Bigfoot hunter finds possible stick stacking in Adirondack mountains

Bigfooting in the Adirondacks of NY by TheDoc99

With one unconfirmed Bigfoot footage coming out of the Adirondack mountains, a Bigfoot hunter and his son decides to check things out for themselves. The New York Bigfooter said this is an area that has produced tracks and vocals before.

After bushwacking through a swamp off the main trail, they found a possible stick marker at the junction of three open areas in the high peaks of the Adirondack mountains. According to Bigfoot researchers, stick structures are markers that show you are walking in Bigfoot Country.

If you remember anything about the Adirondacks, this is the same mountain where that video of a very strange looking 'Bigfoot' was taken.

Bigfoot Sighting in Adirondack NY
Stabilized and Enhanced by Bigfoot Evidence



  1. Interesting evidence. I think the video below at 17 seconds if frozen looks like a dude in a gorilla suit.

  2. The problem with the pyramid structures is pretty much anyone can do it.

    Further, they are typically much larger than this example and to tell you the truth, this looks like it could just be remnants of a dead tree fall. It didn't look like much of a structure.

    That dad looks like he had just gotten back from the sportsman's store, LOL!

    Hey son, lets go out back and find a Bigfoot but first we need to go get some apparel.

    Hey, I'm going to get this head mounted stuff, some of this camo gear and this big wooden stick.

    Dad, can't we just get a stick in the woods?

    Not a stick like this son, it's yellow and only $30.

    That will be $740 sir.

    6 months later: John! What are you going to do with this stuff in the closet? It's been sitting here since that day you tried to impress the world with that video of you and Chris in the backyard.

    Scott McMan

  3. If you want people to believe what you saw or faked, make sure not to move the camera around like your on a damn roller coaster. Every video which has "Captured" an image of Bigfoot looks like a person with Parkinson's filmed it. Although the new video released today doesn't follow that norm.


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