Robert Schmalzbach (Java Bob) puts into question Dr. Melba Ketchum and her Bigfoot DNA Research

Editor’s Note: This is a post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor, Damian Bravo, a Sasquatch believer. You can join Damian's group Sasquatch Lives? on Facebook and the group's official page at

Exclusive: This is a Bigfoot Evidence exclusive post provided by SasquatchLives? and The Bigfoot Report.

In a surprising turn of events, Robert Schmalzbach (Java Bob) has reached out to Ro Sahebi, producer and director of the mini documentary series “Extinct” and the new weekly live podcast on BlipTV by the same name. Robert is the author of the book “Monsters, Myth and Me” and is the host of “Intradimensional Facets” on BlogtalkRadio. Java Bob is putting in question none other than Dr. Melba Ketchum’s Bigfoot DNA study and has made some very wild accusations. He claims he has the documents to prove it.

Below is one of the questions Ro asked.

Ro Sahebi’s question:
There are some questions right now, whether or not the peer review is legitimate. Is it going to take place here?

Java Bob’s Statement:
“All I know is that the first one she sent out, it came back (By the peer review) this is not a scientific paper, came back to her as totally unacceptable.”

In the interview Java Bob even claims that Dr. Ketchum took off with the DNA samples, and stated, “it was questionable and had some statistical anomalies… she got rid of anyone else involved.”

Listen to this preview of the full interview soon to be released by “The Bigfoot Report” blog and other sources.

Java Bob interview (Trailer)

Damian Bravo


  1. Are you guys so short on news that now all you can do is promote slander spewed by someone involved with the biggest joke in all BFdom - Biscardi?

    Between this and the piece on Matt Pruitt in which you didn't bother to get his side before you ran with a rumor piece, I'm very disappointed in your blog lately.

    Are you taking lessons from Robert Lindsey?

    1. I'm looking forward to the full interview.

  2. Finally some news, this is going to be epic, even if Bob has questionable past, i bet this will be interesting to hear, good job getting the scoop, Damian, Shawn and Ro, you guys rock.

  3. Still don't know why so many reputable people, that have made a good living in their life........... with-out this study would throw it all away.

    with all the haters out there is this industry,
    this interview will be meaningless to me.


  4. I think people are so damn jealous that they are just coming out of the blue right and left to attack Dr. Ketchum because they are not involved, or got kicked out. So now that she's finally about to do what we have ALL wanted to get done, they are trying soooooo hard to tear her down.

    SMART people should look at this and wonder WHY? What is the MOTIVE? If he is so convinced that her study is not legit, then it will never be published. So why make a stink? If anything this makes me suspicious of Java Bob.

    And I'm equally appalled that Ro would give this fool a venue. This constant back-stabbing of anyone who appears to be making progress doesn't happen in the real world - only in the BF world. What is WRONG with you people?

    1. Hey buddy or if your a female buddet :), do not shoot the messenger, whether it was Ro or anyone else with this news, all news is not exatly what we like to hear, but I think its important to listen to this, if its crap we will know once the whole interview is out. Shawn, Damian and Ro just put the news out for us to digest.
      Like the blog states "Encouraging readers to draw their own conclusions from the evidence and arguments."I think some one said this before but oh well, just saying.

    2. It doesn't matter if it's a BF study or any other kind of scientific study, there will always be jealous people out there that will try anything to discredit others for what they do. It's just human nature.

  5. See? This is what we skeptics are on about. IF, this guy presents EVIDENCE to back up his story, the footers will still deny it as being fake because it differs from their BELIEF system. THERE'S NOTHING SCIENTIFIC GOING ON IN FOOTERY PEOPLE!!!

    1. I will use the burden of proof that skeptics use: Where did he get the information from? Then, I could say, "everyone knows that person is a fraud or hoaxer." If the evidence looks real, claim it is a really good hoax. If the evidence for his claims seems almost irrefutable, attack them personally, call them fools and liars while claiming that, "this proves nothing" all a bunch of hogwash. Isn't that how it works?

