Finding Bigfoot Filming Town Hall Meeting In Sierra Nevada Mountains Tonight At 7PM

Update: On Twitter, Matt said the meeting is going to be on Tuesday, Feb. 27, but Tuesday is actually Feb. 28. We'll get more info on this...

Update #2: Finding Bigfoot producer tells us the town hall meeting will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 28.

Matt Moneymaker tweeted 2 hours ago that the Finding Bigfoot team is currently in California's Sierra Nevada Mountains east of Fresno. They will be holding a town hall meeting at Shaver Lake Community Center at 7pm PST tonight.

There's no word yet if they will be investigating Justin Smeja about the Sierra Kills. Justin's the kid guy who shot and killed two Bigfoot in the Sierra Buttes near Gold Lake, CA.

If you can't make it to the meeting, here's Monster Quest's investigation of the Sierra Nevada Bigfoot to whet your appetite for next season:


  1. Ahahahaha and its raining! I'm on my way! 2 hours away from my house time to go do shots with Bobo!
    Bigfoots Broski

    1. Broski.. wait a minute. Matt said Tuesday, Feb 27. Feb 27 is Monday.. Confused now.. lol

      #FindingBIgfoot team in Calif Sierra Nevada Mts E of Fresno. Townhall meeting 2B held @ Shaver Lake Community Ctr, Tues Feb. 27 7:00pm #BFRO

    2. Lol I don't Twitter or Facebook this is my social media site lol. Let me know as long as I have a 3 hour head start I can be there by 7.
      Bigfoots Broski

  2. Justin "the kid" has a wife and child.

  3. Umm. Justin isnt a kid? Hes an adult man, so i dont know where that came from. And hes a hell of a guy. Very respectful, nice, intelligent, and im proud to call him my friend. Its pretty sad that he has gotten so much negative publicity when i guarantee that if half the people who have attacked him would have been in his situation, that they would have done the same thing or else something worse.
    I can also absolutely guarantee you that Justin would never agree to be interviewed by matt moneymaker. That in itself is kinda a joke. Right now hes with probably the best research group out their, why would he want to step down to the depths of finding bigfoot, lol.
    But in any event I just wanted to come to justin's defense as the tone of the title seemed to be putting him in a negative light by using the term "kid". Hes an adult man and he deserves our respect until you know the guy. then if you still dont like him, so be it, but we still owe him that until you know him. And i can assure you that if you did know him you wouldnt feel that way.

    1. You have to be kidding--he's either a horrible liar or a murderer.

    2. I have to agree with Autumn. All of the gun toting fools running around in the forest need to take heed. Hopefully full protection fr the species is right around the corner. And I know EXACTLY what I would not have done...which is to shoot them. Because I don't run around with shooting a gun, I shoot a camera.

    3. Man I get really tired of people associating guys with guns who go in the woods as "gun toting fools" Not all of us hunters are like that at all. I think Justin is not being truthful in all this at all, but if he is out in the woods and "legitimately" felt he was in danger he has every right to defend himself.
      It's camera shooting fools that we had to rescue every summer and winter in Yellowstone. Getting lost or to close to a bear for a picture, yet I haven't heard one hunter bash a beautiful picture of nature.

      Do me a favor and get off your high horse because you buy your meat that's been processed at a store and can't fend for yourself.

      Bigfoots Broski

    4. I guess I've never really noticed that he gets bad pub.

      Assuming the story happened the way he described it on the radio interview, I can understand why things happened the way the did.

    5. Look, you don't have to be a hunter to be an outdoorsman and to fend for yourself. I don't have a huge problem with hunters that do it for food, though that isn't my thing personally. I'm more about wildlife conservation and observation. To each his own as far as that goes.

      But, correct me if I'm wrong...wasn't he supposedly bear hunting? Ummm, for a nice bear patty sandwhich? Although legal, I do have an issue with that. Big game hunting is a different kind of deal, and usually requires a different kind of mindset. I'd be interesting to know the % of hunters that are in the "no kill" camp, versus the non-hunters/conservationists that are in the "no kill" camp. We'll never know.

      In my 40 years of going out into the Rockies (including Yellowstone and the Wind Rivers every year...), I've never had to call for help and need a gun. Just a preference thing.

      I don't think we can stereotype whole groups of people, but I know I too wouldn't have reacted that way. Either preference, I think we can all agree the outcome is terribly dissapointing if true.

    6. Broski, well said!..I didn't realize you were in the great state of Mt. One of my favorite places, missing big sky this year!!....Ken

    7. Do the research most hunters are conservationists. I belong to the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Mule Deer Conservation of America, along with Surfrider. If there is no conservation there is nothing to hunt. You also have to think about this, according to Matt Moneymaker, deer are food for Bigfoot, and how many times has a hunter had a story when he saw a Bigfoot around the deer, or how many bodys have a hunter dragged back to camp. None to my understanding. So all the stories and tales of hunters encountering these things and not one being shot or brought back should answer your kill no kill question.
      Bigfoots Broski

    8. You hit the nail on the head Broski!! Hunters contribute more than $200 million annually to conservation efforts. Far more than any other group of people!..Just prove the damn SAS exists, then we can figure out a way to keep them protected!....Ken

    9. I'm sure there are plenty of hunters (especially deer and elk folk) that are huge conservationists. I'm sure there are plenty of bear hunters and the like that are not. I also bet that 99% of the non-hunters are probably no kill. So, I'll take the odds with my group over the % of your group (even if they are a minority of hunters). Wow, sorry about the huge tangential bad.

