BEAST TV Presents Mark Henderson

BEAST TV presents Mark "Hondo" Henderson, a bigfooter from the state of Mississippi, and member of the Bigfoot Outlaws.


  1. Could have been anything. Next

  2. Did you ever notice that they never prove that sasquatches exist?

    1. Your pinion means bollocks because bigfoot exists so take an extra long sip from your bottle of jim beam to ease the discomfort bro. Must really bother you that every wee Mayor is proving mountains of evidence about that very fact. Happy holidays mate !
      take another swig and cheers


    2. Got bigfoot? Didn't think so.


    3. Yes, I have noticed they never prove that sasquatches exist and I've also noticed they always have an excuse why not. Man, that's A LOT of excuses over the years.

    4. gt topstone mask ? got blevins onesie ?got robot monster baggy monkey suit ?
      didn't think so "Bill"
      go back to sleep and stop acting like a spoiled toddler who didn't get his cookies with milk. Bigfoot exists ! Mayor will blow your mind in 2020 ! get read to eat crow mate !


    5. Mayor has already blown my mind with that mouth of hers.Think about it - this was filmed last spring. If there was any mind blowing proof Bigfoot exists it would have been revealed already in national news not on a TV program for entertainment.

    6. Ever notice that PS needs to jump straight on to the next comment section to troll as a coping mechanism when he’s getting hammered on the previous one?

      Nobody is expecting proof from a TV show PS! That’s your strawman. Just another primatologist in the club is good enough for me!

    7. Ever notice that Iktomi uses the same old tired cut and paste responses over and over and over and over and over and over.......again.

    8. And will do so over and over and over and over again until you find fresher arguments that get around to giving me a new challenge. In the meantime people can either read that, or you talking to yourself 24/7, just like you did when I found the place.

    9. Wow - that's really something to look forward to...I guess.


    10. thIktomi the peep show artiste


      Is this from a bear or human?


      Is this from a bear or human?


      Is this from a bear or human?


      Bear or human?

    15. And he doesn’t even have the belly to let his imaginary audience know he’s hit a brick wall. Tell me, how easy is it for someone who isn’t remotely thinking “Bigfoot”, like the majority of people who hunt and hike in North America, to look at bones and recognise them as human? Maybe hominin? Maybe hominid?

      Hear that? It’s the sound of a ten year penny dropping.


    16. Well you got me Joetomi. You were right all along. Bigfoot is now established to exist. People see these Bigfoot bones all the time and just think to themselves " well, those are just stupid old bear bones" and move on. This is irrefutable proof Bigfoot exists. Take a victory lap - hell, take two. How could I ever doubt? Now lets all get out there and find those Bigfoot bones just lying around.


    17. Here’s the deal dumbo. Since “Bigfoot” look like an archaic human, have even been shown to have a form of language in audio recordings (language of course being a form of culture)... then the likelihood of them burying their dead like we know even the most primitive hominids did, is the most plausible theory. We can safely theorise with this since their existence is no longer in doubt since the physical evidence is so solid. This means that you wouldn’t come across bones anyway since maintaining their dead could be sacred to them at a very primitive level.

      But for the first time you are correct. Even if the average hunter came across a bone, how would they know it’s from an archaic human if the average person does not know the difference. This being proven by the very quick experiment slapped on your dumb a*s.

    18. "We can safely theorise with this since their existence is no longer in doubt since the physical evidence is so solid."

      Why do we need to theorize if their existence is no longer in doubt? If the physical evidence is so solid why is it not recognized as a living creature by science? What archaic human does Bigfoot look like?


    19. IktomiMonday, December 30, 2019 at 10:11:00 AM PST
      Just to let you know (cringe), but a scientific theory can be based on an already given scientific fact. For example, Darwin didn’t come up with the idea of evolution himself, and by the time he came up with the THEORY of natural selection it was considered that which was based on an already scientifically accepted fact.

      So... when you are referring to scientifically solid data such as 80 years of trackways and footprint casts consistent with accepted homo erectus trackways, we can assume that “Bigfoot” would be as intelligent and as successful as THE most successful (as for time it existed) hominin to have ever lived in this planet; homo erectus. There is no reason to doubt the existence of “Bigfoot” since you doubt its physical sign would be to doubt the physical sign homo erectus left behind in its tracks.

  3. The Bigfoot Hells Angels are much better than the Bigfoot Outlaws.

  4. Coonbo has starterd a new group called the Bigfoot Mongols.

  5. The Mayor will catch bigfoot? Do you mean the crack smoking mayor of Toronto Rob Ford? Sorry mates he went tits up years ago.

  6. Isn't Hondo the guy that shot a dogman and then had many meetings with "Gray" the Dogman and had a female dogman try to seduce him? Also he and his buddies carried .50 cal Barrett rifles for 7 miles to kill a rake creature? Finally he said "Jesus" to Gray and he melted?


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