Russian officials in town of Nazran claims to have captured a "Bigfoot" (Updated with 3 sources and 2 videos) [Breaking]

This was just published on the INTERFAX.RU website moments ago. According to the Russian Minister of Labour and Social Development of the Republic, Bagaudin Marshani, they have just captured a two-meter tall Bigfoot-like creature. There's a slight discrepancy in the translation of the Russian text to English, but it appears the creature is similar to a large gorilla with short hands and looks "like a man on two legs."

The creature was caught by border guards and brought to a zoo in the village of Surkhakhi Nazran after a hunter saw the creature grabbing one of his sheep and dragging it into the woods.

"I can tell you that an animal like a gorilla, about two feet [or two-meters, 6.5 feet (according to translation of first paragraph)] tall, dark in color, presumably a female, is very large. Gorillas usually relies on the front hand, and it stands upright like a human. Snarls and produces strange sounds," said the Minister.

The minister says the animal is very frightened, eats mostly meat and vegetation.

Here's the Russian to English translation from

In the mountains of Ingushetia border guards

December 28, 2011 22:03

On December 28. INTERFAX.RU - Military Border Control Federal Security Service of Ingushetia in the forest district of Ingushetia Dzheyrahskom caught a strange two-meter-like creature on Bigfoot, said the agency "Interfax-South", Minister of Labour and Social Development of the Republic Bagaudin Marshani.

"A few days ago in the area Dzheyrahskom hunter saw the bear grabbed the sheep and dragged into the woods. The hunter went after him, fired several shots, after which the animal jumped on two feet and disappeared into the woods. Today, the border guards conducted a sweep of the area, and in a small valley, found a strange animal, "- said B. Marshani.

According to him, caught being brought to the zoo, located in the subordinate rest house in the village of Surkhakhi Nazran district of Ingushetia.

"I can tell you that an animal like a gorilla, about two feet tall, dark in color, presumably a female, is very large. Gorillas usually relies on the front hand, and it stands upright like a human. Snarls and produces strange sounds," - said the Minister.

According to him, the animal is very frightened, eats mostly meat and vegetation.

"Some people say it is Bigfoot, others - that the big ape, but to be honest, I have this in my life seen" - said B. Marshani.

According to him, usually in large gorillas are long and massive hands. And this animal hands are short and it is like a man on two legs.

"As far as I know, a few days in the republic from Moscow's experts have to come and pick up a strange animal," - said the head of department.

This one is from a different source in Russia, and they also said that the unidentified creature is seven feet tall, like a snowman.

Ingush border guards detained a snowman

In Dzheyrahskom district of Ingushetia border guards detained an unidentified creature seven feet tall, like a snowman.

"A few days ago in the area Dzheyrahskom hunter saw the bear grabbed the sheep and dragged into the woods. The hunter went after him, fired several shots, after which the animal jumped on two feet and disappeared into the woods. Today, the border guards conducted a sweep of the area and found a small valley, a strange animal "- quoted Lenta.Ru Minister of Labour and Social Development Bagaudin Marshani Ingushetia.

Snowman brought to a rest home in the village of the FSB Border Surkhakhi Nazran district of the republic, and placed in a zoo. The Minister argues that the captured animals - the female two feet tall, stands upright and produces incomprehensible sounds. It feeds on plant and animal food.

To study the findings of Moscow called experts.

Update: Here's a video from a Russian News broadcast:

Update: Another video showing the "Bigfoot" dragging the sheep. Source:

Update: Bigfoot DNA Expert Dr. Melba Ketchum comments on captured Russian 'Bigfoot'
Update: Matt Moneymaker, President of BFRO, says the Russian Bigfoot is 'Fake as hell'
Update: Russian Bigfoot was hoaxed for a good cause, Biscardi's welcome party in Russia now cancelled



  1. Replies
    1. Just seen footage where the man wearing the suit takes off the costume's head. It's all a hoax.

  2. The Google Translation is weird. On the first paragraph, it says 2 meter, that's 6.5 feet.

    And then later on, it says 2 feet.

    However, the hunter said it had grabbed one of his sheep in to the woods.