      I can argue against this evidence just as easily as I argue for the evidence that proves sasquatch is real. (I know, wait...what evidence. sigh.)

  6. Java Bob is hooked up with Biscardi. He also started an LLC with Ketchum and Stubstad early on but that went nowhere fast. I suggest everyone take what he says about Ketchum with a huge grain of salt.

  7. The Ketchum paper is gonna come out any day now... Any day...

  8. i don't trust the results , they have nothing to compare them to, to make them real i hope what is happening is a cover up so they will pass a law saying .... do not shoot or your fucked if you do
    do you not think the government doesn't think they are real ? come on they have video of them in their tunnels in edwards air force base for gods sake

  9. Java Bob talking smack about Melba Ketchum is old news. He's been talking trash since he was cut out of the "money potential" by Melba Ketchum. Check out the show about the Erickson project and the DNA game on Squatchdetective radio. Months ago Steve and Chris brought out into the open exactly who the people are that are trying to throw a monkey wrench in the works with the DNA study and why. Spectacular show and right on the money naming those names!

  10. Hey all... this is Ro. For the record, I'm just giving an interview and I've asked Dr. Ketchum for one as well. I will hear ALL sides and let everyone speak freely and make their own case.

    1. I appreciate the effort Ro and will be looking for the interviews.

    2. No offense is meant to you. Sure, a few room temp IQ's will talk bad about you for it, but the sane people will understand that you are just trying to hear all sides. (Hearing all sides is not something that the BF world is used to doing)

    3. I get it and I totally agree, you can't make everyone happy

  11. Ketchum admitted that she and her team had to revise the paper (if I interpret it correctly: more than one time) to make it an A+ paper. And she added new experts to her team during this process, because she (they) needed additional expertise. So where is the news, Java Bob?
    Best, Joerg

    1. Those flaming Dr. Ketchum have no understanding of the peer-review process. Virtually ALL papers get rejected on first pass. The criticisms of reviewers are seldom meant to blow the work out of the water. Instead, they are meant constructively to improve the case. Sometime, reviewer comments are unfair or wrong, but the author gets to challenge them in a second or third pass. I was a peer-reviewed, published bioscientist (before I went into business), so please believe me that none of these spurious accusations against Dr. Ketchum should be taken seriously.

      Furthermore, on FB, I asked Dr. Ketchum some deep technical questions. Although she sometimes hedged, it was clear she is legit.


    2. No, YOU don't understand the peer review process. A paper handed back out of hand due to being garbage isn't being sent back for revisions. It's being rejected. Not to mention that there are no NDA's in peer review. There are no secrets in peer review (with the exception of knowing who the referees are, and the press embargo as far as making official announcements goes). They talk about their data to colleagues, their universities, they discuss them at symposiums.

      Ketchum herself has admitted that she isn't required to be secretive, yet she "chose" to be. It's garbage science based on assumption. If it wasn't, it would not be huddled under all of this secrecy and deceit.

    3. It’s probably smarter to wait and see.

    4. If she is being so secretive then how in hell do the detractors know what is happening. The normal review process is being followed as far as I can see except she choses to keep a highly contentious subject under wraps. I would too. As for the proof of whatever they are claiming is otherwise - either stump up your evidence or go away. We have had enough of false claims and BS from detractors and their secret squirrel friends. Not all of us were born with STUPID tattooed on our foreheads, so please do not insult our intelligence. The paper will be released when it is released. Period. Anyone who claims inside knowledge when clearly they are not privy to it had best consider that it your motives that are in question and it is your reputation that will be in tatters when you are shown to be liars.

