Matt Moneymaker, President of BFRO, says the Russian Bigfoot is 'Fake as hell'

American Bigfoot Researcher and President of the BFRO, Matt Moneymaker tweeted these comments today about the recent Bigfoot/Yeti videos from Russia. The first video from a Russian broadcast station showed the caged creature, blurry and out of focus. The second one, according to Moneymaker, is "fake as hell."

Second video connected to Russian Bigfoot/Yeti hoax This one purports to show the capture. Fake as hell #BFRO #bigfoot

- Matt Moneymaker

This isn't the first time Moneymaker has called out a hoax. In March 2011, Moneymaker was right when he said the Ukrainian Bigfoot video wasn't a real Sasquatch. As it turned out, it was an actor in a Bigfoot costume walking in the forest during his break between shooting scenes. You can read about it here.

Here's the Ukrainian Bigfoot video now debunked:



  1. How do you capture a Russian bigfoot with a rifle? Perhaps you can hit it over the head with the rifle butt, but you certainly can't say, "hands up comrade squatchski."

    This Russian bigfoot is so fake that it's beyond question. Somebody is trying to be funny. They're succeeding with me. Some people who think that this might be an actual Russian squatch are also making me laugh.

  2. Finally! Something that Moneymaker and I agree on.

  3. I was damn suspicious when the the news first hit, but was hopeful of course. When the first video was shown I was very suspicious, as it looked like a costume with no muscle tone and much smaller than 2 meters, and of course it was blurry. Then the third one hit the airwaves and when the shot was fired the creature took off and was doing all it could do to not trip over its costume, and could hardly pull the sheep. I laughed so hard I almost fell over. I wonder how the Russian news folks are feeling now.

    Butchy Kid is not alone

    Chuck in Ohio

  4. Matt Moneymaker lately seems to make a lot of comments about others Fake Claims with such harsh judgments. Odd for a guy who should hope his less than truthful status as a lawyer for a decade isn't judged. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

    1. He is a lawyer. He has a J.D. degree from the University of Akron.

  5. Hahahahahaha! Did Todd Standing moved to Russia?

  6. “Concern for orphans is not something one would normally associate with the Yeti. But now, in the southern Russian republic of Ingushetia, the Abominable Snowman has been raising funds and public awareness of orphans’ problems.
    Earlier, sensational news about the capture of a mysterious Yeti was spread by none other than the local Minister for Labor and Social Development, Bagaudin Marshani.
    He announced that the beast would be placed in a zoo, and visitors flocked to see the animal.
    On Thursday though, the minister spilled the beans. It turned out that the Yeti was an ordinary Ingush hotel worker, dressed up to resemble the fantastic creature.
    The minister revealed the reason behind the show.

    “It was a promotional event, a New Year joke to put the spotlight on orphans and children from dysfunctional and low-income families,” Marshani said.
    He explained that the “Snowman” was kept at the zoo for people to come and see, and make a donation. All the money raised will go to help children in need.
    The prank was a huge success, with crowds from across the republic and even neighboring states hurrying to see the Yeti in the flesh.

  7. Robert Lindsey (anonymously) wrote:

    "Matt Moneymaker lately seems to make a lot of comments about others Fake Claims with such harsh judgments. Odd for a guy who should hope his less than truthful status as a lawyer for a decade isn't judged. Live by the sword, die by the sword."

    No Lindsey ... He is a lawyer, and he has been for 16 years, according to his bio. In all the bios I have read about him he always said he got into Internet programming after graduating from law school. He never said he practiced law and always said he didn't want to.

    He has a real law degree but no license, so technically he's a unlicensed lawyer. Ask a law school administrator about that.

    This issue was discussed years ago elsewhere. You weren't around for that. You're somewhat of a Johnny-come-lately on the bigfoot research scene.

  8. Been watching "Finding Bigfoot". Seems like any creature that could move so well through thick forests at night might have visual capabilities that include infrared or near infrared vision. They might be seeing Matt and the team really well thanks to the IR lighting for teh cameras. In which case we may never see the team capture any really great video.

  9. matt moneymaker never saw a photo of a bigfoot that he did not stake his life on being real. as much as i am a a true believer and wanbt the truth you could show him a guy getting into the bigfoot costume and he would still tell you it was proof.

  10. Yeah he's right, only in America can you find good faked bigfoot footage.

  11. This is the most accurate review of FB I've read. In short, Matt Moneymaker is an idiotic, lying moron.

  12. That video looks faker the the butchykids videos. When he is shaking the cage his skin or should i say the costume is shaking. You would think the russian officials could've pitch in for a makeup or special effects artist if they really wanted to pull this off. They should've hired the guys that made the todd standing fakes

  13. Maybe full is just a trick to increase viewership. It sucks when they try to fool the audience. phoodle


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