    1. lmao,hello take a look at the guy in the suit...come on people.....this is what ruins it for honest sightings pics and vids

    2. er 2 eters tall. 2 foot tall would be the same size as the sheep which it clery isnt.
      why do i bother

  3. Yeah it is weird Shawn. Plus this thing has small hands? I'm curious to see how this one turns out.

  4. A picture or video would be good!

  5. Man, the suspence is crazy in the bigfoot World! It gives me grey hairs!

  6. A picture or video would be good!

    satohlah nak'ost video hir yu hun

  7. is that it?

  8. ak no, this is the last video:

  9. i guess its the same "thing" in the videos but that jus doesnt look very convincing lol


    2 meter tall

  11. This is in the area in Russia, between the Black and Caspian Seas, which I noticed on the interactive map on Bigfoot the Definitive Guide just last night, has had a lot of sightings, and is in a mountainous area. I think these are called most often Almasty, and are usually described as shorter than the NA Bigfoot. This would be a tremendous find if true. However I fear if they turn it over to Moscow officials, it may well be the last we hear about it. If true, I certainly hope that someone in the Zoo takes a lot of video and a blood sample and keeps it to themselves for now.

    Chuck in Ohio

  12. I wonder what that person did to be punished by wearing a monkey suit in a cage? Russians????SMH


  14. that looks like a terrible hoax in those videos

  15. But the guy does keep a straight face, and the "thing" seems to have some mass? No? Am I crazy? Maybe? A little?

  16. Oh man, does that scream FAKE.

    They cannot get the "creature" out of shadow? Right.
    The movement is terrible....a joke for attention.

  17. Only one of the video links work. If that's honestly it than its a joke

  18. This smells like another Russian tourist grab. The video linked by ak looks fake as hell, but it could be a reenactment. I guess we all wait and see.

    Aired in russian televiosn. Blunt hoax

  20. I think 2012 may end up being The End of Bigfoot if this kind of crap keeps showing up.

  21. I looked at the video the Anon above posted. Does anyone on this site translate Russian? The video I hoped for does not look like much, but does show some unusual movement. A close up would be nice.

    Chuck in Ohio

  22. The creature in the video is not 2 meters....the person in the monkee suit looks about 5 ft tall...a kid?

  23. That first video is a load of crap. Couldn't be more fake. I can't get the second like posted above to run. And, they wouldn't be shooting a gun at it to make it react.

  24. Im actually hopeful about this. I mean, you would have to be the worlds biggest dumbass to put a guy in a suit on live tv. Also, how could the movement be all wrong when theres like no room to move. The thing with the shadow, well i mean its all black sooo

  25. WTF is Dec. 28 April Fools Day in Russia?

    Chuck in Ohio

  26. obviously Ingushetians are dumb enough to put a guy in a suit on live tv.

  27. If it's real, I feel sorry for it. They should let it go. She might have babies who are hungry and without their mother.

  28. So even when bigfoot is finally caught, he looks like a guy in a suit? A little out of focus too? WTF?

  29. I wonder how long until it escapes with no physical evidence taken, and we are left with another blurry video?

  30. Above anon, umm, bigfoots do look like people in monkey suits. Also, im guessing by the immediate negativity and dismals here that mo one wants bigfoot to be discovered

  31. This explains all those blurry Blobsquatches. Bigfoots can't be filmed, even in a cage!

  32. It looks like it's drunk. I think the zoo keeper slipped it some vodka.

  33. Wow, I think Dyer had a better BF costume in the fridge. I would never believe the Russians at this point. They are on a quest like mad to be the BF tourist spot. Oh brother!

  34. why on earth didn't they film it closer and with some light on it??

  35. Lol Kind of looks like Steve O when he put on the Gorilla suit and scared people in Jackass. I mean really! That is supposed to be a Bigfoot lol.

  36. I looked at the second video. Must be some of Rick Dyer's Russian expedition members. I hope they don't put this kid in a freezer too.

    Chuck in Ohio

  37. Te second video as bad...unfortunately i want it to be true I guess, assuming re-release.LOL
    But, anyone notice the BF needed to watch it's feet as it left under fire?