      Regardless, if he was that threatened, go back to the car that he and his driver were next to. Didn't they describe it as "crashing through the timber next to the road?". Didn't he say, and I quote... "So it opens up into a field, we both look, and see this thing at the same exact time. The truck stops. I pointed my rifle at it and I could see it through the scope. I had my scope on 16 power, I could see it pretty clearly." He's in a fricken truck! Real threatening from the confines of your huge pickup truck. Cmon Broski, I know you aren't that type of hunter given your conservationist views. You know the type I am referring to.

      So, he's either full of crap OR....I go back to my original thoughts with some clarification...He, and at least "some" (not all, maybe not a majority, but certainly *way* too many)of his fellow hunting breathren should take heed.

    10. Listen! ..Poachers are criminals, hunters are conservation minded sportsmen! Lets not get the two confused!...Ken

    11. Once again I wasn't defending Justin at all. Regardless it doesn't matter.Gun toting fools is what I was pissed about. I'm also probably pissed because futs like this make us all seem like idiots running around the forest looking to shoot stuff You have your opinion as I have mine.
      Bigfoots Broski

    12. Its nice to see this blog back to normal respectful discussion! Appreciate everyone's comments.....Ken

    13. I listened to Justin on an interview, he stated he at first thought it was someone in a suit, BUT YET HE SHOT IT???????? Now com'on if someone would shot something they thought was someone in a costume, it's murder...

    14. What if it would of been a kid/person in a suit and he shot it, would he of left and not said anything?

    15. He said it waved it's arms like don't shoot, and he shot it.

    16. All you stupid idiots who say "i would do this or i wouldn't do that" Are all full of shit. And untill you been out in the middle of no-where, looking at a giant animal (that doesn't exist, right) and you have the realization that this thing could rip your head off at will, well you have no dam idea what you would do.
      Most likely, 80% of you would just crap your pants right there!

      You lovey dovey tree huggers would be the first to scream and shoot , if you had a gun!
      Its not your place to decide what will happen when some one has an encounter. Each is so very drasticaly different?????
      Murder, give me a break.
      mam-zey wham-zy cry-babies, get a life of your own!

    17. And anyone STUPID enough to be in the woods in some type of fur costume .....


  4. Everyone should take a good look at Justins situation before judging him.

  5. Man some of you people are way to freaking sensitive. The "kid" who the hell cares in all honesty! I'm sure nobody meant any harm by it. Our country is full of a bunch of entitled whiners.
    Now let the attacks begin!
    Bigfoots Broski

  6. I was taught if you hunt the meat , you got to eat it ! Right Autumnforest .

  7. Any update when this is supposed to happen? If its tomorrow I'm gonna go.
    Bigfoots Broski

    1. No word from Matt or Ranae. I guess it's tomorrow :)

    2. I just drove three hours up and back to shaver, I probably would have been late, but i saw know-one around up there or comming off the mountain.

      It was snowing lightly (10:30 PM) with a few frozen patches.
      The plows were scrapping.
      There was a lot of water on the roads in spots so i think the ground is warm and will melt.
      This is a great area to go, but 80% of the sightings in fresno county happened up another 20 miles and a few thousand feet higher, near huntington lake. That area is inaccessable right now. they should have come two months from now? Oh well, I'll drive back tomorrow.

      Bad information SUCKS!

    3. Finding Bigfoot producer tells us the town hall meeting will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 28.

  8. Broski, I'm excited for you. I hope you'll share with us your experience.

    1. Yeh. Let us know what goes on. Anxious to here


  9. I dont know this Smeja individual. If I was attacked by a bigfeet you can bet I would have shot it as well. Right now, I do not know enough about this and I am not convinced we have been told the truth. He is damn lucky some kids were not out there filming a You-Tube video. Also, feeling threatened and actually fearing for your life have 2 different meanings to me. I think the kid is smart by keeping his mouth shut on whatever occured, be it factual or a lie. I guess somebody will talk at some point and then we will know the truth. Until then I am netral on this entire episode.

  10. About town hall meeting, a Finding Bigfoot producer says it will take place today (Tuesday) the 28th at the Shaver Lake Community Center.

  11. Jamie Avalos tracks vacationers playing around the Sierra lakes. Every print he found has arches......! less the 11" come on folks think !

    1. If you had any idea how high and remote these lakes are, you wouldn't make such a statement. People are not runnuing around up at these places barefooted , or swimming.

  12. The only regret I have about the Smeja situation was that he and the driver didn't crucify those hairy bastards as a warning never to f*ck with humans ever again.

  13. The Finding Bigfoot team is in the Sierras, but not the same part of the Sierras as Smeja. The episode they are shooting will not involve Smeja's story at all.


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