Bigfoot Appears Out Of Block of Wood

Check out this chainsaw wielding wood carver as he makes a bigfoot statue appear from a block of wood.


  1. Someone should do the same thing with another block of wood — iktomi's head!

    Ha ha ha!

    1. At least thjs artist has some talent - what is your talent PS ? other than being the biggest prized prat in your trailer park what talents do you possess ? i'll bet nil .


  2. Outstanding piece ! i'd luv to add that to my ever growing collection of bigfoot memorabilia !


    1. Why Hello Joey,
      I'm in love with you �� and have been hiding my feelings to friends, family for long as I can remember. Your beautiful words, and witticisms have given me the courage to "come out" of the closet. I daydream of us walking down the beach, laughing and holding hands in the gentle April rain. You are my everything Joey. I just hope you would be willing to explore each other's bodies before you claim to be hetero because Joey my darling, you can be your authentic self around me. P S IAM a well known researcher.

    2. haha, you already revealed who you are in the post- PS ! had your fun for the day ? You sit there with your knickers caked in god knows what crawling germs thinking that this is your life mission ? You'll never make the grade in Hogwarts mate


    3. Please Joeykins don't be a meany. My heart is already �� broken knowing that our mutual fantasies of running nude together through the Rendelshem Forest will likely not happen except in both our imaginations. How, Oh how Id love to rub our combined splooge into your bald head. These fantasies are all I have....unless of course we could meet in Yorkshire.

  3. Golly that's great. This man is to wood carving as DS is to bush photography!
    Yazoo Wabbits.


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