  38. Evidently bigfoot is blurry in a cage too. Why have we been inindated with bad hoaxes for what seems like a year? The chances of bigfoot existing are virtually nil but a good hoax noe and then would be fun.

  39. Yeah its fishy that theres no light on the "creature" but at the same time, when its at the end of the cage looking away for a moment you can see facial features, nose, mouth and eye brows (at least it looks that way) and those hands are pretty small...not 100% on this but who knows in the bf world!

  40. get the damn camera right up into it's face with a bright light! then we can see the suit! lol

  41. Hey Shawn,

    Any luck finding the link to the news station that ran the footage. I'm sure its in HD and could offer a good chance for someone to do a quick breakdown. (tom)

    All and all it does look fake, but when the hands move on the cage......?

    I'm trying to find a link too.

  42. I want to believe it, but this screams fake.

  43. Now I know why Hitler wanted to take Russia.

  44. If any of you believe this trash your what's wrong with the bf world.

  45. Ingushetia is right near warlord Chechnya, I don't think it's true, why they don't show it clearly.

  46. You would think that if it was a person in a suit they would act at least a little monkeyish, but didn't. I also notice that it seems to always have its knees slightly bent and there isn't much of a neck there...maybe she's a toddler with such small hands.

  47. Best video sense Paterson's hands down. Finally some real concrete evidence. Thank you motha rushia

  48. When it's behind the uniform man it lifts it's left arm up and the obvious costume pulls straight under strain

  49. Well at least everyone work together in Russia. They got the media working with them on this bogus hoax. We can't even get that cooperation here in the states, they messenger up a little with the Georgia Boys but over there they're ALL IN.

  50. Dr Melba ketchum makes a statement about the capture!

  51. I'm assuming Ketchum thinks its a hoax like the rest of us

  52. Melba says gait is all wrong; not inlign and graceful, hands and feet too small, arms and legs too short...since when do baby's locomotion and body build look completly mature?

  53. Bwwwaaahhaaaaaa! They can get a close up of the dead sheep's face but walking ten feet closer to the cage was out of the question. Crazy Ruskies.

  54. Heres the link to the News agancy that did the story. I'm having a hard time finding the video of the creature though. Maybe someone can help.

  55. NEWS FLASH Tom Bascardi moves to russia !

  56. I think I'm done with the BF world. This is just embarrassing.

  57. It look so incredibly fake yet it's all official and whatnot? I'm just going to sit back and wait for some closeup photos or video or for it to reach the american media.

  58. I'm from Russia and this Russian Woodman (Russian Bigfoot) is, without a doubt, real. notice the arms, they move from one part of the cage to the other, this is not something a man in a suit could do. You'll also see the back and forth rocking of the creature, a trait a human would find very difficult to perform in an enclosure such as this one. The shadows are a result of the motion blur when the creature moves from side to side. This is al very obvious to me. Why so many skeptics? You need to trust your eyes.Finally some concrete eveidence.

  59. Man a lot of people can reach as far as that guy in a suit. I'm 6ft3 and I guarantee I could. If it is the real deal that place would be flooded with tv crews and there would be close up videos.

  60. Matt Moneymaker: "I do believe there's a Squatch in that cage!"

  61. In the cage video it looks as though the Russian Woodman (Russian Bigfoot) is about to make. I do hope the Russian officials take scat samples so we can learn what bacterias and enzymes live withing this creature. The way he squats looks very bowl-legged, 99% of humanity can not do something that dextrose and that would leave only 1% that would be willing to wear a suit, and that's not many people to choose from.

  62. The simple fact is: Russians cannot afford a luxury item like a Bigfoot costume. The country's cotton/poly blend shortage further substantiates this assertion.

    I celebrate the capture of the 5th great ape: Bigfootus mongolensis!

