Legends of the Yeti

From the Mountain Beast Mysteries youtube channel comes a look at the legends of the Yeti.


  1. After many Yeti expeditions no one has come back with enough proof to verify the legend. Maybe it is just a legend.

  2. Does anyone know if our favorite researcher Mr. Jerry Cline has been attacked this week yet by any cryptids?

  3. There is a concensus among the geriatric squatchers that we as a United Front do hereby formally terminate Jerry Cline as a joke that has truly run its course. I would like to commend Mr. Cline for a reasonably seasoned actor. Well played Sir and a tip of our matching MAGA hats.
    Thank you in advance for removing your channel and good luck to you Sir!

  4. I for one am proud to stand up for Jerry Jerry is a fantastic researcher considering he's hasn't been in the BF/DM for that long. If I got in trouble downtown Austin on a Saturday night I'd like Jerry to cover my back. I'd like to invite friends and Iktomi as well to pray that we may lift the shackles of the demon rum that's got Jerry all twisted up.
    We are attempting this miracle tomorrow Tuesday at 9 am wherever you are thereby having a continuos prayer lasting many hours.

  5. Hmmmm, guess Standing is the only one presenting any new Bigfoot evidence.

  6. Can't they poison a yeti with cyanide or strychnine?

  7. No new evidence since Saturday ??? What gives lads ?


    1. The reason there are no new blog entries is because I killed this site. I’ve conclusively proven over and over that bigfoot does not exist. Upwards of 99% of the believers who used to come here now understand that bigfoot doesn’t exist because of me. Several of them have contacted me outside this blog to personally thank me for disabusing them of their bigfoot fantasies. I’ve graciously donated my valuable time to this public service and now my work is done. It’s sure nice to know that my good work is having a positive effect on the world! Peace!

    2. Thank you Stuey - you have indeed shown many the light. There is no one here left to convince and Joetomi will never concede he is wrong. Without you here to provide amusement there seems to be no reason to come here any more . Joetomi the site is all yours - have fun talking to yourself.

    3. ^^ all time top wankers who failed huge as bigfoot researchers. Typical shameful cowards most likely sitting in soiled knickers eating cheetos and drinking mountain dew. Proud of yourself ?


    4. Joe, how would you or Ikdummy know anything about Bigfoot research, or researchers if YOU DON'T RESESRCH!!?? Stuey, Bigfoot does exist, but its not provable, not to the point where we can convince anyone with a Body, or clear footage, if it's clear, like Patty, it's 150% FAKE! There will never be concrete proof, just footprints, and pics.

    5. Hey Bruce- you wrote the book on pretend bigfoot research. That's very rich of you claiming to be a researcher when you were laugh off stage by Kulls and Meldrum ! You calling yourself a bigfoot researcher after taking photos of tree pareidolia is as laughable as me calling myself a marine biologist after trying to grow sea monkeys in a glass bowl of water !
      Ah, you're good for a laugh mate !


  8. Oh just sod off you reprehensible twonk ! Go and play with yourself till your filthy limbs fall off !


  9. Why would the Bigfoot Evidence website totally redesign the place only to shut it down ?

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