Bigfoot and Beyond with Cliff and Bobo

Cliff and Bobo talk bigfoot, and make a few fart jokes along the way. As they said, it will be a real gas.


  1. I want to quit my job and make a living with bigfoot. How do I go about doing that?

    1. Are you ready to post countless videos on YouTube telling stories about Bigfoot? Are you willing to lie and hoax to gain notoriety and followers? Are you open to proclaiming yourself an "expert" on Bigfoot? Do you have the confidence to stand before a crowd at Bigfoot conventions and peddle bullshit? Do you have the business sense to market Bigfoot related merchandise at those conventions? You won't get rich but you might make enough to pay the bills especially if you write a book. Remember, you can just make things up. No one is going to check - they WANT to believe. You might even open a Bigfoot museum someday!

      Hey, it worked for someone as dumb as Bobo and Cliff - it might just work for you as well!

    2. Now if only you only knew how to hoax that evidence, you’d be off to your amazing money making career eh?

    3. The mainstream media peddles bullshit every day. They get paid well.

    4. So you can point out what hoaxed evidence they peddle, correct? Great! We’re on our to being proper Scrooge McDucks...


    5. so what's holding you lads back from enjoying a life of luxury and splendor ? oh yeah, you'd have to put your crack pipes down and get off your arse to do anything. Righto, i guess that settles that question


    6. ^ here because he enjoys fart jokes...if only it came the smell too and he`d orgasm

  2. Bobo and Cliff are the most credible names in Bigfoot today.

    1. Dr. Meldrum is the most credible name in bigfoot today. Cliff is credible too. Bobo, maybe not so much after that comment in an episode of Finding Bigfoot about squatches speaking Apache.

    2. So after YEARS of maintaining others... Meldrum is credible now?

      Do you know what year it is? Do you know who the current president is? Who won the World Series in 2018?

    3. ^ here because he enjoys fart jokes...if only it came the smell too and he`d orgasm

  3. Meldrum is credible now and always has been.

    1. ^ has pics of Todd Standing in his bedroom


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