  12. This is unrelated but I cant figure out how to post on here. Can somebody refer me to an expert in Tennessee please? I am a nobody but im worried if these things are dangerous. Its just me and my daughter and for the last two weeks theres been a bunch a rangers and some other folks in the wood connecting to our land. I cant figure out them other ones because even though they dont wear no uniforms they are deffinitely in charge. They've put all sorts of gizmos up in the trees, said they were using them to track bears on the loose. I may not be school educated but im not dumb. We aint got no bears this far down and certainly never heard of 30 men on the hunt of a bear. Day before yesterday there was a aweful commotion in the yard long about 2am. By the time I jumped up and got my glasses on the no uniform fellas was bangin on my door. Said they saw my lights come on and wanted to know was I alright, but seems what they was really wanting was to get in my barn. They said the bear mighty like to be in there! I ask how come they knowed that and one the fellas started talking but real quick like the other one hushed him up. All he said then was that there was some kinda special little things stuck to the bears fur and that them things in the trees could tell'em exactly where it was. He said he knowed for sure it was in my barn. I gave em the key and commenced to get my daughter and get on out there. Well yesterday the man stopped by again, said the bear struck out and got away. Here's the thing though, theres a big hole in the side of my barn, you'd think for a minute maybe a bear could make a hole like that but I want someone to tell me is how a bear climbs into the hay loft up a wood ladder?

    1. Sounds to me like you might have large hybrid rats that have migrated onto your property. They are as big as bears yet they can climb ladders, etc. They have been know to eat clean through walls too. The government created these things now they are trying to round them back up.

      Obama thought that mutating rats would be a easy/cost effective way to create meat to feed to poor. It back fired on them.

    2. Your account sounds fictional.

    3. Anon @ 12:12 AM, contact Michael Merchant he is a expert and works work for the of state and cna help you , go to the Team Tazer Bigfoot on facebook or you cna email him at,best person to talk too because he works for a state department that deals with animals and such.

    4. That sounds plausible. I believe every word of it without a moment of hesitation. I feel no need to evaluate the the claim at all because I find the individual totally persuasive.

    5. Wonder if this could be related to the "Gorillas" that escaped in Alabama?

      (Which I do not believe were truly gorillas.)

    6. Anonymous - 12:22 am. Here are appropriate Tennessee contacts:
      Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency
      Ellington Agricultural Center
      440 Hogan Rd.
      Nashville, TN 37220
      (615) 781-6500


    1. Awesome and correct but why not use your real name! If you want to talk about credibility, and no one hates Tom more then me!!!

  14. hey anon at 12:22 try scott carpenter aka joe black1963
    he has a you tube site says he is in east tn maybe he can answer some questions for you. i am sure there more out there but he has a good site and good videos on his adventures looking for the big guy. if this is all really going on I feel so bad for the big guy. hope he gets away and out of that area fast. i am a daily reader of this blog and comment once in a while. does sound scary and strange all those men around the forest. and saying they can track the fellow by something stuck on him. makes me wonder how they got it on the big guy? does sound like a gps though good luck and hope you find answers to your questions and get some help

    1. I agree Imf. I thought of Scott Carpenter first thing.

  15. Read Stuve Kulls "50 Large" book if you want to know how reliable JavaBob is. Reliable ot Biscardi that is...

  16. Here is the thing...Java Bob knows nothing other than CRAP. Melba has said she can't give any interview until the paper comes out. If you know anything about submitting a paper for review ( which I'm sure you don't) it takes as long as it takes. There is no set time frame and to talk about the study before it is through peer review could jeopardize the entire project. I am a researcher who is involved in this project. So I am fully aware of the dozens of attempts daily of vultures such as java bob and Robert Lindsay to discredit Melba just to get their name out there. When you guys interview them and write their articles you are doing just what they want. They are attempting to ride on Melbas coat tail in order to get publicity. Even if its bad publicity. They belong to the Tom Biscardi school of thought. Any publicity even bad publicity is good...

    If you wish to talk to a real researcher you may contact me at

    1. Dr. Ketchum publically talked about this study in 2009 and posts on Facebook teasers.
      I don't think it's the Bigfoot competitors that are the trouble. I think it is the long trail of bragging about the study with no results, along with Smeja's claims of shooting two Sasquatches and sending samples to Dr. Ketchum.
      She and you can have the last laugh when the paper comes out.
      This stuff, if of no import as you claim, will fall away like chaff.

