Matt Moneymaker Blocked A Guy On Twitter For Asking About Sierra Kills

We're not sure what ticked him off so bad that Matt Moneymaker would block a guy just for asking a simple question. As a celebrity and one of the strongest personalities on TV, he probably gets a lot of annoying messages from people on Twitter. We have to confess-- Matt has banned us before, but his Grace was kind enough to let us back into his kingdom after relaying a few messages back and forth. (Ermm.. we love you Matt-- biggest fan here).

This guy named Charles Bauer who goes by @RentCollector on Twitter must have said something really, really bad. Unless you talk a lot of smack about him, Moneymaker doesn't generally go for the broadsword right away. When he does decide to cut you off, it's swift and you won't even know it until you tried sending him a message and you're prompted with a message telling you that you've been blocked by Matt Moneymaker.

So, we wonder what this guy did to deserve such punishment. Looking back at RentCollector's Twitter log, it's seems to us that Moneymaker doesn't like people asking too many questions, especially if it's about the Sierra Kills.


  1. Moneymaker is just as the name implies.... it's all about money and the Sierra Kills situation has "one-upped" him in the search for proof. He knows he's behind the 8 ball now. You can't even bring up the Sierra kills in the BFRO forums without getting the lecture about it being "just an internet rumor and we aren't gonna waste time with it." That's a laugher! The Bigfoot world itself is 95% hoax and 5% truth! Gimme a break!

  2. It's the typical Moneymaker/BFRO reponse to questioning of any kind. No descension or alternative thinking is allowed.
    It's almost fascist (for lack of a better term) in nature.
    It's been that way for years.

  3. Sierra kills is nonsense. Moneymaker knows it.

  4. maybe he dosn't want to promote poaching! cause after-all that's what happened in the sierra kills.(if you believe it) they were poaching bears and then they poached a SASQUATCH. poaching is stealing from nature and society. it's just plain hillbilly!

  5. Sierra killing is hoaxed, plain and simple, time to move on maybe something real will happen, no bones, no pics, a piece of coyote flesh doesn't cut it, nonsense..

  6. Wouldn't it be great if the BFRO would just come out with consensus statements about all relevant BF topics so everyone knew where the organization stood. MM should not be the spokesman. If they were smart, they would poll the organization on topics of legitimate concern and issue an organizational statement. Then just shut up about it. Let the minions spout off all they want. At least we would know the consensus point of view.

  7. I've noticed that any comments MM makes about the Sierra Kills story tends to become fodder for bloggers. Even if he doesn't want to make a comment on the Sierra Kills story ... that becomes fodder for bloggers too. But if he is not involved in that story at all then maybe he doesn't have anything to say about it.

    1. Or maybe he doesn't care about it, and maybe he doesn't want to keep repeating that.


    A nice little article about how mainstream look at the idea of "bigfoot".

    It starts with...

    "Finding Bigfoot.

    Yes, you read that right."

    Brilliant read!

  9. Moneymaker is a complete and total tool, and no matter how much money or fame he will always be a lying loser....and he will never find bigfoot. Eventually, about season three, his reign of the bullshit kingdom is finished.

    1. The funny thing is.. he answered the previous twit about recording new shows if another squatcher provided proof before him. His reply was, and I quote ( cant retweet it because he deleted his reply as well)
      "Dont worry about that. Its not gonna happen. Everybody else is years away and they are too easy to underestimate" end quote.
      I have no more info than anybody else about the Sierra Kills claims...I was just curious to hear Moneymakers take on it.
      Oh well, I am still a fan and will continue to watch the show.

    2. It must eat you up that such a "complete and total tool" who will "always be a lying loser" is so much more accomplished than you. That "loser" seems to have the Midas touch with everything he gets involved with. He also has a huge fan base and is highly respected by all the top scientists involved in bigfoot research.

      You can't even hold a candle to that "loser".
      So what does that make you?

  10. "One of the strongest personalities on TV"

    "One of the fattest, most arrogant people on TV"
    There, fixed it for ya!

    1. Last call at the envy bar! Drink up and go whine somewhere else about people who are more successful than yourself.

    2. Last call at the envy bar? What are you fucking 12? Having a bullshit "reality show" on Animal Planet is success? The BFRO is making most casual observers of Bigfoot take the whole community as a joke. It's really a shame. Finding Bigfoot should be on Comedy Central. Only in America can a half wit twat like Moneymaker get his own TV show.

      Boom Roasted.

    3. You forgot to mention that it is a very popular TV series that has created a lot more interest and awareness of the topic than all the bigfoot related blogs combined, and then some.

  11. Did you really expect quality conversation and engaging questions to go through when speaking with Matt *Meathead* Moneymaker and Co.?
    Go ahead, talk about his favorite flavor jerky or all the worthwhile whores at the local truck stop .... he'll talk the shit out of you, but mention anything to do with bigfoot and someone else's success and he'll cut ya right off. Now who is this guy again? lol... cause I really don't know. I don't memorize the names of twats that say they are bigfoot hunters unless they have something worthwhile.

  12. I've been blocked too and don't know why... Very odd. I have a plaster cast from the Patterson Gimlin site and asked a question about it, but then got blocked on twitter.


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