusive yet gigantic Bobo ass crack.

  26. Anon @ 4:12-There was some trolling going on in your thread.Sorry for the mishap.

  27. They really need to lay off there hypothetical "behavioral Bigfoot facts". Im so sick of hearing the cast of finding Bigfoot say the typical, " that's what bigfoots do....". How do they know? Do they have an intimate relationship with this creature, that they have yet to find...are they basing there facts on eyewitness testimony? Which is noted to be date they have no proof .why do they always scream in the wood s?....don't you think they would scare this thing off!....why don't they try some stealth tactics maybe they would have better luck!....

  28. Every episode, hear is your formula

    Sounds squatchy..
    It was a sasquatch you saw..
    Bigfoots are known to.."____"
    Bigfoots eat deer.
    Click clack!
    I know there are bigfoots in "_insert location__"

    There is your show....They should hire me to write there next script..
    I can't respect these so called researchers

  29. I think the funniest part of this show is that it has nothing to do with trying to "Find" bigfoot. All they are trying to do is capture odd knocks in the night or howling sounds so they can continue to have a TV show.

    Once they hear those noises they stop looking because they know they will prove the source to be NOT bigfoot OR probably one of their producers.

    1. well wood knocks are actually common ape behavior along with bigfoots so this known species to science when wood knocks are captured it is scientific evidence


  31. As said by Todd Standing " you can't fake DNA" in that case there are proven Bigfoot DNA and you can't fake that. It's like saying I have my DNA right here and i'm not real. I certainly don't think thousands of people are lieing about what they saw. THAT IS FROM MY WEBSITE CHECK IT OUT IT'S



    2. i saw that to that was touching


  34. hey cliff, what's up with finding bigfoot?? it is one of my favorite TV shows. Is it still going on???

  35. Those idiots should have their cameras ect taken off them and sold for charity ,that show us worse than pathetic, whats next ,finding dragons ? if you like a program where idiots bang trees with sticks and talk childish nonsense then you are a very stupid person


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