News Team Makes Fun Of Bigfoot

If you were a bigfoot witness, think how this would make you feel. News agencies should take the subject more seriously, or at least be respectful.


  1. Your absolutely right. They should play the entire Cline drunken bigfoot charade in its entirety then interview Lasperitis and Dr. J. That would make the msm take BF seriously.

  2. Its hard to take it seriously when one of the most popular shows was created by a hoaxer. (The bald ugly Germ bros.)

  3. I second the motion that Keewanee should be THE official BF spokesman.

  4. Of course there's a magic monkey on every continent that can go invisible speak telepathically and live in urban areas across the world. Oh and there's also a werewolf in every bush everywhere too.

  5. THIS is how the vast majority of people view Bigfoot. Just a legendary thing to make fun of.

    1. it's kinda the way people tend to think of your love life stuey. Any well rotted manure left mate ?


    2. Whatch the post this week Joe your three male realdolls might come!

  6. Joe/Iktomi you will not win a battle of wits against me. I'm smarter, wittier, funnier and more educated. Please don't wast your time with hilarious zingers such as " well rotted manure". Not even a 5 year old would consider that humorous. You are outclassed in every way. Go away.

    1. ZZZZZZZ
      You are such a bore baby stu


    2. Yet you’re too scared to debate me, and too scared to email me personally considering you have a 10 year vendetta to the point of stalking me online. And for someone so educated... I’m sure you meant “well-rotted” and “five-year-old”. Right?

      “Go away”? Make me, you pervy old coward.

      : )

    3. Well rotted manure
      50p a bag

    4. “Slurp, slurp”... have another drink Eddy.

    5. Stuey and his well prepared well rotted manure - is he hoping to attract a bigfoot to his trailer park using it ? God luck boyo !


  7. You couldn't have demonstrated my point with any more clarity. Thank you.

  8. Oh and your continual comments about Jerry Cline which I gather is supposed to be comedy is getting a little waring. I suppose your next target will be Mattsauatch since he suffers from Down Syndrome. Some people find it an inspiration that a man/child can go toe to toe with the so called "experts" and produce an admittedly regurgitated podcast about dogman and BF. Do you know he spoke at UPARS LA recently? Did you know he received a medal of participation in the Special Olympics several years ago? Of course not. Your obsession with Cline has seemed to loosen what little tenuous grip you had on reality.The men with the butterfly nets are coming for you. Soon.

  9. Ill debate anytime you old poof

    1. Sorry Eddy boy... You must be confused. I was highlighting Pedo Stu’s lack of debating prowess, not you. But how would you go about debating me, Eddy boy? With the Laurels Bigfoot pareidolia? Haaa!!!

    2. How about well rotted manure
      50p a bag
      If the spelling disturbs you just fix the sign

    3. “Duuuuuuuuhhhh”, you really are as thick as you come across aren’t you, ha ha ha!!

    4. Oh you know I'm not thick, I have your number now

    5. Oh great... why don’t you go and publish another made up address and publish it for weeks? What type of mind must sit there at the desktop thinking of pointless & deranged “ploys” like that? Don’t you ever self-reflect when sobering up and cringe?

    6. 25 Westgate St,CF10 1DD

    7. So pointless but you demanding what it meant. Ha ha, you gave it all away. No point denying. East End Cott Compton Rd

  10. I dont have to "make you go away", you've driven all the posters away all by yourself with your obscene and absurd "pedo study" comments.

    1. Pro-tip... If you don’t want to be called a pedo, don’t post child rape threats on a blog chat room.

      In the meantime you could try another crypto blog? You could devote your time to writing whole articles about how horrible I am, instead of waiting all day for me to respond to a comment. That’s no way to live your life pal.

  11. As I intimated your losing your grip old man. I didn't reply to you, it was you replying to me. Shortvter memory loss is a well documented sign of Alzheimer's.

    1. Losing my grip on what exactly? I’ve got you thinking about me 24/7. You’re even wishing for time machines... yuck. Talk about pathology.

  12. To tell you the truth it's fascinating for me to study your pathology and witness in real time the devolution of an ego turning to pure fantasy as you make up characters to have conversations with. I may do my dissertation on you with your permission of course. Toodles!

    1. Wow, what a pretentious word salad. A little old for dissertations aren’t you? Maybe you could study what psychologists are saying about psycho-nerd trolls. Now that’s pretty fascinating.

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