Terrifying Bigfoot Screams Recorded

Making the rounds are some possible bigfoot screams reportedly recorded in Ohio. Check out the video below.


  1. That is not Sasquatch that is Jerry Cline crying like a schoolgirl when he claimed Bigfoot were trying to break into his trailer.

    1. How much do you wish you were Jerry Cline?

    2. How much do you wish you don't have anyone on here to talk to, LOL!! How much do you wish Patty was real, BWHAHAHAHA! How much do u wish u could take a pic of a bush and prove me wrong!! LOL....Dont bother responding Ikdummy, i dont go back and look at your troll comments and lack of Bigfoot research! And Pedo Stu, i'd recommend leaving this site, Ikdummy might actually get a life!

    3. Sorry, i should have just said "Stu"

    4. DS and PS are the same person. Both unstable researchers who think their rubbish evidence is real and attack everyone else. Connect the dots mates , elementary my dear Watson


    5. Bruce, before you ask someone to replicate one of your images, you need to at least provide evidence that you yourself can replicate them. Failure to do this keeps proving my point (like I ever needed to), that pareidolia is impossible to replicate, because no one bush or tree bark looks the same.

      You are insane.

    6. LOL - bold statement by "Joe" considering everyone who has ever posted here knows Joe and lktomi are the same person posting.

    7. A bold statement would be, “everyone who has ever posted here knows Joe and lktomi are the same person posting.” I’ve never heard of one single person except for the blog’s two nut jobs, PS and DS make that claim... and one of them could well be a sockpuppet.

      If this subject is guilty of one thing, it’s drawing in the most bat **** crazies I’ve ever come across online.

    8. Nut jobs is a fitting description of both as both are failed researchers who now spend their time lashing out . Both claim the PGF is fake which is a hoot since it is the one piece of film that has never been debunked even though many have tried and failed. i will only believe it is fake if Gimlin comes out and says so but he hasn't because he knows it was real. I'll make a bold statement and say it is more real than any of DS' fairy tail tree creatures - not lion man, not squirrel man , not bear man , not zebra tree ring man and not the tin man. Sorry Bruce , you were amusing for a while but now you are just a nutter . Perhaps if you actually film bigfoot walking like Freeman did we might take you more seriously


  2. That reminds me Jerry has been nominated as the most hated you tube influencer of all time by Wired. Congrats Jerry and Bug. MAGA Jerry move to Iceland


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