More Than One Bigfoot Killed At Military Fort

From Phantoms and Monsters, an amazing story about bigfoot being killed.

“There are reports of similar encounters... that happened at Ft. Lewis in Washington state. A friend of mine was stationed there with the Stryker Brigade many years ago, and told me that soldiers have supposedly killed more than one Bigfoot during night maneuvers over the years. Not while he was stationed there. This was told to him by an older NCO. He said that there had allegedly been encounters with the critters since the base opened. It's a massive place and heavily wooded, and that the Bigfoot travel through the eastern part of the base, according to the NCO he talked to.” AW

For more, click here. 


  1. This sounds like yet another made up bigfoot BS story with zero evidence to support it.

    1. Given the sheer weight of physical evidence, it takes only one “story” for Bigfoot to be real. Your hoax cult needs every single last report to be impossibly made up, or down to misidentification and there are too many credible people who have spent actual time in the woods to know what they’re talking about. That’s without the anthropological data that spans centuries and are at the culture core of the best trackers on the planet. And THEN you have the physical evidence to contest with.

      You’re up against impossible amounts of data PS. And whilst I’m not endorsing this story, your hoax cult is dwindling and dwindling by the year and at the same time evidence rolls in and more and more people become less taboo’d and open to the idea... just like the UFO subject.

      You’ll soon have to go lean on some other topic to try and make yourself feel better about your cruddy existence.

    2. I see icktomi is one again trying to defend his religion...the Holy Cult of Bigfoot. How about this scenario - with all this data, with all these stories of encounters, with all the credible people, with all this "evidence", the sheer amount of time this has accumulated over and the experience of the best trackers on the planet - why has there not been one body (or piece of one) been produced? Really, what are the chances of that not happening? When you talk about the impossible the chances of JUST one Bigfoot not being found or killed has to be nil if they are in the numbers claimed.

      I also have to laugh at icktomi's assertion that all these comments come from one person. There has to be at LEAST 3 different people responding to his gibberish so he's wrong about that as well.

      Okay, now comes his meltdown......

    3. (Yawn)

      PS, there are three generations of archaeologists in the US who have uncovered 7-8 foot human skeletons. Also, we know from very early hominids with very small brain capacity (homo Naledi) that even they had very complex methods of maintaining/concealing their dead. Homo erectus, another example, lived on the planet for 2 million years, were they cleverer than evolved humans today? Because their fossil finds do not represent the time they were so successfully running around this planet. We could then go on to lack of fossil trail for chimps and gorillas in the present. The facts are that when you have such an impossible volume of physical evidence, so much so that data like average height & weight ratios can be extrapolated, and multiple databases of eyewitness reports from people who wouldn’t be questioned regarding any other subject, it is not logical to assume that thousands of years of all that is bunk because there is no body. Because primates and hominids are clever and we can point to examples of them maintaining their dead.

      Oh, and PS, nobody has said anything about your sockpuppeting because nobody likes the thought of you with your hand down your shorts getting off on it. You clearly must revel in it. You have a lot to “get even” about after all.

    4. (sigh)

      Oh you got me icktomi - I am indeed PS - we are ALL PS. Every last one of us.

      Please tell me where I can view all of these 8 foot skeletons. I'm sure these must be some in an accredited museum such as the Smithsonian.

      Once again the question is dodged. Why hasn't there been at least ONE body (or piece of) produced? Judging from everything I have read there should be at least one person out there ready to pull the trigger and reap the rewards of proving it. They would immediately be rich and famous and no jury would convict them if Bigfoot looks like what is depicted in pictures and film. They could always claim self-defense as well. If Bigfoot was truly real we would have proof by now because there are thousands of believers out there hungry for wealth and fame. You could sure make a lot more money by coming up with a body (dead or alive) than selling trinkets at Bigfoot conventions.

      Now for the meltdown....

    5. Here we go PS, from 1933, this 8 footer was also noted in having an sloping archaic head;

      The 7 ft skeleton from Serpent Mound;

      7 feet 2 inch skeleton during the complete excavation of the Cresap Mound;

      An over 7-foot skeleton found on Catalina Island;

    6. Given the sheer weight of publications from sources such as the Smithsonian and Scientific American in the 1800’s, these photos are pretty much as much proof as you need that such publications were factual. Which nobody with common sense really needed given how many waves of archaeologists documented them. Furthermore. Most of the skeletons that were in museum storage have been repatriated to Native American tribes and rightly so. In the following links you’ll find more about giant skulls as well;

    7. And no PS, I dodged nothing. I in fact answered you comprehensively. I’m sorry you didn’t have a counter argument and needed to shift the topic on to killing one, but maybe you can read over the comment some more, let me know if you want help with the big words being explained.

