Who Is The Number One Female Bigfoot Researcher In The Country?

Thanks to Bigfoot Lunch Club for breaking this important story.

Melissa Hovey is the Bigfoot researcher who was once featured on all-female expedition episode of the History Channel's, "MonsterQuest". She has also co-hosted several internet radio shows, and is currently über boss of the American Bigfoot Society (ABS). She is a member of the Sasquatch Watch of Virginia, and a former member of the Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy (pro-kill group).

Not only that, but she is a tough-no-nonsense paralegal who means business. Her zero tolerance approach towards copyright infringement led to the take down a popular YouTube user's video. The YouTube user allegedly violated some kind of copyright law when he removed the original copyright tag from Hovey's photo and used it as a spoof in his video. This special photo of Bigfoot's back is known in the Bigfoot community as the Melissa Hovey Bigfoot Photo (photo really belongs to her witness).

Guy Edwards of Bigfoot Lunch Club points out an interesting fact underneath the list of guest speakers who will be speaking at the Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot Expo this year. The header reads: "Guest Speakers: Including The Number One Female Bigfoot Researcher In The Country." We presume they're talking about Hovey since she's the only female guest speaker on this list.

According to the announcement on the website, here's what Hovey will be talking about at the expo:

Melissa Hovey will discuss at the Expo the emotional turmoil a witness to a Bigfoot sighting can go through, and the toll, this type of experience can and does have on the personal and professional lives of people who are simply talking about being witness to something they can’t explain. Are all these people lying? What do they stand to gain? The answers may surprise you.
Melissa Hovey Bigfoot Photo


  1. Told you the Hovey hairy back photo was just a publicity stunt for conference season. Shawn's article here just proves it...

    1. Also shows Shawn is one of "them".

      And Hovey needs to actually contribute something productive to even be worthy of comment. This is hype a week from the conference.

    2. I agree, Melissa was only using her hairy back to earn favor



  3. Yawn...enough of this no body. How about voting Rene as the top female *researcher*? She even has a degree in Biology, and is on a successful T.V. show. Hovey has what exactly? Oh yes, someone else's photo of a suit.

  4. Yes, she most certainly is the #1 something in Bigfoot, aside from happening to be female.

  5. Replies
    1. I cant really think of any other women besides Hovey that are doing anything meaningful in Bigfoot research and that is not saying much.

    2. Hyping Conferences and charging for your authograph is cartoon character fodder.

    3. Autumn Williams retired from the public spotlight, presumably due to the harassment from Oregonians who do not want to understand something that they know nothing about.

      Melissa's greatest achievement was outing Norm Crowley as a hoaxer and a fraud, when he claimed that he had debunked dermal ridges. She remains closed minded to the actual paranormal existence of the Sasquatch, which is a bit of a black mark.

      USFS archeologist, Kathy Strain, also retired from public spotlight, presumably due to pressure from the USFS. She wrote a Sasquatch book that was completely sterilized of any mention of the paranormal Sasquatch. The USFS is anti-bigfoot in all States except California, because they don't want to lose funding from Congress for all the full-time people that work only part-time.

  6. that photo is real, no suit or costume!

  7. So, being an internet personality is the same as a researcher?

  8. Is Hoaxer the new Researcher?

  9. I'm at a lost as to why there needs to be a "labeled", No.#1 Bigfoot researcher of any kind. Why the need for the "one ups-manship" in the community.

    To my way of thinking. The No.#1 will be the one that brings to the forefront, proof positive of Bigfoot's existence.

    Until someone does that. All we will have are Bigfoot speculators. No one is actually researching Bigfoot. What we are doing is gathering research data on possible Bigfoot sign and speculating on that sign's relationship to a possible creature.

    1. Melissa Hovey is the one that labeled HERSELF #1 female.

  10. Melissa Hovey is like the mother we never had

    1. something we never had, but mother aint it..... ask Pat Barker about some things.

  11. Melissa Hovey is like the mother we never had

    1. Actually Mellisa looks more like the father I never had, yikes she looks like she is half smiling and half snarling in the photo.

    2. she is like the step father we never had

    3. She is better than that copyright infringing, douchebag, loudmouth, fatslob, armchair wanna be researcher John Lloyd Scharf!

  12. Thanks, Shawn, for pointing out that "The Melissa Hovey Photo" was not taken by Melissa Hovey.
    David from the PAC/NW

    1. I took that photo. I snuck up on him while he was taking a pee-pee. That was after the squatch broke into my fridge and stole a bunch of beer. Them squatches are a bunch of drunk bastards.

    2. at least you get the drunk squatches. You don't want to know what kind I get...

    3. Is that the crack crazied squatches. Ive run into them. That crack makes them all horny and the next thing you know they are bending you over a log having their way with you! Can't take a dump for days after that.

