Bigfoot Peeps Through The Window Photos

Parabreakdown takes a look at some viral photos of a bigfoot looking through a man's window in Colorado.


  1. 100% bigfoot peeping Tom ! Fraud Standing's muppets are bollocks and these are the real deal ! Here you have 100% genuine proof so all you skeptics can suck it in isolation !


  2. bullocks is a english term PISS OF POMEY PISS OFF FOR GOOD ENGLISHMAN LOSER

  3. I was a gin’ out with my mate eat’n banga’s and crisps in “West Virginia” were I live, “in a flat” takin’ me a “lay down” and wouldn’t you know it there’s some “bloke” lookin in my window straight at my “bits and pieces” and I said ‘blimey’ that there is a Bigfoot!!! He wasn’t too off either, “a little bit of alright” he wuz. So I turned off the “Tele” and in my hast stepped on my “bloody” fish & chips” cause everyone in WV calls fries “chips” and snapped a coupo of shots with my phone and wouldn’t ya know!!!

  4. ^^ Both of you have far too much time on your hands in isolation. I expected this to happen when you are both separated from your meth supply. The only cure is both of you need to sod off royally and leave this blog for good !
    Wank puffins !


  5. Your such an English idiot ,do you really want us all to think British anonymous posters are fools because that's all your doing, complete spineless internet fools who post stupid rants ,so PISS OFF LOSERS

    1. I don't really give a toss what everyone thinks. I just want you off this blog. You are a miserable prat who clearly has nothing of value to add so please push off


  6. This is not a spot to show off how stupid British pads or ex pads are ,so YOU piss off British Joe, you spineless stupid useless excuses of a human GET LOST LOSER , YOUR MOTHER IS SOOOO SAD SHE HAD YOU


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