Hominology and Bigfoot

What is hominology, and how does it apply to bigfoot? Narrator Lynn Smyth explains from the Bigfoot Case Files channel.


  1. There is a new clip on YouTube that is titled something like all bigfoot photos of all time.

    No two photos look anything alike, and many of them are known hoaxes.

    In other words, they all suck and bigfoot doesn't exist.

    1. How many YouTube channels are you subscribed to by now? If you want reassurance Bigfoot exists, just bookmark the poundings you’ve had over the years when you’re in “sceptic” character mode. It’ll help you chill in old age worrying you’ll miss out on the “big discovery” in time. Here we go, check out footage like this;


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. ^ you stupid cunt

      take the dick from your ass and wake up before smelling your cheap instant cawfee

    4. Let me know if you want more footage, tough guy. We all know you’re partial to a cry for help.

      ; )

    5. @118- PS is having one f his toddler temper tantrums today. it could be withdrawl symptoms from his nanny nicking his meth r it could just be because he's an enormous failed bigfoot researcher, hahahahahaha


    6. Some people need to just chill and put Glastonbury on.

    7. Gug',I'm enjoying a Hairy Cane, 'Gug'

    8. As comebacks go, you can’t really get much weaker.

    9. ^ gug gug gug - you old man


    10. You’d think you’d learn not to show your scars so much by now.

    11. ^ Gug gug gug

      hahahah hahahaha you`ll choke if y`ain`t watchful


      Gug gug gug

    12. Argh come on, you can do better than that. Surely?

    13. You seem to have this on the mind as a bit of a safe space when you’re angry. Could it be a little Freudian slip?

    14. 3:30am in the morning... someone’s got a little emotional investment I think.

    15. http://bigfootevidence.blogspot.com/2016/02/bigfoot-investigator-describes-what-he.html?m=0

      Psssssst! Look who was silly to put their photo to their blogger account. No wonder you don’t like being called “old man”.

    16. 'Gug' East End Cott Compton Rd

    17. Yes... a random address was always the greatest comeback anyone could ever come up with. Well done.

    18. No, just because you are an idiot doesn't mean I'm a genius

    19. I’ll tell you what’s for sure... you’ve got years on me in that photo. And that belly?

    20. You sure look at it a lot, you like dudes

    21. Put the booze down, get up from behind the desktop and go get some exercise, champ.

    22. I'm going to send you a nice picture of my nuts, I believe that cesspool Yeovil is where I should send it.

    23. It seems that whenever you get a little stressed, you go for the genitals photos. Managers of any type of employment tend to be able to take a little bit of pressure. You seem to resort to being a pervert.

    24. So Yeovil is a cesspool.
      I think it's time to post a phone number . You don't mind right, it's just random?

    25. Hey Stuey- ever been to East Coker ? Yeovil marsh or Mudford sock ? You seem to know the area well and perhaps it's because you've been there before or have you been googling between swigs of your booze today ? anyways i'd recommend the 12 step program for you chum


    26. A random phone number? Um... sure. Go for it?

  2. I saw that YouTube clip. What the hell! One of the "bigfoot" photos was Leroy Blevens in his bigfoot costume when he tried to recreate the Patty suit.
    Three of the "authentic" photos were taken from Penn & Teller's Bullshit show in which they staged a bigfoot hoax. Two of the photos were from Fraud Standing's fake bigfoot heads. One photo was the actor in the costume from the Letters from the Big Man movie.

    Not one of the many photos looked legitimate. And yes, no two looked remotely the same. I agree that this all points to bigfoot being BS.

    1. So let me get this... You respond to your own comment a day later by appearing to know of the same random Bigfoot photos clip on YouTube, in a sea of Bigfoot photos clips on YouTube... and expect someone to believe that you’re not only a different poster, but that you also know exactly what random Bigfoot clip “he/she” is referring to?

      If you want to wonder what Bigfoot clips people find authentic, just ask. Reeling off obvious hoaxes from an alleged YouTube video you can’t even reference isn’t convincing. You’d be getting far more healthy interaction from strangers, plus you’ll be getting the reassurance you need that there’s plenty of authentic footage out there.

    2. Yes the number of hits here prove people believe in bigfoot. You are proven correct. NVTV

    3. 7;56

      Gug gug gug


      you cocksucker

    4. Care to explain what that is supposed to mean?

    5. Hey pedo stu- you want evidence, this is perhaps one of the best videos out there . Totally spot on 100% real deal . I'll wait to hear you attempt at debunking this one. I'll be eating popcorn while you try to do just that .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntZLba3uM5E


    6. Classic. And you have to remember that this footage keeps rolling in over the years.

    7. Yes NVTV has all the bigfoot tapes.
      Glad to see you lads come out to celebrate pride today

    8. There we are. Feel much better now someone had helped you realise there’s decent footage out there? Now go drink some more to celebrate.

    9. Yes. We will celebrate together and watch NVTV. All the real bigfoot films. We are in agreement.

    10. Everyone just needs to remember one thing - if it's on NvTv it's crap.......period.

      Thank you for your time.

    11. 'Gug',NVTV ,so good

    12. Righto P.S. So you still have not even attempted to try to debunk that video and instead you choose to use infantile words like "gug gug , so good" . So I guess I have won this one as usual . aren't you getting tired of being constantly drubbed on here P.S ? It's becoming quite old hat for me and Iktomi to reduce you to a blubbering eternally confused toddler . G ahead and take another drink chum


    13. It’s a strawman, PS... nobody is watching NVTV. Except you are telling people they are watching it as opposed to being able to confronting the actual sources they presenting as evidence. And even if someone WAS to present a source that’s been on that channel, it shows every last piece of footage that’s out there to gets hits, including the crap that’s out there. So the chances that even the footage you endorse has been on there at some point is guaranteed.

      But hey! You’ve been reassured for the week at least. That’s the most important thing.

    14. NVTV has all the bigfoot videos. How can they not be real?

    15. Let me know if you want some more, I’m always here for your cries for help.

    16. NVTV all the real bigfoot videos all the time

    17. If you say so. Is the Laurels pareidolia on NVTV? Please tell me that made it?

    18. yup, P.S is unable to debunk that video because he knows it's the real deal and is up there with the PGF as the best video evidence for the existence of bigfoot. even a low class clown like him will admit defeat at this point and throw in the towel. what all star clown


    19. NvTv is real bigfoot videos

    20. Please tell me that the Laurels Bigfoot photo at least made it on to NVTV?


    21. Ask Sykes what exactly? You fishing for some Sykes reassurance too?

      Well I guess the Laurels Bigfoot photo, “the best Bigfoot photo ever” didn’t even make NVTV. Oh dear...

    22. No, all the real bigfoot videos are on NvTv, you know that

    23. Not a good day at the office really, is it?

    24. Well at least I am employed and a Manager, you? The dole?

    25. Oh you’re a fantasy manager now? Why not go all out and work for NASA?

    26. Not everyone is you, people in America do well

    27. You’re up at 3:30am in the morning imagining strangers performing certain acts and you’re doing well in life?


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