  17. Gee, nothing lke the "pot calling the kettle black"...who exactly in Bigfootery isn't about getting noticed?

  18. Leave Melba Ketchum alone. She wants to protect the Bigfoots and give them a better life. She cares about them more than anyone and would sacrifice her life to save them. She is a professional scientist and is working very hard doing scientist stuff to prove the Bigfoots are really there. LEAVE MELBA ALONE!!!

    1. "Scientist stuff" Lol! Man, that was a funny post....

    2. It may be funny to you. It makes me feel good inside knowing that I care deeply about the Bigfoots and will do anything to keep mean people with guns from hurting them. I cry every time I think about it.

  19. Leave Bigfoots alone, they just want to stay hidden.
    Melba is trying to expose them.

  20. Melba Ketchum may be doing a service to the species if she can prove the existence of sasquatch. W/o proof, protection laws cannot be passed.

  21. Thanks Bob, it's time you got something for your money.

  22. i liked the days before the internet. why? well for one thing there wasn't so much hate involved with the beast known as sasquatch. everybody kinda did their own thing. people get jealous cause every one gets a peek into what other BFers are doing. and i guess it's a bad trait in humans. and because any idiot with a cell phone can claim they are BF trackers and then post it. then last thing is there are plenty of hoaxes and back in the day it was hard to hoax and then get on t.v.! but the internet is a helpful tool in maps and leads and that hate/jealous thing though. i wish they would find this thing before it get's someone killed!(human/sasquatch)

  23. Leave Melda Ketchup alone!!! She helps Bigfoot to be real!!! Why can't you understand that????

    1. Yes, this is so true. Bigfoot will never exist without her. I hear her next step is the Save the Bigfoot Children foundation. She'll have a TV commercial with Sally Struthers in it saying: for pennies a day you can give this Bigfoot child a better life and keep him from going to bed hungry. Your donation will buy him sticks so he can properly learn to bang them on trees and rocks, so he can learn the fine art of clacking. Won't you help?

    2. Anon. 09:08am- pretty funny. :)

  24. I think everyone who takes sides on this non-issue is borderline insane.

    Ketchum has not released anything to the public yet. So at this point, there is no hoax

    Her detractors have nothing available to them to detract from. So they are arguing a point that doesn't exist.

    I watch this from an objective point of view and have to conclude that there is a real, irrational thought process going on here.

    1. Correct, Mr. Bamburg.
      It’s probably smarter to wait and see.

  25. The process of this story, warts and all, is fascinating. How could Ro pass up this interview? It doesn't mean he endorses it, and hopefully there is some degree of objectivity in the interview. I'll be looking forward to it. Of course I hope there is no false equivalency in regards to not getting an Interview with Dr. Ketchum at this time. With the study in embargo (or something similar) there is no way she could give a meaningful interview. Her critics (or enemies depending on how strong we want to be on that) have the advantage right now. They can say nearly anything they want, and Dr. Ketchum can only respond obliquely.

    A poster above makes the most salient point though: Once the report comes out, all of this will fall away like chaffe. No one will remember. That's why I want to watch this stuff. It's a great insight into one of the wildest 'enthusiast' communities I've seen.

    1. Great post! I so hope Ro doesn't come off as a smitten fan-boy because Java was willing to talk (for self-serving reasons), and Dr Ketchum denied his request *at this time* (for self-serving reasons). Don't burn your bridges, Ro!

  26. Am I the only one worried about this possible scenario..

    In the next few months or years BF-Sas is shown to be real..and is human (of a sort).
    Then the political and social extremists on both sides deem them as frightening vagrants..long haired homeless..hippie rent free, tax free and without permits on public, state or federal land. They will be seen as huge, scary humans..sneaking around in the dark..stealing, going through trash, peeking in windows and killing see where I am going? If the rumors are true and BF-Sas are humans..they are in deep doo-doo in this socio-political climate. They would be great subjects to rally the fearful and great fodder for politicians to paint as dangerous and in need of control. Bigfoot needs a good lawyer and a lobbyest in DC! Oh man...