    4. Thanks for sharing Anon. 7:31AM

      Now that we know your proclivities. We can hope to stay out of your neck of the woods

  13. An honor is only as good as who bestows it on the individual. I don't remember a voting ballot being circulated in the Bigfoot community. Those interested in this topic for discussion should consider first who made this choice, and why, and who is behind the Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot Expo. Are there direct ties to her organization or do those bestowing the honor hope for some type of kickback in recognition that will promote their own agenda. I don't believe there is any individual in such a diverse and fractured community that can hold a title or honor such as this. By the way, I was honored as the best investigator in the southwestern U.S.. There were 3 votes involved in my honor. Mine and two others at gun point. Have a wonderful day.

    1. Its a fact that she and others close are directly involved in Creature Weekend and Chanandagua, and they are charging for autographs, among other profiteering, yes they are intertwined with the backers. This spring is a new low for bigfootery.

  14. Number one? It's a little late for an April Fool's Day joke.

    1. She just needed one vote, which was her own...lol

  15. The person who brings in proof positive the animal exists will be researcher number one. All the rest are number two.

  16. Melissa Hovey? Number One Female Bigfoot Researcher? Honey, you gotta be kidding me.
    When Melissa Hovey has done as much as Bobbie Short,
    then maybe we might give her a little credit.

  17. Bobby Short

    From Hoveys blog

    Where to begin. To describe Bobbie Short as a Bigfoot Researcher, just doesnt cut it. Ms. Short has investigated this mystery in our own country and outside of it. She has searched high and low for any and all information she could find, then she started a website many know as Bigfoot Encounters. Many consider Bigfoot Encounters a "go to site", for good reason. Bobbie Short has compiled some of the best reports and information in the search for this undocumented animal.

    When I sent Bobbie Short an email requesting an interview, I expected her to decline - she does not grant many interviews. So, you can imagine my shock when she said yes. Ms. Short was very honest and forthcoming with her thoughts and how she thinks, in relation to this research. While you may not agree with everything she says - at least she has the guts to say it. She may not care what I think about her, but I will say I respect her, and am very proud and honored, to add her name to the list of those I have interviewed to date.

    Bobbie Short is a woman to be reckoned with in this field of research, and a woman I hope to one day meet and have a conversation with. I get the feeling if your skin is not thick, you should not start a debate with Ms. Short - as she is a very smart woman, and can hold her own against anyone in this. I admire women who stick to their guns and say what they think, especially when they just might know what they are talking about, and Bobbie Short is a woman of just that description.

    I would like to thank Bobbie Short, for taking the time to answer all of my questions and being so honest. I do hope to continue this short conversation again in the future.

    Women in Bigfoot Research, Bobbie Short

    Methinks Hovey should recall what she writes.


    1. Thanks for that. Hovey is nothing but a self-promoting, profit-oriented idiot.

    2. Hovey is Better than you two losers

    3. No she's not. Self promoter, and ex groupie among stuff...

  18. Well, at least it is no worse than Rick Dyer proclaiming himself "the best Bigfoot tracker in the world".

  19. She is better than that copyright infringing, douchebag, loudmouth, fatslob, armchair wanna be researcher John Lloyd Scharf!

  20. The number one researcher is the one that gives us conclusive evidence that these mythical creatures exist. Anyone with any sense knows this will never happen.

    1. So Gimlin/Patterson are not in the running?

  21. She's all droopy lookin and what not.

  22. Guys if you don't agree, that's one thing, but to be publicly making fun of her or the Sharon Lee under "anonymous" is beyond cowardly and despicable. Have some decorum.

    1. Just making an observation about droopy lookin. Is what it is. Maybe i can speak from expierence.


    2. Okay fine... I will publicly state "Sharon Lee is a very nice cow"
      -Al W.

    3. At least I dont look like a faggit Rictor!

  23. "All female expedition"? So she's a sexist too...

  24. Thank you Melissa Hovey and Melba Ketchum for carrying the weight of the bigfoot world in your already overfilled egos.

  25. Why does she always make that face like she just smelled a fart?

  26. Always? How many pics. of her have you seen?

  27. I want to nominate the short girl in the tall girl/short girl photo. She knows as much about bigfoot as anybody which is nothing.

  28. Ohhh I get it!! this is humor. Right?

  29. You go girls! Lets show these men who the ultimate gender is on "Mother Earth"! These disgusting men have accomplished nothing in this field. Please girls (Hovey and Ketchum), you have to prove to everyone that us women are superior beings!

  30. She's SELLING her autograph at this conference? Is that true? For how much?

  31. She makes me to want to be gay.

    1. .......yeah but so do days that end in Y.

  32. Well since it is a fact that the study of bigfoot is and always will be a male dominated endeavor the only skills a woman could bring to the table are having a flat top of her head to set my beer and knowing how to work her head like a jackhammer.

  33. You people should be ashamed of yourselves. Melissa is a beautiful person inside and out. To know her is to love her.

    1. some of us loath her cuz we do know her, when she banged noll and several others to gain noteriety enough to gain access to bigfootery's larger players?

      that says it all

  34. I'll throw Kathy Stain out there as a possible contender for the title, although only Hovey would be the one who would actually care about having a title.