      And to killing one. Why haven’t hoaxers in gorilla costumes been shot & killed? Surely they’re the ones out there in the secret society hoax cult fooling everyone? Plenty of missing hunters PS, and given ALL primates are social and these hominin in particular would HAVE to evade in groups to be so successful... there you have a plausible reason as to why one hasn’t been dragged out of the wilderness. That’s not to mention the times hunters have reported a refusal to pull the trigger on something that looks so human.

    8. So What museum can I view the ACTUAL 8 foot skeletons in? Also having an actual biological piece of a Bigfoot would be indisputable and worth more than all the eyewitnesses, casts, stories all together.

      Really - all you need is that and you win. Produce that and I will eat crow. Produce that and I will apologize to you. We've been waiting a long time for that body and I suspect we will be waiting a long time more (as in forever).

      Please continue with the meltdown......

    9. Again, I answered your increasingly desperate repetitive questions, PS. And whilst I have no doubt such a piece of evidence would be crucial... you can in the meantime trouble yourself with the many dilemmas you’ve been provided over the last couple of days, 100% of which you have no logical response for. There is no evidence of the great hoax cult that according to you, is so rife.

      As I said up top, up against impossible amounts of data, PS. And to persistently dance around that fact is nothing short of the most perverse form of special pleading I’ve ever heard.

    10. So the answer is no. You have no 8 foot skeleton at an accredited museum or any biological evidence of Bigfoot. Got it.

      You can continue melting down - I'm out of here.

    11. PS, you’d need an archeological and academic hoaxing conspiracy never before seen, spanning three generations, not to mention the papers I’ve sourced you in the links by easily traceable excavations being referenced... for your drivel to make sense, ha ha ha!!

      Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act -
      The Act requires federal agencies and institutions that receive federal funding to return Native American "cultural items" to lineal descendants and culturally affiliated Indian tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations. Cultural items include human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony. A program of federal grants assists in the repatriation process and the Secretary of the Interior may assess civil penalties on museums that fail to comply.

    12. Oh and don’t even start to think I don’t know you won’t be reading. Go lick your wounds, in the meantime I’ll have links at the ready to publish the many reasons why lunatics believe in conspiracy theories next, ha ha!!

    13. Oh, and lastly... last time I checked (cough, cough), hair fibres are biological.

    14. PS is off to play his fort nite ! he has no time fr any evidence, just gets his kicks playing video games


  2. Iktomi's Alzeheimers is starting to enter late stage. Notice his rambling, his repeating the same nonsense.

    1. Is the alcohol behind the racism on the latest threat, PS? You must have experienced some severe bullying in real life to need to vent that low-life stuff behind the safety net of a desktop computer, boyo.

      That’s the reason people with borderline personality disorders shouldn’t mix alcohol and the internet. I shudder to think of the levels you’ve stooped to when “getting even” for those nasty normal humans for not giving in to your sense of entitlement.

    2. Stuey is definitely a train wreck.  So much anger and conflict in one tiny little head.  You'd think that must suck, but I think he's oblivious.

    3. Does Iktomi only copy and paste?

    4. Racism is a bigger conspiracy than the fictional big foot.

    5. You’ve got a long history of it boyo, but again, I care not to get you off about it. Psycho nerd. Coward who wouldn’t say boo to a black person, in person.

  3. No I have the same contempt for racists as I do crackpot conspiracy theorists.

    1. How can you look at yourself in the mirror then, we you’re shoving hoax cult conspiracy theories into sane people’s faces... racist boy?

    2. You'll have to do a lot better if you're going to prove bigfoot is real, only you and Joe believe that bullshit

    3. N I G G A Z
      Do something about it punk

    4. I’d be very careful. There’s comment sections where you’ve lauded over Todd Standing, and you’ve also been stupid enough to put a personal photo to comments.

      You’re not to clever, as well as unhinged.


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