    1. Just what I said.

      A real, ongoing, irrational thought process about an issue that doesn't and may never exist.

      It's absolutely astounding. From a purely psychological and sociological point of view.

    2. I find the sociological aspect of the subject of Bigfoot extremely fascinating for that reason JB...or is it lack of reason. It's just mind boggling and like with a bad wreck, it's hard to look away.

  27. Replies
    1. You make a great point.
      I truly have to agree with you.
      It is fascinating.

      I guess that's why I follow it...and even throw my on two cents in the mix.

  28. From a purely psychological and sociological point of would seem folks who post such comments have a deep seated need to be the rational one..the smart one and the one who consistently points out the absurdity of this all. I mean are on a Bigfoot-Sasquatch website..where did you think you were? Irrational thought processes are the subject de jour here and pointing out that posts are irrational is as insightful as pointing out that sports fans are irrational about the teams they love. might be great if every post was pure rational thought...but again..Bigfoot website dude..Bigfoot! Ya dig!? Plus, accomplished scientists often attack each other's work and theories based on professional jealousy, hurt feelings and other non-rational arguments so either join in the banter with a lighter heart..or go be Mr. Smarty Pants somewhere else.

    1. Live and let live buddy. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and there is no rule saying we all have to agree.

    2. Whoa! I guess I struck a nerve....Didn't I?

      You're right.
      I apologize for making a rational comment in an irrational conversation.

      Gosh, I never thought I'd have to say something like that.

    3. John Bamburg (Mr. Smarty Pants)Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at 12:10:00 PM PDT

      Just wanted to clarify who my reply was for.

  29. Is this a Bigfoot forum or a church? What has belief got to do with evidence?

  30. Whos reviewing the Ketchum report?

    Top.. men.


    Top.... Men....

    1. Yep...There's not a bottom in the crowd

    2. Wait and find out - if you are lucky. It does not matter in the end. I suppose you will be questioning the journals editors next as a bunch of charlatans. Stupidity and ignorance knows no bounds.

  31. Everyone needs to step back, take a breath and consider......could a creature like the one we are so excited about exist for so long w/o any definitive proof whatsoever? Consider Occam's razor. It is very unlikely the being exists. To those of you who say they've had sightings I mean no disrespect. But, for the rest of us who have not, we need to put aside our excitement of the posibility and considr the likelyhood. It's just very unlikely. Whatever Ketchum and crew is doing I dont know, but it will not be proof. It is likely it will result in personal gain for those who are perpetraiting this whole thing, I.E., a new documentary or book with no further proof than we have now. I'm just suggesting that we all consider what is most likely.

    1. You have no idea of what she is working on but it will be no proof. Duh! You mean no disrespect but you just called us who have seen either deluded,idiots or liars. Double Duh! Why do you even bother to comment?

  32. The background music ROCKS! Looking forward to the full interview. Nice job, Ro, Damian and Shawn. Keep up the great work. Ignore the haters; they will always find something to bitch about.

    1. haha, thanks... best comment so far. i'll take the compliment, that was me playing guitar in the background

    2. Had to go back and listen to it, but yes very nice, simple background music. Nice tone, almost sounds like acoustic, but hard to tell. Please send a memo to all the other blogatalkers and youtube Bigfoot video posters: subtle music is important, very important.

    3. good ear btw... muffled acoustic guitar through a distortion pedal

  33. Anon @ 7:32....I did not say I have no idea, did I? I said I dont know! I do have an idea! I stated my idea! I commented because I HAVE AN IDEA, which is the LIKELY idea. PERSONAL GAIN! I did not use the words diluded, ignorant or liar! So, my comment is much more accurate than yours, isnt it! That's why I comment. In a word....logical

  34. The truth will survive all of this...

  35. Blah Blah Blah..... Seriously "i Have Prof" well put up or shut up i say... I am so tired of the (Hoaxer not Hoaxer) he said she said crap!!! If you have the prof as you say PUT UP OR SHUT UP!!! Have a great day all :)

  36. No Shit, this guy is just a blow hard!!! Bob call me and deny it, you know my number!!! There's a call me button on my website for those that don't!!!

