Sierra Kills Update: Bigfoot Steak From Both Father And Child Being Used In Ketchum DNA Study

Robert Lindsay is claiming that he was right and will always been right about the Sierra Kills.

Last year when Robert first told the story about the Sierra Kills event where two bear hunters shot and killed two Bigfoots near Gold Lake, CA, he had mentioned that tissue samples from an adult Bigfoot and its child were recovered from the scene. He was accused by many in the Bigfoot community of making that part of the story up.

Now, Robert is convinced that he was right the whole time:

Two Bigfoot steaks turned in to Dr. Melba Ketchum’s lab from the Sierra Kills! I reported this at the very start, but then Derek Randles and others attacked me for “inaccurate reporting” and said I was wrong, so I backed away. But I just talked with a source again today, and it turns out that I was right when I first wrote that Sierra Kills article (so many things about that original story are turning out to be true in the end).

I can now say for certain that the Ketchum lab received two Bigfoot steaks. They may have received the auburn, brown and grey one (adult) first, and may have gotten the dark brown one (possibly from the juvenile) later on. At any rate, we know that the lab reported at one point that they were in possession of two steaks from the Kills. On one steak the hair looked like the hair on the adult, and on the other, it looked like the hair on the juvenile.

We don’t know that the two steaks were from two different bodies, but that seems to be a logical supposition. It’s possible once again that the adult had hair of varying colors – auburn, dark brown and grey in parts and pure dark brown in other parts – but that seems unlikely. Instead it seems that two steaks were sent to the lab – one from the adult and one from the juvenile.

The one from the adult was probably sent first, because one source received a report from the lab where they only had the steak with the adult colored hair. The other one, possibly from the juvenile, was probably sent later, because at one point another source stated that the lab was in possession of both steaks.

The logical assumption here is that the steaks were from the two bodies. If that is so, it follows that DNA testing was done on both steaks. We assume that both steaks tested presumptive for Bigfoot.

Listen to Sierra Kills shooter, Justin Smeja tell his story:



  1. I will never think of steaks in the same way again...

  2. So are they going to release this to the world, or what ? WELL !

    1. It has been 1.5 years since the "Kills" with no official statement from Dr. Ketchum or any professional involved. The shooter broke the story almost a year ago. I feel for those participants that had not planned on being a party to a murder conspriacy.

    2. What I think is interesting is that Ketchum verified that there have been Bigfoot killings. Of this she is 100% certain. However, she said that no bodies have been recovered from these killings. That seems to be an acknowledgement of the Sierra Kills right there.

      Paulides is as close to Ketchum as you can get, and he thinks the Sierra Kills story is real.

  3. Lindsay take a hike!! Another anonymous source...such a troll

    1. Lindsays "anonymous sources" have him batting a thousand thus far. Regardless of whether he releases the names or sources of his info. this guy seems to be "spot on" most of the time.

    2. For the "reporting" Lindsay has gotten correct, all he had to do was troll all day and reiterate that which others had already published on their blogs. This story is just another example of conjecture on his part. No proof, no sources, no story here. This claim was refuted by the parties involved a long time ago and you will never see this the way it is described, because there are no steaks. Yes this is conjecture on my part as well, but i'm basing mine on actual facts, the main one being that RL will print ANYTHING as long as it sparks a debate. He is a small-minded fool who can't even come up with some new fake news. He thinks repeating the same stories on a revolving circuit every month puts him at the forefront of BF "journalism". I have no doubt that if the Ketchum report does ever come out Lindsay will have a story out that day claiming that not only did he and his unnamed sources provide all samples in the study, but that he himself did the lab work, wrote the paper and independently published the paper.
      I am beginning to think that RL may even believe his own bullshit. Anyone ever see that episode of South Park where Cartman believes he wrote the gay fish joke? Well my guess is Robert also thinks he wrote the gay fish joke. It is sad to watch someone insane become more and more insane through words on the page. Hope you get some help Robby. John

  4. I dislike Lindsay as much as anyone, but I will give him a public apology as I doubted him over the release of the picture yesterday, wich he was right about (the validity of the picture isn't relevant). Sorry Robert.

    (I still think you're a twat though).

    Shaun, UK

    1. Is "like" an issue in reading a bloggers stuff?
      Do you like Smeja?
      Do you like Dr.K?
      Lindasy is just writing, those others are doing.
      Which do you like less?

      p.s. very cool your apology

    2. You shouldn't apologize Shaun. Lindsay didn't break any news with that story either. It had been reported on her own sight, RL didn't have any secret source. And yes, a total twat. John

  5. bigfoot steaks... covered in A1

  6. No one has ever mentioned tissue taken from other than the adult retrieved from the first recovery. I would have thought that if a sample from the young one was recovered Derek or Justin would have indicated that. What would their motives be not to ?
    what has not been discussed is the blood from the young one on Justins boots .