  63. We'll know more one way or the other within days.

  64. I agree with Bronskiing_Bigfoot: a 6'3" man can reach as far as Bigfoot. No question.

  65. It only looks like a man in a suit because that's part of the wily Russian Bigfoot's camouflage strategy.

  66. Our Bigfoot would kick their Bigfoot's ass.

  67. MattMoneymaker1 Matt Moneymaker
    Second video connected to Russian Bigfoot/Yeti hoax This one purports to show the capture. Fake as hell #BFRO #bigfoot

  68. This video is far more credible than the Stalingrad find. It was an obvious suit in Stalingrad. From the video I saw it looked whitish and suspiciously like the Son of Kong costume I purchased at TG & Y in the mid 70's. If this was a suit, which it isn't, it would have been purchased at a higher end retailer, like Gimble's or JC Penny.

  69. Not only does it look fake, but I have not been able to find this story carried by any mainstream online Russian news agency. If Russia had captured a real BF they would have rubbed the US' nose in it that they beat us to it.

  70. Did Tom Biscardski have anything to do with this story?

  71. Oh please. This asinine story goes to 11.

  72. I don't get it. Is that second video with the dead sheep supposed to be a recreation?

    How did the border guards capture the bigfoot alive?

  73. Did the Russians hire No Budget Productions to make this video for them?

  74. Been now confirmed as hoax, check the Russian newspaper it originated from, its to celebrate new year for children at some park, aparantly there is also a talking dog, squirrel and fox ......(all people in suites)
    People said it was blown up by people not checking facts and translating correctly, there was no intention of actually hoaxing people into believing a yet had actually been captured.

    Oh well, have to wait for the report from ketchum to be released publicly.....

  75. it looks chaka from land of the lost
    with bottle of jack daniels in him.

  76. “Concern for orphans is not something one would normally associate with the Yeti. But now, in the southern Russian republic of Ingushetia, the Abominable Snowman has been raising funds and public awareness of orphans’ problems.
    Earlier, sensational news about the capture of a mysterious Yeti was spread by none other than the local Minister for Labor and Social Development, Bagaudin Marshani.
    He announced that the beast would be placed in a zoo, and visitors flocked to see the animal.
    On Thursday though, the minister spilled the beans. It turned out that the Yeti was an ordinary Ingush hotel worker, dressed up to resemble the fantastic creature.
    The minister revealed the reason behind the show.

    “It was a promotional event, a New Year joke to put the spotlight on orphans and children from dysfunctional and low-income families,” Marshani said.
    He explained that the “Snowman” was kept at the zoo for people to come and see, and make a donation. All the money raised will go to help children in need.
    The prank was a huge success, with crowds from across the republic and even neighboring states hurrying to see the Yeti in the flesh.

  77. This is so obviously fake you would have to be brain damaged to post it here/or think it was real.
    Sceptics will always have a field day with this subject as long as it is crypto fans are so cretinous to consider stories this bad.
    If you believed this story when it came out..give up NOW.
    Please..!!! :)

  78. Video 1: Fake, the arms are not long enough. Plus, it looks like a suit.
    Video 2: Fake, it didn't run away fast enough.

  79. These russians are really starting to piss me off.

  80. Hi there please subscribe & follow my blog( & in return i'll follow yours........... :)

  81. You silly goosekys, is no yeti! Is only my brother Bilo in gorilla suit we give him for Russian New Year.

  82. Meanwhile, Atheist in FundyLand arches an eyebrow.

    THIS is what I'm talking about. Sheesh.

  83. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  84. It is impossible to have captured a real Bigfoot and I can tell you exactly why. Just go to my website, join and all the real answers will be revealed to you

    When you find out what Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti, all really are and why there are no bodies ever found you wil be very surprised and it is all 100% the truth no theories etc

  85. Majorly bad 2001: A Space Odyssey hominid costume with hilarious body movements. Might as well have been eating a banana and beating its chest.

  86. It's crap like this and that crap-fest radio show Coast to Coast that give credence to the fact that bull shit is everywhere. Who knows what to believe in anymore if shows such as Coast to Coast allow this crap onto their format. But I guess since Coast to Coast is nothing but entertainment disguised as real science and speculation, we have to overlook the fact that that's all it ever is. Poor Art Bell, may he rest in peace.

  87. They admitted it was a fake. It looks like anutzy human pretending to be something but certainly not a Sasquatch! Come on, get real!

  88. They admitted it was a fake. It looks like anutzy human pretending to be something but certainly not a Sasquatch! Come on, get real!

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