    I don't see the word Alleged used here, so how does he know anything for sure??????????

    I know for a fact he hasn't been with Melba since I signed into the study, or since some of the last samples got signed in notice that that I say that as separate events.

    Also, that would be 2 of the Samples from the SW. LOL, well 3 of the ALLEGED major samples are from the SW~~~~WOW! That's kind of neat, isn't it?

    What's that everyone says about the NW???????

    The paper surely hadn't even gone to peer review yet when Stubby, Javaboob, and the Alleged Diddler started saying it had been sent back...

    Stop talking to the people with an agenda and start listening to those that know...

    Patients, is all I have ever said, even to those other dates giving in the past~~~~

  37. Javaboob likes to let people think he got the JAVA part added to his name because he was some type of JAVA programmer~~~I have even heard a certain whacko from happy camp claim that... I had to correct her...

    He got it from owning a COFFEE shop in HAPPY CAMP... You know JAVA~~COFFEE...LOL

    BTW: Do you guys know the mark up on COFFEE, I do! I have been in the business on and off for a while myself, and YES I owned a shop too, with Gourmet beans not this crap STARBUCKS uses made/flavored with OILS... Let's just say the MARK UP is very high!!! Well JAVABOOB'S shop went out of business...

  38. Bob met Tom Biscardi when he called Tom to investigate some ALLEGED publicity he had arrange for the town... Alleged... Well Bob called everyone he could think of, TOM was the only one that BIT.. ALLEGEDLY...

    Geez, that's surprising!

    Tom (the ALLEGED HOAXER) thought so much of Bob that they decided to to start an ALLEGED Hoaxing Business together, under the guise of an ALLEGED entertainment (not research) company called SFBI.

    btw: all the photos and stories used in Boob's book is COPYRIGHTED BY SFBI, that means BOOB has no claim to it, unless he is still part of SFBI... Well he is still listed as VP, so I guess he is... So now you go to SFBI for your news? Not meaning you Shawn, I think your tone is quite clear! :)



    THE HOAXER ACTUALLY HAS PEGGY MARX WITH HIM, THE WIFE OF IVAN MARX~~~IT'S KIND OF LIKE THE VISUAL EQUIVALENT OF DROPPING NAMES... Well if BOOB was a real researcher he would have known that PEGGY's real claim to fame was she wore the suit in the IVAN Marx movie that the HOAXER NOW OWNS THE RIGHTS TOO...?????? BIRDS OF A FEATHER!!!


    YUP! WHILE TOM AND HIS MOTLEY CREW, not to be confused with the BAND... Went to STAGE COACH NEVADA to INVESTIGATE what is now known as the StageCoach Incident/Hoax, he left another new friend, Rex Houdyshell to find an ALLEGED giant track in Happy Camp... See that's how Tom the Hoaxer ALLEGEDLY works too... Other times in the field he has walked right over tracks that have been found by people behind him?????? ALLEGEDLY?????? Wink! now you see where this is going!!!! I'm betting all his prints are FAKED~~~ALLEGEDLY... He even has one he stepped in??????? That's the worlds greatest Bigfoot hunter??????? BOOOB learned from the best!!!

    So which is it, is he the dummy that can't even find a print and gives away real evidence like the TOENAIL, because he thinks it's not real??? Or is he the worlds greatest bigfoot hunter??

    You know what I'm betting on~~~HAHA, betting, Las Vegas~~~Catch the PUN..

    So back to stagecoach, Tom ended up blaming that on Peggy, and she's never appeared in public again... See how he treats the people in his past...

    1. Wow, Alex

      You are a real font of knowledge. (Never thought I'd say that.)And I mean it in the best way.
      I thought I'd read most of the story. But you've detailed some of what I didn't know.

      It makes a lot more sense hearing it chronicled as you have. All in all, yours, is also my basic understanding of the javabob story, as well.

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