    1. Its possible that Justin's boots are part of the D.N.A. Study!

    2. I heard second hand that Bart Cutino has those boots and will not release them to ketchum because he doesn't trust her and is likely holding them tight until someone non-affilated can test them as they may be even more critical then the steak. This makes sense to me because you can tell that Bart through his own words & writings believes smeja and seems very suspect about ketchum. I really picked up on this as who could blame him with her shenanigans and wild claims. ive always held cutino in high regard as a researcher because he's no bs and smeja obviously likes and trust him so i believe the person who told me this

    3. Bart has the boots eh? I guess I will have to check that story out and see if there is anything there.

  7. Lindsay's blog today is worth reading, not trying to take away from Shawn, but I have a feeling there are some topics that won't be covered here.
    If you don't read it you will be confused even more. And, it does appear the information is more accurate than not. That is frightening.

  8. @AnonymousFeb 24, 2012 05:32 AM (reply isn't working for me...)

    I dislike Robert as the none bigfoot content on his blog is small minded and bigoted to say the least. He bans those that don't agree with him, and is petty beyond belief.

    The threatened Dr Meldrum with being nasty if he wouldn't 'work' with him.

    These are just a few issues I have with him.

    Do I dislike Dr ketchum? I don't know her. She doesn't post on her politics, Doesn't make racist, sexist comments as far as I know. So no, I don't dislike her.

    Do I like Smeja? Again, the above re Dr Ketchum is relevant. However, he claims to have shot a Sasquatch for no good reason. If that's true, I dislike him.

    Shaun, UK

  9. Okay I read Lindsay's blog today. Clearly, the BF websites/groups are many with little consensus.
    My hopes fell this morning.
    It's spring, almost a year after the Sierra Kills story broke.... email Shawn when this is played out? LOL

  10. You know, I listened to Smeja's weird and disoriented explanation on a radio show and I do recall him saying they did not find the adult, but they did find the child. He's already discussed the shootings and how they went down. Should BF be found to be closer to human and than ape, then it would appear that he definitely did commit murder. There was no self defense. It was out and out murder. So far as Lindsay is concerned, I appreciate anyone who says it like it is and doesn't candy coat stuff, but he has to know that eventually everything he gets from his "sources" will be found to be true or false, so those "sources" determine his own legitimacy and he better feel damn good about them or he will be seen as the "fool" lots of folks seem to view him as.

    1. There is not a court in the world that would convict him. I get that you care about Bigfoot, but you are a fraction of a fraction of the population. Almost anyone would react the same way this guy did if his story is true that is.

    2. Autumnforest when i read your opinions you know what first thing pops into my mind? Do they make em any dumber?

  11. If you listen to Bart Cutino on the Minnesota blog talk radio show he talks a great deal about the trip to the kills site and never mentions anything about two tissue samples.

    1. The person who stated that there were two tissue samples sent to the lab is none other than Melba Ketchum. She told someone that she received two samples - one that had hair that looked like the juvenile and one that had hair that looked like the adult. I'm 100% certain that this conversation took place.

    2. Robert,

      Many people give you a hard time, but I read this site on a regular basis. I do not know you but your information has been nearly 100% accurate since I started reading the site.

      I say, keep up the good work.

    3. Many of us feel this way, just too damn tied up in some of these groups to post support by name.

    4. I love your anonymouse responses to yourself Robert. John

    5. Personally im on the fence with this whole sierras deal and am not certain one sample was turned in let alone two lol. Missed bart's show w abe a few weeks back but plan to def catch it on archive as we've known each other about 4-5 years & im interested what he thinks about alleged killings. Thats one decent dude & friend for you there in bart, i know that much

  12. As a person with an investigative background, I will say that listening to Smeja and the accounts of others involved always left me with the sense that the whole story has not been told. There are some holes in the story, but this could mean two things; ONE, it's an outright fabrication, or TWO, they are hiding something. I tend to believe the latter, simply because too many prominent folks are staking their reputations on the veracity of Smeja's story, and I see nothing for them to gain here if they know it's false. We may never know the full story, and this fact allows for the rampant speculation that includes ROBERT's (somewhat) accurate reporting. In short, I don't think this is BS, but until Ketcham's paper is released, we have to deal with ANONYMOUS sources......

    1. I believe his story 100% up until the part that happens after the shootings regarding the body or bodies. That's where the story goes nuts IMHO.