    The fact that last weekend Peter Byrne, Dr. John Bindernagel and a host of others were gladly signing things for free, likely the same thing out west soon, and then that Hoovey, Free Willy and Biscardi's ex-right hand man are charging for an autograph should make them ashamed. Such avarice and inflated egos. If one wants to see the differences between the good and dark side of bigfoot, look no further.

    Strippers actually earn those tips they ask for, but these three have established a new low for bigfoot huckstering. Still time to announce they are changing that money making scam and take the high road, but I really doubt they will do the right thing.

    Coming soon: ABS paid expeditions, coffee mugs, pay for a 10 minute personal call from one of these stars where they will give you special advice on your bigfoot research (only $50), and the ABS plastic surgery and gastric by-pass fund.

  35. Unreal. Melissa is actually charging for autographs?

  36. Add to the plastic surgery and the by-pass fund the elevator shoe fund, Biscardi's boy is a pip squeek in person.

    They're all wanting to collect some autograph money. Sad and exploitative, bigfoot huckstering hits a new low. Hope they rethink this scam, it's a black eye for everyone who is more than a casual bigfoot person. From the website:

    Autographed poster pre-order only or if some are available after the Expo at $5* per Poster plus $2 per speaker signature, plus shipping*

  37. If the market price is $2 for Hovey, Willard or Kulls, that must mean John Green's signature is worth at least $2 million. Check your bible, Hovey charging for an autograph may be one of the signs of the end times.

    A challenge to Ms. Mell, you read here so post one of two things.
    1. A rationale reason why someone should pay for you and your cronie's autographs.
    2. A retraction of this idea and a clear statement that you and the cronies will not charge people for an autograph. Please do so and stop the apocalypse.

    I'll trade you my identity for #2, for the love of mankind, and the squatch, do it woman. Take the easy way out and post it on your home turf blog where you can control the responses, dare ya.

    And don't cop out saying you cannot speak for the others, you have those boys by the short hairs, they have and will follow your commandments.

    1. Ugly greed to being charging for autographs after they've already nicked attendees for admission. That woman has yet again put her serious lack of intelligence on full display.

  38. She deserves every penny she can get by giving someone the privilege of having her autograph. Melissa brings a class to Bigfooting like nobody has before.

    1. sez her girnourmous lack of self esteem.

  39. This is true??? Melissa is actually charging for her signature?? If so, WOW! I am stunned!

  40. LAME!!!!! Good lord people you have to take what you read on the internet with a grain of salt... THIS JUST IN everything you read on the internet is NOT TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just thought I would fill you in!

    1. says yet another mel puppet

    2. Need to fill the puppet in... the #1 claim and the autograph costs come right from the LAME conference website and facebook page. We should take what the organizers are saying with a grain of salt?

  41. God damn, my eyes, my eyes!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Hovey is a real looker isn't she? in my opinion.

    Sharon Lee was right when she called her 'Ugly' :)

  42. I'd still hit it.

    I agree! So would I though with a bat.

  43. One of the "speakers" says I am being paid to speak.

    Another says I am only getting gas money and lodging.

    Hoovey claims none of the above.

    Violation of the first rule of hucksters and con men, get your story straight before telling it.

    And still no retraction on charging for autographs.

  44. Here is what the real No.1 Female Bigfoot Researcher does and has done.
    1. Abducted by Bigfoot as a young girl to be a temporary playmate for some young Bigfoot, when she was taken to an underground cave with some strange light
    2. Has verbal and telepathic conversations with dozens and dozens of different Bigfoot
    3. Has dozens and dozens of locations that she goes to meet with the Bigfoot, on a weekly basis and year round.
    4. Has had more visuals than she can count.
    5. Takes closeup pictures that she doesn't share.
    6. Has run the Bigfoot Daze in Carson, Washington
    7. Has witnessed Bigfoot shape shifting
    8. Has played with young Bigfoot.
    9. Has asked Bigfoot to show themselves to guests that she has brought, and they complied.
    10. Has been the recipient of telepathic control by the Bigfoot, where they demonstrated that they could cause herself to walk off a cliff, if they wanted to, so don't attempt to manipulate them.
    10. Has proven to herself that they are paranormal.

    Has Bobbie Short, Autumn Williams, Melissa Hovey, Mary Greene, or Janice Carter Coy accomplished even one of the above tasks, much less all of them? Nope. Who is this person? L. McCoy, sidekick to Joe Beelart.

  45. People who run blogs and have run internet talk shows, and have received pictures and posted them, are not researchers. She confessed that she was scared to death to go camping. If you haven't witnessed shape shifting, then you are not on the short list for this award.

  46. well, from the look of the picture I'm gonna have to go with Jan Brady.

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  61. The courts threw out Melissa Hovey's patent infringement lawsuit because she did not own the photograph. Therefore, she had neither a right to claim a patent on the photograph nor any right to file suit against some former law enforcement officer and now researcher, for copying and pasting it on a public forum. Melissa lost all around on that one. Since she has also never actually seen a Bigfoot, hates to go camping, has never communicated with a Bigfoot, and has never experienced a paranormal Bigfoot, at best she could only qualify in the honorable mention category for taking Norm Crowley off at the knees. End of story.


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