    2. What do you believe happened after? I personally believe they took a body and freaked out after they realized what laws they may have broken.
      Bigfoots Broski

    3. I agree Broski! If they do have a body, I'm guessing they're still freaking out!!...If nothing comes from the DNA, then its just another BF tale!......Ken

    4. Right! If the DNA results show its animal I feel they show us the creature if its more human its a big deal.
      Bigfoots Broski

    5. I don't get how republishing the same claims he made over the last six months, which have all been refuted by those actually involved, is even (somewhat) accurate reporting. The only things that have been accurate are stories already published on other sights. Lindsay's a hack. John

    6. I find Justin's account fascinating!..And I'm of the opinion were only getting half the story(guess we'll have to wait for the book to come out!)..Its all about the DNA now......Justin and the drivers description of the juvenile doesn't really coincide with the man theory(face like a boxer?)..Maybe we'll find out one day.......Ken

    7. I don't know what happened, Bronski. My position is that they took ~16 lbs of meat from those kills at minimum and at present they have it stashed around in various freezers. How they got all that meat, from which bodies, etc. I have no idea. I can't figure it all out, and people are not talking. All I know is that the standard body recovery story IMHO is not the whole story to say the least.

      There are photos floating around of the tissue samples. Some photos appear to be of the juvenile and others of the adult due to differences in hair color.

      It's all very mysterious, and the people who know are not clearing it up for us.

      The juveniles look pretty damn monkeyish. They get more human looking as they mature.

  13. ROBERT, keep up the work. You take lots of flack, sometimes deserved(although the personal attacks against you are out of line), but other than you going after Meldrum, I have no problem with you. Seems other than this EXCELLENT blog HERE, you are the only other person trying to approach this in a somewhat journalistic fashion.

    1. Thank you very much my blobsquatch friend! I have a BA degree in journalism.

  14. KUDOS for another good scoop



    1. You stupid idiot there is no fucking murder involved if it's a Bigfoot. Who in their right mind would convict a person for shooting a animal or different species whatever it is you want to call it that people have been trying to capture for years??? I would shoot it in a heartbeat even though I know it would bother me but it is the only way people would know it exists!

  16. Why do people give Mr.Lindsay such a hard time? I don't agree with some of his views on other subjects, but his dedication to the subject at hand is unquestionable. IMO, we really degrade ourselves when we become insulting. Always look in the mirror. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.


    1. No shit, this thread is bullshit. The guys a con.

  18. robert, please explain how the samples (steaks) could test presumptively for bigfoot when there is no known bigfoot dna strand to match it with. the samples could only test as an unknown result if it was in fact from a bigfoot. thank you , scott

    1. Good point Scott, but don't hold your breath waiting for an answer because Robert Lindsay doesn't have any.

    2. Well, they are "presumptive" for Bigfoot since we have no type specimen. Ketchum has almost 100 samples that line up on DNA as some sort of unknown hominin in the Homo line. She assumes that this is a new species since there is nothing like it in the record and it is quite a bit away from humans.

  19. lol what a load of bullshit.. they go into the woods and find a random bit of meat... that MUST be therefore from the bigfoot they claimed to shoot before leaving it for no reason.

    idiots the lot of them.

  20. I thought the adult Sasquatch killed was a mother, now it's a father. What's up with that? It's terribly sad in any case, of course.

    1. No, the adult was a male. I know this for a fact. The initial reports that it was female or pregnant or whatever are in error. The mother apparently survived along with one juvenile and they may still live in the area, since footprints of what may be both of them have been found.

  21. Robert, there was only one flesh sample sent to Melba from Olympic Project and Justin. We have submitted many other samples but only one from the Sierra event. That's the truth and I'm not attacking you.

    Derek Randles

    1. So where's your assertion that Derek is lying Robert?

    2. I am not saying that he is lying. Ketchum told someone that she had two samples, that looked like they came from two different bodies. Is that story untrue? Was Ketchum lying to the person when she said that? We don't know these things. Obviously, Derek's statement calls all of this into question, and frankly I more than anyone else am more confused than ever.

    3. Wahwahwahhhhhhhhh
      That is frigging hilarious! How's that bullshit pie taste anyway Robert?

  22. This is like a never ending soap opera.

  23. All of this steak talk has me hungry. As I mentioned before, why take unidentifiable tissue samples when a head, foot or hand would have been far better? Don't tell me about desecration, once dead they are dead. We shall see what if anything comes of this DNA story.

    new anony

  24. The question is not being right or being wrong. The question as always is what "control" is available to the doctor to compare DNA sameples? Without the "control" any findings are worthless. It may show primate DNA or human DNA but in the end the only logical conclusion is the results show the shooter killed an escaped monkey or committed a homicide. Whats really ironic is the good doctor completes the study and another bigfeet is killed and submitted to another doctor. Who then ends up publishing the final results (and uses which sample as the control)and gaining credit for proving the existance of the species?. I can see this being decided in a court room after a decade of deliberations. End result, nothing is gained.

  25. full thing is total pish,nothing has been found everyone is going round in circles talking nonsense keeping this bullshit going ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON.what will be the end result -ZERO- as usual

  26. Predictions: "Doctor" Melba Toast is going to be in the hall of hoaxes when all is said and done.


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